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Posts posted by ilovetrashtv

  1. Did anyone else think Leah seemed high as a kite on the TM2 Live aftershow? Either that or she was just nervous, but I'm not sure why she would be considering she's been doing this for years.

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  2. Good riddance! She was great in the first couple seasons, but I haven't liked her at all recently. Smug, obnoxious, and acted like she was so much better than everyone else because she was a "famous" actress (aka appeared on a couple dumpy shows in the 90s). And of course in her announcement she specifically mentions that the door is still open, like bragging that they didn't fire her. BYE HEATHER. Nobody cares. 

    • Love 5
  3. I watched the fight. It was pretty obvious - Amber charged the stage and threatened Farrah, Michael came out and was saying something to Amber (you couldn't hear what he said though) and then Matt is the one that initiated the confrontation with Michael. Amber is full of shit. She is only mad because MTV shows things exactly the way they are and she can't stand that the show makes her & Matt look terrible (which they absolutely are). 

    • Love 12
  4. I attended one of the reunion shows, and it shocked me how composed Farrah was in real life. Like night and day from how she appears on the show, and I'm not sure why that is. 

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  5. 12 hours ago, woodscommaelle said:

    She was dressed like Mrs. Roper on Three's Company.

    Gah.  She has a Range Rover!  Makes me mad.  What the fuck for?  Want!

    If it makes you feel better, it's an old range rover. :D 

    • Love 3
  6. 4 hours ago, poopchute said:

    What is wrong with Tyler's hair????! How much product is in there? Is it gel?  Are men still using gel in 2016?  I actually liked it better when he had the flaccid penis bangs.

    I'm crying laughing. The "like" button was insufficient.

    • Love 2
  7. Does anyone else think the unity candle debacle was a prank, potentially planned by the groomsmen? It was so confusing, but a prank is the most likely explanation I think with this group. Beautiful wedding though! The two of them are so likeable it surprises me.

    • Love 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Sai said:

    How cool was it when Vicki was planning her escape and Heather says all calmly "don't move".  Ha!!

    Seriously, who the f does she think she is?? Heather is the worst of these women, and that is saying a lot. Condescending, smug, and has become a caricature of herself. Shannon is terrible too, totally unfunny and a mean girl. Please get rid of both of them. 

    • Love 18
  9. Just to clarify, not here to fat shame. They still look amazing. But as everyone else has pointed out, there is such a clear double standard going on. Hannah (for example) did not look like that when she was cut. 

    • Love 8
  10. 3 hours ago, BookElitist said:

    Upon learning about Nico's interest in Emily, Lauren should have looked @ the camera, wryly stated, "Well, that's that"(in reference to her mistaken belief of mutual romantic interest) then proceeded to enthusiastically and elegantly enjoy the ambience, activities, AND people despite her feelings of embarrassment about her aforementioned comments re: Nico.

    Totally. Her reaction was very high school, as someone else noted. She's 23, so it did seem out of place from her.

    • Love 3
  11. 7 hours ago, mamadrama said:

    Amber just looks so unhappy. It's funny that even with her new FU house in her uppa class neighborhood, just down the lake from Indiana's finest McMansions, and her shades she still looks miserable. Many moons ago I lived in a very large house. It had more than 5,000 sq, ft. and was quite possibly the largest house in the county. (We didn't own it.) A year after we moved in, however, my youngest son died in one of the many bedrooms. A few months later, my mother had a stroke in the house, my father a heart attack.My husband lost his job, our car stopped running. I ended up needing brain surgery. I found myself confined to the bed with illness for months at a time. Our friends ditched us and we were mostly alone up there on that mountaintop in our little mansion. In short, we had a beautiful home and yet it had become a house of horrors in a way. That's how I kind of feel about Amber's life. It all LOOKS good on the outside but the real story is much different. 


    **We now own a 2500 sq. ft. house on a ridge with a leaky basement. It's drafty, small despite the space it has on paper, will never turn anyone's eyes with its curb appeal, and needs updating but we are MUCH happier. In that way, it reminds me of Gary's house and life. 

    Wow. That is terrible - I'm so sorry! Makes you wonder if there was something in the house to cause everything. That just seems like a whole lot of coincidence. 

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