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Everything posted by jbobchuck

  1. Love that the girl dumped Noah. If I read a poem to my dad, he would have hit me with a frying pan. They're all retarded! There metal boat is rated for 850 pounds. I hope the new boat sinks with Billy on it! How about what's left of the old hag's teeth - the 3 uppers on the right side close down on gum, as do the 3 lower on the left side. How does she chew? Guess she scales everything with her two rotten front teeth.
  2. Please, please, let them get eaten by bears. Now that would be extreme!
  3. Sad thing about Merry Christmas Easter Bunny - is she's cute. Unfortunately, her teeth are already turning a dull yellow orange. Either that or I need a new TV.
  4. Their speech impediment. The bird girls nasty teeth. The mothers nasty teeth. Bear so non extreme. Noah the total goober. Gabe the steroid monkey. Bamm the future serial killer. Matt the lovable loser. Billy the professional bum/grifter/cult leader/ brainwasher. Merry Easter Bunny Christmas the doomed future heroine addict. It's all such bullshit, but it is entertaining! I still hope a grizzly eats the dad!
  5. Bear is supposed to be in a cast for 2 months - he's in a ace bandage.If Noah showed up at my house to ask my daughter out, I'd shoot that weirdo fucker!
  6. Snowbird - I said no teeth. Dang, I'm bleeding again! Hopefully Merry Christmas easter bunny doesn't end up knocked up by Gabe!
  7. More bullshit coming - but hysterical. That freak Noah and his cane, tries his hand at dating. I do wish a grizzly would eat one of them. That would be good TV. More bullshit coming - but hysterical. That freak Noah and his cane, tries his hand at dating. I do wish a grizzly would eat one of them. That would be good TV.
  8. The money is rolling in at Discovery. The money is rolling in for the Brown's. Everyone loves this garbage.
  9. How did Gabe get steroids in the woods? Bet his best friend knows...
  10. Discovery has already paid all their court costs and everything else. But Discovery can't keep one or more out of jail...
  11. All caps only suck if you're afraid of them. ALASKAN BUSH PEOPLE deserves all caps. The acting is Oscar worthy.
  12. Guys and gals, go to the season 3 thread.
  13. Boys and girls. By this time, you know I'm connected. Who proposes this season?
  14. Make no mistake - Alaskan Bush People is a money maker. So paying each family member 20 to 50 grand an episode is nothing.
  15. Get ready for a new show "Sons of Winter" More true outdoor survival. LOL
  16. Some shall show up with fixed teeth. All want the check to be higher.
  17. Matt - University of Wisconsin - Really? Not the liberal arts professor. One of the above clues shall set you free.
  18. Can't say how I know. All true. Let's just say I know a guy who knows a guy. Show is definitely coming back. More or less family members as well... Who did the Brown's buy the land from? Who did they rent the house aka apartment from. Riddle me this... Am I the guy or gal? Who's your dentist? Follow the clues for answers.
  19. Don't worry kids - show coming back. As soon as everyone returns from their vacations. And especially when Matt returns with his daughter - ut oh - Raindrop - you didn't see that coming. Could raindrop be Matt's daughter. Oh, do tell - please...
  20. 20.000 per episode per family member. What What...
  21. Check out YouTube video Alaska Noah. Noah promoting his dad's book in 2008 ON A COMPUTER!
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