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Posts posted by dwmckim

  1. 1 hour ago, Cheezwiz said:

    When he was getting fried and we saw the heavy volumes of smoke, I almost wondered if he was being turned into one of those awful charred smoke hobos instead.

    "Obviously, SOMETHING requires burning...and since we don't want to set fire to your smoked cheese pig..."

    • Love 4
  2. Second week in a row TP made me cry.  I'm so not ready for it to be over next week!  At least the Mark Frost book is coming up soon after to aid in the severe withdrawals whether or not we get a season 4 (though my biggest fear is that it will be wrapped up in such a way that would make a S4 pointless - a clear end to the story.)

    (Of course if a fourth season is indeed possible and it doesn't get renewed, i predict Showtime will be flooded with photos of Diane reading "Fuck you, Showtime!")


    And btw Sonny Jim did the "YOU'RE my dad - YOU'RE my dad" SO much better than Donna! 

    • Love 8
  3. Some predictions for the rest of the series:

    Nadine now attempts to start a new life with Dr. Amp.  She drops in unannounced at his place and sees his whole "shovel factory" and gets disillusioned with how the shovels weren't real gold.  She next decides to move onto Mike Nelson (hey, we GOTTA get at least one more scene with him, right?)

    Big Ed will play The Roadhouse singing "On Top of Old Smokey"

    End credits screaming girl will end up finding twu wuv with the Roadhouse floor sweeper after getting such an extended look at how immaculately clean the floors are.

    Phillip Jeffries' new evolution as a percolator will lead to the reveal of one of the series' longest unresolved mysteries:  Just how did that fish get into Pete's?

    All those random obscure people in the ending Roadhouse scenes will be part of a spinoff: "At the Roadhouse:  More Bang-Bang for Your Buck"  Each week will present surprise musical performers, a cast of Krazy Kids with their own bizarre eccentricities and the continuing mystery of "Will Audrey show up this week?"

    Donna will make a surprise cameo and at first viewers will think she's some bizarre looking CGI hideous creature...but it will actually be Lara Flynn Boyle in all her plastic surgery disaster'ed glory.

    His experience in The White Lodge will give Andy great mental clarity ... but he'll still goof up Albert's last name.

    Green Glove Guy will paint his glove and become The Roadhouse's resident Michael Jackson impersonator...his true destiny fulfilled!

    Judy will be Linda's half-sister.

    The Roadhouse Emcee will introduce Tin Machine!!  And it will be The Percolator.

    One of the final scenes will be Hawk in front a huge spread of doughnuts in the Twin Peaks Sheriff's Station and when he looks down, one of the bear claws starts talking to him saying "Told ya death is just transformation!"

    • Love 4
  4. So when Lynch can no longer use one actor, he replaces them with a tree.

    When he can no longer use another, he replaces them with tea.

    Sensing a pattern here...


    Oh and Hutch - if you're going to get someone dessert from Wendy's, if you get anything but a Frosty, you're doing it wrong!

    • Love 5
  5. Quote

    Jeremy Lindholm was arrested for attempted murder of his girlfriend after he beat her with a bat when she didn't bring him some Kool Aid. 

    This is actually really sad since prior to being on TP, he was a major part of the fandom community.  Sadly, even before this incident he had begun acting very strangely in various groups resulting in him being banned from them.  Something very wrong happening there.

    The moral to the story though is that sometimes you don't actually have to drink the Kool Aid first before going batty.

  6. Quote feature doesn't seem to be working right tonight...

    "I really don't know what I just watched but I know I fucking loved and savored every last second of it."

    Well...except the last seconds.  That was the first "Miss" with the Roadhouse musicians (and no, i'm not counting THE James Hurley - Great Northern Security Guard by night / singer/songwriter by ...uh... also night - as a "Miss")


    Ooh boy do i want to see a Diane/Janey-E reunion...and if Diane hates her, she won't be thrilled when she sees that SHE'S the one who got married to Coop (Sign - Diane's half-sister married to a half-Cooper)


    So maybe the Great Northern Noise is just a massive spiritual "tuning fork" for James just because he could use one.


    "I have a lot to say (and yet not much at all at the same time) but before anything else, does anyone else think that woman at the bar who looked like Rachel Dratch was some sort of Audrey avatar, or working for Charlie? She kept asking that other woman such leading questions that revolved so much around Audrey's dream and Audrey's conversation with Charlie. She also acted very suspiciously in her body language."

    When she asked what's her mother's name - that totally came from nowhere!  Just an excuse for her to say the name!


    "I believe Naido was making monkey noises - like the monkey from FWWM. Is she, in fact, Judy?"

    We're not gonna talk about that!


