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Posts posted by escapetoreality

  1. So is this "shorter" cruise a one-nighter? Down from two nighters?  This to me is the biggest pretense of the show -- there is just a revolving door of people who want to be on TV as opposed to any realistic take on people who would actually charter a yacht for a vacation. It's not a hotel.  

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  2. Don't you think the fundamental quandry in the Adam/Carole situation is the age difference? I think she tried to play it way cooler than she felt based on the biological fact that he will want a family she can't provide.  To me she shows a lot of bravado because she knows the split is inevitable. But it still hurts... 

    • Love 13
  3. Can I get a reminder of who was invited to LuAnn's nuptials? I know Dorinda was the maid of therefore making the lunch scene ridiculously fake and superficial, but which other ladies were on the guest list? If Carole was not, as I suspect, then I think she is relieved of consoling duties. In fact I agree LuAnn owes all of them an apology for her disdainful treatment of them when concerns were expressed.  

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  4. The moment when the psychic intimated a heavenly call from Pink Dog was callous, exploitive and must be a violation of psychic principles! To have then confessed the Twitter prep does not excuse what had to be an excruciating moment for Lisa who was clearly distraught. Also I am sure the producers made her confront Erika about the lack-o-text as I can't imagine Lisa caring at all.  These obviously inauthentic moments seem to increase every season. I would love to know how many takes it took for Erika's suggestion that the group join her in Berlin sound remotely sincere.  

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  5. I can forgive Dorit a lot (the screeching, fake accent "whilst" -- and her phony way of acting around the children, for starters) but I cannot get over the pairing of a logo Balenciaga baseball cap and logo Givenchy track pants for the scene at home with PK.   So arriviste -- shudder. 

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  6. I was waiting for Jen to say she is not pursuing anything in the industry further. I do not agree that leaving one's young daughter for weeks at a time is a viable option, even putting aside her lack of aptitude for the job. Do we think the stupid line Jen gave was a sign off from yachting?  

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  7. Pretty clear the sex talk/lingerie shopping is based on desperation for anything remotely like a storyline for Evelyn and David. Having exhausted the standard conflicts as to friend disapproval, wedding plans and where to live, this is what it's come to.  

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  8. On the cutesie theme parties -- that is the aspect that most baffles me.  Wonder if the guests have to pick something off a list? I would be down for an elegant white dinner or something like that but most of these do not seem like anything truly wealthy people would agree to. Why have a luau in the Caribbean when you could get talented local dancers and musicians to do something typical? 

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  9. What was the point of Azan questioning Nicole as to what the living situation would be in the U.S.? Was he asking whether they would be moving out of that efficiency?  Was the insinuation that Nicole would be out working and him being Mr. Mom?  Think I had a mini cat nap as I was a little confused as to the point of that convo. 

  10. Timeline help please when was this? After they went to Greece together I think.  Funny didn't mention that on the show. Then I think there was trouble in paradise but they got back together and from what I can stomach of her Instagram they've been lovey covey lately. 

  11. I really connected with the comment that as two male parents they feel overly judged in public. I am sure that is the case and frankly I had't thought about that before so am grateful for the insight.   Strangers can be really nosy/inappropriate/even cruel.  

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