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Posts posted by mostlylurking

  1. On 9/19/2024 at 4:51 PM, TVbitch said:

    When Jason is done pretending he knows how to play poker can he retrieve my car from the lot, it's the white Camry. ..I mean, could they not find a jacket for him that did not make him look like a last minute fill-in valet?! And I'm sorry, but he and Anna's phone stealing spycraft make Sam and Spinelli's work on Cates look like 007! 

    I mean it kind of makes sense story wise if they had to put something together quickly (although I’m sure that wasn’t what wardrobe was intending).  Anna’s dress is very cheap looking and ill fitting as well.

    On 9/19/2024 at 9:03 PM, Cheyanne11 said:

    Yeah, ES's latest return is just reaffirming to me how played out the character is.  And she's never been the strongest actress but it's glaring now.

    I agree and I find it pretty pathetic that she’s STILL running these capers and conning people.  I felt the same way about Luke so it’s not a gender thing, just that there’s been NO personal growth at all in her character for decades.

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  2. 6 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    I don't understand why they're trying to redeem Heather (aside from Frank having a crush on AW). She's never been a very sympathetic character, and I don't feel sorry for her now. She has no close family on the canvas, and Laura certainly doesn't need to be dragged down by her. Neither does Elizabeth. So why is Heather? Send her packing!

    I agree.   No shade on Alley Mills, she’s been good in the role but it’s run its course.

    As far as Tristan getting his hand smacked because he spoke truth about Wes Ramsey, gosh the bts tea on this show is more soapy than the actual soap.  I thought Wes was good as Heinrich/Peter in the beginning.  Then it just got comical.  The only thing missing was an actual mustache to twirl.  He was a caricature.

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  3. On 9/10/2024 at 10:36 AM, Vivigirl10 said:

    I'm adding "Secret Lives of Mormon Wives" here because apparently, most of these ladies are certainly not Mormon.  The whole thing was just a complete train wreck and I'm left with more questions than answers.  I really can't believe there's not a thread for it!  I'm dying to hear other people's reactions.

    Same!  I’m shocked there is not a thread for this show.  It’s such a train wreck. Taylor looks like Lindsey Hartley who I love so I kind of love Taylor too but she’s a mess.  Whitney is an Adele doppelgänger.  Also a mess but a lot less sympathetic.    I honestly have a hard time telling most of the others apart they all look alike.

  4. On 5/10/2024 at 11:59 AM, tennisgurl said:

    'm not gonna lie, I had no idea the woman playing Shannon was the same woman playing Eddie's new girlfriend, she looked so different with lighter hair.

    I had no idea it was the same actress either.  Even when they showed the flashbacks I didn’t make the connection.  It makes more sense now but I still don’t care.

    Love MJW.  I know I’m in the minority but I’ve always hated Bobby’s backstory and how he got off killing multiple people including his family.  Every time he starts doling out the advice all I can think is “what about all those people you killed?”  It just completely ruined the character for me.  I really wish this would be a story about how MJW doesn’t forgive him and holds him to task, but I don’t think that will happen.  Bobby is the moral compass of the show which has never sat well with me.

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  5. 5 hours ago, DanaK said:
    15 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

    LH being back as Sam kind of makes me wonder if KeMo is coming back at all to finish things out. 

    I had the same thought

    Me too.  I’m also wondering if Lindsey was offered the full time gig and didn’t want it for some reason so they decided to kill Sam off.

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  6. 23 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

    There's a ton of drama with her sisters and she has no involvement in that. The writers have fazed the character out and I think that it sucks for someone who has been with the show for 20 plus years.

    It’s really bizarre.  There must have been a lot of bts tea because this isn’t making any sense.  You wanna get rid of Kelly fine, she has been phoning it in for a long time (not entirely her fault, a lot has to do with writing). But why not recast especially when you already have an established temporary actress playing the part?!  The Davis coven is front and center right now and it would be great to see all the sisters and their mom interacting.

    • Like 8
  7. 2 hours ago, Palimelon said:

    Sounds like your brain is doing a good job protecting you.

    Well I really can’t handle cringey second hand embarrassment stuff and this definitely sounds like it fits the bill so you’re probably right. 

    • Like 2
  8. Guys check out NBC News Now.  I have been watching all the NBC networks for decades now and recently had to stop nearly everything.  I used to watch the first half hour of Today for news but now even that is filled with pop culture or dumb stuff.  MSNBC is just too much with the politics and it’s very condescending.  NBC News Now morning show is great, none of the vapid commentary.  Throughout the day, if I tune in to news I check out CNN.  Much more balanced commentary and they talk about things other than politics.  Lester is still my guy for evening news though.

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  9. 15 hours ago, Desperado said:

    Do you mean his role in All My Children? I remember him as being superbly charismatic and charming, and loved him with Cecily.

