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Posts posted by DesertCyclist

  1. I hate it when writers force characters to act stupid or illogical in service of the plot.  I blame Lost for this phenomenon.

    After this season's last episode I'm done with all flavors of TWD.

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  2. On 5/14/2018 at 8:58 AM, mac123x said:

    If Delos Corp was going to sell Robot-immortality (once they've perfected it), why would they need to surreptitiously collect the guests' DNA?  And if they are planning on copying guests' brains into duplicate-host bodies against their will... to what end?

    The only thing that makes sense to me is that certain folks within Delos want to secretly replace the rich and powerful with identical hosts, facilitating their eventual takeover of the real world.

  3. 53 minutes ago, AnswersWanted said:

    I was referencing the man who met June and took her into his home when the safe house plan fell apart, I believe his name is “Omar”. 

    Sorry, but what does Eco man mean?

  4. 5 minutes ago, valandsend said:

    Was Luciana at the dam during the last season finale? I remember her leaving but not her return.

    I actually thought she was dead, then I realized I must've confused her with another character that also lacks development.

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  5. 7 hours ago, Shanna Marie said:

    I'm a bit baffled by Emma -- if she wants to be sure women keep the right to vote and not be property of men, then why is she making out with the guy who's ordering time travel missions in order to try to keep women in their place? What kind of relationship does she expect to have with that kind of man?

    My suspicion is that either she's playing a long con, or she's attracted to Rittenhouse because of her history of abuse.  Once he gets abusive -- and I think he will -- my money is on her flipping sides.

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  6. 4 hours ago, kdm07 said:

    Her portrayal of Commander Lexa on The 100 was one of the best things about that show

    I agree, and she's horribly underutilized here.

    Also, I loathed Maggie Grace's character Shannon on Lost, but I like her as Althea here, so I'm not if Grace has grown as an actress or if she's been that good all along.

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  7. This season isn't working for me -- it feels disjointed and unfocused, and characters are falling into the frustrating Lost trap of repeatedly not doing the obvious things (like not killing Negan despite being offered ample opportunity) -- so I'm watching the rest of the season only because I bought the season pass on iTunes.

    It's a sad day when I find the latest season of Fear The Walking Dead more compelling.

  8. Sigh...  I enjoyed this episode, and it definitely had its moments, but I'm on the fence about Justin Hartley.  I typically restrict my negative criticism to larger creative choices and not comment on actors, but with Hartley's portrayal I never really buy into Kevin being a real person.  It always feels like someone "acting" to me when Kevin's on screen, and I struggle with suspension of disbelief.  I don't know if it's a conscious choice made by Hartley or if he isn't a strong dramatic actor.  At times, I think it actually works because Kevin himself isn't all that authentic, but last night the only time I really felt there was honest depth was during Kevin's breakdown near the end.  I'm sorry if my opinions offend Kevin or Hartley fans; I really do want to like Hartley.

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