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Posts posted by nollf

  1. I really, really enjoyed today's episode.

    The runner with the "Lucas Eyes" has my heart all pitter-patter. The way Sami and Lucas generate energy and chemistry in their scenes is just mesmerizing. How it can flip from screwball to passion so easily. I'm a sucker for it.

    Now let's see what EJ brings to this. I'm excited.

    I also really like how Xander has decided that Jack's people are his people now. It's a sweet way to get to Xander/Gwen, should they go there, while also keeping that edge of her secret that will hurt Jack, and Xander unwittingly abetting.

    Abe and Nicole had some really sweet moments, too. As did Paulina and Chanel. Nothing felt filler, even as nothing really changed, and that's the kind of soap I like. Solid, with some old school romance a-brewing. I had a smile on the whole time.

    • Love 13
  2. I'm really loving how the show is using Xander as a wildcard who can be inserted into any storyline. He's mixed it up with Paulina and Chanel; he's a foil for Nicole; he could easily get wrapped back up in the Sami/Lucas fun; and now he's been pulled into Dr. Snyder's orbit at the hospital, which could have him sidle up to the Tripp/Allie/Chanel storyline full circle, if they wanted him to. He's got 10 fingers in 10 pots and it's exciting to see where he'll pop into frame next. (Often literally, like today, in my biggest LOL moment.)

    Why is Lani such a humorless drag? Is it on purpose? Is it leading somewhere interesting and/or dramatic? Probably not. Though, it almost seemed purposeful that Eli was bright and cheerful when discussing Chanel's plans with her, and then everything just immediately gloomed over when Lani came in. Who knows, though.

    Gwen's lipstick and hairclip were very 90s and I could almost like it if it were played up even more. But the half measure is no good.

    • Love 15
  3. 40 minutes ago, RunningMarket said:

    Also, when acting against Emily O'Brien, Paul Telfer's brogue really comes alive and I am not complaining.

    This is all I ever wanted with this pairing, and I'm getting it, and I'm very happy. Bless the accent gods.

    Plus they've got a mischievous spark going and commonalities in their backstories that could be mined for some nice moments (should the writers recall Xander's mum's alcohol dependence).

    I'm a little surprised Xander didn't think about trying to get any cash money out of those pills. Maybe blackmailing Dr. Snyder will get added to his to-do list sometime soon. I don't think Gwen is flush.

    • Love 10
  4. I'm already such a sucker for these Horton house mess-arounds. I was chuckling and chortling my way all through the Xander v Julie scenes. PT is having a great time, and it shows. And not just in the donut powder splotches.

    Based on some suggestive looks, I am starting to suspect that the Allie triangle may still be a-go. And I am not opposed. 

    I found today pretty entertaining again (after some slogging for a couple of the past few episodes).

    • Love 8
  5. Kate turning the extortion tables on Dr. Snyder is not something I knew I needed. I could see them becoming an entertainingly gray alliance. I thought her scenes today were perfectly fun. I'm always down for a good revenge plot. The way she turned on the 'poor little me' voice when Jake came in was straight up hilarious.

    Lol at Jack surrounding himself with the *worst* people and then long-suffering through it. It's fun. I'm into it. Give me more houseguest shenanigans. 

    • LOL 5
    • Love 5
  6. 17 minutes ago, 4evaQuez said:

    Oh no! Precious is the only reason I like Chanel. I hope they take care with the recast, but I'm not hopeful.

    Precious was such a good find. I need the recast to have that same vibrant energy. I need it. Shall I dare hope?? No. Mitigate expectations, as always. 

    • Love 6
  7. I'm enjoying the heck out of Xander and Dr. Snyder as roving menaces with low-level blackmailing schemes. This is the kind of villainy that's easy for me to digest and delight in. 

    This round of Sami vs. Nicole feels like it's gearing up to be very fun!

    Rafe is the town's biggest gossip, I swear. Especially when it's sensitive, ongoing-investigation information. Rafe, c'mon man.

    Goodness, this accent-off between Xander and Gwen! I'm into it. Like, a lot.

    • Love 12
  8. For anyone who saved their ears and skipped the the Kristen scenes, the short recap is that she pulled out every trick in the manipulative psychopath's handbook. Luckily Brady wasn't vulnerable enough to fall prey to it. I found it almost fascinating, but the screech level was set to 11.

    I love Xander and Nicole sniping at each other. They have excellent enemy-chemistry. (Chenemistry?) Three times, huh? Hats off, Nic.