    Poor Chad - instead of barking, he has to put up with Naido/"Billy(?)"'s scratchy monkey noises - can't think of a better punishment!


    All season i've been expecting Hawk to be the one to enter The White Lodge and it turned out to be ANDY!  Totally was taken by surprise but as others pointed out, it did make sense.


    This part shall be remembered as The One Where Sarah Has A Face-Off At A Bar.


    "Who is the dreamer?"  Prior to the new episodes, i'd seen some well-argued and backed-up with convincing enough evidence theories that the entire Dear Meadow Prologue of FWWM was Dale Cooper's dream.  With the new episodes (and especially Phillip Jeffries being such an important part of them), i'd started to dismiss it, but now tonight's episode just brought that theory right back into legitimate question.

    • Love 5
  7. The letters BOB places under his victims' fingernails always perplexed me.  He admits he was spelling out his proper name "Robert" but the letters are in a random order.  My first thought was that he used "T" for Teresa since she had a T in her name (it actually starts with T), then uses an "R" for Laura since she has an R in her name...but even though he uses an "O" for Maddy (Ferguson has an O in it), this theory falls apart with Ronette since her name doesn't contain a "B" which is found under her fingernail (and does contain both an "E" and the second "R")

    Since Mr C's accidental slip of "yrev" while being interrogated by the FBI agents provides a clue that the Lodge creatures are more naturally used to speaking backwards (like this was a "native language" for them where forward speech in our realm is a bit more like a "second language" to them), i started to look back at the fingernail letters as being spelled backwards and this actually almost works with one slight snag...





    R=(BOB got caught before he good place an "R" on someone)

    This leaves out the "E" - so could BOB have actually been responsible for someone's death between the time he tagged Laura and Ronette and the letter just never got discovered since no one connected BOB with it and thought to look for it?

    • Love 4
  8. And before we go on to the next installment, it needs to be said...

    If anyone ever thought Sarah Palmer was a bit loopy before, they now have no doubt!

    Actually, while most fans are probably focused on the fact the tv was looping (along with that electricity sound in between), i also find it just as interesting what she's been spending her time watching.  We've now seen her twice glued to the set watching creatures of different kinds (human and animals) engaged in violent physical conflict.

    • Love 2
  9. Been doing a rewatch of classic episodes and one thing that really struck in light of DougeeCoop - how much original recipe Coop tended to repeat phrases of things he found fascinating, sometimes more than once.

    • Love 4
  10. Just now, Cheezwiz said:

    I agree - it definitely doesn't seem she has any awareness of having a son, let alone an evil one running amok. I think your theory may be correct - either she's in an alternate reality, or she's in this reality but mentally diminished in some way, and her "husband" may actually be some sort of care-giver (or hired to control her).

    If something like this is the case, and she crosses paths with DougieCoop, will they, in effect "wake each other up"?

    And maybe if Candy was there at the same time, it could be a threesome awakening.

    • Love 2
  11. 1 hour ago, minamurray78 said:


    DougieCoop sailing through all the shit against him Chauncey-Gardiner-style is hilarious.

    Not just shoveling through it, mind you, but sailing...


    Now we know why Norma's always been doing paperwork whenever we see her!


    (Please let such a franchise turn into a real-life thing!)

    • Love 2
  12. 1 hour ago, Penman61 said:

    Fair spoiler warning at large: Apparently Germany accidentally aired ep 14 instead of 13.  Careful where you surf...

    "Is it future or is it past?"


    Wow - they actually had THE James Hurley play The Roadhouse!  HOWLED with laughter once the song started!  Liked how they had the two long dark haired haired girls sharing the mike mirroring Donna and Maddy from the original.  And there was someone crying during it!  (But doesn't that song make everyone cry?)


    Does Ray own another shirt?

    • Love 5
  13. From the beginning of new blog post from theplltheorist 



    I have put off writing this post for as long as humanly possible but now I fear I can’t run from it anymore. It has officially been a month to the day since Pretty Little Liars has ended, I know it’s a cliché but it does feel like it was just on yesterday. How do you begin to explain your feelings for something that changed your life? I had talked about PLL ending at breakfast with Norman Buckley and he asked me a question I had not yet answered: “How did you feel about the big reveal?” I paused for a moment, made a face and went back and forth for a moment in my head. “Yes and no.” I replied, “I had thought it was melissa but I loved Troian’s performance.” He smiled, “You know, sometimes as a showrunner Marlene has to make a choice between shock and not making sense and what makes sense but doesn’t shock. Especially when actresses can’t make it in their schedule.” And that was all I needed, that was the closure I needed.

    Full post: http://theplltheorist.tumblr.com/post/163748311619/pll-parting-is-such-sweet-sorrow

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