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Jack Sampson

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Posts posted by Jack Sampson

  1. 42 minutes ago, JapMo said:

    After all, new wifey puts a crimp in her routine of dragging Henry with her whenever she wants to find a guy but doesn't want to go alone.  She wants Henry to continue being her bar buddy so she can laugh uproariously at everything he says....within earshot of the cute dude at the next table...and excuse herself to go flirt outrageously at any attractive man and then slide right back in to the booth with Henry, who's continued to order (and pay for) all her drinks. 

    Methinks Christina has already figured this chick out.  And mark my words.....she and Christina will butt heads, and quickly.  


    It makes me insane when guys like Henry fall for it.  Where's your pride, boy?

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  2. 16 hours ago, snarts said:

    In one of the worst examples of poor management ever, Sandy stands in the galley berating Kiko in front of everyone, basically telling him that he's gone after this charter.  You praise in public, criticize in private. Not to mention choosing to do it in the middle of a charter,  What if Kiko said, screw this & walked off?  She's lucky he didn't.

    He might never work in the industry again.  That's supposedly unforgivable.

    I lived in Vegas for a while after college - EVERYONE should do it, it was so much fun!  A Vegas dinner can mean almost anything but I doubt they're expecting the "cheap buffet" Vegas.  Most likely they're talking about thick steaks, great seafood and crazy desserts all with over-the-top presentation.  It's all about the presentation, they're trying to distract you from the fact that you just lost your kid's college fund in the casino.  Kiko's food wasn't good and it lacked any flair.  Like we discussed last week, Kiko should have planned a menu, he's not the kind of chef who can whip something up.


    16 hours ago, dleighg said:

    what exactly happened with the jet ski? Why were they yelling Stop Stop before it crashed? Was it just because it was going too fast?

    The waves were a little high and the crew wanted to bring them back in.  He slows down and starts a turn, but they were leaning too far and fell.  It was a gentle fall and they were both wearing life jackets but Malia had to make a dramatic save.

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  3. 7 minutes ago, esco1822 said:

    All signs point to Sandy getting her “dream team.” I hope it backfires on her.

    I can't wait to see Sandy's dream team fail hard.  Or it'll be cut together to make it a success, no matter the reality.  Either way, I wonder if Sandy will be inceptioning doubts in the charter guests' minds about the food and service.

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  4. On 7/15/2020 at 6:23 AM, Thumper82003 said:

    I watched WWHL last night after the episode where Peter got demoted for sexual harassment. Andy Cohen made it sound like it was nothing, then proceeds with sexual “jokes” with Malia & (was it Rob?) IMO it was very inappropriate. I expected Better of Bravo. Maybe too much expectation.

    You expected better of Bravo? 


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  5. 1 minute ago, Elizzikra said:

    That's my issue with Amelia - she strikes me as pretty artificial. I think she works at being this quirky personality instead of just being genuine (which might still be pretty quirky but perhaps not as much)?

    Tryhard quirkiness, like Jennifer Lawrence.  It's very obviously an act.  You can be around people like that for years and never really know them and that doesn't work at all for the accelerated intimacy of the show.

    15 minutes ago, Kira53 said:

    AU cast is not my cup of tea.  Everything you said is exactly how I feel. Trashy balloon lipped women, big boobs tiny body women on and on and on and on. Seems to me the worst of any housewife type reality show.  To me the people, especially most of the women, are just so unattractive because they've been so manipulated through surgery and other enhancements. I don't like how they look not how they look how they act, very trashy in my opinion.I tried to watch the show but I really just can't. On top of it all I do have problems with their accents but I would go close caption if I thought I would like the show. I just can't watch through my fingers.

    And they hook up with each other both during the "marriages" and after the show.  Classless and a complete lack of shame.

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  6. 22 minutes ago, rebel2u said:

     I actualy really like Amelia. She is who she is and is true to herself.  And she seems very down to earth for a doctor.  I've worked with a lot of doctors and I think if anyone had said "God" in their presence, they would all have turned en masse and said, Yes?" 

    She's not even a resident yet.  Give her a few years and she'll get there.

    • LOL 5
  7. They're all acting like they're afraid to tell their families.  As if their families aren't wondering why there's a camera crew filming them for the last hour.  You'd have to be brain dead not to figure it out.  There's probably a producer coaching them through the right reaction face.

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  8. 7 hours ago, NannyBails said:

    I have never chartered a yacht or even been on a cruise ship, so I was very surprised to learn that yachting involves chugging out a few miles, dropping anchor, then sitting there.  I somehow thought the boat would be moving most of the time.

    I looked it up in a past season, the boat literally cruised 12 miles before anchoring.


    Regarding provisioning, they got a loud band onboard rather easily, I'm sure Kiko could get any additional food requests.  He just couldn't be bothered.  Sandy's right that he screwed up...but she gave that Russian several charters and the Stew several more before doing anything.  Dude was just putting out "Michelin star" food last charter.  He's off for one and she's talking replacement.  Fuck off Karen.

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  9. Being captain of the ship, you'd think Sandy would be constantly supervising the deck crew not the interior - and especially not the chef.  What's next, is she going to try to manage the film crew?  Is she ever down in the engine room micromanaging the engineer?  Of course not, there's no camera down there.

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  10. 31 minutes ago, Kayz Opinion said:

    Have they ever told us how long in advance the chef sees these food "preference sheets" ??

