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Posts posted by BlackMamba

  1. I think all the menopause mommas are on HRT.  


    I think Lisa V, Kyle and Lisa R are one couch

    Kim, Brandi, Yolanda, Eileen one couch.  Once Yolanda leaves it is even.  And Eileen and Kim are at least talking.  


    Lisa V and Brandi still have the slap heard round the world to be aired.


    Would Eileen get a seat of honor?  

    I think The Richards Sisters will have first chair, the soap girls will have 3rd chair status and brandi/lisa will 2nd chair.  And Andy will do his blonde girls couch and brown girls couch, like he did in season 1 with the navy dresses and black dresses.  Poor Eileen will be sitting next to Brandi!

  2. Wow! Just wow!

    To throw out there speculation that the secret that Kim is talking about is that Harry Hamlin has cancer or Aids? That is just wrong. Really, really wrong.

    If thats the secret she best hide under a rock for her remaining years. Even if HH has something like that would not be her damn place to tell. It would be tragic and a new low for reality tv not just housewives. I hope it's just something out his book and nothing like that. Or a stupid cheating rumor.
    • Love 5
  3. It was Yolanda that got that dinner discussion started yet Kim never questions why Yolanda did that. As soon as she, Yolanda gets her first 2 sentences out, Kim starts the "death stare" at/toward Lisa R like Lisa started the conversation or preplanned it with Yolanda before they got there. I will look to see if Kim questions Yolanda about the dinner conversation she started when they are outside talking. I want to see if Kim questions Yolanda's motives.

    With Kim not being sober (or at least going through angry drug withdrawal IMO) her primarily target was Lisa R. A sober, alert and quick minded person would had got what Yo was doing in that very moment, but not Kim. Remember if you watch the EOnline/Bravo clip Kim believes it was 4 (or did she say 5 people who attacked her first and ignoring she caused most of the havoc.


    Yes, as BlackMamba excellently articulated, this is what she did in PR last year. She got Kyle all wound up about some supposed magazines in a suitcase, when the fact of the matter was, Brandi didn't give two shits about Kyle or wanting to alert her to Lisa's true nature. She was pissed at Lisa for distancing herself from a gal who cannot properly tuck in her tampon string, while at the same time getting closer to Scheana. She had her own reasons for being mad at Lisa, and watching her get closer to Kyle was adding fuel to her fire. So she decides to put a stop to the budding friendship and try to hurt both Kyle and Lisa all at the same time. She sets it all in motion; she has Kyle crying on the beach, Mauricio walking away pissed, and she just goes to dinner and sits quietly at the end of the table..

    Dont forget Kim was also instigating and playing mind games too on the beach before the dinner to Mauricio! "They say they are your friends but are they?" Something to that effect! Hence, dinner "I'm tired of your goddamn mouth (to Ken)." Then Ken later asked Lisa, "What the hell is wrong with Kim? Is she drinking again?"

    See I get why Brandi/Kim are great buddies. Not only love their substances but they like to manipulate and stir shit up.

    • Love 13
  4. I think Brandi was really quiet , not to be the mature one, but because she is the one that set this in motion. She went and told Yolanda, LisaR and Kyle that Kim needed help. She asked LisaR for an intervention, she was a snake once again and I think she knew if she said anything Lisa would snap and say Your friend is the one that asked us to help you!




    Brandi during the chaos,


    • Love 19
  5. Don't touch my husband might mean don't talk about him - not don't get physical with him.

    Kim's behavior in that scene is inexcusable. As is Lisa R's. When Brandi comes off the best in a scene, you know you need a time out.

    Thats what Brandi's intentions were meant to create drama. The women before and during the reunion have watched Brandi's antics play out. She will be called out for being slick, manipulative, and cunning. But they didnt know that at the time Brandi might have been doing something until now. Kim though cant escape she made a complete and utter fool of herself though.

    • Love 7
  6. IMO Brandi stayed silent because the second she spoke would have given Lisa or Kyle an opening to get Brandi involved in explaining their concerns to Kim. Brandi knew the only way to not be exposed to Kim was to stay away from the conversation. Brandi always has lots to say, unless she knows she's culpable and they can drag her into the discussion.

