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Posts posted by Notmuchofacook

  1. Isn't Julie the one who came to see and help Annabelle after Annabelle's accident on the horse? I'd guess that should've bought her a lot of grace from Annabelle. Annabelle is an over the top single person who answers to no one and is responsible for nothing. Julie has a lot on her plate. A-belle told her (when they were making up--again) at Caroline S. party, to "make the right choices." Really? I'm pretty sure her whole life is all about making the right choices, Miss A. I won't miss her and her bleeding and bleating about her BFF McQueen next season.

    • Love 8
  2. oh! notmuchofacook,lol, i took a 'quick' glance at you name and almost spit out my diet coke.  i read it as 'notmuchofaCOCK!

    Well, then. That is very different. Never mind.

    With this reality show, I totally get it. I can explain...when I first signed on to TWOP, I was watching cooking shows. Thus the name. I totally get your misread and it is hilarious.

    • Love 1
  3. Since dentures have become a topic, every time I see Captain Lee smile, I think he has full dentures. Anyone else? It's not a criticism, BTW, just an observation. Furthermore, Rocky is dangerous--too clingy, too crazy, too fickle, too much.

    Good riddance, Leon. You're a real asshole. Kate has been professional throughout regardless of her RBF. Amy is a champ and Eddies been okay except for when he hooked up with Rocky. Love Connie, who is a real pro...she keeps her strange food/boob things to periods when guests are not aboard. Emile is young and isn't finished yet.

    • Love 3
  4. I am really enjoying this crazy show. I don't get a lot of the references to scary movies, though I have seen them. I'm pretty clueless, but I love it anyway. One thing I noticed was when Grace's dad was dismissing his film class, he said "See you next Tuesday." I laughed out loud. I hope I was supposed to find it funny.

    • Love 3
  5. So, today Valerie Bertinelli was a guest and she made a chocolate sauce. She's very pleasant as a guest and I enjoy her. When GZ was going to taste the ice cream and chocolate sauce he said, "I'm going down." Valerie had a little smirk and said, "Excuse me?" and kept on pouring her creme de menthe over the dessert. GZ snorted and looked as if he might spit out the ice cream, but stopped, and the others looked a little bit uncomfortable. I laughed out loud. Wonder if Valerie got a "talking to." I love moments like that.

    • Love 2
  6. Congratulations to Cait. I'm happy for her. Having said that, this show is boring as hell. I'm tired of the clothes and the makeup business. Khloe talking to Cait about serious issues was laughable. CONVERSATE???? Khloe, that is not a word. And stop playing with your damn hair. And what's up with those nails? Yikes. Also, I wish Cait would take some walking lessons. She still walks like a male athlete.

  7. What's the deal with the NY Howives and the OC Howives talking about the "girl code?" They're women, for crying out loud. It seems so foolish coming from these mature women. Gah! And the Countess is trying to sell her "girl code" song.


    And also, the OC women need to stop with the screeching. They sound stupid and drunk--even when they're not stupidly drunk.

    • Love 5
  8. I took The View off my DVR schedule about three months ago and I haven't missed it at all. Primarily, I removed it because Whoopi irritated me every damned day. I came to this thread to see what's been happening and it seems as if it's the same. I think it's time to put a fork in The View. I, too, saw the Sacramento interview of Cara D. and thought it was completely unprofessional of the panel to interview the girl in the manner they did. They're definitely not ready for prime time.


    Mostly I was curious to hear about Whoopi's reaction to Donald Trump being accused of raping his wife. Did she consider it "rape-rape" or what? I'll read some more to see if she said anything. Feel free to clarify it for me if you want to.

    • Love 1
  9. You said:I assumed that meant you had a problem with the female-on-female sex. Not all of the sex on the show is "lesbian", but that's another issue. Thank you for clarifying your point. I understand, and apologize for having assumed differently than what you intended.

    Similarly, I got irritated at "Louie" (Louis CK) having sex seemingly each week (each new episode) with a different woman. It bothered me as a feminist, because I feel like only a man would write like that--like he's so irresistible that women are just throwing themselves at him.

    I guess "Hollywood" puts this bullshit in front of us in general, because no one I know has the kind of sex life that is portrayed on screen.

    Yeah. The Louie CK sex is awkward, too. But in this thread I'm referring to the OITNB nonsense. I still love the show. I don't think I've ever commented on the Louie CK site.

  10. You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but it seems to me that there has been less sex in the third season overall than the first two seasons, and most definitely the first. A friend of mine said something about there being a lot of "lesbian sex" [sic] in OITNB when it first came out, and I replied, "Well, it IS set in a women's prison." I never saw "Oz", but I'm assuming there's a fair amount of male-on-male sex, since it takes place in a men's prison.

    I guess what it comes down to for me is: If what you are watching offends or bothers you, why continue watching it?

    Why didn't I think of not watching??? What a concept. I guess it's because I care about the characters. I really am not happy with any of the gratuitous sex scenes, hetero or lesbian. I don't know if you're implying I have a bias (which I dont). My bias is that all this prison sex doesn't advance the story for me. If you enjoy it, good for you and I'll defend it. Since it's Netflix, I've begun to FF through all of the sex scenes.

    • Love 10
  11. I really, really enjoyed Jane and Lily. I actually laughed out loud when Jane had to make it clear to Andy that she had plastic surgery.PLASTIC SURGERY, Andy! I give her credit for clearly admitting it publicly. The work she has had is excellent. And Lily, saying that her jack hole is Jane because she moves her lips when you're talking to her.


    Andy wearing the dress, wig and boobs was cringeworthy. I'm pretty sure Jane and Lily would agree with me.

