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Posts posted by TexasGal

  1. "I'll buy you a thesaurus."


    Heather, I can usually be on your side but wow. BTW, Ms. Fancy Pants, I think you meant dictionary. It would be helpful for David to learn synonyms of words he doesn't know, but MORE helpful to learn what they mean.


    Tamballs is a shit stirrer. No reason to bring up marry, shag kill for the millionth time. And really,she's upset because at 50 and after 4 children she isn't going to have a baby. Total BS

    This! Tamra, you can't talk about how you hate conflict and then be the one to stir shit at the party.

    • Love 14
  2. All the ladies are coming back if they're asked.  No one will turn it down.  No one is "over it."  No one decides it's not worth it or they have nothing else to gain.  Once bitten by the fame bug, it's hard to let go.  The appeal of cameras following you around, the attention, the "fans," they all love it.  Name me one HW who left on their own accord, and I'll...um...."like" your post?!  At the top of my head, I can't think of a single one.  I know a lot of them pretend that not coming back was their decision, but of course it's not true - their contract was not renewed.


    The only ones I can think of left because they were getting spin offs - Bethenny, Kim on Atlanta, Caroline on NJ (well, maybe - who knows if she would have been asked back).  So your point is still valid, left voluntarily but continued to be fame whores.

    • Love 1
  3. I didn't think Lizzie was being disrespectful about the dance really.  And I admit I laughed when she busted out with the "Chaka Khan" at the end of her TH.  LMAO.


    I forgot about that!  I was irritated as she was just "chaka"-ing but I too laughed out loud when she said "Chaka Khan."  Glad I'm not the only one.


    The durian fruit is not allowed in hotels because of the smell. I actually thought Heather and Tamra pulled it off better than I would have thought.

    That vendor was cracking me up, the way he smiled into the camera after they walked away.  You rock, random Balinese dude!

    • Love 6
  4. Dear Vicki - we all now know that Balinese monkeys, elephants and stray dogs are all better behaved than you are. Please stop screeching at random animals. If they bug you that much, stay in the family van. K? Thanks. ETA: also better behaved, the "sucking fish." Can't believe I forgot them.

    Is it wrong that I wanted a bigger Tamra take down? She did fold like a house of cards. Bah.

    • Love 7
  5. During the previews for next week it said "See the show everybody is talking about". I am the only person I know who watches this, not buying it.


    Was Kevin blacked out when he had sex with Nora? He looked confused when he woke up. I really like them together, so far Nora is about the only character I like.

    People are talking about it.  They are saying things like, "WTF is going on with this piece of shit show?!" and "Really HBO?"  See?  I'm talking about it too.


    In all seriousness, I actually did enjoy this episode.  I think because I find Nora and Matt to be the most interesting characters on the show and they were both present.  And I am intrigued by what is going on with crazy former cop.  And I like looking at Justin Theroux.

    • Love 1
  6. My Dina crush had faded a little bit, but now it's back in full force! Her commentary on Jim, as well as calling him on his bs at the party, was gold. I really wish one of them would have asked him how he, as a BANKER, was PROSECUTING mortgage fraud. Maybe you help prosecutors or are an expert witness but you aren't prosecuting anyone you douche.

    • Love 22
  7. I kind of like Sandhya's design, but I should qualify that by saying I'm kind of like "oooooo shiny!" so I'm not sure I'm the best judge in that area.


    This was why I was surprised Heidi didn't love it - she ALWAYS loves the shiny designs.  The fact she didn't love it but it still won...wow.


    I loved (and want) Emily's cowl/hood and Kristina's coat, but yeah their underneath outfits were not all that original.  



    I f I recall correctly, Aviva "Munchhausen" Drescher said at the Team Sonja (LOL) party that the x-ray was to rule out cancer.  What a laugh.


    I read that she had flat polyps removed from her colon and calls it a "cancer scare".  She swears they were "pre-cancer", of course and that she would surely have had cancer in 5 years had they not been found in time.  She says the asthma was a blessing in disguise because she had an endoscopy and colonoscopy as a result.  I wonder how many unnecessary medical procedures she's insisted on over the years.  Jeez.  She's just not happy unless she's fighting some imaginary disorder or life-threatening circumstance.  She reminds me of one of these people who WISH to be amputees:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_integrity_identity_disorder


    Ummm, maybe I'm completely missing something, but why would you have a colonoscopy to diagnose asthma?

  9. The FBI LA Bureau chief is an intense dude and apparently a boy scout.  So what was up with him grabbing the woman's breast in the kitchen while his wife and the woman's husband were in the other room???  And she (the other woman) seemed *okay* with it! I guess that was plot device to show us that he is in fact not a boy scout.  Thanks show!


    That's what I want to know - I'm assuming they are having an affair?  It seemed like her husband was someone FBI guy was trying to impress, with the special casserole and whatnot, so there's no reason she wouldn't scream bloody murder about her breast being grabbed if she wasn't into it.

  10. And why the HELL do they scream all the time. It's driving me insane.

    I think if I ever experienced Vicki's screaming in person my ears would bleed. Jesus, woman. I was hoping that poor elephant would buck her off and trample her.

