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Posts posted by hoosiermommy

  1. On 12/5/2022 at 6:47 PM, MagicEyes said:

    The Peloton commercial with tiny people yelling “profound” sayings that make absolutely no sense. Like: “You didn’t come to work out, you came to outwork.” What does that even mean? And: “No challenge, no change.” That’s just not true. Did they even think about what any of this meant?

    I don’t want change…I want to wrap presents. Every time I think they can’t get more obnoxious, they prove me wrong.

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  2. 1 minute ago, geej said:

    Does Cody even hear himself say"own", as in the state would OWN Truly? No one OWNs , no state can own a human being. Cody is shit.

    Cody magically got rid of the 13th amendment with that statement. No wonder the Utah government hates him. 😂

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  3. So, last episode, Charlie was an amateur archeologist who knew about a long-extinct race, enough so that she would help with an archeological mission, and yet this week, not only could she. It identify what had been a ubiquitous object in her own species’ history, but she’d never even heard of it? “What is this cellular telephone you speak of?”

    The writing for her does her no favors.

    1 minute ago, hoosiermommy said:

    So, last episode, Charlie was an amateur archeologist who knew about a long-extinct race, enough so that she would help with an archeological mission, and yet this week, not only could she not identify what had been a ubiquitous object in her own species’ history, but she’d never even heard of it? “What is this cellular telephone you speak of?”

    The writing for her does her no favors.

  4. Re: Claire and Isaac—I understand the need to have an open conversation about what you need from your partner emotionally. I think maybe the writing overshot that mark. To me, it’s one thing to say, “I need this from you to be happy in this relationship” then understanding that the other person can decide if they can do that or not and then dealing with the consequences vs. “I can only love you if you change”. The first is about what I need and the second is about what you have to do.

    I did find it interesting that Isaac seemed to have had his feelings backdated a few months or so.

    I have missed the genuine laugh out loud moments this season and was very happy to have several of those this episode, including “They….are….awful.”

    • Like 2
  5. 18 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I wonder why they had the scene where Holmes is having a breakdown after her interview  and she looks at her mom and comments about her sexual assault in college. Like it was her mom’s fault.   Well, that’s just ridiculous and a deflection of her her own sociopathy.  It seemed the show was trying to justify her behavior with theranos.  

    The point of the discussion with her mom was the statement (paraphrased) “If you forget, is it lying?” That was her strategy for the depositions…if she believes that, “I don’t recall” allows her the moral high ground in her mind of “truth”.  The show wasn’t trying to justify her behavior at all, but to show how she could twist the truth to always come out as right.

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  6. 14 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

    Exactly, take the child aside and correct them.

    I think it reveals Robyn’s true nature when she sits back and lets stuff like that go on…. She enjoyed Areola making a spectacle of Christine.

    I also think she told Kody what to say and how to praise Areola knowing it would stick out like a sore thumb compared to how he treats Truely, Savanah, Ysabel and the rest of his children.

    Robyn is an evil bitch and I hope it comes back to haunt her! 😠

    That’s the “child care provider’s” job, not Robyn’s. I mean, you don’t want her to PARENT those offspring, do you? As if.

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  7. 3 hours ago, Redcookie said:

    And I don’t believe a word of it. She says things she thinks she should say. She wants him all to herself. 

    Sister wives are probably cheaper than a “child care provider” to watch and teach her kids because, she can’t or can’t be bothered to. It’s all the other Sister Wives’ fault they had a COVID scare. Had the other wives (Christine) not been flaunting them protuculls, she could have brought her parenting to Robyn’s littles and there wouldn’t have been a need for a “child care provider” who got sick by osmosis.

    Regarding the “first time” response to the COVID testing question, it is possible they were responding to the type of test not testing. We know Kody took a test for his mother-in-law’s funeral. I don’t assume they actually followed their own rules for Christmas, because they clearly haven’t done so that we’ve seen, but we also didn’t hear the question. And per Meri, the test type changed. Now, I will go take a shower because I feel unclean defending those two yahoos. 

