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Posts posted by lidarose9

  1. Belatedly posting as I binge on season 2 a bit late.... This is how it was for me. I found myself totally choking up when Miller approached proto-Julie. When he took off his helmet and I realized he meant to stay with her, I had tears running down my face. By the end of the scene, I was bawling my head off. And it was a total surprise! I honestly thought I had no special stake in Miller's outcome, and yet I must have had. I felt a bit of compassion for Julie, but mainly it was Miller who was breaking my heart in that scene. He was so gentle with Julie, so reassuring, so comforting. Doing everything he could to ease her fears and reassure her, without being creepy or pushy. I guess I must have developed some sympathy for him, cuz as he approached her, I knew this was what he had waited his whole life for, whether he knew it or not. He was going to sacrifice his life as easily as drinking a glass of water. He wanted to do it. He had no idea whether it would work, whether it would save Earth or ease Julie's fears or whatever -- he just had that rock-solid faith that this is what they had to do, so he did it. He did this one heroic thing to become a man worthy of Julie Mao. He redeemed his whole wasted life. He was grateful to do it. The embrace took my breath away, the kiss was not sexual - it was an expression of a physical merging. The blue fireflies were starting to weave him into her, which is where he wanted to be. He became one with her, she with him, as they both were with the protomolecule -- but it was not death. It was a becoming. Julie had already been merged in with the protomolecule, the larger organism. It fastened onto her and incorporated her into itself, and for all we know, all the people it "killed" were subsumed the same way -- all of them may still be "alive" in the protomolecule, in some new form or shape. (Excluding people on Eros killed by intentional radiation exposure) Possibly on Eros the protomolecule absorbed Julie first and so she was at the center. So it latched onto her consciousness. (I keep having this feeling we will see people like Semi and Kelly again.) No, Julie did not know Miller, but she was afraid and alone, and he was the one who answered her, with such openness and tenderness. He is the one who came when she called out. She recognized he belonged with her, and said so. That line absolutely killed me -- Miller must have been so entirely happy at that moment, to hear her say that. 

    Also be it noted that Eros (root of the word erotic, eros = love) crashing into Venus, named at the the goddess of love, carrying these two star-crossed lovers. I think this may be all about love and fear. Maybe the protomolecule is not here to invade or colonize. 

    It was, to me, perfect: visuals, music, dialogue, acting, pacing, everything. I think I will remember that scene the rest of my life.

    • Love 2
  2. If I had a lot of money, I would fly to LA and schedule a meeting with Drew Pinsky* and force him to watch selected video clips of his little angels, and then berate and humiliate him. I would promise to bring a camera since that's what he cares most about. It's positively criminal what he does on these "reunion" shows. He did not know whether Jenelle and UBT were married, for fuck's sake! And then he said Barb's concerns about him using her for her money are silly since they are getting married, like that makes it all OK. What planet does he live on? Saying David has been GOOD for her? what did he say, a stabilizing influence? He is OUT OF TOUCH WITH REALITY. And really, a reunion of what? Call it what it is: a cage match. These people all hate and despise each other. A reunion with him? As if he was ever part of their real lives? HA. Much as I truly can't stand Karl and Jenelle, I really think Drew is the worst of them all cuz he is supposed to know better. All he does is legitimize their idiocy. He can't even be bothered to actually watch the show. He has his head completely and thoroughly up his own ass. I wonder what it would take to pressure MTV to bring in someone with actual balls. He should be embarrassed to associate with these losers. 

    * I refuse to call him by his fame whore name. 

    • Love 14
  3. I am 60 years old, so I am about Barb's age. I can say without a doubt that no adult ever played with me or my siblings at any time. None of the other children I knew had parents who played with them. Parents did not play. Parents were busy. We entertained each other. I remember 20 years ago (or so), when parenting changed and people started actually paying attention to their kids. It is diametrically the opposite of how it was for me. Being self sufficient was highly prized in our families. We were taught to not need attention from adults and to ask for it sparingly. I'm not saying that was right or wrong, just saying Barb probably brought up her kids the way she was brought up, and Jenelle needed more than she got, but it was not a conscious decision on Barb's part. 

    There was a period when I was in high school when I would sit at dinner every night resenting the way my mom and brother chatting during the meal. She would ask him about his classes, his activities, his friends -- and never once ask me about myself or anything. I would sit and wait for her to ask. She never did. I can look back now and see myself sitting there as a distant, self-involved teenager, offering nothing, not engaging in their conversation. I probably gave the impression I didn't have anything to say. After a while, I just got over it.

