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Posts posted by Geeni



    Why did Regina need to put Snow under a sleeping curse? Why not poison the apple with something lethal?

    Why did she have to frame Mary Margaret to get her to go over the town line? Why not just murder her and frame someone else?


    While I agree with the crazy thing, I also think it's because Regina would have much rather seen Snow be humiliated, shamed, and hated; and she can't be any of those things if she's dead. She would probably just be pitied.

  2. I'm still confused as to why Lassie broke the DVD Shawn made for him right before he confessed to not being psychic. Had he warmed up to him and wanted to live happily in ignorance?

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    And, as others have brought up, the anti-Hooks would just have a field day. But, honestly, they're gonna have the same opinion regardless of what happens onscreen -- he could cure cancer, bring Graham back to life and single-handedly save Snowflake from a dragon, and they'd still hate him.


    .....Isn't that the case for anyone who hates any character? I could say the exact same thing about people who hated Neal and hate Regina. Hook is not special. Imagine that.



    Also: "come on, dad"? We're really going with that, Show? Emma had had her Great Home Revelation and there going to be Mom & Dad with no conversation necessary?


    I'm not surprised, as we barely ever get character moments. Unless there was one, but it was shot elsewhere.


    I do prefer her calling him David in general, though.


    Though now I imagine all the SQers and STers will jump all over the concept like my cat on catnip.


    Actually, from what I've seen, most of them don't want it because Hook is just too one-dimensional and uninteresting with lack of any story to warrant a spin-off. His useless ass literally adds nothing to the main show as it is.


    I would so take a Jefferson or Whale spin-off, though. But any would fail, because of how awful the mother show already is.


    mean, [JMo] ended up feeling like she had apologize and clarify in a lengthy Facebook message after she recently said that it would've been hard for Neal to be Emma's happy ending because he'd betrayed her so much. Factual and fairly benign, right?


    It is a fact. Though I find it funny because I got the impression that she only said that because she's going along with what the writers are doing. I guarantee you if Hook had been the one that died instead, she would have said it never would have worked because he personally locked her and her mother up and left them to die, not to mention tried to kill her family and people she knows/likes (Archie and Belle). Which he did. 

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  6. Taken from the Con thread:



    Every CS kiss has been initiated by Emma


    LOL Absolutely not. Nope. The one in Good Form was purely Hook emotionally blackmailing/manipulating Emma into it, which is also part of rape culture.


    In fact, with the exception of Snow/Charming, every ship on this show fits the bill of it. They're all terrible and awful relationships and the fact that they're being billed as this "true love" crap is disturbing.


    I just want her to be, because it would IMO be an awesome twist (although not if it somehow absolves Rumple, then I will hate it),


    That seems to be the biggest reason WHY people think she's shady, or want her to be.


    I don't think she is, as she hasn't had enough focus beyond mostly being a plot device.

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    Is the audience supposed to think that Milah's murder was justified because she was a "bitch", and left her family,


    Oh trust me, 99% of the R/B shippers ACTUALLY do think this. But they also whitewash Rumple/the relationship and absolutely deny the gaping problematic flaws in it, so...



    Regina, is that you?  ;-)


    I'd be more likely to think they were referring to Regina :)

  9. What is the point of him anymore, besides eye candy? Literally. He's a useless idiot who adds nothing to the show. It's so obvious he's still only around to please the fangirls and Hook/Emma shippers. I appreciated his character more when he was locking Emma/Snow up and leaving them to die, taking Aurora's heart, shooting Belle, torturing Regina and helping Cora, because he was more recognizable as Captain Hook the asshole. Now he's just a sad puppy who makes rapey comments and emotionally blackmails Emma into making out with him.


    Colin is great, but he's terribly wasted in this role...though I feel that way about most of the cast. At least MRJ was smart/lucky enough to escape.

  10. Britta is an excellent Pierce candidate. Britta's never funny and neither is Gillian Jacobs, THERE I SAID IT.


    She's a thousand times funnier than Annie/Alison (whom I do love but is much better at drama), so what does that say?



    I would say Chang. He had gotten so annoying.


    When I hear people writing off Mad Men (and similar shows, like Six Feet Under) as just a soap opera, I think many of them are just minimizing the value of shows that explore more traditionally feminine issues such as gender roles and work/life balance and family/marriage issues.


    I agree. What exactly defines a soap opera? If it's romantic drama and gender roles and family issues, wouldn't that make 99% of ALL shows on TV right now a soap opera?



    Bob Benson should have been Pete and Peggy's son! Heh.


    AND Don's evil, long-lost twin! At the same time!

