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Everything posted by Dawn

  1. Any of the ones where they dial up the worst traits of the characters for comedy get annoying. They put Monica way over the top too often in the later seasons, too. One that's been bugging me recently is the one where Ross has the awards dinner and none of them will get ready. Monica's insane but at least it's in character because of the Richard break-up (in contrast to the later seasons' craziness). I think it's Joey and Chandler having that stupid fight over the chair in Monica and Rachel's apartment that bugs me the most. They're such jerks about it, to each other and Ross, and it's never made sense to me why (even if it did lead to some funny moments, like Joey doing commando lunges in all of Chandler's clothes).
  2. When I'm working late, my go-to background noise is Friends repeats on nick@nite from 11-1. I keep waiting for them to get old, but they (mostly) somehow never do (of course, their familiarity is what makes them work as background noise). I don't usually have time to post much, but I'd be up for some discussion. Here's a question for any youngins that might be hanging around (or anyone else who might know): I was thinking about showing a relevant clip in my class today or next week, but are college students today familiar with the show? Or will I just be showing my age even more than usual?
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