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Jack Sampson

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Posts posted by Jack Sampson

  1. On 11/3/2022 at 7:08 AM, Starlight925 said:

    I don't believe Raven did this for marriage for one. second.

    I believe she did this to boost her IG, build a bigger base.

    I do believe that Raven fell in love with SK's mom, which was an unexpected accident for her.

    I think she would have said yes.  It started off as publicity for her so, when her first pick didn't want her, she jumped to her fallback to stay on the show.  Later, Raven saw the chance to have a support base with an absentee husband who would be paying some bills.  No way she would have been faithful to him while he was in LA. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Empress1 said:

    Meh. She’s 25, and a young 25 at that. I can see it. What I find odd is her desire to go straight from keeping it light to marriage, with no longer-term dating in between. It reminds me of one of the Married at First Sight participants, Virginia, who had always been single and “promiscuous” (her words), and had no clue that she’d have to change her habits when she got married. “Why can’t I pass out on my guy friends’ couches when I come back drunk?”

    How could someone like that make it past the "experts"?

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  3. 7 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    In a million years I will never ever believe that Raven was going to go through with it.  SK and Raven had this planned.

    Thank you!

    Notice in Zanaib and Cole's arguments, Zanaib never took accountability for anything.  She had a snap back defense for every thing she did.  It was immediate and without thought.  She does not want to grow, improve, change for anyone, no way.  Never.  She told him take it or leave it.  I'm the best catch on the planet, etc. etc.

    That was a wildly arrogant thing to say.  I would have said, "Clearly the men in your life didn't agree."

  4. 2 hours ago, kristen111 said:

    I’m wondering if she would be offended if he told her her chattering was annoying, and to cool it as it drives him crazy.  Would she understand and stop?  If he really likes everything else about her, why not tell her?  It’s really just a small habit she can control.  No?


    She would yammer on about how telling her to shut up made her feel.  Didn't she basically say she didn't want to know when things are becoming a problem?  He was supposed to "stay sturdy and not tell her".

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  5. 8 minutes ago, Chalby said:

    As for Binh, and Mitch... One perseverates on saving nickels, the other one is oblivious to how his  messy/dirty his home is.

    Binh seems completely bonkers.  He needs to get some help for his OCD.  There's no reason to adjust your life, and require others to do the same, just to save a few dollars.

    If it was thousands a year, sure make some changes but I bet it's not more than $300.  The average electric bill in SD is around $200 (one place said $88) so there's no way the savings is substantial.

    Yes, I actually googled it.  

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  6. 12 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

    Maybe I missed it, but has that been confirmed?  For example, does Lindy make more than Miguel?

    I thought Lindy barely worked.  Being a PT is a great job and she should be earning ~$100k - more than enough, even in SD, to pay off her student debt.

    12 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    I don't think it's her salary. I think it's her income. I think she has some sort of salaried job but I think she also has rental properties. So she may bring in significant "income" but she then has to pay mortgage, insurance and upkeep on her rentals, which means that she doesn't have all her "income" to spend on herself. I can't imagine that Justin earns $150,000 as a day trader. I suppose it's possible but ... 

    If she's really making $450k, it puts her in the top 2.5% in SD.  Good for her, but it's resulted in not being able to find a husband and pushing geriatric pregnancy.  Plus, I'd like to see Nate's "daytrading" results post bitcoin fall.

    11 hours ago, Retired at last said:

    Stacia is too inflexible and cold. Guys don't like all of those decorative pillows on the bed and they ARE a pain to take off and put back in every day, but that tray??? Nate really seems to want to please her, but she is asking a lot and constantly giving him side eye. She is living with a partner and there needs to be compromise - not just her way or no way.

    The shoes, the counter space, the pillows and tray, the toilet seat, laying on the bed without a shower, etc. - she's constantly giving him shit tests and he's failing.  But, based on Nate's friend group, he skews younger anyway.  I don't see him sticking with an older woman who's constantly challenging him in a very negative manner.

    Nate should have said something like, "I get that you like a specific look to the house, but you'll be the one responsible for replacing everything to your liking every day." 

    10 hours ago, Spectator said:

    But I think he sees dollar signs with her, so he’ll accept her demands for awhile, until he finally breaks.

    Guys quickly learn that what's his is ours and what's hers is hers alone.

