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Posts posted by haydensterling

  1. That just sounds like rumor mongering from Honora.  She and Shane were never together, why would she be privy to a text from him?  After the remaining 8 were extracted, they showed Jeff on the boat eating....oreos and peanut butter.  So this sounds like twisting something that happened after extraction to make it look like they were cheating.  If Shane were eating Oreos and peanut butter I doubt he'd be lying in the dirt and then tapping out.


    Then Chas who wasn't even THERE is threatening Jeff to tell some kind of "truth" that he supposedly got second-hand from V-Dani?  Then Russel Sage, ALSO not there, is spreading shit about Shane.  So it sounds like V-Dani has been running her mouth off to people who seem happy to get some more attention by talking shit FOR her.  Just more crap from Little Miss Innocent "can't consume an animal" but can treat humans like garbage.


    The high school drama continues.



    Agreed with pretty much everything.  Honora is batty as fuck, and how she would even get her hands on anything of Shane's feels dubious to me.

    Someone named Russell Beauchemin is also all over the FB pages and is threatening to 'tell all'; either Dani's dad or some other male relative.  Alana said Shane didn't give her any problems, so just who is it that was the supposed sexual harasser?  Dani J the sociopath?  Every single person from the lazy group is acting a fool.  This is the kind of ish that bratty fifteen year old girls pull.  If they don't like their edit, fine.  They seriously need to stop flinging shit at the wall to see what sticks.


    I don't know if this kind of drawn out drama has happened on any other reality show (if it has I've no clue as I don't watch that many) but this leaves such a bad taste in my mouth that I'm not all that interested in watching any longer.  The show itself went from an interesting idea to drama llama fest pretty quickly.  


    I hear Alone over on History Channel is a great one and watching a few of the episodes it was refreshing to see just how little drama you can have on a reality show and still have it be a fascinating program.

    • Love 4
  2. Alana's facebook page is filled with people who can't stand her. She left up a post that was hashtagged with things like #haters #idontcare #yomomma etc. while she 'took a break' from FB and it is just loaded with messages that basically say "fuck you".  Unreal.


    The amount of hate there is, well, not surprising, let's say interesting!

  3. All the XL cast Facebooks are a mess.  Honora posted a text supposedly from Shane where he says he found peanut butter and oreos, and that his whole group was surviving on it.  Why he had to tap and looked so skeletal if he was eating peanut butter is beyond me, but...Chas, from Veggie Dani's episode keeps threatening Jeff to 'tell the truth or he will' on Twitter, and Veggie Dani keeps telling people that someone was sexually harassed but refuses to say who it was.


    The relevant facebooks and twitters to look at are Honora Bowen and Dani Beau.

    Russell Sage, who was on the first season, is saying that Shane was the harasser, but Honora says very firmly that she would love to do a N&A episode with Hakim, Dani J, and Shane and that she really likes all of them.


    Who knows.  It's crazy town over there.

    • Love 2
  4. I can't believe I didn't comment all season because I love this show, but:


    Jeff is an awesome guy.  I'm not religious at all, but he seems like a very honest, likable person as well as being a man of his word.  Good on him and really, screw the lazy six.  They all showed themselves to be horrible people in the way they treated Dani.  Blaming editing doesn't cut it when the plain and simple truth is that you're being either an active asshole or a follower who goes along to get along.  

    • Love 9
  5. Kim is clearly also on benzos, and it takes forever to get clean from them, like years off a person's life.  I know three people who successfully kicked but basically had no life at all for two to three years while their brains re-regulated.  Couldn't get out of bed, had constant involuntary muscle spasms, one woman had lost the ability to speak, all of which made their doctors think there was something else medically wrong with them.  This is also what happened with Eminem, who supposedly recently kicked benzos (and was out of the public eye long enough to support that story) but now looks like a very, very old man.  The same people who prescribe this poison don't even care or understand how awful the w/d is for people.  I know there's a lot more awareness about it in the UK thanks to a doctor named Heather Ashton, who basically wrote the book on how to w/d safely, but here in the US you still hear about thirty-day detoxes for benzos, which frankly is a joke and dangerous as shit.  

    I myself have tried twice to get off them but had such ridiculous reactions, mainly to do with heart and blood pressure, that my doctor at UCLA who is an addiction specialist told me that I probably wasn't a good candidate to stop, so I take the lowest dose I can to prevent withdrawal--which is all they do at this point--and hope that my liver hangs in there.  I'm going on twenty years now.  The first doctor told me how they would change my life.  Well, yeah.  That's one way of putting it.

    Benzos are such a hellish fucking drug.  When you're first prescribed them, it feels like they're saving you because you can function again--which for an agoraphobic is beyond relief, but what they're really doing is destroying you.  Your brain and body become incredibly physically dependent on something that can cause psychotic reactions during what's known as protracted withdrawal syndrome--the two to three year reset for your GABA receptors.  It's a horror show, and I can see Kim wanting to avoid the benzo issue just because I've been there.  Everyone is different, but in my experience they were an absolutely nightmarish drug to even attempt to stop taking, the lowest I ever got was 3 mg a day before I began having all kinds of problems with every single system in my body going completely haywire. And I had a crack support team.  Amazing people.  Still couldn't control what was happening to my heart.  


