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Everything posted by edithkeeler

  1. Isn’t the issue with the DNA testing that the state noted it was for testing but was then diverted to Deavers for his personal science fair experiments before and instead of DNA which is either evidence of nefariousness that they didn’t want anything to complicated their pre-decided story or basic incompetence in their tunnel vision on Peterson stopped them from basic due diligence. And now the evidence can’t be tested, disadvantaging the defence. You can say defence should have requested it but I tend to think it is the responsibility of the state to do such basic things. I think I had a more neutral view of the doco style than you guys. No doubt the frenchies think him a victim of miscarriage of yankee justice but I find it hard to reconcile having a thumb too much on the scale with letting MP waffle on with depthless narcissism and just general unreadable weirdness in full display. I never really felt inhibited from making my own judgements by it anyway, the way I do with other obviously manipulative things. I think MP doing it is the most likely scenario because t I’ve always been stuck on the lack of skull trauma to go with lacerations and blood. (I have a memory of already saying this on this board somewhere, forgive the repetition). The owl theory is probably wrong and the damn blowpoke theory definitely is but they are attractive because they do explain that central problem. The Kathryn & bisexuality thing was a big revelation as was (if true) Rudolf’s thing that they found the damn blowpoke and put it back all the time they were carrying on in court about it being missing. Yikes. I agree it’s run its course but I’m kinda sad it’s over, I remember watching it when it was first on TV (Australian tv before illegal downloading and Netflix -slim quality true crime pickings!) and I have to give it its due for committing to what they wanted to do.
  2. I thought the reason for the large focus on the Dursts this episode was pretty clear - the obvious implication from everything is they know more than they are saying and instead of helping put him away, they closed ranks (and if the internet is to be believed gave him a huge sum of money to go away). At the very least they weren't helpful. I'm not in love with the ambush schtick wither in this or as a general trope but if as a documentary film maker you get such a gold plated opportunity to visually contrast the pain of the McCormack's with Douglas Durst getting an award for his family values or whatnot, it's sort of negligent not to do it. Just the general optics of all that is worth far more to Jarecki than the actual contact with Douglas. And the rest of the Durst stuff at the home and office goes to Robert's motives. Everyone has been asking, why on earth would you DO this? Well, we got our answer : to really mess things up for his family. Him loitering out side the house taunting them to bustle him away, Bobby Durst in a nutshell.
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