    Conflict with Barb is a huge part of who Jenelle is. I'm not sure if that was always going to be the case, or if MTV cemented it by making it the main feature of her "storylines" -- but I honestly have no idea who Jenelle would be if she wasn't all tied up with drama concerning her mother, when the focus should be on HER job as a mother. She needs to fucking grow up. 

    It is really difficult to see inside family dynamics from outside. Families are complicated animals! I have seen families with strikingly mixed outcome with children, all from the same home: I know one with 4 children where one is a hyper-responsible overachiever and fantastic parent -- one is a hard-working, responsible blue-collar guy, terrific husband and father to his kids -- one was a total druggie loser who couldn't hold a job, a low-level criminal who died young -- and one was a serial kidnapper and rapist who is spending his entire life in prison. This family had two parents who were both outwardly normal people, who worked, went to church every Sunday, paid their bills, and were respected in the community. I was good friends with their daughter (the hyper-achiever one). I was in their home quite a lot. She said her parents were strict but other than that she never complained. It all looked perfectly ordinary to me. You just can't really tell about people. I really do believe there is something in us that is genetic or inherited or programmed into our wiring that no amount of external environment will alter. Jenelle might just have a defective gene somewhere. 

    • Love 14
  4. I am coming late to the party. I just finished watching Season 1 and these first 2 eps of Season 2. I had watched the whole first season a second time before moving on to Season 2, and it all made a lot more sense and was a whole lot more enjoyable. I feel like everything in this show was build-up to s02e02. That episode was all kinds of awesome. I was knocked out. 

    The hair on the back of my neck was standing up as Dresden was talking. As soon as Miller shot him, I said to myself, "I'm OK with that." Scientist or not, the man was a raving murderous lunatic. Obviously he would stop at *nothing* to continue his "work" and I do mean nothing. He'd been responsible for the genocidal carnage on Eros, which both Holden and Miller will never forget, and he is responsible for Julie Mao's death, which Miller takes very personally. She has become a symbol to him, and seeing what had been done to her on Eros rocked him to his core. It was a horrible, horrible way to die, alone, locked in that shithole, waiting for help, being consumed by the fuzzy blue/green fungus shit. He will devote the rest of his life to pursuing justice for her death and the others on Eros, the same way Holden is haunted by the dead of the Canterbury and the Donnager. I have no problem with him shooting Dresden. I would have too. 

    The whole scene inside the stealth ship was, for me, fucking hauntingly bizarre and chilling. 

    As to Amos and Naomi. I think Amos realizes he is not the brightest guy in the room, and he knows Naomi is smart. Really smart. Not just with engineering/mechanical things, but big picture stuff too, where he knows he is out of his depth. So at some point he decided to treat her like she is his boss. He calls her boss. It works for them both. She is his brains, he is her muscle. Whether he has romantic or sexual feelings for her, I don't know. I have to think Naomi had other lovers on the Cant/before this story began, which ostensibly he had no problem with. 

    • Love 3
  5. 1 hour ago, DianeDobbler said:

    qtpye, I agree that it's sad how such a fuss is made over an ordinary looking girl as the leading lady of a TV show, and how the hotness of her leading men is scrutinized. But I did that myself. I was all "are you kidding me?" over Adam/Hannah, and Hannah/Patrick Wilson.

    I never see, in real life, the disparity in attractiveness levels between Hannah and her boyfriends. However, one guy wrote from a guy's point of view how Hannah/the Patrick Wilson character was plausible under the circumstances, and it also made me look at my own observations, and how far absolute obliviousness, but a driven quality, can take someone. Believe me, the "others" (characters on the show) who criticize and bash Hannah, are not nearly as invested in keeping her down as Hannah is invested in keeping herself moving forward, in seizing opportunities, or in recognizing an opportunity that isn't even one, but that she makes into one. That gives Hannah the advantage. And for every opportunity she finds, let's not forget how much rejection she tramples over, much of it caused by herself, but still. How many of us could handle some of the rejection Hannah faces simply by behaving in the same entitled way a good looking person might behave? Or a narcissistic dude might act? Me, I'm always inclined to say, but Hannah. You're not a good-looking person. Or, you're not a narcissistic dude. But I underrate that quality of determination and will that in real life, I acknowledge carries people further, in my experience. Hannah has taken the rejection, humiliation, and embarrassment that I think would make a ton of people quail. It really is a signifying characteristic of successful people. You know the old trope of "I'm a fraud, and people will find out?" That was Hannah's reality as a character from day one, as far as the audience was concerned, and also as a person from day one, within the fictitious universe of Girls, but she is not the sort of person who worries about people thinking she's a joke. She worries more about what she wants. A whole lot of people think about many other things other than that.