    Now—now—Rafe is suddenly a good detective?? Well, I'll take it. It's never too late to learn competence, eh. What fun scenes. I love seeing Sami cornered and trying to wriggle out of it and usually failing. That's my girl.

    16 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

    They barely left anything to the imagination.

    When he had his hands in his pockets! There should have been some S&P blurring there. It wasn't right, lol. 

    • Love 7
  9. Lucas's anger was righteous and beautiful, riiiight up until the point I was reminded he knew Kristen was out and about and causing havoc waaaay before Brady did. His discomfort and obfuscation—not exactly guilt but, you know what, good enough for me. (Does he have a fashionably fabulous ghost-relative to haunt his conscience?)

    • LOL 5
    • Love 2
  10. The only time I've found Chad at all interesting over the past few years I've been watching was when he was a messy, drunk bitch on New Year's, saying the most outrageously offensive stuff about Abby. It was juicy and awful and I dug it. I also hoped it meant his marriage was finally over for good, but alas. (The kidnapping, Charlotte's dangerous birth, and subsequent forced institutionalization should really have been the end of it. That shit was unforgivable.)

    The thing I find interesting about Abby's feelings of guilt about Gwen's fall is that, no matter what Gwen lied about before or afterward, Abby thought Gwen was pregnant at the time and absolutely should not have fought with her on the stairs, but did it anyway. The hidden circumstance of Gwen's earlier miscarriage should not absolve her of that guilt. I think that might be too nuanced for this show, and absolution will be provided anyway, but so far I think they've played it well. I really like how meaty and messy this new family dynamic has been and I hope MM is set to return at some point.

    • Useful 1
    • Love 7
  11. I honestly thought I missed an episode the way we just pivoted to all the other non-mask stories today. 

    I love MM's Abigail, and Gwen, and Gabi. I also do not mind a childish, spiteful villain who pretends she's a victim, as long as the performer is bringing depth and variability to it, which I think EOB does especially well. She compels and fascinates me. I can read in her eyes how confused she is to feel loved for the first time, and how she may not know how to change, or if she even wants to.

    I feel like MM has been really raw this time around, and I can't take my eyes off her. She's just really good. 

    I checked the records, and it's hilarious to me that I absolutely 100% wanted Ben/Claire to happen in 2018 and I might be the only person who's still into it in 2021. They both have this, like, chaotic boringness that I really don't mind? I don't know. I'm just gonna sail this ship alone, lol. 

    • LOL 5
    • Love 7
  12. I completely forgot why Xander tried to murder Eric, and it was. . . not what I was expecting. Yikes, pal. Not something to say out loud ever again. His and Marlena's little encounter in the monochrome sitting room was pretty cute though.

    Shallow Alert: Gabi's tits look great in that dress. 

    I am so entertained by Marlena and Brady trying to suss out the whole Stan/tumor situation piece by piece. When you lay it all out like that, it really is amazing the braintrust duo thought Chloe would buy any of it. I honestly love those dummies.

    *crocodile tears*  "I didn't mean to hurt Kate!" *also paid a hitman to murder three other people in cold blood*

    Shutting up for a few years would go a long way toward me not rolling my eyes at everything you say, Kristen. (This friendship constantly makes Lani look like a fool. It's gotta stop. Maybe they can try to explain it away as Kristen being her latest David-like coping-mechanism-slash-obsession? What am I saying? They don't care.)

    Eli and Chanel have a nice sibling-ish vibe, even with her giving him a looksie. I enjoyed their interactions quite a bit. 

    If I can only get Gabi and Philip as friends, I'll absolutely take it, because they both really need friends, but still. What could have been. *sigh*

    • Love 7
  13. I love Chanel being horny for everybody. Xander, too. She and Xander should honestly give it another go. Just saying. 

    Xander and Nicole bumping their big ole boobs together was kinda hot. I'm still on that boat.

    Lani saying she "understood" because Kristen was "provoked" into "pushing" Haley pushed me into actively disliking her. I'm ridiculously easygoing; it takes a lot to get me there. 

    I got a good chuckle out of Chanel's self-satisfied expression when she hugged Allie. And then again at that (I'm assuming) very nice ass. Also chuckle-worthy: everything Sami/Lucas. They're just so fun! What chemistry!

    Rafe looking toward the secret tunnel then doing the whole *shrug* *it's probably nothing* thing felt so deliberately mean to the audience that I almost respect it. But only almost. 