    That's why being the type person I am would had asked her why she was so quiet. She did that crap last season in Puerto Rico. She started the drama and everyone at the table was fighting on her account. Brandi tries to go undetected but after what happened last season no one viewer is fooled by it.

    Eileen was on her high horse about the poker party. So Kim "ruined" it. What do you really care? It was a stupid staged party by production. Your real friends were not there. Much ado about nothing.

    Point is, Kim did ruin the party when she passively aggressively told Brandi what had happened and Brandi felt the need to "protect" Kim away from Kyle. Kim brought her high as kite self over to Eileen's home and caused a scene (several times at the poker table, before leaving when in the kitchen to Kyle and of course the driveway). She could had at least apologized but Kim is too good for that type of thing. Hell, she can't even accept one without confrontation.

    Well, I think Kim gets all her "information" from Brandi. Just like Brandi claimed that Lisa was feeding her things to say , Brandi is now doing the same with Kim. She seems to be filling Kims head with all sorts of thoughts about how terrible Kyle is.

    Brandi does have a point, these women to not know how to drop something.

    Brandi shouldn't be saying these women don't know how to drop anything especially since she's one of the women who actually had the convo with Lisa R on Kim, but that was to deflect off her bad behavior. Not to mention, she's been talking about Kim behind her back and expressing how she really feels in her talking heads or to her good buddy Jennifer. She plays it up for the cameras too she's not above the drama for a minute.

    And I do agree, Kim doesn't strike me as someone who "investigates" or "digs up" people's personal lives for gain. That's more of Brandi's territory. Brandi probably has read the HH autobiography or like someone said did her own personal background check on Lisa R and fed Kim the goods.

    • Love 9
  7. I don't think she was angry either, she was not in the mood to listen to anyone about anything outside her immediate anger/confusion/pain. Lisa was trying to tell her the best way to handle Brandi was to not react to her, a lesson she learned the hard way after last season, something she is more than willing to admit to. I found it a tad funny when Kyle yelled at Lisa that she had warned Lisa about trusting Brandi in the first place, yet here we are a few years later seeing that Kyle was sucked into Brandi's trap even though she knew better!

    I know this episode is a few weeks old and I wanted to play with the psychology on why Kyle befriended Brandi.

    I think Kyle only wanted to be ok with Brandi for two reasons:

    1. Brandi is a bully. Kyle didnt want her as an enemy even though season 2 and 3 Kyle didn't like or trusted her even tipping off LVP not to get too close w Brandi. She knew what Adrienne and LVP got from Brandi she didn't want happening to her but of course Brandi eventually made Kyle her next prey during poker night. That's the Brandi she was always afraid of: getting her face, threatening violence and coming in between personal matters.

    2. I think another reason why Kyle semi-befriended Brandi is what she saw in Brandi's behavior is probably what she seen growing up and even in adulthood with Kim, Big Kathy and lesser degree Lil Kathy. She probably thought she could handle Brandi because of personal experience but no Brandi is a different beast she cant deal with.

    • Love 2
  8. April 7 is Part 1 of the Reunion. http://www.accesshollywood.com/yolanda-fosters-rhobh-reunion-cut-short-due-to-lyme-disease_article_104918

    Gee I wonder who their close source is could it rhyme with guile, bile or vile? Kyle was just on their show last week.

    That means there are FIVE more regular episodes before the Reunion.


    Dang I thought this would be over before RHONY.  Oh well Andy is going to drag and squeeze whatever ratings he gets out this season.

    • Love 2
  9. Does someone recall what happened on the 1/27 program, quite a temporary jump. I'm guessing tomorrow will be another jump.

    I believe they will bounce back. If tomorrow's episode doesn't get above 2M that will only be more proof Brandi/Kim needs to be canned.

    • Love 2
  10. AmsterDamnreal-housewives-of-beverly-hills-season-

    Lovely. Thanks for sharing!