    I just don't think Marnie is hot. I think she's way more a girl's idea of a hot girl than a guy's. What does she lack to be a guy's idea of a hot girl? Money. If she were a trust fund baby or a rich kid, she'd be right in there, like Allison Williams herself. Without that back-up, she's not Jessa, and most ordinary guys won't be falling over themselves for her. I think there's a whole strata of NON hot guys  (like Ray, I guess) who would show up for her, but as for the guys she's aiming for ? All she has are looks that every single girl aiming for the same guys already has and then some, and that plus other advantages Marnie lacks. Marnie is not looking for deep, soulful guys. She's looking for a successful, hot guy in the arts on track to be successful. For guys like that, Marnie is a baseline.

    "Hotness" is so subjective. I see people all the time that other people label as attractive and to me they are just meh. OK. Not bad looking but just ordinary nice-looking people. Most people are like that. It means nothing. In spite of all the advertising to the contrary, I really do believe what really attracts people meaningfully is not your outside self. Yes, if you have a giant wart on your nose or curly hair growing out of your ears, you will put people off. But attraction is not logical. Brad Pitt does absolutely nothing for me. If I met him in person and he was funny or charming, I would start finding him attractive. 

    As to Marnie. Marnie has never liked sex. The very first scene in the very first episode is Marnie trying to avoid sex with Charlie. The ONLY time Marnie really got hot for a guy was that total dick at that art gallery opening, out on some bridge or something, propositioned her. It was about his power. 

    • Love 1
  6. I am old and gray now but in my youth I had a couple relationships that were like those styrofoam packing peanuts that stick to your clothes. It took a long time to disentangle myself. It was a merry-go-round. We would break it off, get back together, then immediately regret it and split up again. Then I'd see him with some other girl and immediately HAVE to get him back. Which would last a week. Then for some reason a year later we'd hook up again. It went on like that for years.

    In spite of what I thought at the time, I can look back now and see that there really was nothing special or magical or even meaningful about the relationships that caused us to keep boomeranging back to each other. The relationship was a habit. It was predictable. Striking out with the new lovers was hard on my ego, and going back to the old lover was comforting. Under the influence of romantic pop music, I got it all muddled with ideas of true love or "we were meant for each other" -- but that wasn't it at all. It just took a while for us to kick ourselves loose from that sticky-ness. But eventually we did. We moved on and grew up. We found other, new lovers. Life goes on. Adam and Hannah seem a lot like that to me. I'd be disappointed if Lena Dunham gives us a typical happy ending. Girls is not Love Actually. 

    • Love 9
  7. Late to the party, just finished Season 1 of the show and am halfway through the first book. One problem that jumps out immediately to me -- the show has Holden listening to Julie Mao's distress call, the one she did on that tiny little pin-sized radio-thing from the storage bin where they threw her on the Anubis. This conflicts with the "official" distress call, which came from the Martian transmitter on the Scopuli, which was parked at that CA asteroid. At that time, Julie and the Anubis would have been far away. I realize they were taking some liberties to beef up Holden's character, but this makes no sense, is careless, and is confusing. 

  8. The whole Marnie storyline was a waste of time. We've had Marnie's disillusionment with her life up the ying yang already. It's overkill. Besides the writing being a joke, Alison Williams is just not good. What do we see out of her week after week after week? An emotional range from A to B. And she can *never* keep that hint of a smirk off her face. Plus, there are women who, no matter how skinny they are, just do not have a good body. She is just skinny. 

    I am not a fan of the baby development at all, but I must say it's interesting how everybody has opinions about every part of it and everybody feels really strongly that Hannah should pay attention to their opinions. It's a good look at how entitled everybody is with a pregnant woman. 

    Really it's disappointing. This magnificent character Elijah and the only thing she can come up with for him is to become a Broadway diva? How cliche. 

    • Love 8
  9. 4 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

    Kail and Jenelle are both ugly. Inside and out. They are both hypocrites and they treat people like garbage.

    Kail and Jenelle are both divorced.

    I know I am missing a lot more.

    Jenelle has the longest rap sheet by far. Being unable to stay out of trouble with the law is a major personality flaw. 