    • LOL 5
    • Love 6
  14. 1 hour ago, RunningMarket said:

    his little head tilt back towards Gabi when she reached around to comfort him was a very natural move on his part. It probably wasn't even scripted.

    With that one move I'm back in on Gabi/Jake. It made me feel things.

    I had a huge LOL moment when Rafe described Kristen as "your wife's best friend" to Eli, with just so much earned disdain. I hate that codependent friendship so much. The only saving grace for me would have been if Lani had revealed, yes, they did bone down in Italy, and it was great. Then maybe I'd kinda get it.

    Kate cannot be killed. She is Rasputin. You can shoot her, bury her alive, poison her, throw her out of a car, knock her brains out, toss her in the Neva River, and she'll still drag herself to safety. God love her.

    • LOL 5
    • Love 16
  15. 1 hour ago, 4evaQuez said:

    I really liked the John, Marlena, and Brady scenes. EM's reaction when he admitted that Kristen is dangerous and the police needs to be called was surprisingly good.

    I totally agree. These scenes were natural and emotional and very effective. The way EM played the hopeless resignation—and the dreams of a future slipping away—at the idea of Kristen hurting people again (not just doing wacky Susan hijinks) really got me. Plus the makeup was good too. He looked swollen and beat up by that steering wheel.

    The whole thing was sad and very well done. I really liked John's sweet support but stern refusal to let Brady aid and abet this any longer.

    (And then it all somehow seamlessly segued to the absolute comedy of harried Kristen with everyone's phones!)

    I can only hope this all means Brady gives her up now, but we'll see. 

    • Love 10
  16. Today's episode . . . fricking ruled.

    Every scene was entertaining as hell. Kate is just the best. She's so over everything. Just taking a seat while Chloe gets grabbed up. I don't blame her. It's been A DAY. 

    Nicole and Rafe were, like, sweet and good and I like it a lot?? This is new and exciting to me. What is happening??

    If there's anything I love more than two people trapped together, scratching and squabbling, then furiously making out, I don't know what it is. Sami/Lucas are a tropey dream. I'm in love. 

    Chloe — also super great. Plucking off that wig like nothing. All the actors seem fired up and energetic and enjoying themselves, and it's gosh darn contagious, I swear. My neighbors must be sick of all the joyful squealing by now.

    • LOL 4
    • Love 13
  17. 4 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

    I didn't see Xander and Nicole Part I so my perspective is probably off with them

    I did see (some of) it and I'm still rooting for them, someone please help me, lol. I get so easily blinded by good chemistry and an "us against the world" speech! Alright, I'm embracing it. Shame does not exist in this dojo. 

    I'm hopelessly team Gabi/Philip but I guess Gabi/Jake was. . . nice today? Just as a microcosm of two people talking after sex?

    The *noise* I made when Kristen walloped Lucas out of nowhere! Oh how I laughed. It's so dumb, this story needs to be over, but there are hilarious bits in it everyday, and I'll enjoy the sum of the parts while the whole continues to rot.

    I feel like for at least the past two weeks the pace has been off the charts. Things keep happening! So many things! I love it. I'm having a blast with my stories again. It can't continue, can it? No. It's unsustainable, right?

    • Love 9
  18. Nicole and Xander's history needs to be completely forgotten for this to work, and honestly I am *happy* to forget it, because they are very fun and the chemistry is bubbling. I love a good, dirty infidelity. With ripped clothes and slaps. Give it to me any day of the week. 

    But whoever at the Front Desk of the Salem Inn didn't deactivate Xander's room key, ooh, that's probably going on your performance eval. Let's use this as a learning opportunity moving forward. 

    AS is always good at convincing me that Sami's ridiculous life choices make sense to her, even if they don't to anyone else. I have a soft spot for a Wild Card.

    Rafe is so horny. I forgive him for his poor choice of companion. For now. Slim pickings, and all. But he needs to hit it and quit it.

    Re: Claire. I think an important thing for Claire to understand when threatening to call the police on any Black person is that her motivations, and the illegality of the other person's actions, are not actually relevant, because there is always the possibility that it will be a death sentence either way. Doing it for justifiable reasons can still cause an unjustifiable outcome. Her inability to think about that at all is a problem, but not one the writers even thought about either, so. Hopefully they don't go there again and the rivalry can find new angles and sticking points to keep it going. This one champagne incident isn't enough for me.

    • Love 7
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