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Posts posted by inandout

  1. 12 hours ago, leocadia said:

    I sincerely hope that Ky is voted out, Azah manages to win the final HOH and takes Derf to the end and wins.  It will never happen, but that trio needs to learn some humility and I think that would be a great way to do it.

    Even if by some miracle Azah wins the Final HOH (which is not to happen), I can see her taking X.  She is not strategic in the game.   She plays with her emotions and thinks she's closer to X.  She blew it when she was HOH by not taking him out.  That would have been a big move for her.  

    • Love 9
  2. 6 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    But when it comes to X vs Deref, it’s a toss up.

    Not even close.  The jury will respect the game that X played.  He was good at comps without getting a lot of blood on his hands.

    If there was no CO, neither Big D or Azah would have gotten this far.

    • Love 5
  3. They need to show A LOT more of the Jury House.  That's where the personalities are, the fun is.  They can just be themselves, since they no longer have to worry about competing.

    Also, if there was no CO, the alliances in the house would have been different.  Some would not have lasted as long, while others would have gone further in the game.


    • Love 7
  4. I am not going to pile on Ky.  He is hardly this monster that he is being portrayed.  There have been HGs on BB who were A LOT worse.  And looking at his IG, he does have a sense of activism as a person of color.

    Sara Beth is hardly this innocent victim.  She is incredibly annoying with her air of entitlement.  She comes off fake.  And look at how Tiffany mocked bestie Claire after she was evicted.  For what??? Her alliance turned around and voted her off the next week.

    • Love 8
  5. 32 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Azah winning the final HOH, cutting X, and winning would kind of be an amazing ending.

    Azah had her chance to cut X in the double elimination - and she didn't.

    How can anyone fault X for winning - when you have a dumb player like Azah.

    • Love 13
  6. 6 hours ago, Callaphera said:

    You're right, he did finish in the top 3 again in his second season, I forgot about that. I think the feed watchers were less into James than the broadcast viewers the second time around and sometimes I forget to make the distinction between them (I actually thought this post was in the Live Feed thread for some reason, that'll teach me to check titles). It was his after BB18 shenanigans that caused overall opinion to change. Nicole Anthony was definitely a better example as she managed to do it all to herself in the house by defending Jackson the next season. I just can never miss an opportunity to point out how much of a piece of shit James Huling is and got a little excited at another chance to drag him.


    I'm not disputing or diminishing that or saying that HGs shouldn't feel good about their win. Those were both historic wins. I literally said that for my vote, I value gameplay above personality - or more accurately, a combination of the two. You can quibble about my use of "just" and "silly" to describe the prize (I thought the IMO wasn't needed but I guess it was) but it is a $25K prize versus $750K (there's been no indication that the prize money is going up for AFP but I hope it does though it'll probably only be $50K if it does, that's still a $700K difference) - that feels both "just" and "silly" to me. A fan voted prize is great and may mean more to the person that wins it, especially when it's a historic win like those you listed above, but it really feels like a consolation prize to the main prize, especially when it's over in a blink-and-you-miss-it segment (Nicole Anthony's win took 40 seconds to announce and she got about twenty seconds to say thank you, Da'Vonne's win took 22 seconds but the video cut out and I can't remember how much time she got after).

    No one is claiming that the AFP prize takes precedence over the winner,  Geeze.   But the APF winner gets a lot more media coverage - other than the winner, some times more than the 2nd place finisher.  And they certainly get more money than the rest of the HGs.

    If DX wins, it means that the AFP winner, the 1st and 2nd place finishers will all be POC.  If APF is some silly throw away prize, we wouldn't be talking about it.

    • Love 3
  7. 6 hours ago, Callaphera said:

    Personally, I think Derex played a game with a lot of mistakes. As I value gameplay over personality, it would take Derex out of running for my AFP vote(s). Some people value personality. I'm not usually one of them. But it's just a silly popularity vote in the end. Sometimes the fans use it to make a point, like when BB16's Donny or BB21's Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole Anthony won AFP. Sometimes they don't and just vote their favourite. Sometimes the broadcast only fans end up winning the vote, sometimes the feeds fans win the vote. In the end, it doesn't mean anything other than some extra prize money and occasionally another invite to another season (and we usually end up hating them the second time around - hi James Huling!).