    • Love 3
  10. I also want to put in a word for Lorraine or Loreen. It is very easy to miscalculate with cannabis edibles. The effect takes longer to kick in, and by then you may have already really overimbibed. Some dear friends and I had some pot cookies one night. Val was trapped in a leather recliner for hours, unable to move. She said it felt like her skin had merged with the leather. Even after Shelley told her how her dogs spend hours licking that chair. I cleaned out everything in Shelley's kitchen and ate it all, right up to and including the five-years-expired stale cereal with no milk. I remember watching "American Beauty" and praying the phone wouldn't ring or nobody would come to the door, because none of the three of us were remotely capable of functioning. Nobody puked and nobody hallucinated, but we were pretty fucked up. It was a lesson. 

    • Love 10
  11. I've had MAJOR disappointment with the baby development. It's just so tired and cliche. What saved the day for me were Elijah's and Hannah's mom's meltdowns about it. Not saying they were right or wrong -- but both felt *real* --  and consistent with their characters, which is what matters most to me. 

    • Love 9
  12. Just finished binging on season 1, now moving on to season 2. Some thoughts: 

    - For those confused about Miller's fixation with Julie Mao. There was a moment when I expected someone to turn to Miller and say, "Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown." 

    - Dialect/accent-wise, I heard a lot of Asian cadences, especially in Dawes Anderson's speaking. Particularly Chinese. It seems fitting to me that ethnicity as well as language have blurred over the years. 

    - The show has some unusual pacing which throws you off, but in a way I kind of like that. It makes things less predictable. But I agree it took FOREVER to establish who's who and how they relate. 

    I will def watch season 2. 

  13. One big difference: where Jenelle can *never* admit any wrongdoing or failures, I have never heard Barb blame someone else for her problems. I think she knows she brought up her kids in a dysfunctional home and feels truly shitty about it now, and that's one reason why she can't walk away from Jenelle. Jenelle screams at Barb cuz that is what she learned as a child. Barb is tragically accustomed to being yelled at, and all her life she has forced herself to just keep on doing what needs to be done, in spite of the yelling and name-calling and tantrums. That's what a mother does.

    If I remember right, in the early days of the show Barb was much more prone to yelling back, but I actually think she has learned and changed. She's not perfect, but she does remain calm sometimes. She does walk away without having to get the last word sometimes. Possibly cuz of the show's cameras -- maybe it helped to see herself and realize how much she and Jenelle fed off one another. 

    I think Barb is now a much better mother to Jace, which is one of the things that infuriates Jenelle beyond words. I see a ton of jealousy with Jenelle. Inside she is seething when she sees Barb protecting Jace, providing for him, caring for him -- "why did you never do that for me?" There is no question in my mind that most of what Jenelle does is motivated by the need to punish her mother. And Barb knows that too. There is no telling what would happen if Barb marched over to Jenelle and hugged her tight and kissed her and said, "You're right, Jenelle, I was a terrible mother. I'm sorry I failed you. I'm sorry for all the years you felt neglected and ignored. I didn't know any better. I'm trying to be better now." Jenelle's head might explode. 

    • Love 16
  14. 1 hour ago, CaughtOnTape said:

    I don't see flirtation. 

    I agree. Jo is simply being accommodating because he knows that Karl is a hosebeast who will transform into the Hulk at a moment's notice. He knows Karl will turn on him whenever it suits her, and the person who pays for that is Isaac. There was a point several years ago where he finally realized she is a deeply damaged person who has no self awareness, much less self restraint. Karl is broken inside, unable to admit she's wrong, lacking the maturity to to put her own needs second, even to her own children. Nobody can ever win an argument with her.

    Like it or not, he is locked into a relationship with her for the rest of Isaac's life and he's trying to make the best of it by keeping out of harm's way whenever he can. It has been a good approach for the most part, except that it means Vee and Vivi also must dance to Karl's tune.

    I don't think it's an accident that Karl has turned to Jo repeatedly during this break-up with Javi. Not only does she come over to his house to demand sympathy, she now feels entitled to use Jo as her Emergency Penis when these conflicts with Javi flare up. (I don't mean that in a sexual way.) Not only does Jo drop everything to "come get Isaac" -- he is also racing in there to be "on her side" when things get ugly with Javi. He's happy to do it cuz he truly wants to protect Isaac. (Does she? HELL NO. Here's a thought, Karl: try keeping your big fucking mouth shut.) Meanwhile, Jo doesn't see the smoke starting to come out of Vee's ears. He is going to be between a rock and a hard place very soon. 

    • Love 15
  15. 6 hours ago, ghoulina said:

    I'm really sick of the producers and Drew and everyone at MTV seemingly trying to guilt Barb into giving Jace back. Like that will solve everything! Instead of destroying both her and innocent, little Jace. 

