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  1. Hugs and support to Boliver.
  2. Put me in for Secret Santa as well.
  3. "There was a Riley one in Season 5 that was boring" doesn't really narrow it down much, does it?
  4. Nope, unless you consider carpet cleaning interesting. I did take a break to see the recent X-Men movie today. It was a generic special effects-laden superhero action film. Not awful or anything, but nothing stood out about it either.
  5. Welcome back, KPC. I hope you'll feel no need to fake it here. I saw Zootopia. I recommend it. I thought it was surprisingly good on a number of levels, and with a lot more thematic depth than I normally expect from a Disney feature. One of the folks I follow on Twitter called it one of the best films about racism Hollywood's ever made. I don't know that I'd go that far, but the story did go to some metaphorical places I didn't expect. Really interesting world-building too. I found myself wanting to see it on DVD just so I could freezeframe and look at all the background details of the fantastic world they created for the film. Also I laughed out loud at
  6. With the break in continuity and the mods and fan community all dispersed, TWoP is nothing more than a brand now. Maybe the new owners can create something new with it. But I doubt I'll be hanging out there.
  7. No, me too. Well, that and I don't have much to say.
  8. Having been in men's rooms when one or more women crashed them because the line to the women's was too long ... I don't care either. My reaction has always been essentially: "Women? In here? Really? ... okay." And that was it. Yeah, it can be a little surprising, but I don't see anything worth getting upset about.
  9. In a vague way. I knew they were out there, but I never met any. I noticed that even a few of the people at MW who loved the show freely concede its flaws, and that it could have been a lot better than it was. Voyager is the only Trek series I've never watched all the way through, and I'm a big enough Trekkie to support fan films on Kickstarter. I gave up on Voyager early in the fourth season, when I realized the writers/producers simply had no idea what they were doing. I later heard, third-hand, that executive meddling from UPN was also a huge problem. A shame; it really was a fantastic premise with so much potential. In the right hands, it could have been the best Trek.
  10. Vibes to KPC.
  11. Calming serene vibes to Harvester.
  12. I'm even less excited about the new Star Wars than I'd thought. I was planning to see it last weekend, then today, but stuff keeps getting in the way, and instead of getting annoyed I'm just telling myself, fine, wait a few more days if I have to. So maybe tomorrow or Wednesday? But if things continue to come up, it might be after Christmas. Still remaining mostly spoiler-free, though. I've picked up a couple of character names and a hint about who the new lead character is, but not much else so far.
  13. Fury Road impressed me. Despite being basically one long car chase interrupted by some shorter car chases, it managed to hold my attention all the way through. Not many car chase movies could do that. Plus, I loved the dynamic between Furiosa and Max as the story progressed, including the way the film didn't try to force some ridiculous romance onto them. That said, I didn't believe the world the movie was set in, but then I never did in the previous films either. That many years after civilization collapsed, there wouldn't be the infrastructure to refine and distribute gasoline for their cars, or manufacture bullets for their guns. They'd all be riding horses and fighting with crossbows and hand weapons. But I was able to suspend disbelief enough to just accept that stuff.
  14. Not specifically, but Rule 34 says it has to be.
  15. I don't think even that would do it. Ronald Reagan, patron saint of American movement conservatives, was shot by a deranged loner and the lunatic right barely budged on guns. I think the response to a politician's kid getting murdered would be the same response every time a child is murdered: "more guns."
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