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Jack Sampson

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Posts posted by Jack Sampson

  1. 43 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

    Did Jamie come on the boat and the first night she was getting it on in the shower with Culver? God do these people have any self control? ... These Below Deck shows are doing a disservice to the yachting industry.

    Hookup culture is everywhere.  Tons of girls do the same thing, especially when traveling or on spring break.  I lived in Vegas, it was an average weekend.

    Based on what I've read online, I think this pretty accurately reflects the yachting industry.  But, in her case, she's probably just doing pre-advertising for her future OnlyFans account.  Last time I checked reddit, most of the BD women had one.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Pi237 said:

    She did have a good point about Playboy dropping them for doing porn, but then selling their pictures to porn sites for their own profit.

    it’s not my thing, but I agree- a woman’s body belongs to her and her only. 

    They didn't though.  They made an agreement with MindGeek (Manwin at the time, a company that owns a lot of porn sites) to manage the .coms under the Playboy umbrella, they didn't sell the catalog to them...and Hef had nothing to do with the operations at that time.  They basically outsourced MindGeek to handle hosting, transactions and user statistical data.

    That whole thing was the new CEO Scott Flanders call and he reversed it 2 years later.  The only "catalog" Playboy actually sold was the Spice TV network and related websites - all non-branded and didn't involve any of the women on the show.

    The women have made this claim several times now and it's completely false.  Sondra even claimed that Hef did it personally - as retribution or something.

    Again, the showrunners are expecting us not to look into it.

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  3. Drug addicts, escorts and porn stars - somehow Playboy must be to blame. 

    Victoria Zdrok wanted to be a porn star and escort.  Hef didn't want her to do porn while using the Playboy name so he filed a trademark lawsuit and lost.  Somehow that makes him a control freak.  She won the lawsuit and got to do what she really wanted - she's a 50 year old porn star.  You go queen. 🙄

    Shauna Sand - her divorce had nothing to do with her going out with Hef and "nothing happening".  She was banging Lorenzo's 18 year old son from his second marriage.  He talked about it extensively back in 2015.  I guess the show was hoping we had forgotten.

    Kari Ann Peniche's problems are all over reality TV.  Girl was a train wreck from waaaay back.  But Playboy was the end of her innocence.

    These three make me far less likely to believe anything presented on this show.

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  4. 2 hours ago, AstridM said:

    So ALL of those other women are also lying?🤦‍♀️

    I haven't looked into "all those other women", the show has only featured a handful.  In Sondra's case, her own daughter doubts her and never saw Hef do anything wrong - and she was actually there - why is it so outrageous for an outside observer have doubts?

  5. 1 hour ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

    No disrespect to these older women but enough already!  Move on!  I have heard from these older women about as much as I ever care to for the rest of my life. I want to hear some more recent stories from another generation. There are stories! There are younger women who have lots of things to tell. Where are they?

    With the newer generations, there were cameras everywhere.  There could easily be proof if they're lying and the girls know it.

    But, the vast majority of the women don't bash Hef and Playboy so they aren't interviewed.  Even Sondra's daughter was careful to say that she never witnessed anything out of line.

    Sondra's got some problems.  Notice when her daughter mentioned that Hef was nice to her at parties her immediate response was a thinly veiled - SEE!  He was grooming her!  Plus, she blames Hef personally for her pictures being stolen and put on porn sites.  And, even though every other girlfriend going back to at least Barbi, says that they weren't encouraged to talk to other men and were DEFINITELY not allowed to have sex with other men - Sondra says Hef brought other dudes into bed.  She may be telling the truth but it would be unusual for Hef to specifically not allow that before and after her.

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  6. 1 hour ago, AstridM said:

    Didn’t Bridget actually leave her husband to go live with Hef and pursue “fame?” But kept lying about it?

    Yes.  And she didn't actually divorce him until the show was almost over.  She kept her options open until things got serious with Nicholas.

    It's incredibly common for women to leave their hometown husbands to chase fame in LA.  Often it involves hooking up with much older men for opportunities.  Most of the industry is another form of sex work...for men and women.

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  7. The first season tried to make Hef look like a monster who manipulated young women and destroyed their lives. 

    I was glad to see the women in the first ep of season 2 praising Hef.  But this second ep makes it look like the girlfriends were just sugar babies trying to finesse the man.

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  8. 11 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

    Ben, next time, be a better judge of character.  Don't hook up with the laziest, most argumentative crew member.  

    Character is rarely a prerequisite for a hookup.  Cute-ish and willing is all that's needed.  Still, the crying was pathetic.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Genus said:

    Frazer and Ross need to grow a pair and tell Sandy that Camille is a waste of space and brings nothing to the team as she's a lazy bitch, and needs to go.

    Sandy fire a cute-ish girl?  Are you familiar with her?  Sandy's got a new girl to drool over mentor.

    • LOL 5
  10. <Into the void> NOOOOOOOOO!  Sandy is a nightmare.

    Is anyone shocked that Camille was a bitch in high school?  A beautiful girl back then and could get away with anything - but those looks are already fading.  She better get responsible and develop a personality before they're gone completely.  Tick Tock, princess.

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  11. Deck team is down 2 people yet Faye thinks they aren't helping enough with interior?  Piss off, sweetheart.  And don't badmouth the bosun to the new guy.

    Oh, the radios aren't working right (and/or the experienced bosun suddenly can't work the radio correctly) at the most critical time?  Yet the boat docks perfectly?  Yeah, I'm not fooled, Bravo.