    Other thoughts:

    Mitch lives exactly as I expected.  It's insane that he wouldn't clean the place before the show.  And he presented it like it wasn't filthy, like he's 19 and living in a frat house.  It's like he expected her to think the beach bum vibe was cool.  Actually, even my frat house was cleaner - we made the pledges clean twice a week.

    Pepper must not do the visits anymore.

    Lindy doesn't have the right body for the clothes she wears...same for Alexis.

    I like Krysten, she seems sincere.  I feel sorry for her.

    Was there a matchmaking special this season? 

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  7. 3 hours ago, hookedontv said:

    And, I can't stand the double standard. If it was a group of guys who requested that their dinner be served by women in bikinis/skimpy clothing, I think people would have a problem with that. Can you imagine the female stews gyrating on male guests? There would be complaints galore.

    Based on how vehemently that sort of thing was denied on a yachting forum several years ago, I'd bet there's a LOT more than a gyrating dance going on...for the right price.  Definitively not all of them - but the girls on Onlyfans?  Lexi who claimed to live in an $8,000/mo apartment on a Stew salary?  Yeah, while this show is scrubbed for TV, the real yachting world is very different.

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  8. 15 hours ago, kristen111 said:

    After watching again this morning, imo, Mitch is the smartest of the whole group.  The pouncing on her was all the liquor they drink, plus what she said about having sex .  He thinks she would like to have sex now, so he went for it.  I hope she realizes that, and btw, I think they will make it in the end.  Just my opinion.  I wouldn’t have revealed that to anyone either.  TMI.

    Completely agree.  To me, she came off like the girl at the gym wearing a skimpy outfit, then getting offended when someone looks.

    No one asked what she meant by "pounced" - I'm sure he didn't literally jump on her.  Maybe, she was describing a tequila-fueled awkward move that took all the courage he had.  Then, after saying she was game, she rejected him, THEN told the other women (and cable TV audience) about it.  

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  9. 51 minutes ago, Welshman in Ca said:

    I'm hoping the boyfriend she cheated on tells her to go fuck herself, it's not easy to do (I know I did it with my first wife) but it will be the best thing he ever does and he will be so much happier in the future.

    A slight modification - have sex with her for a few weeks, then dump her.  But, based on his texts, he's already talking about how in love he is.  Tash will get bored and find a more dangerous/exciting dude before she makes it back home.

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  10. 43 minutes ago, pasdetrois said:

    Maybe the regulations require they get sleep after working a long shift? I recall similar schedules for long-distance bus and other drivers/pilots. it's very specific and there are severe penalties.

    I guess it's too expensive to have staff who work only night shifts and sleep during the day - plus where would you put them?

    On the Sailing version, they have one guy who works overnight anchor watch (plus cleaning and dishes and over stuff), seems to work fine - unless the kid doesn't pay attention.

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  11. If you read Storm's schedule, a deckhand's sleep is broken up for anchor watch halfway through.  They sleep for 3-4 hours, do 2 hours of anchor watch, then go back to sleep for 4-5 hours.  Why not block that out so they get more uninterrupted sleep?

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  12. 9 minutes ago, Boo Boo said:

    He doesn't seem to be a prize either, but it's her manner of speaking,n the baby girl voice, the "like, like, like, like."  Not to mention she seems to be admitting to being a scatterbrained bundle of nerves.

    Not a prize?  May I remind you that he is a Class 9 Paladin and his LARPing league has nearly a dozen members.

    • LOL 8
  13. 6 minutes ago, Lindz said:

    I disagree with Miguel & Lindy about arguments. I wouldn't use that word & not because it's "triggering" or I'm scared of it. I don't argue. I don't want to argue. I want productive conversations and discussions.

    It makes me think Lindy just likes being around drama, which is usually the opposite of what a guy wants.

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  14. 20 hours ago, Lindz said:

    I can't believe Krysten actually said, "If I don't get sex from you...by Decision Day." 😳🤮 I mean DAMN!!! & SO CRINGE!!! An ultimatum on the THIRD DAY?!!! At least wait until the sex talk with PC! Imagine a husband saying that!

    If a husband said it, he would be accused of sexual coercion.  Then, when Mitch apparently tried something that night, she turned him down. 

    20 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

    Agree - anyone remember Danielle and Cody? They chose to stay together even though there was no sex in the entire experiment and she seemed ambivalent. She kept trying to "get there". They got divorced. Other than Jamie and Doug - are there any couples that stayed married on DD without having already had sex?