    Kim has thrown so many people under the bus that I can't imagine what it must be like for her.  She lives in a city with access to some amazing doctors but who knows how many of them she's crossed?

    • Love 13
  6. Just did a rewatch and was struck at how all the 'good' guys are actively encouraging Jimmy to break bad in this episode by telling him to do what he clearly does not want to do.  Hamlin, Kim, and Chuck all tell him repeatedly to 'take the money'.


    With moral compasses like these, I can see how Jimmy's fall would come about.  If the people you look up to are telling you that it doesn't matter what you do, take the money and run?  Yeah, I might come out of that a little bit fucked up too.

    • Love 2
  7. Wow, Vicky8675309, thank you!  You're the closest thing we have to a Walter White! 


    So, basically, to test for toluene, they would need to have a strong suspicion that this was a part of the problem.  That was the one bit I could never figure out, because it seems like such a random thing to look for.  Perhaps Chad or one of the kids was concerned about it and spoke up.

    The Intervention videos, as far as I know, are not staged.  The addicts are told they're going to be in a documentary and that's how the footage is obtained. 

    I've got a certain song stuck in my head now... :)

    • Love 6
  8. I'm still looking for clarification on this point but may never get it, mainly because I'm not a chemist and don't know any, but: how could there be a detectable level of toluene in Kim's blood if she isn't huffing?  Toluene isn't a part of the chemical makeup of meth, it's used to extract the meth.  It's just part of the process.


    Someone call Heisenberg.

    Don't tox screens test for meth anyhow?  I would think if it had shown up they would have released that information as well, but all we've heard about is the toluene.  Or was there another report that I missed?

    • Love 3
  9. That video freaked me out. I was convinced it must have caused serious permanent brain damage. Allison's recovery is remarkable and she seems quite normal. I think her relatively young age bodes well for her in that it hasn't been exposed to years and years of damage like Kim's has, which made her brain's ability to repair itself and grow new brain cells much easier and quickly.

    If anything, the toxicology results have revealed that this is far more serious than I could have imagined and eclipses any opinion I had about Kim's involvement with the show because her lies, belligerent behavior and repugnant personality made me cold to her problems. But now, I'm actually afraid for her and watching that Intervention clip sealed it for me. God help her, I find nothing entertaining or snark worthy about any of this.


    As regards Alison, the huffer on Intervention, my husband and I watched that episode in stone cold horror.  We were sure she was going to be permanently brain damaged and were amazed that by the end of the episode, she already seemed a thousand percent better.  Terrifying.  I knew a kid in my neighborhood back in Brooklyn who huffed Dust-Off for cleaning computers and just dropped dead from it one day.  

    I can't imagine that huffing paint thinner or glue feels so amazing that the risk/reward for it would be worth it in any way at all, but who knows with Kim?  I seriously hope that they are at the breaking point with Kim in terms of her remaining on the show.  This level of information is way too much.  I can still snark, but why?  She's just a sick, messed up, nasty woman.   It reminds me a little bit of when Britney Spears was having such a rough time.  I was never a fan, but people were ruthless about her and in her case it felt more like mental illness than anything else.


    It wasn't fun to watch her fall apart and it wasn't fun to make fun of her either.  Just depressing.  Hopefully Andy will finally realize this is a little bit more important than a ratings grab and just tell Kim that it's over.

    • Love 2
  10. Imagine that...beloved little Kimmie Richards WALKING ON SUNSHINE!!!

    On a more serious note, there are some bizarre similarities in Kim's meltdown behavior and Allison's in this Intervention episode.


    Maybe huffing is more "trendy" amongst the "old enough to know better" crowd than I realized.


    Isn't huffing what got Demi admitted to the ER a few years back, when she was inexplicably hanging out at some sorority house or some such fucknuttery?



    Was Demi huffing paint/glue or was she doing nitrous oxide?  


    Whip-its, the hippie crack!  One of my first parties that I went to in LA and every single person was doing nitrous.  A bunch of people had their own bottles (!)  really fancy, from places like Sur La Table to make whipped cream with, only they wasn't any heavy cream involved. Okay, I admit, I did some.  It was very giggly stuff, just like being at the dentist, only better because no one was filling any cavities or pulling anything.  

    They sold the chargers at our local Gelson's. Crispin Glover was always there.  Maybe he was there for the nitrous too.

    • Love 2
  11. Kimmy huffs!  I knew it back in the TWoP days with the damned air freshener comments! 

    No wonder she's so fucking out of it half the time.  When Chad made the comment about 'you do this' he was probably referring to huffing.  You either soak a cloth with the liquid or you inhale it from the can.


    She still won't spend any time in jail, though.

    Toluene is a solvent, Higgins.


