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Posts posted by purplemouth

  1. Shawn's a downer and a child. He won't even call Nick by his name? Grow up. He's doing a really good job of making Nick look like the mature one of the two (except for the eskimo whatever comment, which...what?).


    Oh Jared, what a classy exit! I'm not a regular Bachelor/ette viewer but I will watch The Bachelor if he or Ben H are it.

    • Love 14
  2. Dom is not only safe, but not even in the bottom  two? He overcooked his risotto and once again fumbled the presentation. WHUT?


    There's no way Michelle should have been sent home tonight - like Bobby said, she had the best food component of the bottom 4. When they all have bad presentations, of course good food is enough to save them!



    Michelle should have been the one to go for walking out like she did.

    She walked out of the waiting room in order to not cause a bigger scene than was already happening. A good decision, IMO. She didn't walk out of the kitchen or dining room.

    • Love 5
  3. I laughed and laughed at Tony's "I want to show you another side of me" as his ass is hanging out. Great camera work there! By the end of this crazy episode, I had totally forgotten about Kupah's craziness that opened the show.

    I couldn't pick most of these guys out of a lineup, but Ben H sure won me over tonight.

    • Love 2
  4. This is probably because I'm a huge nerd, but I would be happier with just one guy sitting in a plain, well-lit room answering questions until he gets one wrong. Bring in the next person. I'm not watching to get invested in someone else taking home a shitload of money - I'm watching to see how many questions *I* can get right.

    But I guess that wouldn't make for "good" TV...

    • Love 5
  5. Stockholm, Pennsylvania was SO crazy! Just when I started to get bored with it, something insane happened. I'm pretty it elicited more "oh my god"s from me than any major motion picture, so...well done, Lifetime? I liked that it dealt with how the victim reintegrates into the world, although I guess in this case it's really integrating for the first time. My mind is still blown from this one.

    Cleveland Abduction was also good.

    • Love 1
  6. Do people know about the Gilmore Guys podcast? Two guys watching the whole series - one a fan, the other watching for the first time. And sometimes a guest (including Sam Phillip AMD Helen Paik!) It's fun to relive the episodes and hear the newbie's guesses on what's going to happen.

    • Love 2
  7. Oh wow, I really related to Mitch and Cam's storyline tonight. I was having a crisis of conscience today between going to Michael's or Hobby Lobby. I chose Michael's and was disappointed. Hobby Lobby is a terrible person (YMMV), but he has more variety!


    Gloria's American accent was hilarious.

    • Love 3
  8. I picked up some spinach, mushroom, and gruyere ravioli at Aldi last week that I made today. Tossed it in some olive oil, garlic, and parmesan- it was delicious. $3.29 and I'll get two meals out of it...can't beat that!

    • Love 3
  9. As someone (unfortunately much younger than Bonnie) who recently threw her back out, the beginning of this episode had me cracking up. I know I looked just as ridiculous getting up off the floor or down stairs.

    This show has been very dark this season, but I like it!

  10. I was pretty much onboard worth this show until last night. What a crapfest.

    I just can't with Rosie. The suffering and self-righteousness and the all over the place accent. However, she has one thing going for her: she's not the worst person on this show.

    Connie is the woooooooorst. I definitely think she had an ulterior motive in telling Rosie about the video (pictures?). Also, what the hell was she wearing to that opening? That coat was a very strange choice for a seventeen year old, but I guess it's New York and she's trying to bone a forty year old.

    Did they ever say what her dad died from? What was with the ex saying he wasn't well and was moving to a better climate. Are we supposed to assume they both had AIDS.

    And the most important question of all: Why do I care?

  11. It got awfully close to a "very special episode" territory, but it made me laugh a lot! Vince's "balls, bat, and the dug-out" still makes me giggle. I couldn't stand Vince or Victoria in the first season, but now they're my favorite characters.

    • Love 2
  12. I almost can't watch this show because I'm so convinced that Crosby is going to die in every seen he's in!


    Also, because I hate so many of these characters. Adam continues to be the worst about everything.


    And Hank! How do you not even just guess that your daughter is allergic to peanuts? I mean, obviously he should know, but really, it's the first allergy people probably guess!

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