    • Love 1

    The actress playing Regina is terrible. She does not know how to convey emotion with her face. It's not even that she's expressionless. She seems to actually struggle getting her face into the right conformation, like she's confused about the way feelings work. I do not understand anyone who thinks she's this great villain. The only thing she's good at is looking vaguely perturbed/sad. And wearing fabulous costumes.


    I agree somewhat. As far as decent, passable TV actresses go, Lana's fine. But she's not this brilliant undiscovered talent that her stans make her out to be. She's best as the snarky, ragey Evil Queen. When she does emotional/crying scenes, all I see is Acting! It's something Lana does with her face that just looks so unnatural to me.


    Another UO of mine is that if Neal isn't good enough for Emma, then GOD DAMN is Hook's creepy obsession just as bad, if not worse. Another thing is that if you have to completely character assassinate a character in a ship (Hook) to make it work, then the ship really doesn't work. I know that's blasphemy around here, but I don't care.


    Oh, and "Rumbelle" IS abusive. There, I said it.

  13. I think Science vs Magic could have been an interesting storyline--but if they were really going to go there, they needed to devote an entire season to that conflict. Trying to shove it into an already too overstuffed season plotwise did it no favors (as did the really poor execution of that storyline in general).


    Well yea, but I thought they should have done the whole thing in S3 instead of Neverland/Pan. I had no problem with them introducing it/setting it up in mid-S2 with Greg coming to town.



    Snow is bossy and annoying.


    I agree with this too. In fact, I'll go so far as to say that I like cursed Mary Margaret 100x better than Snow White (hated David, though).



    Wonderland should been on the parent show instead.


    I thought it was, albeit briefly (remember Jefferson)?

    • Love 1
  14. Oh yeah, stealinghome, I like Henry too. I mean, unlike most other characters, he calls Regina out on her actions. I wish we got to see him act like a kid/teenager though, like make friends his own age, start to notice girls, etc.



    -Sometimes I wonder if Robert Carlyle has checked out of this show a little bit, mentally, because while he's still the best actor of the bunch, even he isn't consistently excellent anymore. (Goodness knows I wouldn't blame him if that's the case.)


    This! He's so obviously over it and I think he knows he's way too good for this shit. I've noticed this in S2 too.



    And not just because Belle's actress is awful. (I also thought Rumpel fit better with Cora... Even Rumpel/Zelena had more chemistry.) But it might go with the fact that:


    I love Emilie and she's a good actress in everything else she's in, but yea, both she and Robert have better chemistry with literally everyone ELSE they share scenes with, but not each other.



    I also really liked Abigail/Kathryn, and wish they had shown her and Frederick together in the finale.


    Oh! And the Home Office thing was interesting when we first heard about it, because I thought it was going to be non-magic people discovering magic and trying to eliminate it- and that would have been the Big Bad. It would have been far better than what it turned out to actually be.

  15. I figured since most other shows' boards have them, there should be a UO thread for this board too. Post away!


    -I find Hook utterly useless and wish the writers would have killed him off.

    -I don't find Regina or Rumple likable or interesting in the slightest.

    -I liked Neal (but don't like him with Emma).

    -Captain Swan is literally one of the worst ships to hit TV, next to Rumbelle.

    -I enjoyed Cora.

    -JMo, not Jared Gilmore, is the worst actor on the show. But I still love Emma.

    -I love Belle....when she's not around Rumple.

    -I think Lana is gorgeous but in no way is she the hottest lady on the show.

    • Love 1
  16. -I hated Phoebe Buffay, she became such a bitch as the show went on.

    -I see no appeal or mystery in Twin Peaks.

    -I liked Pierce on Community, even despite his being racist. His random comments always made me laugh.

    -This kind of counts as TV? If there's an award show, it is...I don't care about Beyonce.

    -All 4 canon couples on OUAT are awful in some way: boring (Snow/Charming), abusive (Rumple/Belle), toxic (Hook/Emma), or makes no sense (Robin/Regina).

    • Love 1
  17. Ross/Rachel is one of the worst couples to grace TV. Ever. Even worse than Rachel/Joey (which I agree was terrible but would have at least made sense if it had happened earlier in the series than it did).



    My all-time favorite couple?  Homer and Marge.  They're so sweet in so many ways, I can't help but love them.


    Yes! I love them.


    On a similar note, another great couple is Bob/Linda from Bob's Burgers, they're so realistic and play off each other so well. 

    • Love 1
  18. I was surprised since I thought Arnie would play a much bigger part than he did. I thought the affair with Sylvia was just a plot device for A. there to be tension between Dick and his friend, or B. IF Dick had a heart attack (which I remember we all thought would happen), things would be weird for Arnie to help him. It turns out he had no purpose whatsoever.

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