    What HG wouldn't want to be voted by the viewers as their favorite???  The prize money will likely go up this year, since the winner's pay day is.   You can have the greatest game play, but viewers aren't going to vote for a HG if they are unlikable.  And a big part of BB is having some kind of social game. 

    For the record, the AFP wins by James Huling and Da'vonne Rodgers are historic.  Unfortunately, neither an Asian male or African American female has ever won BB.

    And where are you getting that America hated James when he came back?  Because he was in the Top 3 for AFP the next year.

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  8. Azah blew it big time.  She had a chance to make a big move by taking out one of the guys.  It was right in front of her.

    There is no way she would be a serious contender for AFP.  More like Most STUPID HOH.




    • Love 19
  9. Last season, Julie only announced the Top 2 vote getters for AFP.

    This season, I can't see any HG over taking DX and Claire.

    There's also a certain amount of viewer fatigue with the CO.

    So if there is a filler 3rd slot, I can see someone like Britni over Azah.  She's been rewarded enough for riding the coat tails of her alliance.





  10. 12 hours ago, Melina22 said:

    There are lots of reasons Tiffany could have been so nasty despite really caring about Claire. When Claire was crying and upset before leaving that must have been horrible for Tiffany, struggling with the extreme guilt, while knowing she had no choice. She was under incredible pressure to support the CO, both because she wanted the money, and because she knew that she'd look like a traitor to her cause and would be judged negatively by so many people. It was such a no win situation,and I can imagine her turning her anger on Claire, blaming her for being whiny and irritating.

    As it turns out, Tiffany won't last much longer in the game.  And she will be the first to be voted off - by her own alliance.  Claire wasn't a threat to win.  But she would have been an allied for Tiffany, much more than most in the CO.

    I also think Claire and Derek X stands the best chance of being asked back to compete in future seasons.

    • Love 8
  11. 9 hours ago, Callaphera said:

    I mean, everyone cracks on Deref for being lame but let's not forget, the largest portion of the audience voted to give him the highest amount of BB Bucks every week and no, it wasn't possible to vote for the wrong Derek unless you messed up their last initial. The guy is loved by the broadcast only audience. I don't think he'll win AFP but he's certainly well liked by a large part of the viewers.

    I think that sentiment has shifted - as Deref continues to linger in the house week after week - without winning competitions, doing little, just riding on the coat tails of the CO.

    • Love 2
  12. I think it will be hilarious ending to the season - when Julie gets ready to announce the winner of America's Favorite House Guest. 

    Everyone is gathered on stage.  Julie starts with Congratulations Derek......and Deref, so desperate for any kind of win, has convinced himself it is him, LOL.

    Screenshot the look on his face for priceless BB memes:)



    • LOL 12
  13. 2 minutes ago, vdw84 said:

    What professinal training Ally has. James mother owned a damn dance studio, u can tell he is trained big time with his extensions and everything. Ally isnt trained. She wasnt in the pussycat dolls group who were all trained dancers, it was 5th harmony, normani was the only one trained.

    Was Ally lying?  She said it on GMA that she had choreograph dance training, experience with Fifth Harmony, even though it wasn't ballroom.

  14. 2 minutes ago, vdw84 said:

    O honey, Ally is not a ringer. Normani was, she was the best dancer in the group and was actually trained from a child in dance classes. 5harmoney was a mess with their dancing even the dancing push normani back because she is one hell of a dancer. When Ally came on the show she was a mess, it was Sasha who has really pushed her to be great. Ally is not a ringer and neither is Hannah, its no definite ringers this season, that is why the competition is tight because noone is running away on dance alone.

    Ally and Hannah have more professional dance training than any of the remaining contestants.