    I’ve been fortunate that I have t had to test yet, but I think the spit test turns my stomach. I think I’d be with Meri, especially if there were multiple people in the car taking a spit test that I had to listen to. 🤢

    • Love 8
  8. No matter what Christine and Janelle and their families did, Thanksgiving was out of the question. They could have followed every rule to the letter and on the day before be told “Sorry, the CDC says no gatherings more than 10 people.” If this was truly filmed in early November as one of the wives said in a talking head, it was also possible that they already knew this (late 2020 we were being warned of a spike due to the Holidays even before Halloween). I am seeing news articles from early November 2020 recommending against anything but small gatherings.

    I am also seeing the very reasonable suggestion in these same articles that people test if they feel compelled to gather. What a reasonable compromise would that have been? Of course, that assumes one is looking to compromise.  But as has already been mentioned, the rules were about control not COVID.

    If his kids didn’t resent them then, they will after watching this episode. He’s not a dad….he’s a baby daddy who dropped his seed and hightailed it when the going got tough.

    I keep waiting to see a statement that Janelle has finally said “peace out!” or “F—- off” and officially left too. She seemed on the verge in this one.

    • Love 20
  9. Gah, that list! It is seriously like someone searched the internet for COVID safety protocols and just wrong down everything that was ever recommended with thought to superseding guidance. By this time, half of that list had been dropped because the science had shown us it was unnecessary.

    When Robin went in to hug Meri, she said she’d need to leave it in God’s hands and (paraphrased) “oh well, this relationship is more important.” But we just spent an hour watching that relationships were not important.

    Kody wants to be a cult leader….absolute dominion over submissive wives. He just doesn’t have the charisma, thank goodness. 

    • Love 22
  10. As the astrologer was telling Mama Summit she was being selfish, I was cackling with glee as the “oh poop” expression came to Summit’s face as he realized he would have to be clever and think on his feet to find another plausible excuse for postponing a wedding. I’m guessing that is not a strength and he’s only been able to get by because of Jenny’s naivety.  Jenny seems nice enough, but she has absolutely zero social skills or ability to read people. She reminds me of a 9 year old on my son’s football team who is super sweet but runs around the whole time wearing an expression of awe and confusion.

    Is there something wrong with Ariela? Like she seems so fragile and with her mom saying “we have to keep her happy” it almost seems like they are afraid the real world will break her. Well, if that is the case, maybe she should refrain from doing things that have big girl consequences…like having unprotected sex. I wonder how long Ariela will be in Nigeria before she hires a nanny to do the parenting of her pawn…I mean son (who deserves so much better than this and who clearly had a bond with his dad).

    • Love 4
  11. I am going to go hoarse yelling at these people to "just go home!"  Alina, Corey, Jenny, Ellie...just go home.  I think what we are seeing is the Sunk Cost Fallacy at work.

    Can someone help me out?  Bini can't come to the US...why is that?  I think it's been mentioned but I can't remember.  Is it something that wouldn't prohibit him from qualifying to come under a K1 visa?  Because it seems like Ari is throwing her parent's good money after bad.

    • Love 7
  12. On 10/4/2021 at 6:55 PM, magemaud said:

    But she was supposedly employed by her father, so maybe she qualifies for health insurance through his practice? 

    While that may be true, all policies require employees to be actively at work in order to be covered on the active employee policy.  Ari has been out of the country so long, and not working, that she should not be eligible for coverage unless she is covered under COBRA continuation. 

    I'll bet her dad's insurance company is going to be looking at the eligibility of her "employment" quite closely.  He'll be lucky if they only rescind her coverage and not for the whole group.

    • Useful 1
  13. I am a Hoosier born and raised and I laughed when James said that was the first time he heard them pronounce “Ver-sigh”...he had been pronouncing it “Ver-sales.” We have the same issue here in Indiana.

    At least Elizabeth took some initiative on setting the table. She’s probably surprised that flawed effort wasn’t enough to save her. 

    Izzy may be a pot-stirrer at times, but I think she can think on her feet, and I liked that she went to The side not to complain but to ask advice about how to handle it. If Eddie let’s her do so for now, that will raise him even higher in my esteem.  

    Last week’s Mahi miscommunication was both their faults. Why Francesca wrote two names on one line when the rest were all one person per line was super confusing, but Rachel could ask.  

