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Posts posted by theironwoman

  1. 3 hours ago, riverblue22 said:

    Mykelti is determined to hang on to this wedding as proof of her value.  She is desperate for approval from Kody and to be loved by the family as much as Maddie.

    I agree and it's depressing as hell. I can't help but wonder if Mykelti is rushing this wedding because deep down she knows the relationship isn't viable long term but she craves the validation and attention it brings. She doesn't want the magic to wear off, so to speak.

    Unfortunately, I also think she'll likely follow Madison's example and immediately start popping out kids.

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  2. 55 minutes ago, notnowimbusy said:

    Janelle and Meri don't need to be friends, not even good neighbors - why are they so desperate to have them come to some common ground?  Why?  They have managed to find a way to be in this "family" without killing each other, so let it go.   Janelle will never find it within herself to honestly confront Meri about what happened in the past.  And if she did, Meri would just steam roll her, and Janelle would again back down.   Watching them with Nancy is sooooo uncomfortable.  Meri always looks like she's enjoying how uncomfortable this is for Janelle.    It's like watching a dog being punished.

    This. I can't figure out what their goal is with the therapy since it's clear they are never going to be close and don't seem to want that, either. And that's okay! Acknowledge it and you can move on. I have siblings I am not close with for the same reasons, our personalities and values are incompatible. It's freeing to no longer feel you have to force a relationship that doesn't feel natural.

    Not that think they'll ever come to this conclusion. Their whole selling point is that plural marriage is inherently superior to monogamist marriage, despite 11 seasons worth of episodes that depict their situation as an utter shit show.

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  3. I admittedly have a soft spot for Mady. When the show first started I noticed she was articulate for her age and often hilarious in her observations. In a different home, she might have flourished. Instead, she had to deal with her twin being one of the favorites and her parent's pure dysfunction. I have some hope for her turning out alright. Maybe when she moves out on her own and with the help of a good therapist.

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  4. Also, I knew Kody was a douche but his claims not to remember things he said to Meri was like a screaming siren. I know it was partly to save face in front of the camera (because we all thought he was the Ultimate Husband before /s) but it's also gaslighting, pure and simple. I wish Meri would leave.

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  5. I felt uncomfortable start to finish watching this episode. Mykelti's impulsive engagement reminded me of a lot of post-high school relationships and marriages that cropped up among women I went to school with. The guy was always completely wrong for them but they rushed into it for a variety of reasons, painted it as the greatest love story ever told and ended up miserable.

    I thought it was interesting Mykelti tried to join the Mormon church and was denied, and Tony painted this as being no big deal down the line. One branch of my mother's family is Mormon and one uncle was married to a non-Mormon. It wasn't easy and the social pressure was always there. As my mom put it, the Mormon side of the family "worked on" her for years, trying to get her to convert. That might not happen to Mykelti and it may very well end up being 'no big deal' but it's something she should seriously consider. Not that I think she's seriously considering anything about this marriage.

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  6. On 8/27/2016 at 10:20 PM, Talky Tina said:

    Kate not going along on the boys' special days said so much. Didn't she say something like she wouldn't drive "hither and yon" or something but she did it on all of the girls days?  She's never tried to hide that she doesn't like "icky dirty" boys.  She's also been pretty damn blatant about Hannah being her favorite.  In the old Jon and Kate days Hannah was always the one holding Kate's hand or sitting on her lap.

    And I can't imagine Kate or the producers didn't realize how bad it would look for her to skip out on them. But it more important for her to send a message, subconsciously or not, to her sons.

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  7. A lot has already been said about Kate's obsession with "making memories" but I really wish she could've processed, back when the kids were small, what sort of things kids remember. Things like mom threatening to throw away your favorite stuffed animal or rejecting a gift you picked out for her or refusing to go out on your special day with you when she went with your sisters.

    • Love 10
  8. I wanted to shake Mykelti at the end of the episode. Dating longer before marriage isn't about hitting arbitrary mile marks. It's so you know, really know, who you're planning to spend the rest of your life with. Being able to see them at the worst, knowing what their worst looks like, and testing your compatibility.

    Yes, there have been marriages that have been built on similar dating time and have lasted but I think they are by far the exception, not the rule. I can't help but think she's rushing into this so she won't have to wake up to reality.

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  9. I decided to rewatch the first two seasons and I had forgotten what a bottomless pit of need Jill was. Good lord, all the stuff in the world could never fill the hole in her self-esteem. Looking back, Alex was right: she really should have written "I'm good enough" on her mirror. She was so hard on everyone for every perceived slight but was the quickest to scream about not being perfect if anyone tried to call her on her own terrible behavior.


    Kelly seems only capable of communicating on a strictly superficial level and even then she doesn't seem to be able to fully comprehend the other person (e.g. assuming an interviewer is asking about tattoos when they mention reading Girl With the Dragon Tattoo). Any conversation that dips into any depth causes her to just completly flail.

    • Love 6
  10. I decided to rewatch the first two seasons and I had forgotten what a bottomless pit of need Jill was. Good lord, all the stuff in the world could never fill the hole in her self-esteem. Looking back, Alex was right: she really should have written "I'm good enough" on her mirror.


    Kelly seems only capable of communicating on a strictly superficial level and even then she doesn't seem to be able to fully comprehend the other person (e.g. assuming an interviewer is asking about tattoos when they mention reading Girl With the Dragon Tattoo). Any conversation that dips into any depth causes her to just completly flail.

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