  15. 12 hours ago, vdw84 said:

    I feel like more than anything I want Sasha to finally win, I think he has done an incredible job with Ally this season. If their is one celeb who has had a tremendous transformation this season its Ally. She wasnt much of a dancer coming in and lacked confidence and bam Sasha has totally transformed her.

    Ally is a ringer.  She had professional dance experience with Fifth Harmony.  Even if it wasn't ballroom, she and Hannah had the most dance training.  She doesn't have the fan base to get a win.  She already fell to the bottom twice.

    • Love 2
  16. 7 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    At least with Sean gone, there's a higher chance of the final 3 being Hannah, Kel, and James. Ally will only get to the finale due to the judges picking her over anyone who's next to her (Kel and Lauren are definitely goners over Ally, and I would not be surprised if Hannah and James also went over Ally, at this point).

    Ally is on such a high pedestal, I feel bad for Ally since she's taking the brunt of the hate when it's not even her fault. It's all on the judges for ridiculously overscoring her and never giving her an ounce of criticism, at least not since week 3. 

    I don't think the judges will keep saving Ally, especially now that Sean is out.  It's obvious she isn't generating the viewer passion with their votes. 

    • Love 5
  17. 2 minutes ago, scenicbyway said:

    Why do they keep overscoring Ali?  40? Really?  Her dances were not better than James or even Hannah.

    Because Ally's been in bottom twice even when she danced well, so she isn't getting the viewers votes.  I don't expect her to win. 

    Only James and Hannah have never been in the bottom.

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  18. Kenya's right.  She was gracious to invite Eva to her party - and she had done nothing to warrant the shade that Eva threw.  Cynthia should have had Kenya's back.

    That was nice moment between Kandi and Marlo.  Props to her for taking in her sister's kids.

    Another episode with No Ne-Ne.  I do not believe the rumor that she got a raise.  I think it's something she put out there - to make herself look important.

    • Love 21
  19. 23 minutes ago, boyznkatz said:

    The top three are still on one team, though. And Lauren is only 0.2 points behind Kel. Karamo and Sean by far have the lowest scores. That doesn't sound very fair.

    But if the Top 3 are on one team - it could be that James (as the team lead) picked them.

    In the past, the person who tops the leaderboard (James did that with his combined scores from this week and last) becomes the captain.  That person also gets to pick the opposing captain.  And he and Karamo are friends.

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  20. 32 minutes ago, Toonces464 said:

    Teams for next week, per the ABC Press Release. I wish they would've flip-flopped James and Sean.

    Team Trick:  James & Emma, Ally & Sasha, Lauren & Gleb, Hannah & Alan

    Team Treat: Karamo & Jenna, Kel & Whitney, Sean & Lindsay, Kate & Pasha.

    It could be that James and Karamo were the team leads and picked their teams - playground style.

    It's really not that lopsided.  James and Ally are strong, but so are Kel and Kate.

    • Love 3
  21. Adam Lambert's EP dropped last week and had sales of 6K.  It charted 148 on the BB200 and dropped off after one week.  He's an indie artist now, no longer with a major label.

    • Love 1
  22. 25 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    An 8 for James as well? And Ally gets a 9 from Len? I mean, Ally's dance was lovely, but so was James'. And Hannah's, for that matter.

    Alley probably doesn't have as much fan base support.  Remember Normani came in 3rd place.   I can't see a scenario where James won't make the finals. 

    Alley also comes closest to being a ringer.  She's obviously had training in choreographed dancing.  Even if it wasn't ball room, it was still dance experience.

    • Love 5
  23. 45 minutes ago, iwasish said:

    As hot as all these women are supposed to be and the whole MILF thing they have going on, none of them can keep a man. 

    Kendall hasn’t  ever really had a steady guy, and Kim, I believe is waiting for the right time to divorce Kanye or live separately with him in Wyoming  and her in CA. 

    To be fair, I don't get the sense that Kim and Kanye are on the verge of splitting.  She's not even in the gossip rags as much anymore.  And I am not going to fault her for her law school studies.

    Of the guys, Kanye was the only one who was successful in his own right.

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