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Posts posted by Calibabydolly

  1. It's because he is so short! I am a girl and 6 feet tall and could never do a back flip, even in my childhood. I was a cheerleader too. I think it has something to do with your sense of gravity or something like that because even push ups are hard for us tall people. I recall seeing Jen on "The Little Couple" doing massive amounts of BOY push ups correctly and I am sure that must be the reason!? Anyone else have a theory?

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  2. I am a hairdresser and I really notice her hair. I kept thinking it looks so nice in the talking heads (and darker!) and then compare it to her in her dance class or at home and it always looks so thin and stringy! I then noticed something a few weeks ago, when I just started watching this show, her hair on the stairs the 1st time they showed her with Will. You could see some bad, cheap looking hair extension CLIPPED into her hair! I watched again and could not take my eyes off them. Well then last night when Whit was commenting on what we would see in the reunion flash backs and re-watching the show....she said "I will realize how BALD I am!!!" I am certain she had a wig on last night. Either that or she had professional hair extensions put in. I know hair. Hair is a reflection of health. Hair gets all the vitamins and good stuff after your body does. Hair is not VITAL to life, as you see when chemo therapy patients lose their hair. It just proves how bad her health really is. She ain't fooling everyone.

    • Love 12
  3. Nice spilling water all over the new black leather couch! I could see Whitney and Zach were both holding back yelling or something when the wild boys did that. Also that was sure a nice infomercial for DiGiorno pizzas! Seriously folks, Gil must have told them they needed to make a bit more money off this episode. Possibly why they looked the other way on the couch spill???

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  4. Wow, I sure was impressed that Zack pushed the issue and went with his dad to his surgery! That on top of Tory making a platter of goodies for Matt to eat on the way to the graduation in the van.[funny observation; Zack says he is the pilot and Tory is his first mate, then he says he's the Capt. of this ship later, lol] Zach may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but he sure knows how to be a good son. I am sure Tory is a big part of it, but "Mr. man-bun twin" may need to take a few lessons here. This is NOT how you inherit the farm Mr. too busy to be bothered to attend Molly's graduation because you had a prior speaking engagement for your attention hog of a wife! Zach does probably feel for Matt because he is also a little person and the only other little person in the family is now an ex wife. It did make me tear up a bit when they showed all the proud moments with Molly. Especially his sending her off to college and then him choking up again at the party. I wonder why her boyfriend was not on camera at the party? Didn't Matt even mention him by name once? I have to assume Molly will not be on the show much at all if she works in Washington. Possibly this is her plan and we will never hear about her boyfriend.

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  5. Oh my gosh! Matt said they should all make a pack not pac(t) to get together every year for family vacation. I was screaming at the TV at that one. I swear they are doing this to get more attn.? Can they really not know some basic words, especially when they are written so clearly and simply in black and white on paper? I'd rather hear Amy botch parmeseon cheese! Have we ever heard her attempt Worcestershire sauce???

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  6. These kids are not making a very good example out of home schooling. I have noticed this before, but this new episode had at least 3 of the older kids using terrible grammar. The 2 that stood out were Nathan saying "wifes" instead of "wives" and then Carlin saying "leafs" instead of "leaves". I don't think it is their accent either, they just do not know plain good English. I think we learned those things in 3rd or 4th grade!? I think I have heard Kelly talking like that as well. Didn't she go to college? They need to do a much better job in their bookwork if they do not want to send them on a bus and off to public school!

  7. I also noticed an old crappy looking van on the side of the house to the right of the fixer upper when they were looking at the property and then it was parked across the street at the reveal. I too think this might be a bit overdone for that block. Well I hope it is safe enough for a bike ride!

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  8. I was thinking Jason was all of a sudden "MacGyver" when he used the paperclip to get out the cork. Though I doubt it would work, that was more believable than Alicia having sex with him in her office! I think she has more chemistry with Peter and that is not saying much!

  9. I about died every time she said the word "CROW-STEENI" on the 7 can soup dump show today. It looked AND sounded horrible! It must have been an older episode I had missed but in the pantry she really had a southern twang going on. Her hair was pretty orange though, so it must not have been super old.

  10. I checked out that link to the street view of the new non B&B, non Victorian FARM HOUSE remodel and those storage garages across the street next to the gazebo and park? That is the volunteer fire dept. and right next door to the home is the police dept. So, not really a bad location. It reminds me of Mayberry and Andy Griffith! I actually liked the house the way they did it, since I am not a period home style buff. It is just an extension of their actual farm style.

  11. Could Magnolia Flour be a play on words for Magnolia FLOWER? I just started watching this show a few weeks ago and finally have myself caught up with old episodes. Yes, there is a big difference between Chip now and then, isn't there? I am not talking about his teeth either! I still like him and the show as a whole but every time my husband walks in the room he changes the channel when it's on. He cannot stand the couple cutesy stuff and likens them to Giada and her (NOW DIVORCED) hubby! I hope they are genuine and that will not happen to them too when fame takes over.

    • Love 4
  12. I thought Jill knew Spanish already? Weren't the older girls making fun of how Jim Bob tried to speak Spanish when they went on that mission trip several years ago? I recall Jill made a real friend with that Spanish girl and she even came to the US to visit and stayed in the TTH with the family. Am I dreaming this up and it was a different daughter? I wonder if Jill has to play dumb as not to show up her "headship". Why did Derick have to walk 15 miles in the rain if the tutor was coming to the house already? It seems they were both doing two different things. Odd.

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  13. That is "Abi Marias BIG BRAZILLIAN ASS"!!!  It's like a train wreck and you cannot look away from it. My husband and I had our mouths dropped when they kept zooming the camera in on her butt. I hope she takes her ass to the final!

    • Love 9
  14. How many libraries are there in NYC? I recall Carrie Bradshaw was planning to get married at the library in Sex In The City. I thought the lions at the entrance were in the front of that one too. This one Jen and Will were at did not seem as "grand" as that one did. Does anyone know? Thanks.

  15. Speaking of Ina, that was almost a complete copy from her show! I'm not thinking Ina had them all together in one meal, but she's done them all. How original. Remember when Jeffrey bought the broccolini? I am really starting to hate watching Ree make retreads of Ina's retreads! She even stole the white "pizza" with the arugula on top in the rerun today as well. Even saying how "peppery" it was. Sheesh!

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  16. Did anyone catch next weeks preview where Jinger mouthed "I love you" to Jessa right before she was to walk down the aisle? That touched me as much or more than Josie saying she was her buddy and she loves her! So many raw emotions and feelings from the Dugger kids! It is a shocker.

    • Love 10
  17. What can't Chad do? This man is truly a blessing to this family. I am a hairdresser and as I watched him cutting hair on the boys and dad, he really cuts like he does it as his profession! I am amazed at Erin's husband every time they show him. He is a Jack of all trades AND  a master at ALL!

    • Love 4
  18. I love that the Rehab Addict page here is not on the main page. (Meaning, if that is really Nicole coming here and posting, she has to click on ALL the "R" shows and scroll down to hers.) Not quite as popular as she thinks she is!

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  19. I noticed they removed almost the entire "paint-gate" scene in the enhanced version they replayed of last weeks episode. How  interesting? They replaced some bad stuff with the fire pit scene where they lit the pumpkins and made smores.  Much more positive and family friendly!

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