    I saw slight glimmer of this when MB was paired with CW but it was all too brief.

    Yes!  I loved Nico and Cecily.  They were a great pair and Mo did have what it takes to be a leading man.  I agree I saw remnants of that with Cynthia (the only redeeming quality of that awful Nixon Falls bs). When he interacts with the kids and when he brings out those dimples I’ll confess, he still has that charm and charisma.  They just don’t write him that way.

    • Like 4
  10. 3 hours ago, Daisy said:

    fair lol and I mean we could also lump Rachael Ray in there as well.

    There’s something wrong with Rachael’s voice?  I find her incredibly annoying in general but never noticed any voice issues.

    If anything I find Lois’ voice drastically turned down from when she’s been on the show in the past. So it’s just weird that this would bother her now.

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  11. 21 hours ago, tessaray said:

    I loved everyone's revulsion. It was perfect and made the episode watchable.

    I like to think they were channeling the viewing audience (some of us at least).  Or maybe some of their personal opinions.

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  12. 5 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    The Hearst/Herbst (hee) chemistry has always been so good. I hate that Ric had to be ruined to keep Sonny as the hero.

    Ric and Becky are both chemistry magnets.  I swear either one of them could have chemistry with a tree stump.

    5 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    But like I said, he's the ONLY LUCKY as far as I'm concerned, and I'm really hoping he got some gaurantees-IN WRITING-that Frank, and the rest of the assholes won't FUCK with the character of Lucky. It's why he left after only a year the last time he came back.

    At this point, I'm counting down until JJ and Genie reunite onscreen as well as JJ and Becky.

    Unfortunately the ruination of Lucky seems to be continuing with turning him into a carbon copy of Luke, at least so far.  I’m hoping some of that JJ magic will kick in once he’s back in PC.  I’d love to see him back with Liz and I wouldn’t even be mad at a triangle between Liz, Lucky, and Jason ( ducks tomatoes).

    • LOL 2
  13. 2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    Geez, Anna could barely rouse herself to investigate Wagger's shooting. Ugh.

    Anna’s been reliably terrible for some time now, but I was also having trouble mustering up a reaction. Like when she said Cates was a friend of Robin’s I was like oh yeah, he’s Jagger!  But like I said in a previous post, I haven’t watched for most of this actor’s stint, so he’s just not Jagger to me.  Still doesn’t excuse Sonny’s actions or Anna’s terribleness.

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  14. On 8/22/2024 at 6:24 PM, kristen111 said:

    Danielle is soft hearted and wouldn’t heart a fly.  She has a good heart.  

    I agree with this.  She wears her heart on her sleeve and she needs to control her anger, but she hasn’t been on tv that long and isn’t as practiced at reacting for the camera.  She seems so real and sweet.  Her family is adorable.  I wouldn’t mind her staying in the show if and when they redo it.  I wouldn’t even mind them keeping Rachel as long as her Bluto husband stayed in the background.  These two are actual housewives.  It would bring the show back full circle to what it actually used to be.

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  15. 1 minute ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    So, not a fantasy/dream sequence then.

    Episode is not over yet but doesn’t appear to be.

    Despite the ridiculous downpour of rain I still cried like a baby at Kristina visiting the grave.  I’m such a sap.

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  16. 12 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

    was thinking she's going to be a living donor, but then dies from some complication during the surgery. Really heap the guilt onto Dante that she died trying to save Lulu's life. 

    Oh, this is good.  Especially if the firing was so sudden she didn’t get a chance to film a bunch of exit stuff.

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  17. 20 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    Terri, like Brad, only get pulled out when there is a need to show how forward thinking the show is.

    Very true, although if I never hear Teri use the name “Biz” again I will be a happy woman.

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  18. I just got around to watching this “reunion” and I have to tell you it’s pretty sad.  I’ve only ever watched NY and NJ.  NY imploded and now NJ has done the same.  I never tuned into the new cast of NY and if NJ goes the same route I probably won’t either.  It’s just sad because there were a lot of cute and funny moments, especially in the beginning before it deteriorated into all fighting, all the time.  It’s just a sad way to go out.


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  19. 12 hours ago, ulkis said:

    I don't really care for Steve Burton (well, what I know of him), but I appreciated that he didn't trash talk GH when he had to choose between staying and getting vaccinated (unlike Ingo).

    Yeah, I’ll give him a tiny bit of credit for that.  He handled it the right way.  The company he worked for had a certain policy he didn’t agree with and he left.  He didn’t whine and complain about it, he just removed himself.


    On 8/31/2024 at 7:59 PM, jsbt said:

    I've heard it for a week or so and I think she'd be a great choice but I still can't quite buy it.

    I’m not so sure about this one, she’s in prime time now, why come to daytime where she will likely have to work twice as hard for considerably less money?  

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