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  12. 1 hour ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

    This show is going through the stage where the crew are simply wanna be reality celebs who are acting out a successful character they have witnessed in past seasons or on another version:

    * Ross is trying to one-up Gary from BDSY, who was the well liked horn dog who couldn't keep it in his pants, no matter how hard he tried.

    * Camille is attempting to out-twerk Courtney from BDM.  "if twerking, as a personality trait, worked for her..."

    Feel free to add to the list...

    The women seem to gravitate to Onlyfans, it's pushing half at this point.  Even the girls who aren't on OF (yet), like Ashling, have sisters who are.

    I'm sure we can add Camille to that OF list a few weeks after the season ends.

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  13. Taking a mid-season break is fine for free network TV and 22 episode seasons.  Expecting me to pay for it is nonsense. 

    This episode was weak.  The fight scenes were good and I like the cave set but the plot and hero's plan was absurd. 

    It was good to see Klaus Mikaelson drinking blood again!

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  14. 10 hours ago, ICantDoThatDave said:

    One of the least believable things to happen in this show with superpowers, people coming back to life, & characters swapping brains is the idea that Artemis would get recruited to play for Nebraska. She was incredibly under-sized & couldn't even get playing time on her small town football team without her parents threatening/killing her coaches into giving her undeserved playing time.

    Plus, based on her displayed strength, she'd never pass a steroid test.

  15. 4 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    I can't say I have been paying particularly close attention to this season, but I'm still sad that it's a season finale.

    That said, maybe someone who has been watching a little more faithfully can explain the following:

    Who killed the Gambler and why?

    Why did U-H basically dick around all season as Starman rather than just straight-up get rid of the JSA or do whatever? (other than, because then we wouldn't have a season)

    How did Dragon King survive his seeming death in S1? At what point was his brain put in the big gorilla?

    What made Mama Icicle so bloodthirsty (other than why not?)

    Why did Icicle kill the Crocks?

    Were Rick and Beth dating at all during the season or was the "and Rick and Beth's impending nuptials" something that they just threw in there?

    How was the real Starman able to come back from his presumed death to be captured in the first place?

    What had happened to Artemis between her learning her parents had been killed and her tracking down Icicle in the fast-forward? Also, are we supposed to think this was an honorable thing that she killed Icicle? Also, why was Icicle a complete idiot and standing around on the petroleum slick as Artemis explained what she was going to do, rather than going away or at least stopping, dropping and rolling?

    Had we seen Beth's "combat mode" in action? Because no offense, but she's still an overweight 16-year-old girl. 

    These are the in-story explanations and some of them don't make sense.

    1. Ultra-Humanite.  It's not exactly explained why.

    2. He needed Courtney to believe he was worthy to use the staff, otherwise it wouldn't work for him.  As he's burying Pat he says the bond with the staff is complete.  It's not explained how he knew how to do all of Starman's moves with the staff.  It's one thing to research it but he was able to replicate Starman's control of the staff without any practice.

    3. Wasn't explained.  Sometime between S2 and S3.

    4. Wasn't explained other than she believed in her son's plans completely.

    5. Wasn't explained really.  They found his lair so he killed them.

    6. No.  And there was no indication they were anything but friends.

    7. They dug him up, tied him up on the operating table and revived him with a green shot.

    8. Wasn't explained.  A better question is, how is she so sure this would kill him?  So he burns, melts and eventually reconstitutes.

    9. Beth's combat mode would warn her of threats and suggest various attacks.  It might work against an elderly man with a bad heart but, against anyone else, she's still just an overweight teenager.  She's better off staying back in a real fight.

    Overall, it was a good end to an above average superhero show.  Maybe it ended soon enough that it didn't get horrible like the Flash.

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  16. 15 minutes ago, ExMathMajor said:

    I wish we could have the unedited footage of this show. I assume they've all watched the episodes? If so, why didn't any of the women call Matt out? Why, if the producers et al. feared Matt's wrath, did they not try to protect Colleen? Is anybody trying to protect Colleen? I don't follow any of these people on social media so I don't know if anybody's called him out there. At least they're not living under the same roof yet...is he in therapy?

    Maybe it's because it's not nearly as bad as it looked.  Colleen's IG is just pics and videos of them having fun over the last year and a half.  It's only women who watched the show leaving the "blink SOS" comments.  None of the contestants or anyone else connected to the show have a problem - and reality TV production people have seen it all. 

    It's been 18 months, maybe she's happy with Matt.

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  17. I don't believe for a second that Z was "fighting" for the marriage all the way to the altar.  That wasn't improv, she was delivering a speech...one that was probably prepared far enough in advance that her friends were in on it.  Cole deserves some hits but the vast majority of the hate came from her lies/embellishments/misrememberings.

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  18. I missed it, did Brennon change gods for Alexa?

    I don't blame Bartise, Nancy's family seemed impossible to deal with.  If he had any doubts, her family's reaction would have solidified it.  I was scared for his safety. 

    Zanab was classless. She says she "didn't want him to hate her" yet launched into that rant in front of everyone.  It would have been enough to say no at the altar, then explain later.  Yes, it was super ghetto when your friends clapped.

    Colleen - I don't get why Cole said she was a 10.  But, compared to the other women, her age difference really shows.  She seems to just have more energy than even Raven.  Matt's a dork who drinks too much.

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