    THIS x 1000. We may not see bruises, but this show is documenting child abuse. Every time Jenelle has a melt-down like that, she is showing Jace what will happen to him if he doesn't keep her happy. The crew must be able to see how bad this is for him. I bet they have to have a stiff drink at the end of each day filming after witnessing this horrorshow. 

    I choked up at him carrying his little stuffed animals with him into Jenelle's house, like a security blanket. I totally broke down watching him hug Barb while she was crying. That terrified little boy knows she is his lifeline and so does she. Everybody needs to stop pretending. The only sane and safe thing to do would be to tell Jenelle to fuck off, forget about visits or shared custody. Jace needs to be protected from her. 

    This is extremely painful to watch. not remotely entertaining and not even interesting. And it rewards Jenelle for being odious and puts money in her pocket. I just won't do that anymore. I'm going to quit watching. And I wish someone would create a GoFundMe for Barbara so she can go to a spa on her day off.   

    • Love 22
  16. Once in a while, each of these characters gets to tell us the truth, and Desi had a moment of absolute truth in this episode, when he told Marni that she has never seen the "real" him. She has always seen him as fitting this type, this image of the man she believed she deserved, this ideal guy -- and he never was. He never has been. He has the outer appearance of the ideal man, but in reality he is a man child in every possible sense, the opposite of what Marni wants. And yet she is so driven by these illusions, the perfect wedding, the perfect man, her brilliant career -- she chases that shit like a drug, and she bends herself into a pretzel to make people conform to her expectations, and when they don't, she's more frustrated than hurt. Desi is the only one to see this and state it to her so plainly. He may be a big baby, but he sees what's really going on there with her. 

    • Love 11
  17. After the show ends, at least one of these girls will end up as a sex worker of some kind. Ten, fifteen years down the line. It might be like Farrah, paid to show up at "events" -- with behind-the-scenes lap dancing or a fake girl-on-girl make-out scene, but one way or another, they'll be a washed up reality TV show D-list desperate nobody spending the rest of their lives trying to make a living on past "glory." There will be no other way for them to make a living. Flopping their fake tits into the faces of random weirdos in windowless rooms by the offramp to the interstate. 

    • Love 2
  18. I used to actually roll my eyes when people talked about women getting knocked up on purpose to trap men into marriage. I thought OK I'm sure it happens, but really I don't think it's that common. BOY WAS I WRONG. I suppose this is part of the educational value of Teen Mom. Nobody needs to have any illusions about THAT anymore. No, it's not so much marriage anymore but having a child with someone means you are forever linked in a very intimate way, as we see with Karl and Jo. Was she angling for the same result with the new dick? Mission accomplished! Holy cow. What kind of stupid dense idiotic dumbass voluntarily ejaculates into Karl? 

    • Love 3
  19. Bottom line is, don't go sticking your dick inside of somebody on a reality TV show unless you're ready for serious drama. Why is it so hard for these dimwits to use a fucking condom. 

    • Love 13
  20. Still processing this "news" from Karl. You know MTV insisted she had to make that announcement with Nessa on the aftershow, since it was already all over Twitter. And how awkward was that? Nessa was (sort of) trying to act like this was (?) good news -- so exciting, how far along, breathless excitement blah blah blah, while Karl stops gritting her teeth long enough to bark out answers. Meanwhile, the childish tweet wars are going on during the filming, so we get real time rebukes and defenses while we sort out whose fault the "leak" was.... And this clueless nobody psychologist gamely tossing around catchphrases, while poor Barb keeps it real. Farrah and her mother are now twin blow-up sex dolls. At what point does this show officially go off the rails? How many children, how many pregnancies, how many baby daddies. Do you have to use both hands to count Karl's various pregnancies? Role model? smdh

    • Love 14
  21. You can see the expression on Gracie's face as Leah attempts to compliment her by telling her she was "mesmerized" (wtf?) by her handwriting, and how it was such a surprise because Gracie tends to be "scatterbrained" -- she is taking all this in. Kids believe what you tell them about themselves. "Oh, I'm scatterbrained." Their mother is the Queen of Scatterbrained! and that's giving her the benefit of the doubt. Gracie is the one who really knows what's going on in that household. Was that supposed to give her a morale boost? It accomplished the opposite. Great job, Leah! Meanwhile, Ali droops a little and wonders what's wrong with her own handwriting. Even when she is trying SO HARD, Leah's always blowing it seven different ways.

    Adderall's screaming frenzy in the car was shocking -- she looked like she was going to transform in the Hulk (sorry to mix metaphors with Karl). And Leah thought it was so cute.  

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