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Posts posted by I-Kare

  1. Okay that was an odd episode. 


    1) It felt like filler to me and we're already not getting much with the "experiment" being only 6 weeks, so filler felt like a big cheat.




    2) A lot of the sessions had small statements in them that made it seem like we've missed a lot of what's happened between the couples (particularly Davina and Sean and Ryan and Jaclyn), which is irritating. Did anyone else hear the doctor say something to Davina about her being bothered due to Sean questioning why she was picked for him? That hasn't been shown has it? 


    So yeah, this episode ended up irritating me. 


    (not even going to touch on Jessica and Ryan because come on)

    • Love 6
  2. Jessica and Ryan need individual therapy to sort through their issues independently. I think it's clear to all viewers they are two broken people that were put together and neither were ready for marriage.


    Yup, which is why I'm going to have serious issues if they decide to stay together at the end. That'll be definite proof this is all predetermined for me. 

    • Love 3
  3. I keep reading that Jessica pushed RyanD to his limit or that no man would be able to put up with everything she's done but...what has she really done? Other than be passive aggressive in her responses? 


    I'm critical of RyanD regarding what I've seen him do/say on camera because that's all I have to go on. I don't see what didn't make the show. 


    I don't think I've seen anything *on* camera that's been that terrible from her. She doesn't even seem to be very aggressive in her passive aggressiveness...she wasn't until this last episode anyway. 


    I'm genuinely curious here. 


    And I don't honestly think most men would go off on someone who responded in a passive aggressive manner during petty little arguments (especially someone they barely know...I can see an eye roll or irritation, but not anger). At least the men I know! Maybe - again - I'm just lucky? 

    • Love 7
  4. camera himself!  I don't see him as being so bad to her if she would just stop being a brick wall.  When someone acts that way there's really nothing you can do and it's so frustrating that you end up acting just like Ryan.  Anyone would.  Mother Theresa would, seriously.


    I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you. I'm *hardly* Mother Theresa, and I've never in my life acted like RyanD. 


    There were two times last night when she was the one trying to communicate with him (not being a brick wall) and he completely shut her out. He can't have it both ways. I think he just plain doesn't like her since he's acted like a tool both when she's been a brick wall and when she's been communicative. 


    I heard Ryan D say to Jessica he would never even have picked her in real life. When they were fighting - he motioned his hands and said something like I didn't want this not one bit of it. Or something and shortly there after she started crying. I've said since Episode 1 he wasn't attracted to her and I think it's coming to light now.



    I heard that too! Made me think he's tried to get out of this and they haven't let him. 


    But really, if he has tried, that's the one thing I'll give him credit for since that would be a great idea.

    • Love 4
  5. Sean and Davina were ok this week, but they seem all surface, and no depth.



    You know, for some reason I got the impression that the times we saw Sean and Davina together were the only times they were actually together. As in, there wasn't anything edited out, those were literally the only times they saw each other. Could be wrong, just a feeling.

    • Love 10
  6. Please God, let Jessica and Ryan split NOW! Terrible, damaging, hurtful, hateful, shitty match. End the madness before it gets physical. Ryan is extremely immature, and he doth protest too much about the wedding money fiasco. I think Jessica put her Monroe back in, too, just to piss him off. Man. Go home, guys! Seriously, the show should have stepped in to end their experiment, imo, before really bad stuff could happen.


    Seriously! And if the two of them aren't usually this way, then the two of them are making each other worse. If they're having these kinds of issues 3 weeks in? Good god, cut bait now. If they were just dating, there's no way they'd be together at this point. 

    • Love 6
  7. I've never agreed with folks who say RyanD and Jaclyn should have been paired (or who wonder if they were meant to be paired) and after seeing the challenges Jaclyn and her Ryan faced at the check out counter in the grocery store tonight, I know there's no way in hell they would have been a good pair. First, RyanD wouldn't have handled Jaclyn wanting to pay as well as Ryan did (and even Ryan was irritated). Second, as soon as RyanD had attitude with Jaclyn (and he would have), she would have went off. She wouldn't be as passive as Jessica and wouldn't let it simmer either. I think *that* would have been a trainwreck pairing. 

    • Love 7
  8. *And* it's very possible Ryan D is even worse than what we're seeing since days worth of footage is edited down to less than 20 minutes. There may be a lot more but they don't have time to fit it all in. And that may be why Jessica is acting the way she's acting. 


    My point is, editing works both ways, and they may not even have time to show all of what he does in the time allotted for their storyline. 


    I'm not saying Jessica is perfect. I *am* saying we'll never know how bad he really was, or wasn't. But what I've seen, even the parts we have seen, throw up some red flags for me. I'd be happy to be wrong.

    • Love 9
  9. I did find it interesting tonight that when Ryan D once again invoked his perception of his grandparents' PERFECT relationship, he used the example of papa yelling, "just do it and shut up!" To grams! Ha!



    I know! I was like HOLY CRAP if that's what he thinks makes a perfect relationship!!? I have no clue what to even say to something like that. But it did explain a *lot* of things about him, so at least it was insightful.

    • Love 16
  10. The previews make me nervous though.


    My DVR cut off the previews, so I didn't see the Ryan/Jaclyn part. But I just have a good feeling about those two. 

    Now, if I was Jessica? No way in hell would I stay with her Ryan. In fact, I probably wouldn't even finish the experiment. More power to her if she sticks it out, but I'd walk. 