    No.  The way they show it you'd think it was only an hour or two which wouldn't be enough time, but it also doesn't have to be more than a day in most cases.  A chef should be able to make a menu and requirement list within a few hours then send it off to the provisioning company.  Provisioning companies can get most requests in less than a day - 2 or 3 if it's something crazy.

    Plenty of great chefs wouldn't be cut out for yacht work and plenty of average chefs would excel at it.  Being able to design a menu with little time is a different skill set.

    48 minutes ago, Kayz Opinion said:

    Punish an entire crew for glitches in the kitchen?

    Absolutely.  Same way the tip takes a hit if you never leave the dock, if the water toys are broken, if rooms aren't clean, if the captain isn't taking steps to resolve issues immediately, etc.  As long as the tip is shared equally, you're going to be punishing everyone.

    • Love 7
  11. 3 hours ago, qtpye said:

    If a man says he is not attracted to taller women, you should definitely take that into account.

    Meanwhile, if they're at all firm on a preference like that, they'll get eliminated for being too picky.  I remember one season where contestants were reminded they may be disqualified for something like not wanting to be matched with a smoker. 

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  12. 53 minutes ago, Booger666 said:

    Jess helped the woman find her shoes and even commented “cute shoes” so she knew she was leaving the boat.  I remember it because I assumed producer shananagans given Bugs just told her they were getting ready to depart.

    I'm beginning to agree it was all producer driven.  If they were getting ready to leave, why was the walkway still in place with railings mounted?  At 7:44, Sandy gives the TH that they have to act fast.  They show them getting ready and the walkway has railing up on both sides.  At 8:05, Malia is talking to Sandy and the railing is missing from one side.  As, the guest leaves the boat, both rails are back.  At 8:16, Malia sees her starting off toward the marina and doesn't say, "Hey!  If you get back on the boat we can leave the dock."  At 9:06, she comes back and one rail is up.

    Things are clearly out of sequence and it's not like it's uncommon for the crew to tell a guest it's time to go back to the boat.

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  13. 1 hour ago, scrb said:

    They go to some club and decide to invite strangers to participate in all the yacht activities, food and drink?

    If I'm chartering a yacht that doesn't leave the dock, you can believe I'll bring some women on board to party.  And, if I found out the only reason we didn't leave the dock the next day was because the crew screwed up, I'd be livid.  Then, they don't even have a rudimentary knowledge of local ordinances and have to cancel the beach picnic.  Hannah should have contingencies for this.  Isn't Malia a dive instructor?  Maybe take people out.  I'd rather be at a resort than a yacht that doesn't leave the dock.  I know these people don't pay for it, but imagine this happening away from the show when you're paying $75K (or more) a day.


    Bugs is the best stew on any version of the show.

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  14. 20 minutes ago, janiema said:

    I find Sand’s micromanaging a little annoying too. However, Lee sits up on the bridge, tells people to solve their own problems and then claims ignorance (if only I had known) when troubles erupt below.

    Sandy micromanages, walks all over the boat and then still claims ignorance (if Hannah had told me...) when troubles erupt below.

    • Love 11
  15. 2 hours ago, LaLaLaLa said:

    However, Malia is pathetic. She whines to Cap'n Sandy about being called "sweetie" (something she should have addressed herself if she was a good leader) and throws the whole deck team under the bus for something only Peter called her. That was weak, especially from the bosun.

    If I got yelled at for something I wasn't doing, I would make her life hell.  If I'm getting yelled at, I'm going to earn it.

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  16. 1 hour ago, scrb said:

    It's pretty obvious they're going to play up the enmity between Hanna and Bugsy.  That's why the producers cast Bugsy -- don't buy for a second that Sandy makes that decision.

    Same reason they cast Rhylee - she's there to stir up drama.  And, no, Lee didn't make the decision to hire her either.


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  17. 5 hours ago, snarts said:

    "I always say to my crew, if you can't work it out downstairs and you bring it to me, someone usually gets fired. Who do you think I would've fired in that case?" she adds, saying she would’ve "immediately terminated" Lara had she known the truth about her behavior.

    Hannah does take it to Sandy and, instead of firing Lara, she tells Hannah to work it out with her. 

    26 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

    Lara's demeanor doesn't even seem believable.  I don't see how she could have hidden her true colors long enough to get through an interview/audition, so I have suspicions. 

    It's her behavior that made all the difference in the world during her audition.  Had she been nice and cooperative, she wouldn't have been cast.  She's the train wreck who gets fired this season.  That's the script and she's sticking to it.

    • Love 9
  18. 53 minutes ago, KLJ said:

    I cannot stand Captain Sandy.  Hasn't she said in previous seasons that she isn't a micromanager?  She certainly seems to enjoying being one now.  And I love how she thinks she is the one who let Hannah return.  That was Bravo's decision.

    Sandy uses every opportunity to get more screen time.

    And I guarantee Hannah has more pull with Bravo than Sandy.  She could probably get another captain on the show if she wanted.  There are probably dozens eager for the TV time.  I doubt she could do it with one phone call but it could be done. 

    Meanwhile, if Sandy tried to fire Hannah, production would shut down until either Bravo explained to Sandy who's really in charge, or another captain was found.

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  19. Am I the only who doubts a chartered yacht would typically get confiscated over a few grams of coke for personal use?  I looked for news of this happening and all of the articles referred to several kilos minimum. 

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