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Posts posted by truthaboutluv

  1. 10 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

    But something about the idols just doesn't seem to be a big deal anymore. 

    It's not the idols in my opinion, but the players. Some of the examples mentioned of past strategic idol plays is because the players were smart in how they played their idols. 

    The issue I see, particularly this season, wasn't with the idols but players who are overthinking the game and more importantly, thinking one or two tribal councils down the road, forgetting that they have to make it past that particular tribal council. 

    Idols are still an effective and interesting part of the game, in my opinion. The problem is with players not knowing how to strategically use them to their advantage. That and people need to STOP telling other players when they have an idol.

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  2. On 5/24/2024 at 4:07 PM, LadyChatts said:


    I don't agree with the sentiment that Probst needs to be fired, and I think the issue is more with him being the showrunner than the host.  But I think this article sums a lot that isn't working with the new era.  Here are some key points I thought it made:


    I don't know, other than starting with the three small tribes, I don't really agree with most of this. The point about Parvati is irrelevant in my opinion because idols still exist. It's not the show's fault if players are dumbasses who refuse to play their idols, like we saw this season.

    I guess, the point can be related to the very complicated ways the show makes the players get an idol, which I will concede is a bit much. But saying that, one can argue that that DOES add a new layer of complexity to the game that didn't exist in the past. 

    The stuff about people practicing puzzles and what not before coming on the show - that's what's going to happen when a show has been on as long as Survivor has. There are only so many variations on challenges these people can come up with. And frankly I still don't see the evidence of how this has hurt the show since we've seen many of these players not win - um, Hunter anyone? All those puzzle challenge knowledge didn't save him in the game. 

    As for the fire-making challenge at F4 - doesn't bother me because I do think for a show where fire is so significant, it makes sense that the final hurdle comes down to making fire. And I've enjoyed seeing the many players who despite knowing this, are unprepared when they get down to F4, to make fire. 

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  3. Just now, iMonrey said:

    Did Liz get to ask a question? Or Hunter?

    Didn't see Liz but Hunter asked the question about what Kenzie and Charlie would have done if they'd been the one to win Immunity and were in Ben's position. 

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  4. 2 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

    Charlie said the same thing.  Guess they are pandering for her vote.

    Well he did also say that he'd have taken her to the end if he won the necklace because he believed he could beat her. 

  5. Wow, he actually gave Charlie the free ride to the Final 3. I know some have said Charlie's game wasn't that impressive but one, Charlie is a law student, so there is the chance that he can sell the hell of the game he did play and two, even though Charlie may not have owned any big moves, he, along with his alliance with Maria was crucial to many of these moves. 

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  6. 1 minute ago, wallflower75 said:

    Crap.  It's going to be Kenzie vs. Charlie because Liz pulled out the tears.

    Nah, that's the one decision Ben seemed very dead set on. He's more torn about choosing between Charlie and Kenzie. 

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  7. Liz thinks the players all see her as the biggest threat left? Really? Sure there are Nami members on the jury but um, there is also Venus, Q, Tiffany and Maria who I don't see her getting their vote.

    Who knows where Hunter's head is at and I think Tevin likely got the intel in Ponderosa that she was a big part of his blindside. 

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  8. Just now, LadyChatts said:

    I think Maria's going, this seems like a good-bye spiel.  

    Honestly, not to be cold but it'd convince me even more to vote for her. The jury is seeing this and she's being vulnerable. In any case, with Charlie voting for her, it's done. 

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  9. We've arrive at the portion of the game where the overthinking makes folks do some really dumb shit.

    Liz is considering this idea on the "maybe" that Ben may be some super secret mastermind versus the surety of how strong a game Maria has played.

    In any case, until it happens, I think this may just be the show trying to build some tension because the Maria vote out was probably straight forward.

    This also showed why Charlie playing it cool with Maria after she came for him, was smart because it convinced her she still had him with her and so, she didn't throw HIS name as the option, which would have been her better option. 

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  10. I have to give Maria props for keeping a game face because I'd have thrown a Liz sized tantrum if after basically teaming up against me, people kept going, "oh you're so amazing, it's because you're such a bad ass..." Like shut up already! 

    Maria was the only one who knew Q found the idol so don't underestimate her finding it. 

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  11. Just now, Lady Calypso said:

    Well then, I don't think this has happened, someone outright stopping THEIR puzzle to go run and grab someone else's to help them out.

    I guess it's allowed?

    Liz knew she had no shot of winning because she wasn't even close on the puzzle and they REALLY want Maria out. 

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