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Demented Daisy

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Posts posted by Demented Daisy

  1. Correct!  

    Current standings are unchanged:

    • Ditty -- PURPLE, GREEN
    • Diane -- 
    • AwesomO -- 
    • Sue -- ORANGE
    • sarthaz -- PURPLE

    Our next category is Spells, Objects, and Rituals (PURPLE):

    Who is the first hunter to summon Crowley via spell?

  2. Correct!  

    Current standings are unchanged:

    • Ditty -- PURPLE, GREEN
    • Diane -- 
    • AwesomO -- 
    • Sue -- ORANGE
    • sarthaz -- PURPLE

    Our next category is Locations (YELLOW):

    Dean makes an unlikely ally in a monster named Benny in Purgatory.  What kind of monster is Benny?

  3. Correct!  

    Current standings are unchanged:

    • Ditty -- PURPLE, GREEN
    • Diane -- 
    • AwesomO -- 
    • Sue -- ORANGE
    • sarthaz -- PURPLE

    Our next category is Angels and Demons (PINK):

    John Winchester and Mary Campbell's first meeting is arranged by which celestial being?

  4. Correct!  ("Storage -- Because their Leviathan doppelgängers were driving the same car.")

    Current standings:

    • Ditty -- PURPLE, GREEN
    • Diane -- 
    • AwesomO -- 
    • Sue -- ORANGE
    • sarthaz -- PURPLE

    Our next category is The Winchester Brothers (BLUE):

    Which demon possesses Sam and almost kills Dean?

  5. Correct!  

    Current standings:

    • Ditty -- PURPLE, GREEN
    • Diane -- 
    • catrox -- BLUE, PINK, YELLOW, GREEN
    • AwesomO -- 
    • Sue -- ORANGE
    • sarthaz -- PURPLE

    Our next category is Join the Hunt (ORANGE):

    Where does Bobby Singer's friend Frank Devereaux insist that Dean put Baby when the Leviathan create doppelgängers of the Winchester brothers?

  6. Correct!  I didn't realize you were joining us.  I'll add you to the list.  :-)

    Current standings:

    • Ditty -- PURPLE, GREEN
    • Diane -- 
    • catrox -- BLUE, PINK, YELLOW
    • AwesomO -- 
    • Sue -- ORANGE
    • sarthaz -- PURPLE

    Our next category is Creatures (GREEN):

    After Dean gives up hunting following Sam's "death", he is poisoned by what creature posing as a waitress?

  7. Correct!

    Current standings are unchanged:

    • Ditty -- PURPLE, GREEN
    • Diane -- 
    • catrox -- BLUE, PINK, YELLOW
    • AwesomO -- 
    • Sue -- ORANGE

    Our next category is Spells, Objects, and Rituals (PURPLE):

    The time god Chronos can be killed with a stake carved from a branch of this type of tree.

  8. Correct!

    Current standings are unchanged:

    • Ditty -- PURPLE, GREEN
    • Diane -- 
    • catrox -- BLUE, PINK, YELLOW
    • AwesomO -- 
    • Sue -- ORANGE

    Our next category is Angels and Demons (PINK):

    Upon Sam's request, Ruby takes a new meat suit belonging to a woman who is in what physical state?

  9. Correct!

    Current standings:

    • Ditty -- PURPLE, GREEN
    • Diane -- 
    • catrox -- BLUE, PINK, YELLOW
    • AwesomO -- 
    • Sue -- ORANGE

    Our next category is The Winchester Brothers (BLUE):

    What is the name of Sam's childhood imaginary friend?

  10. Correct!

    Current standings:

    • Ditty -- PURPLE, GREEN
    • Diane -- 
    • catrox -- BLUE, PINK, YELLOW
    • AwesomO -- 
    • Sue -- 

    Our next category is Join the Hunt (ORANGE):

    What do Bobby and his wife Karen argue about before she is possessed by a demon?

  11. That's the one!  ("The sigil of Baphomet" is the answer on the card.)

    Current standings:

    • Ditty -- PURPLE
    • Diane -- 
    • catrox -- BLUE, PINK, YELLOW
    • AwesomO -- 
    • Sue -- 

    Our next category is Creatures (GREEN):

    When a young Dean is arrested for stealing food, he is placed in a boy's home while his father John is hunting what kind of creature in the Catskill mountains?

  12. + Fan Fiction
    -- Baby
    -- First Born

    23 - Fan Fiction
    15 - Baby
    14 - Just My Imagination
    14 - Don't Call Me Shurley
    14 - Safe House
    13 - The Werther Project
    11 - Into the Mystic
    08 - Inside Man
    04 - First Born
    03 - Everybody Hates Hitler

    Sent to the Empty
    Dog Dean Afternoon
    Heaven Can't Wait
    What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
    Mother's Little Helper
    Hunteri Heroici
    Pac-Man Fever
    Bad Boys
    The Great Escapist
    Goodbye Stranger
    Hibbing 911
    About A Boy

  13. 8 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

    I think they go by the adage that writing "the grey area" is considered more sophisticated, deeper and more edgy. Unfortunately, writers have stopped to ask themselves the question of "does my story call for that?" Some stories absolutely call for a more simplistic good vs. evil. And if that is written well, there is nothing childish or simple about it. And if a story does benefit from muddying the waters a bit (lot), that also needs to be written really well. Which means, if you can`t do it, stay with good vs. evil.

    That would make a difference if the show hadn't done it over and over and over again.  From the moment John sold his soul to save Dean's life, they've questioned who they should work with, to what extremes they will go.  It's tired and redundant at this point.

    I thought the BMoL would be not unlike the Ministry of Magic, controlling who can do magic and punishing those who are too young/inexperienced.  (Except, of course, the BMoL would be controlling and punishing hunters.)

    You know what might have made an interesting story?  Trying to figure out why Abbadon killed all the American MoL, but left the Brits alone.  Perhaps the Winchesters should be looking into whether the BMoL are the only ones left....

    • Love 3
  14. Dammit, I want my good guys to be good and my bad guys to be bad.  I'm tired of the show blurring the line between the two.  Besides, this is not exactly new for Sam and Dean.  How many times have they asked themselves if they should work with demons/witches/vampires/angels/etc.?  Not to mention hunters like Gordon.

    C'mon, show.  Please do better.  

    • Love 2
  15. -- Baby
    + Fan Fiction
    + Safe House

    24- Fan Fiction
    18 - Baby
    16 - Safe House
    15 - Into the Mystic
    14 - Don't Call Me Shurley
    14 - Just My Imagination
    13 - The Werther Project
    10 - Inside Man
    07 - Everybody Hates Hitler
    07 - First Born

    Sent to the Empty
    Dog Dean Afternoon
    Heaven Can't Wait
    What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
    Mother's Little Helper
    Hunteri Heroici
    Pac-Man Fever
    Bad Boys
    The Great Escapist
    Goodbye Stranger
    Hibbing 911
    About A Boy

  16. Correct!

    Current standings:

    • Ditty -- 
    • Diane -- 
    • catrox -- BLUE, PINK, YELLOW
    • AwesomO -- 
    • Sue -- 

    Our next category is Spells, Objects, and Rituals (PURPLE):

    When summoning a demon, the novice witches Trevor and Nora place the necessary ingredients in a bowl resting on this symbol.

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