    • Love 4
  12. So, today, May 14, Michael had a segment where he pan fried gnocchi. He went to a restaurant where a famous chef showed him the technique and he recreated it on the show. Pan fried potatoes!!! How bad can it be? Yet, when he presented it to his co-hosts, they talked about taking pictures of food and Michael got disgusted and asked them to comment on the food he prepared. But they didn't stop with the conversation. Then he brought the food to a member in the audience. I have no idea if pan fried gnocchi is delicious or not, but his co-hosts were astonishingly rude. I think, for the first time, I saw Michael Simon, get really pissed off. And, Batali, get over your bad self. You're not all that. I think the only one who reacted to Simon's irritation was Clinton Kelly, but it was the ending segment, so...   And I apologize if his name is spelled Symon.

  13. It was comedy gold when Kim was telling Kylie to be sure any cosmetic changes would be subtle. This from the shiny unmoving face, big lipped sister. I llllliteraly fell off my couch laughing. They are clueless. Their eyelashes look like spiders, their lips are mutations, and their hair is tired from being stroked and twisted.

    Scott has inappropriate, friendly conversations with Kourtneys sisters, but he is just mean to her. He never, ever looks as if he enjoys her company. I've never liked him, so maybe it's just me. Why she puts up with him is beyond me.

    Happy to not see Kris.

    • Love 4
  14. Sometimes I think these folks are taking speed. The other day (maybe it was yesterday--IDK) they rushed through every segment as if they were on fire. I just FFd through the show because I felt frenzied, too. Mario always talks fast and he has no problem whatsoever with self esteem. He wants us all to know he's a clever, clever boy! Anyway, I record the show every day and I like the way they all get along with each other. There are some things I'm not fond of, but I just hit the button on my remote and skip it. I love technology.

    • Love 3
  15. I just watched this mess and I laughed out loud. Kris Jenner's biggest fear is that she's being watched??? Hahahahahaha! Get off my TV, you dumb broad. I agree that it's really creepy to have someone hack into your dressing room camera, but, c'mon, Kris. You're surprised? And Scott can go straight to hell. Kourtney needs to rid herself of this anchor. I don't like how he talks to her sisters, either. That's creepy, too. There's way too much familiarity going on among all of them. No boundaries. 

    • Love 1
  16. I totally understand the confusion about a third baby shower for Kourtney. Every damn time the girl is on camera, she's going through mountains of baby clothes and shoes. Her kids want for nothing. What could a friend possibly get her that she doesn't have? It's just ridiculous. I like the idea a poster shared above: after the first child, have a shower where folks bring homemade frozen meals, or a promise of a fresh-cooked meal. Maybe someone could give Kourtney her favorite: bagels. Anyway, this show is stupid and I'm stupid for knowing that Kourtney likes bagels.

    • Love 4
  17. OMG! I know many of you have posted Kim wandering off to the barrier only to climb over it walking to God knows where, but I thought it was the best scene ever! Lisa Rinna yelling after her...it just doesn't get any better! I know Kim is impaired and I'm sorry for that and I do hope she improves, but that scene was epic! At least...for me.

    • Love 15
  18. These women are hilarious! Having said that, the bar scene with the single ladies went on too long and, frankly, it made me uncomfortable. I'm not single and I'm old and I live in central California and maybe that's why. I felt as if I could smell the desperation of these mature women. I didn't like seeing it. Or Kelly Bensimon.

    • Love 17
  19. Stupid, stupid show. Stupid, stupid women. I have refused to watch for the last couple of seasons but got sucked in yesterday. Kylie dear, your lips almost meet your hairline. Not a good look. Scott is still a major dick. Kris, you worthless POS. On what planet did you think a birthday party for you managed by Scott would be a good idea? These shallow, worthless people are raking in the dough, making themselves look like oafs, and are laughing all the way to the bank. In the meantime, there are real issues affecting women, the poor, and the elderly. Right...it's not glamorous like the story about the Kardashians. Sweet Jesus, what fresh hell is this?

    • Love 5
  20. I thought Bethenny's house was pretty, and I loved the pops of red, BUT she got a 15 minute or so commercial for her brand that she didn't pay for. I won't buy Skinny Girl anything, ever. And I kind of like Bethenny sometimes. I realize they all get to shill their "brand" on RH, but Beth's was especially visual and over the top.


    I didn't get from the clip we got that she was inviting everyone to brunch. If so, that was fair and nice. It was ridiculous of Ramona to say she sent emails to everyone about brunch AFTER Bethenny extended her invitation. Ramona is annoying as hell and I don't think I could spend five minutes around that mouth of hers running all the time.

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  21. About the brunch issue...I don't know really what the etiquette is, but if I wanted to host a brunch, I would invite everyone from both houses, especially the hosts. It just seems right. Bethennys inviting only Sonja seemed deeply wrong. I loved the houses, the views, and the bit of tension. I love Carole, but not the flirting with the very young chef. Not saying it's wrong, but it made me uncomfortable. Bethenny is showing too much testosterone but I admire her success. And, by the way, I recall her saying "Skinny Girl Margarita;" not LuAnn. I love Heather, but she should have kept her mouth shut about how Bethenny should spend her profits.

    • Love 2
  22. No, he was not quarantined at any time. He was never reported for biting anyone.

    No, he was not quarantined at any time. He was never reported for biting anyone.

    Wow! I thought if you sought medical treatment for a dog bite in California, authorities automatically reported the incident. I wonder if Kyle tried to protect her sister. Kim is certifiable. There is something very wrong with her. I think her addictions have interfered with her normal thought processes. She is so nasty and verbal and mean, that we can all see she's not normal. I think Kyle's sadness during the reunion was that she recognized Kim's very evident disorder.

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