    Brandi has also told her version of the story to Kim, she has filled her head with ideas about Kyle not being supportive, being supportive as in putting up with your BS unconditionally and having your back no matter what, she also has filled Kim with information about LisaR without telling her about her own veiled allegations.

    Yolanda and Kim both have handled it in different ways, while Yolanda clearly broached the subject in a mature way and put it out there with resolution but delicacy, Kim did it like a bull in a china shop, in the meantime Brandi gets to smile, act surprised and then sits back enjoying Kim go nuts against her enemies. Isn't it particularly interesting that Kim is specially vicious against the three women that Brandi seem to like the least? Kyle, LisaR and Eileen

    I don't think that is a coincidence at all. I do believe that behind Kim's irrational and undefensible behavior are clearly the puppeteer hands of a vicious and irrational woman like Brandi. Kim acted like a lunatic and she is the only one to blame for that but I am not blind as to who has fueled the fires of this conflict and who benefits from Kim throwing insults at the people that Brandi is in war against.

    Kim is a lunatic with no redeemable qualities but Brandi is the snake in the grass who is sitting back enjoying the fruits of her deceptive ways , she is the one who has planted all kinds of evil seeds in this group; finally someone is doing her dirty work and she doesn't even have to get her hands dirty.

    I see you Brandi, I see you for who you really are.


    Brandi is using Kim as her attack dog and mouthpiece.  No doubt about it.  Her sitting at that table quiet and drinking is telling.  I wish I was there and a HW, I would had been passive aggressive and asked "So Brandi why are you so quiet?"

    • Love 3
  11. The First Look is the first part of the next episode, up to the first commercial break, so Brandi yelling on the streets happened afterward.

    Oh yes Brandi isn't gonna miss an opportunity to be outdone on the crazy train. Thats why Brandi called them hypocrites maybe cause they went into the hash house and smoked. I remember Andy said something to that effect last week on WWHL with Lipsa. Brandi will lose this argument because while Kim cant smoke pot and trying to prove how sober she is, the other women dont have substance issues from my understanding other than Kim and Brandi. So if they wanted to smoke grass and not harm anyone they are in Holland it's legal and perfectly fine!


    I stand corrected.  Apparently Brandi is mad because Kyle won't smoke grass and trying to be a responsible parent and not do it.  Idiot.

    • Love 9
  12. These women should never be allowed to say it was 5 against one.  First off, don't be an asshole to four out of six of them and they won't REact, and with the exception of the attempted throat grab and glass smash, the others' reactions were pretty tame. 

    That's the junkie, no accountability Kim talking!  She thinks she can treat Kyle/Kyle's friends all kind of ways and believe they won't say or do anything to her.  Cmon Kim - you were nasty!  If the glass is in your pants that's your own personal doing!  You provoked, insulted, goated, and abused three people are who did nothing but try and help and even apologize from making it their business and you still kept coming for them.  No one feels sorry for you.  No one.


    Sidenote - Kudos to The Lisas & Eileen for defending Kyle!  Usually I hate when wives get other people's family matters for storyline (Caroline/Jacqueline on Jersey or here with Brandi) but the matter is so severe Kyle needs the support since her sister is not a good sister compared to Kathy or even her BFF Brandi.

    • Love 15

    I think E! needs a better proofreader-I believe Brandi says "chokes" not jokes.  A very Freudian slip if there is a claim this is staged.

    Thanks for the link!


    I can't believe Kim and Brandi are trying to make themselves into the victims in this situation!  Yolanda I'm seeing your intentions all too clear now with your sob Bella story now.  You totally opened Pandora's box in a slick and cunning way I'm sure you got one hell of an assist from production.  Glad Eileen is calling it like many of us are seeing it what Kim does to Kyle.  She's abusive no question about it. I feel so bad for Kyle, ugh, awful even.

    • Love 11
  14. IMO, due to the "stress" in her life, Monty, Chad, Kingsley, Brandi chirping in her ear, the moon, the sun and the stars, Kim went back to using drugs and it got out of control once again and became noticeable, she got caught and had to cut back. What we saw on the flight to Canada was just the part withdraw and by the time they got to Amsterdam and that dinner, she was either using again or really at the peak of needing a fix and her demons were in full force.