    • Love 4
  11. Hoping it's just a fakeout because that's pretty much my one rule for a TV show...don't kill off the hot guy.


    That being said, I can't quite decide if I like this show or not. On one hand it's beyond weird how they took the story of Lizzie Borden and just spun into all kinds of crazy. However, watching her run around town offing whoever gets in her way is kinda entertaining.


    Subsection of said rule is: If they kill off Cole Hauser, I'm probably going to stop watching since he's the reason I'm watching to begin with.

  12. Call me crazy, but I think Jaclyn and Ryan R have the most potential to make it as a couple. Just their foundation of having laughter and friendship PLUS the editing focusing so much on her doubts. The show is edited months later right? And the show has to find a narrative. I think "huge turnaround" is their narrative. 


    And I like them as a couple!

    I also think Sean and Davina have something really nice happening. The only couple I'm not feeling is Ryan D and Jessica. 

    • Love 2
  13. I have loved Lennie James since Jericho, so I am a happy camper to see him.


    Same! I'm not sure if it was the Jericho influence or what, but the Wolf guy with Morgan during the first of the show looked a lot like Skeet Ulrich. 


    That said, I kinda was underwhelmed by a lot of the show tonight. High spots for me:


    -Morgan (of course)

    -Cudlitz being as Cudlitz as I've seen him on this show (finally)

    -Aaron/Daryl (come on now)

    • Love 2
  14. Also, I think some who have read the comic are more willing to take this Jess/Pete story at face value because they already know the story and where it is going. So they don't need additional scenes/lines in order to believe that Jess DV victim and not someone who is play Rick or have her son playing Carol, or whatever. The comic made up for the blanks in the story on-screen, so they are more willing to give Jessie the benefit of the doubt because of that. 


    But those of us who have not read the comic, therefore, don't know the story, can't take the story at face value because there are things that are questionable, because of the way the writers are presenting the story on-screen. So we have to question Jess/Pete story. 


    I can't speak for anyone else, but I've never read the comics and I'm one of the most vocal defenders of the storyline and wanting to just let things play out before judging. I never questioned Jessie because I've never felt she gave me a reason to in her brief time on the show. That's all. =)

    • Love 4
  15. I was one of the people who inquired about visible marks on Jessie, but you are so right. I feel stupid for not even considering that she may be in a lull period of the cycle of abuse. Thank you for brining that up.


    Don't feel stupid! No one's stupid here. We're all great fans just having some great discussions! 

    • Love 6
  16. Just to add (but doing it in a different post because it's about Carol), I think because of her past it makes sense to me that she wanted Rick to handle the abuse situation. Not sure I can even articulate my thoughts well on it, but I think the situation was too close to her past for her to deal with it on her own. Maybe she even didn't trust herself to be able to complete the task...or do it well...because of the emotions surrounding it for her. 


    "There are some reasons to like her, and thank you for pointing them out. It's just that, more often than not, the discussion has centered on Rick's penis."



    Not to be all "not all posters" but I for one have never mentioned Rick's penis in any setting or situation. =)

    • Love 2
  17. I think any female character, including Jessie, wouldn't get that type of comment from a large majority of people here, but yes, it's good that it wasn't allowed.


    With that said, I have to admit the number of times I've seen fans of the character essentially reduce her to nothing more than a sex object for Rick, who reduce her (in spite of her being an abuse victim) to nothing more than someone for Rick to bed in order to upset "the haters," and who chide other fans who don't want to see her the same way and are unhappy at the idea of that being her role in the narrative, it's difficult for me to know how people feel about her. I've heard a lot about why it's wrong to hate her, and little about what there is to actually care about with her.


    I haven't seen anyone here reduce her to those things. I must have missed those posts. 


    I keep pointing out (probably repeatedly) that we don't know enough about her in her very few episodes (roughly 20 minutes air time) to hate her. That would also apply to loving her. I like the actress, always have, and I think that's a valid reason to like a character when they first appear. I like the chemistry the two actors have. Another reason to like the character. I also like that she seems like a nice person. I like nice people.



    I like that she asked her husband to leave in this episode. I think that's something she's probably wanted to do and finally Rick gave her what she needed to do that.


    But all of these things are things I've listed before here. I'm okay with liking her until she gives me a reason not to. But then again that's just how I handle any new character. Jessie's no different. 

    • Love 3
  18. I think there are a lot of misconceptions about abuse here. Victims are sometimes outwardly happy acting people because they don't want people to know what they're hiding (just one reason, there are many more). I've found out about abuse years down the road and was shocked because the victim seemed "just like me."


    Also, we've seen Jessie's arms and her face. That doesn't mean there are no bruises on her elsewhere. It also doesn't mean that there have never been bruises on her arms and face. It just means right now she could be in a cycle of abuse where there are none. We've only "known" her for a short period of time, right? 

    • Love 3
  19. I agree 100%.  As long as you aren't blonde or pretty it is the writer's fault.  If you are blonde and pretty well you are a horrible character and actress...lol

    I've had various shades of black, brown, blonde and red hair over the years (I like to change things up). Little did i know my blonde years were my "basic", "bland", "boring" years! 


    Maybe I'm old, but I always just assume it's the writers fault (plot wise) no matter what happens on a show. (this is when I shrug)

    • Love 7
  20. I don't know what a thot is. 

    A thot is a whore or slut (I know this because I have a teenage niece who had to explain it to me at one point.)


    edited because I seem to have a problem closing my parentheticals today.

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