    Kid, I kid. Just bein' snarky.  :)

    As for the presence of toluene being in Kim's blood because she uses meth or freebase, I'm not so sure?  Using baking soda is a lot easier, just open up the kitchen cabinet.  I would think one could only achieve a detectable amount via sniffing paint thinner.  Kim likes to huff.  

    • Love 3
  12. I honestly can't see them keeping her on.  No one will speak to her other than Brandi, and Brandi is stupid as hell, but even she knows that Kim is viewed by many as being what is colloquially known as 'a total asshole', so where's the story they can tell?  We already saw her do this once.  It wasn't remotely interesting the first time either.


    The show will either become the Kim and Brandi Hour, or it will be insanely divided between Kim/sometimes Brandi and the rest of the women doing fun stuff and living their lives, because none of them seem to want to give the time of day to Kim or Brandi.   I can see Brandi trying to glom a little harder onto Yo in the hopes that Yo will be her new Lisa V.  


    Kim?  Kim is basically alone at this point.  She has written the ladies off and they appear to be responding in kind.  Good for them, but I can't see the show working at all with that setting.

    • Love 4
  13. My problem with Kim being double trouble i.e. having a substance abuse problem and likely a personality disorder is this:  having a mental illness does not excuse assy behavior.  It really doesn't.  You can have some very heavy shit going on, but this does not give you the right to lord it over other people and treat them like your very own personal punching bag.  


    I have panic disorder and agoraphobia, and anxiety can make you do some pretty weird stuff.  There is still no way in hell I would ever treat people the way my narcissist mom did, or my alcoholic dad.  It doesn't fly.  I've been in therapy for most of my life, so at least I recognize the pitfalls, but the onus is on the person with the problem to handle that problem as much as they possibly can.  I'm not saying Kim needs to pull herself up by her bootstraps, because I hate that too. Sometimes you can't pull yourself up.  But you can at the very least recognize how your illness affects other people and try not to make them feel fucked up because you yourself feel fucked up.


    I'm coming from a place where, in theory, I should be able to empathize with Kim 100%, goddamnit!  But I just can't.  Her toxicity makes it so fucking hard.  When I heard that voice being used on her kids on Dr. Phil?  That sealed my utter dislike for the woman.  

    I can't even imagine the hell those kids have been through with this woman for a mother.  Not at all.  And I have the same background, only with added welfare. Seriously, I don't know what's left to salvage in Kim.  

    • Love 21
  14. Well, okay.  I just watched the whole Dr. Phil ep, which...yes, I'm on the slow boat these days.


    Kim, you know who you can trust?  Your fucking children who are sitting across from you, watching you lie your ass off AGAIN on camera, giving many fucks about you.  What an insufferable bitch of a woman.  I couldn't believe how she was talking to both her daughters but then again it's Kim, so of course, I can.  I for one am ecstatic that Chad opened his mouth.  


    Even if Kim refuses to heal, her children can--by stopping all the secrets and telling the truth.   

    • Love 10
  15. I read somewhere recently (here?) that the rehab place Kim went to is notoriously leaky about things "stars" shared in group or with therapists.  Anyone remember the place or hearing that?  Some much more famous person had leak issues.  I wonder if it came from there?


    Umbelina, wasn't it Promises out in Malibu?  I knew a guy who was a driver for them and he had certainly heard a lot of stuff that seemed to violate confidentiality agreements, although I have no idea if that was because he was hearing it from the people who were supervising the inpatients or because he drove the people in the program around and they liked to talk.  At any rate, he's a heroin addict--he hasn't used in years--and he said that he thought the place was essentially useless in terms of getting people clean.  The people there are allowed to make up a lot of their own rules about their sobriety, which sounds a lot like Kim to me. 

    • Love 6
  16. I don't judge Kim for being an addict, I don't really care about it.  My trigger is the narcissism.  If she was a decent or even semi-decent person, I'd be cheering her on to get on top of her drinking and other assorted meds.  As it is, I see her behavior as part of her arsenal of tools to manipulate the people that care about her into making her issues the center of focus, and her excuse to be nasty.


    Just because I am happy to see her lies and manipulations exposed, I wouldn't root for her death or be pleased by it.


    Thank you for writing this, Reo.   Absolutely how I feel.  

    • Love 12
  17. I'm not Sincerely Yours but I have wondered. There have been times I felt things went beyond snark and into cruelty territory. Maybe it just got lost in translation through the internet machine. I stopped responding to most Kim posts because I was just repeating my main conflict which is that on the spectrum of evil housewife Kim is really a nonentity but because she is an addict exhibiting a symptom of addiction it was like she suddenly provoked the same kind of extreme level of hatred and disdain that is reserved for serial killers and child rapists -- yup, that's my true impression, I could be wrong but there you go -- and while I absolutely understand how vital it is to separate from an active addict for their own recovery and the non-addict's sanity, it seemed like the fact that there is a terrible sickness happening inside of Kim was being lost.


    The idea that the people who have been abused and are set off by Kim's actions are people seen to be rooting for her death, wow.  I don't know.  I think that's so sad, really.


    As for serial killer and rapist, no.  Addict and narcissist, yes. 

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