    This is exactly my thoughts. I believe what I saw was a bad case of drug withdrawal aka The Real Kim: Will You Please Stand Up. Like I said under the first look thread when Kim is on pills or whatever substance of choice she seems "happy" or "bouncing off the walls" so as long she doesn't have erratic moments like Sur limo ride (season 2), Paris(season 3) or Poker Night. When she isnt doing substance abuse of any kind the mean, ugly and nasty side to Kim comes out that no one doesn't want to be faced with, it explains why no one confronts her with her addiction. Im willing to bet her last pill or patch or drink came a day (maybe less) before they jetted to Calgary. Once on the jet, unleashed the Kim that caused Kyle to hide in her jacket in embarrassment and the one who at the dinner table basically told Kyle she aint sh*t compared to the great and amazing Kathy Hilton. The woman who had no remorse for Lisa R's deceased sister, trying to accuse Harry of something bad and low key tried saying Lisa R has an eating disorder. Then Eileen was not viewed as attractive in her book and too proud to apologize for ruining poker night at Eileen's. This is how Kim really is when shes not using. It explains why Kyle doesn't want to be near her very much on and off screen. I totally get it.

    • Love 4
  15. The A-line below the knee look does not work for Kyle nor does the deep V, this look was a total miss for Kyle-especially the lipstick-she looks like Elvira.

    You know I get Kyle wants to portray herself as the girl next door, down to earth mom, but I think she needs a stylist especially when she has events like these! Shes beautiful in my opinion but she lets it go to waste with her outfit choices. Whether it's everyday or a out to events like these. She looks good in one jumpsuits like last episode or the outfit she wore in Twitter pic in Holland with rest of the ladies. But goodness her Boho style that seems to be her everyday style bugs me.

  16. The thing that I cannot understand is what has made Kim turn on Kyle in such a manner. During most of S3 and all of S4, they seemed to be in such a good place. Clearly something has happened to change this.

    When talking about the upcoming episode where Kim seems to hint at issues in the Lisar/HH marriage, I remembered that Kim didn't like it when folks were talking about the Mauricio cheating rumors. I checked out her blog from that episode, and she had this to say:

    "As far as the conversation that took place regarding unfaithfulness, I will say that this is something that really bothered me. I love my sister very much, and when she is sad I am sad. It is very difficult to be in this world and not be hurt by the rumors and comments that people make up. There is a time and place for everything, and that conversation should have never been brought up."

    This also got me thinking about the talk from both Brandi and Kim that Kyle isn't "there" for Kim, whatever that may mean. I got to wondering what Kim thought about Brandi making such an accusation originally at the S3 reunion. This is what she had to say about that at the time:

    "The thing that really confuses me, is she said how I was her friend, and I do believe I am! So WHY!?! Why be so mean? I guess I don't fully understand her -- like when she said my sister secretly doesn’t want me to make it! I know in my heart Brandi doesn't want that for me, and she knows my sister doesn't want that for me! So WHY? Only Brandi knows!"

    It's so strange that Kim seemed to see things much more clearly during these times. She didn't like what Brandi was saying about Kyle, and didn't like that folks were gossiping about Kyle's marriage. She is nothing except supportive of Kyle up until at least a year ago.

    It might all sound crazy, but I think that Kingsley is at the root of a lot of this. Brandi and Kim keep talking about the fact that they started getting close 6 months ago. 6 months ago would have been March, when something very big happened. That is when Kingsley bit Kim's friend. According to the friend, Kim was hysterical that she not make a big deal out of the bite, as she might lose her job, and have to put Kingsley down. I can imagine that Kyle wasn't as supportive as Kim would have liked during this time frame. She always stated she was nervous about the dog, and I could easily imagine her becoming disgusted and telling Kim to get rid of the goddamn dog. Brandi might have been much more supportive. She mentioned last year at one point that she got Kim's attachment to Kingsley as she had the same attachment to her dogs. She talked about her kids being gone with Eddie 50% of the time and it was just her and the dog. She said she could completely understand Kim's need to have Kingsley in her life. Is it possible that Kim turned to Brandi at this time? Maybe she was saying things about not being able to go on if someone took Kingsley away and Kyle didn't take this as serious as Kim and Brandi thought that she should have. For some reason, from the very beginning, I thought the 2am phone call involved something about the dog. It would be interesting if that was in fact the case, considering that just days after filming ended Kingsley bit Alexis.