    Didn't Jamie say she was "taking care of him" the entire time?  So it's not like nothing was happening.

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  15. 20 hours ago, Chalby said:

    I agree re: Sandy hovering. I think she just wants her image to be that of a Captain who expects top service from her crew, and will berate anyone who appears (in her eyes) not busy enough. Yet not once does she commiserate with her staff for tackling a new boat set up, enormous amounts of provisions and charter, with 2 people down. Sandy needs to pull a Lee and disappear to her cabin.

    Sandy and Lee need to pull a Jason and help out if they're down a crew member or two.  And her First Officer needs to help out the way Colin did.

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  16. Seems that Sandy is hovering over the deck crew this season.  Let me guess, Raygun will be fired so Sandy can claim it's not about having a female Bosun, she just wants the best person for the job. 

    Having the boat become wildly unstable if the AC overheats seems like a massive design flaw.  And why is the AC controlling the fins?  He must have meant that the AC couldn't keep the stabilizer system from overheating and shutting down but that's not how he said it.

    Chef shoulda kept his mouth shut.  Never jeopardize a good thing!  And Tash is about the best he could expect to land.

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  17. The show was good but needed to be trimmed to 8 hour long episodes.

    The Mind Flayer - the big bad - was created from a childhood drawing?  And Henry's creation doesn't come to help him?

    Did everyone (including the Duffers) forget the Demogorgons can open their own portals?  Why would trapping them in an arena do anything?  What do they eat in the Upside Down?

    Russia - all of it - was a lot of setup with almost no payoff.  And Hopper's injuries aren't things you can just rub some dirt on and walk off.

    How did Hopper know where to contact Joyce?  She was in some form of WITSEC/relocation program.

    El having to relearn her powers took too long and was pointless except for exposition.  She was barely back to where she was in S3.  As Papa said, she wasn't ready to face Henry until...the plot called for it.  It was as bad as Obi Wan getting re-powered by thinking about Leia.

    The chemistry between the kids is the best part of ST.  It was a mistake to break up the team.

    Whole story lines - like the trip to Suzie's and her weird home life - could have been cut.

    The basketball team running around with guns was only slightly more believable than a Russian base under a shopping mall.

    The kids are growing up and some of them are clearly growing into better actors while others struggle. 

    In early interviews, the Duffers said we'd learn more about what the Upside Down is and how it works, but we didn't.  How are there buildings and objects moving around the UD?  What does it look like when a house is being built?  Does it just appear?  Copies of cars and bikes exist there and are where they are placed in the real world, why don't we see them moving around in the UD?  Wasn't the air horribly toxic in the UD in season 1?  I remember people needing hazmat suits.

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  18. 4 hours ago, aghst said:

    Does being on OF definitely mean they're at least getting naked?

    Or maybe they just do bra and panties?

    The ones I listed (and those were just in one Reddit thread) are all naked - at least boobs.  I doubt a Z-list BD celebrity is going to make money selling bikini shots.

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  19. 12 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    It seemed like Ashely got something of a redemption edit towards the end of the season. I don't know if it was deserved but it's the story they wanted to tell. I almost feel sorry for the girl, she clearly has some self-esteem issues and I don't think being on a reality show will help in the long run.

    Neither will OnlyFans but at least she's getting paid there.  There are quite a few BD girls on OF and I'm not sure that's a good thing.  I don't want the motivation of every girl getting on BD to be a sex worker.  Except Ashley, she was built for it.

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  20. 10 hours ago, foxfreakinmulder said:

    What I never understood is Hope always goes on and on about daddy but never mentions her mom. Who she kidnapped to get daddy to come home, cause she missed him and wanted to see him which when all was said and done ended up getting her mom killed and her dad and uncle sacrificed themselves to get the darkness out of her. So their deaths are on you Hope.

    I don't believe for second Klaus would get to go to the good place.

    People in the VD universe get instantly forgiven for the horrible things they do...only sometimes blaming the "off switch".  But how many people's heads did nice guy Stefan rip off in his "ripper" days?  And he couldn't even blame the switch. 

    Didn't Hope kill an entire church full of vampires and a human priest? 

    16 hours ago, ketose said:

    The Caroline thing was unexpected and a little weird. Most of the scenes were longer shots, like they didn't want people to realize Caroline doesn't actually look like a 17 year old anymore.

    Yeah, they should have hired me to do the de-aging.  She looked every bit a middle age mom of 2.

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