    This week, Rachel just seems to be over it...again. This time, it doesn’t look like she gets to storm away. I love Rachel’s cooking, but she’s as much of a pill as Elizabeth is.

    • Love 19
  14. 15 hours ago, aghst said:

    Why are all the crew so bothered that Elizabeth and James may have hooked up?  Bravo encourages this kind of thing.

    Izzy referenced James' j--- in the hot tub and didn't want to have them hookup in the bunk below hers.

    I mean, that seems like a legitimate claim? I wouldn’t want to be a party to that. Also, James, show your colleagues some respect and clean up after yourself. Lordy...his whining about Elizabeth’s inability to keep it quiet sounds pretty stupid when he leaves his calling card in public.

    6 hours ago, Snickerdoodle said:

    It looked like Francesca tried but I think she let go of her so she wouldn't fall in to the shark infested waters.  

    I think the reason that none of the crew jumped in immediately had less to do with Captain Lee’s wrath (he clearly would have known it wasn’t disobedience on his crew’s part), but it was dangerous. Trying to coral a reluctant drunk in the dark open waters...just think if Delores were violently protesting their attempts to retrieve her, or even just got scared and started to flail or simply lacked the self-awareness to know where she and everyone else as and sent an elbow to a crew member’s temple...

    She was stupid, it was a dangerous situation, but it wasn’t an emergency (which would have resulted in a more immediate and robust response (or not...).

    • Love 10
  15. Francesca: Check on the guests every 10 minutes.

    Elizabeth: OK

    45 minutes later the Primary hunts her down and Elizabeth says something to the effect of “I was just on my way” for the first time when she should have been up there 4 times already. 
    Francesca: Pull the sheets in the master.

    Elizabeth: OK

    Also Elizabeth while delivering sheets to Ashling: I pulled all the sheets from all the guest beds.


    There are no clearer directions that can be given to Elizabeth. There is also 0 training to do. I have never once worked in yachting and those directions are clear to me and I would have done those tasks better than Elizabeth. 

    If Elizabeth is having a difficult time remembering what Francesca has tasked her with it is her (Elizabeth’s) responsibility to do something different, like write herself a quick note. Make herself a list. Pay attention instead of trying to find someone to makeout with. She’s an adult in an adult job. That’s why she gets paid the big bucks.

    She is clearly there to work on her social life with how bent out of shape she got when Francesca and Ashling got in the water.

    Izzy seems like a hard worker on deck but she’s a pot stirrer. 

    • Love 20
  16. 6 hours ago, RealReality said:

    I'm kinda over Melyza at this point.  I certainly stopped seeing her as a wronged victim.  Yeah, he cheated, it sucks, but she clearly never had any intention of forgiving him and instead is exacting her revenge.  Therefore, to me, they are pretty much equal.

    I don't hate Cheesedick as much as everyone else, but I think he is a lying liar who lies because lying is easier.  I think he absolutely kept sleeping with the girl at work, but furiously tried to figure out how much anyone could actually prove.  He clearly likes the girl at work if he has been "flirting" with her and she likes him if she has been "flirting" back.  Meylza is a beautiful young woman, and I think the big reveal will be who her "other person" is.  I think there is a small chance its another woman.  

    Gavriel.  BOOM.  Problem solved. 



    I am 99% sure Melyza was with a guy. She was very vague about pronouns and I considered she’d been with a woman, but I *think* last episode she said “he” or “guy” once when she was explaining to her brother and friend.

    • Love 3
  17. Angela, Michael and Aunt Lydia all bullying poor Skyla for her “aig” and her ability to “tote a baby” made me sad and very uncomfortable.

    It was unbelievable that anyone believed Angela had “one aig” that was going to wait there in the ovary until they decided it was time to get pregnant.  That’s not how it works. That’s not how any of this works.

    And I know Michael has the internet...why didn’t he check into any one of her specious claims? He either is gullible or desperate to get to America.

    I used to be on the “Free Michael” team but he had plenty of time to figure out the baby thing.

    It reminds me of when my husband and I were doing the necessary pre-marital counseling. A couple behind us in class was only a month away from their wedding when we were supposed to talk to our future spouses about children. I heard the woman gasp “I thought you wanted kids!” Hey, at least it was before the wedding...


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