    And multiple dry heaves in the (FAMILY!) van - I just can't. Why didn't they just let her sit in the front to begin with.

    The more I think about it, the more I come up with that was irritating - Tamra shrieking about the elephant's "lipstick." How shocking that an enormous animal would have an enormous penis Tamra. Zip it.

    • Love 3
  11. I'm with Carole. I don't understand that friendship at all. Growing up, my parents were not friendly with my best friends' parents, other than cordial chit-chat. It's one thing to be friendly and breezy (the sort of bonhomie Sonja undoubtedly excels at), and another to be Aviva's defender/egger-onner/apologist.


    archer1267, I think the phrase you are looking for is well-wisher.

    • Love 13
  12. Re: the umpteenth rehashing of the glass-throwing incident - it ENRAGES me when Ramona uses the term "unladylike" to describe her behavior. Once she settled on that term (probably after consultation with lawyers and PR people), she has stuck to it like glue. The very term "unladylike" implies that the behavior is inappropriate for a woman but would be appropriate for a man. So if a man threw an object at someone and hit them in the face, that would be OK, Ramona? Really?

    Or, more precisely, Ramona - if a man threw an object at YOU and hit YOU in the face that would be ok?  Because Ramona has a totally different standard for people's behavior based on whether she's doing it or it's being done to her.

    • Love 4
  13. Sonja thinks that being referenced as a Grey Gardens in the making is a compliment?  And her reasoning about how her lawyer, her investment adviser, her trustee, etc. was interesting.  Did she actually say her JUDGE?  She pays a judge?  At best she could say they were contractors because lord knows she doesn't provide any benefits (and no it's not like friends with benefits Sonja), does not do any type of payroll reporting and so on...........It was just a way to get off of the topic of the interns and how she gets away with having free help to do shit that either she does not want to do or is too scatter brained to do herself.

    I was SO hoping someone (i.e. Lu or Andy) would fixate on that comment and ream her for it.  Ummm....Sonja I doubt you can afford to have a judge on your payroll.  And, if you can, I wouldn't brag about it on national tv.  Let's have some quiet time Sonja.  


    It was shocking when they played the clip of Sonja from her first season and how differently she behaved.  Her speech pattern was normal.  Her face wasn't contorted constantly into pouty "sexy" fish face.


    I hate that Ramona is really trying to dominate Andy and even put him on the spot about his sex life! She does not get to decide what will be discussed and she had to know Mario's cheating scandal is going to be brought up. She better watch out cause Jill acted the same way and you see where that got her....

    I loved the clip of Andy's response - when I put my private life on national tv, I will answer that for you.  WIN!

    • Love 5
  14. I'm completely on Shannon's side regarding her interactions with Tamra and Heather, but I was disappointed with her a few times tonight.   She, yet again, admonished David for his eating habits, and she made eating a potato seem like such a serious matter, even saying that he's setting a bad example for their three daughters because she doesn't want them to think it's okay to eat starch.  She shames him so much, and he looks kind of dumbfounded.  To me, all the vitamins and holistic preparations she packed for her young, healthy daughter are more concerning, as, in my opinion, she is likely passing on her neuroses, which is more serious than a child seeing her father eat a Michigan-style meal.


    Unless it was poor editing, at the airport when David hugged her and said he loved her she didn't say anything back.  When her daughter said she was going to miss her and asked if Shannon would miss her too, Shannon was a bit aloof.   David and the daughters all seem affectionate, and they would probably really like it if she said loving things in return.  


    And, as mentioned above, Shannon should not have referred to her daughter possibly becoming a woman.  A young girl really needs that subject to remain private.

    Shannon is just a frigging moron with her husband.  The man likes potatoes.  Who cares?!  In the entire universe of things he could like that aren't great for him, which we've already heard about tequila (and again, (1) who cares?!  and (2) David, call me if you need a tequila drinking partner, kiss kiss), unless he's got a serious drinking problem or maybe a drug problem don't nag his ass!  He's a grown man.  And, as others have pointed out, in pretty damn good shape.  Let him eat a flipping potato everyday if he wants.  


    At the airport, it looked to me like she was trying not to let any emotion show because if she did she was going to crack entirely.  So, I can't bust her chops for that.  

    • Love 1
  15. Joe Gorga's busines is highly suspect … first of all, there's no way he got the contract to "smoosh" government documents.  Most of those contracts go to government agencies that work with the disadvantaged -- say, veterans or the developmentally disabled.  

    Well, he may qualify under the latter.  


    Maybe they are are only taking in work from connected cronies, not actual government agencies?  Who knows.  The whole thing was stupid.  I did enjoy how Joe totally spilled the beans that the new house isn't really happening.


    Amber's husband - I don't know how Bravo does this to me, but I would rather hang out with a convicted Joe Guidice than that SOB.  First laughing when the dead pig freaked his daughter out, then the stupid family-casted commercials, and now he's too good to hang out with people who were already cast on the reality show he joined.  Whatever.  Go away.

    • Love 18
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