    Excellent post. You gave me a lot to think about.

    • Love 5
  17. I was going to talk about Kingsley a bit to RealityTVSmash1 in the Upcoming Episodes, but I'll do it here.  Seems like the vicious dog added more tension to the already dyfustional relationship between the Richards.  Apparently Kyle did an interview for Mr RealHousewife.  She stated,


    "We followed up asking Richards if Kim’s dog attacking Richards’s daughter was also a factor in their problems. She explained, “That didn’t help things. A lot of the reports about the dog were false. I certainly did not ask for Kim to give up her dog. I would never ask for any dog to be euthanized. I’m an animal lover. I can understand her hesitation only because she loved the dog so much. I think it was just an emotional situation all around.”


    Seems like Kim didn't want to take any responsblity for her dog almost taking off her niece's hand.  I think she even blamed Alexia for the dog's attack.  Kim didn't even attend Kyle's birthday dinner and Kyle didn't go to Hilton's Christmas Party (you know the one that Brandi claimed Kyle didn't get invite on her podcast).  As long as Kathy doesn't help Kim out of her law woes about this dog, it will be good to see Kim finally taking responsiblity for her actions because of the other doggie bites to the trainer and an 86 year old family friend.

    • Love 6
  18. Rinna shouldn't have lost it to the extent that she did, but I know of plenty of women who would have flat out just decked her then and there. I'd like to think I wouldn't have been one of them -- not typically my style -- but you never really know. Hope Rinna apologizes profusely and I expect she will.

    Maybe since Lisa couldn't get the throat she had to release her anger someway. Kim was all in Lipsa's face until the choke gesture. Kim also was provoking Eileen with the finger. Most would had brought her hand down or slapped it. See I think when Kim gets in these moments on and off cameras she does it where Kyle is present to Kyle's friends! She thinks because she has her sister no one will ever touch. But she keep on someone will black out and forget they are Kyle's friend one day smack her a good one. Lipsa was only issuing her a warning in this. Lipsa is a spicy little Italian a la Teresa Guidice. Dont keep poking the bull Kim.

    • Love 2
  19. I wonder why Kim has zero friends (Brandi doesn't count in my book). Could it be because substance abusers isolate? Or because she's a selfish, difficult person? Or E). All of the above?

    Kyle may not be my cup of tea, but she certainly has many friends; just one more reason for Kim to hate her...

    That's because Kyle is people person and does better in social situations. Kyle strikes me as the black sheep of the three sisters. So maybe growing up she probably treated her friends more like family at some point. Kim always had Big Kathy and Little Kathy and she never had to apologize for anything or take accountablity. I have also realized when The Richards/Hiltons finds themselves in some media controversy Kyle acts as the Jermaine Jackson aka spokesperson in defense of them. I dont know if she promoted herself to this position or it was asked of her. She seems to handle the media well even.

    At this point if Kim overdoses BRAVO is going to take serious heat. As a former child star she will be a sympathetic figure to people that do NOT watch this show. She needs to be fired pronto.

    I hope youre right! Because still to this day some still want to blame Taylor for Russell's suicide. Which I find sad because IMO he had demons he couldn't handle and control. Some who strongly hate Kyle with a passion will find some sad way to blame Kyle if Kim had an overdose or if she ended up harming someone else. That's why Bravo needs to go ahead and cut bait with Kim to prevent another Russell tragedy. But notice Bravo they might want something bad to happen so they can do what they do best and get ratings!

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