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Posts posted by inandout

  1. 10 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

    Cody and Derrick don't watch the feeds I listened to 10 minutes of their podcast and had no idea what they were talking about regarding dynamics. Also Indy being bitter isn't revolutionary thinking personally I don't think she will be bitter. She doesn't blame Michael she blames Kyle.

    They are going by the exit interview they had with Indy - to get a feel of where a juror's head is at.  Indy blasted Kyle and Brittany for being horrible to her.  And she felt Taylor and Monte are playing the best game.

    Derrick said he under estimated Taylor.  He said it's telling that she still had support from the person whom she evicted under her HOH.

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  2. 9 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:

    Indy isn't going to be bitter. She's fine.

    Anyway it's dumb to count jury votes. You need to get there first.

    That's what I was saying - it's too dumb to claim there will be no bitter jury - when there has only been 1 jury member.

    Indy said she is anti Brittany and Kyle.  She said her favorites are Taylor and Monte.

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  3. 26 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

    People say all sorts of things when they're about to get evicted. You seem really fixated on this idea of the jury being bitter, but I see no evidence anyone will be all that bitter. This isn't like BB20 where you just knew Bayleigh and Sam were going to be really bitter.

    But it's too early to claim that there is no evidence of a bitter jury when there is only 1 jury member.  And Cody and Derek in their podcast expects Indy to be a bitter jury.

    Sam wasn't bitter with Tyler until he evicted her in 5th place.  We are not there with BB24 yet.

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  4. 34 minutes ago, SummerDreams said:

    I read somewhere that sources are saying Kyle wants to self evict because he thinks America hates him. Have you heard anything like that?

    I know he has said to the cameras that he is worried, because he knows there is going to be a lot hate because of what he has said and done in the house.  He said that he had scrubbed his social media going back to 2012.

  5. 37 minutes ago, Nashville said:

    The only potentially likely Bitter Betties I’m seeing in this prospective Jury pool would be:

    1. Jasmine, assuredly: Assmine is not going to be happy with anybody in the F2 chairs who isn’t her.
    2. Indy, possibly: Indy’s moods have occasionally tended towards the mercurial this season, so for her it might simply come down to whether she gets her coffee:cream ratio correct on the morning of Finale Night.
    3. Terrance, maybe: in truth I expect Terrance to be pretty chill unless (a) someone makes him feel he was evicted for personal reasons, and (b) that someone lands in an F2 chair.
    4. Monte, possibly: Monte has a pretty substantial ego going over there - so he might feel a little abrasive towards a Finalist if Monte thinks they did something to make him look foolish or gullible, especially if that ‘something’ directly contributed to his eviction.
    5. Alyssa/Kyle - towards each other specifically, if they sense a significant betrayal on the other’s part.

    Otherwise, I think the rest of the prospective Jurors would be pretty even-keel.

    I think anyone has the potential of being a Bitter Jury, depending on the circumstance behind the eviction, whether there was a big betrayal, who they are closer too.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Lady Whistleup said:

    I don't see this jury being that bitter, actually. I think Jas might be salty, but I couldn't picture the LO's being that salty. Overall they seem pretty chill.

    Not even against Kyle?  He has too much blood on his hands.  All it takes is 1 vote to swing it in either direction.

    B23 jury pretty chill, but Derek X revealed there was an anti-Kyland alliance in the jury house.  Whereas there was a lot of support for Azah.

    Game wise, Kyland was the better competitor.  But Azah played a better social game.  X knew that Azah was going to be harder to beat.

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  7. 8 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

    As far as Jasmine being nice this week, of course she’s being nice, she’s on the block!… I think the real reason Brittany wants to give Jasmine a heads up is about Jury management… not about how nice she’s being…. Ugh… quit ruining our blindsides!  🤬

    Can't blame Brittany. She's not in this to hand Michael $750k.  She wants to win and Jury Management is part of it.  No brainer that Jasmine will be a Bitter Jury.

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  8. 1 hour ago, choclatechip45 said:

    I don't think Michael has come across as racist in his dealings with the POC cast members. They all seem to like him so far. If he doesn't get the votes at the end which would surprise me it's because he over promised and Monte and Taylor specifically might feel like they are closer to Michael than they are. I understand why Michael's strategy is icky to some people because it is, but to me it is not like Andy who said some pretty fucked up things about Elissa's child for example and would encourage the bashing. 

    But Jury Management, Bitter Jury is a real thing.  And this is not just specific to Michael.  All it takes is 1 vote to swing in either direction - as what happened with Paul (twice) and Tyler losing. 

    Derek X revealed that there was an anti-Kyland alliance in the Jury House.  Whereas there was a lot of support for Azah.

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  9. 8 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

    I can't see Michael giving that much of a shit about his house ranking, if he's choosing to play as he has been. I think he's a superfan who'd rather play the game to win than to be Mr. Popularity. This season's been pretty good for that type of player.

    But we are in the Jury Management phase of the game.  And there a possibility that 5 POC sits on that jury.  In recent years, we have seen people like Paul (2), Tyler loose by 1 vote - because they played it to win.

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  10. 16 hours ago, OldWiseOne said:

    Michael and Brittany don't have access to Kyle's past social media and other things outside the house that we see that point to Kyle being a racist. Expecting them to call him out, and compromise their own games, based on his suggestion that the POC in the house have big personalities and are banding together is expecting too much I think.

    But why agree to align with someone with that kind mindset.  As a super fan of the show and a public defender, Michael of people should know it's not going to play well. 

    And it has already compromised his game.  On BB Daily, he was in the Top 2, along with Taylor, for a long time.  Now he has plunged to #5.

