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Posts posted by escapetoreality

  1. Okay need more info on the personal page -- can't get there by link. Dying to know heifer reaction. We know there is the movie character page and then there is the one Mohamed Jbali page with the creepy yellow photo -- that one has no recent updates. What is the name on the one to which you are referring??? Thanks!

  2. There is a dating site called Arab Lounge! Who knew? And Mo just sent her friendly messages at first, yeah right. A lot fishy about that interview. Would love to know on what basis the brother is in Canada. Also the Norwalk Reflector article said Mo changed his mind after the initial application which is not what Danielle just said. Anything surprising about him getting work permit? Now what?

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  3. In retrospect does anyone think there is truth to the idea that TLC tried to stop the wedding? Good friend Angie said early on that TLC asked her to intervene and try to talk Dani out of it. On Cassia's FB page (under name Monique Muniz) she links to a podcast called Bring Me Your Torch which purports to have a 90 Day Fiance mole. If you listen to the end of the linked podcast the report on Dani and Mo is that TLC did try to stop the wedding from proceeding -- to the point of offering Mo a small amount of money. If true I would have thought the reason was to prevent Dani from making a huge mistake but the podcast suggests the motive was more crass i.e. to up the drama.

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  4. So I think that really WAS the mayor of the fine burg of Norwalk who did the ceremony:  




    Personally I have not been to a wedding in many years in which the objection part was included.  I think that got written out long ago. The fact that it was revived here and that Mo had a TH about it shows me that the producers played this event up for maximum camp and hillbilly horror.  While the mayor and Mo were standing there waiting for Bridezilla you might think the subject of the kiss would have come up and been tactfully avoided.  But NOOOO.... 


    There are some pithy comments on the 90 Day Fiance FB page including that Danielle's daughter Faith was better dressed than her son.  All in all a pretty horrific episode for Dani and Mo. 

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    • Who knows who was on the trailer at the end of the last show saying (from what appeared to be the wedding reception) that the marriage was a disaster in the making?  Was that the sister or the former friend Angie? Apt as the comment may have been it seems a little harsh to make at someone's reception (if I saw that right).      

  5. Okay so on Mohamed's FB page where he is a self-proclaimed "Movie Character" yesterday's status update was "traveling to New York." Then some commenters were saying "have fun Danielle and Mohamed" and like that.  First of all it did not say WE are traveling to New York so I'm not so sure it is a joint trip (unless maybe that's where TLC is and they are due to collect their checks). Second they are in mid-eviction with a move-out date of December 10th -- not the optimal time for a vacation.  Any idea what's going on?   Whoever may be in NYC keep your eyes peeled ....  

  6. Good catch on the eviction -- I knew I'd seen that the showdown was to be this week. I think it is stating that the family has a  move out date of 12/10/14 and then there is a hearing the next morning but they are to be out by then.   On the Corey issue -- it does not seem from the show that he lives with them but that is his address on the domestic violence action -- I wonder if that was an altercation with Mo as was reported (or I guess in deference to Cassia's delicate sensibilities I should say rumored) on the first Tumblr article. It also seems to be the date that service of process of the eviction went down so perhaps tensions were heightened .....)

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