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  11. 8 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

    Doesn't have anything to do with the game.  He's about to get his game karma, and that's enough for me.

    But aside from the Final 2, everyone will be evicted sooner or later.  And no one wants to face a hostile public, media.  Nicole and Daniel endured a lot of that, which was their karma for their actions in the game.

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  12. 1 hour ago, Lucas Rowan said:

    Well, until then, Joseph can get his karma for his sheer stupidity of getting Indy booted and how dirty he did her in the process.

    That hasn't impacted his standing BB Daily Polls.  He is currently #2, behind Turner.  Whereas Kyle and Michael have plummeted.

    ETA:  In her exit interviews, Indy has said Taylor are Monte are playing the best game and she doesn't like Brittany and Kyle. 

    Derrick and Cody:  Count on Indy to be a Bitter Jury.

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  13. 35 minutes ago, Slider said:

    Agreed.  I can't help but wonder if Kyle was really thinking things through.  I think he's really screwing himself now, because when they merge there will be people after him, and I don't think he can unburn those bridges.  Everything he's setting himself up for is very temporary. (Insert 10 second joke here.)

    He is a sloppy player and not too smart.  He has too much blood on his hands.  Get him out and have him face a hostile jury house. 

    In as far as his showmance?  Almost 30, no job, living with his mom.  Alyssa will dropped him. He isn't even that good looking.

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  14. 8 hours ago, SummerDreams said:

    And now he's gone and I'm happy for it because I don't like people who fake friendships for their purposes.

    Whereas I don't like people who stoke race paranoia - to hide their white privileged prejudices - KKKyle - and those who sit quietly when confronted - KKKMichael.

    Their karma is waiting for them.  Joseph can still win AFP.  

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  15. 24 minutes ago, kassandra8286 said:

    Ugh. It figures. While we're assigning blame, I'll lay some on Michael for picking Jasmine and Terrence for the second-to-last round of the HOH contest since it assured a non-LO would be the other HOH. I know he did it on purpose, but I can still be mad about it, lol.

    I'm also mad they had a schoolyard pick instead of a random draw. Michael got to curate the exact team he wanted and now he has the outcome he wanted. Boo. 

    I still have hope that Turner figures out Kyle betrayed the alliance and tells the others but that hope is dwindling. Turner will just be happy that he's not the one getting the boot. 

    That's why they need to get rid of Michael ASAP.  Otherwise, he will continue to steam roll.  Kyle is not going to win - he has too much blood on his hands.  He can easily turn on Michael.

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  16. 6 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

    Lol, it was probably another stay/fold like the other veto, least setup needed. I don’t see him winning physical or endurance. 

    Yet of the HGs remaining, no one outside Michael has won HOH and a Veto.

  17. 27 minutes ago, SummerDreams said:

    I don't think Kyle is racist for being afraid a cookout may exist in the house if the cookout last year was not racist as well. I mean, we can't call one racist and not the other. But I'm aware that in this forum the subject has been discussed a lot and most people disagree.

    The Cookout existed because in 23 seasons, BB never had a black winner.  Mormon boy Kyle's paranoia about a Cookout 2.0 never made any sense - since HGs of color had already been evicted.  It just exposed his own prejudices.  And then Michael dropped Taylor from his alliance.

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  18. 56 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

    Well I think Michael is one of the few HGs actually playing to win. I feel like the backlash against him is a mix of homophobia and lookism. I think if he were a hot straight guy playing this way ppl would love him.

    on BB, gay guys tend to get pigeonholed into the sidekick role. 

    He actually started out very popular with fans.  But he spiral after aligning with KKKyle and the white HG alliance - which just exposed Michael as another white privileged bro.

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  19. 15 minutes ago, SummerDreams said:

    What? Michael has a final three with Taylor and Brit, he has an alliance with him, Brit and the showmance, Jasmine can't even walk (and if she wins she will want Taylor out), Terrance can't win HoH next week. Who exactly will try to backdoor him if Monte and Joseph leave this week? Only Turner could try but Michael has many allies, they wouldn't actually vote him out.

    The only real allied Michael has is Brittany.  Anyone else can be convinced that it's time to get him out.

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  20. 1 hour ago, SummerDreams said:

    Why? Michael is playing the best game at the moment. He needs to get rid of Monte and Joseph. Then the game is easily his.

    If he actually thinks that, he really isn't playing the best game.  There's a lot more than just winning comps, which already makes him a huge target.  Trust me, KKKyle would have no problem turning on him.

    4 minutes ago, SummerDreams said:

    He can play for veto and possibly win. If Monte and Joseph leave this week, who could win against Michael?

    Back door him.

    Monte only won 1 HOH.  Joseph hasn't won anything.  Turner, Taylor, Jasmine, Terrance, all won HOH.  Kyle has won 2 vetos.

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  21. 4 hours ago, Gregg247 said:

    Kyle seems like one of those genuinely nice guys who nevertheless gets on your nerves really quickly.  He'll make a fine upstanding adult some day.

    KKKyle (as he is called on Social Media) will have A LOT to answer too once he is kicked out.  Especially with his conspiracy theory that there is a Cookout 2.0 and pushing a "white alliance". 

    I also can't see it ending well with Alyssa.  He's almost 30, living with his mom, no job.  He isn't even that attractive or smart.

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  22. 51 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

    It’s because he’s just coasting. He’s a non-entity. Luckily for him though, he’s likable and a white man so if he’s F2 that’s probably enough to win lol.

    He played a strong HOH and he had one of the toughest.  Even if he is against Michael or Kyle, I think he will win.

    ETA:  In either of the above, it means that POC would actually be the dominant on the jury - 5.

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