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Posts posted by Autumn

  1. One thing they need to do away with is the moment where the client looks at Dr Bull with tears in their eyes and says, "how did you know?  I didn't know myself until now".

    Hopfully the show will continue to improve now they have a professional writing staff working on the scripts.

    I am a lawyer and I have to suspend belief on every legal show so this one is not that different.

    • Love 5
  2. The Victorian bits were interesting but once it became clear it was just part of a self-induced drug trip I zoned out.  The show is becoming too self referential.  They are relying too much on  meta references instead of interesting story.  Once it was clear it was a dream there was no dramatic tension.  It didn't matter if Holmes fell off the falls it was just a dream.  It didn't matter that he overdosed since it was intentional and he would have calibrated just how much to take.  It wouldn't have mattered if Moriarty was really there because they would have just talked each other to death.  I would hate to have been watching with a new viewer.

    • Love 13
  3. So basically the same people that were marked for the undeworld and then saved  by Hook are now going there voluntarily.   Regina makes a big show of saving the baby from Zelena by sending her to Oz and then waltzes off with Robin to the Underworld leaving the kids with the Fairies.  Yeah, that makes sense.  At least it makes somewhat sense that Snow, Charming, Regina and Robin would go because they can fight, but Henry is pretty much useless.


    I think I would have rather watched a show about Belle in the real world than the same old, same old stuff.      

    • Love 5
  4. I think Gwen, Pharell and Blake focus more on presenting a full picture with the voice, a professional performance and styleing than Adam did.  Blake seems to have the team that can make you feel you are watching someone in concert and not a contestant on a show. No one is really standing out for me but based on performance energy and polish Zach have the performance of the night for me.  Nadjah looked amazing with the long ponytail and the tight silver dress even though her rendition of the song was not that much different from the origional.


    I think Blake factors in marketability and genre when he picks his artists.  I don;t think that the other coaches necessarily do.  That is why you get someone like Sawyer who has a great voice for country rock but still looks and acts like a coffee house folk singer. 

    • Love 2
  5. I am just not interested in Lucious and the girl rapper.  She seems kind of two dimensional.  I did like the girl that Hakeem is working with.


    Michael is also pretty two dimensional.  All he seems to do is pout and smirk.  Jamal should get rid of him for good.


    I give the actor playing Andre credit.  There is something about him that makes me nervious and uncomfortable.  I imagine Lucious and Rhonda are sensing on some deep level that something is off with Andre apart from his sudden interest in God.


    I liked Cookie's new love interest.  I hope that doesn't mean that he is the kidnapper.


    I am glad that the Hakeem and Jamal fight didn't last very long.

    • Love 3
  6. I think Charlie was between a rock and a hard place.  Oppenheimer told him that he needed to step up and calm the team or the whole project was in danger and K4 told him Frank' sacrifice would be for nothing if he didn't continue.  If he had told the room that Frank was missing it would have been chaos and likely he would have 'disappeared.'  I think he said Berlin to pump up the team.  At that stage did any of them know the targets would be in Japan?


    I don't usually like flash forwards but reminding people that Hiroshima does happen places the focus more on what obstacles stood in their way and not on will they or won't they get to that stage.  We know they do but I think the show was reassuring us they weren't going to mess with history by changing the outcome.

  7. I think the grandmother flashbacks are to show that growing up with a mentally ill parent was awful and why Lucious is afraid of Andre raising his grandchild.

    • Love 6
  8. Lucius has a witness to Rhonda's confession and I have no doubt he is going to use it to throw her under the bus and take that kid some day.

    Cookie can sure think on her feet. She got out of jail and screwed Lucious over at the same time.

    Hakeem was right about that painting being ugly. He is so jealous of Jamal but it is obvious that Lucious has very little interest in Jamal's music career.

    • Love 3
  9. I am going to guess that Simon is a spy for Israel or another country and that he is not necessarily part of the terrorist plan but has another agenda.


    Alex is so smart but she apparently never learned anything about disguise.  All she did to alter her appearance was pull up her hoodie.


    So Alex and Meredith are both in love with Booth AND he has a family to get back to?

    • Love 3
  10. I liked it too.  The ghosts were creepy and everyone was scared but no one freaked out to the point where they weren't capable of helping.  I liked that they were all like, oh you're from Unit, you must be the Doctor.  Sometimes I like them to get right into the action without having to explain time travel, the Doctor and the Tardis.


    I was glad to see a deaf character in charge and use her deafness as an asset.  I think the Doctor turning into a ghost was just too cool of an idea for them to pass up.  I agree that the issue isn't will the Doctor stay dead but how did he get that way and what will have to happend to set things right again.


    I also liked the tone of this one.  Everyone was enjoying having a problem to solve.  Last season was mostly a downer so it is nice to see the Doctor, the companion and the other characters engaged and having a certain amount of fun even if it did seem a bit unseemly.


    I thought the ghosts looked cool.  The one with the hat reminded me of a character from the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland.

    • Love 4
  11. The best thing about this show was the pimptastic lawyer.  I assume Lucious's high priced lawyers didn't think he would get bail so it wasn't worth pushing for it.  They probably think Vernon is in a Federal safehouse or something.  It is odd that they are not trying to find more about that and why he hasn't been brought before a grand jury yet.


    I think Andre probably send Rhonda to talk to Jamal.  He clearly can't stand Cookie and Hakeem and Cookie's ghetto fabulous offices are not his style and are a major drop in status.


     I give Hakeem props for walking away when Jamal tried to threaten him.  Without Lucious to back him up Jamal isn't very intimidating


    I like Anika because she is the anti-Cookie.  They need that balance.  Her yellow dress was gorgeous.

    • Love 1
  12. There was nothing that interesting about the case.  They keep building stories around the Shannon/Kelly drug cartel stuff even though that wasn't that interesting the first few times they did it years ago.


    I think Tony does just fine with the team when Gibbs is gone.  When Gibbs is there Tony defers to him and starts seeking his approval.  I think Gibbs was trying to tell him he needs to stop looking for approval and just do the job.

    • Love 4
  13. I like the premise and am curious where it is going.  I am not so much bothered that they all look like supermodels but the fact that they are all posing and hair tossing like supermodels.killed any belief that this is a show to be taken seriously.  I'll give it a few more episodes but I am a bit disappointed.

    • Love 5
  14. I love Pete Capaldi so it pains me to say that I am not enjoying his Doctor very much.  I don't mind that he is older.  I just don't feel that he has fully developed the character which I put down to the way he is written which has been all over the place.   I enjoyed this episode more than last week but that is mostly because of Missy.  Yes, she is over-the-top campy but no more so than the John Simm verson of the Master.  The Doctor/Davros scenes were good but I feel we have seen the same sort of moral dilemma scenes with Davros and other doctors. 


    The stories for twelve are just not clean.  There is just too much extraneous stuff such as side trips to medieval Essex, tanks, guitars and sunglasses.  The whole impossible girl stuff and different versions of histories that never happened is messing with my understanding of continuity.

    • Love 5
  15. The Daleks have felt played out for a while but I do like the idea of The Doctor deciding if he should kill Davros as a child so none of it would ever happen.  I don't mind Missy but i would have liked to see her and the Doctor together solving a problem instead of her and Clara.  I liked the guitar playing because it is seems like something this Doctor would know how to do.  The tank and the "dude" bit of it was overkill.  I think that Capaldi is finally relaxing into the role and hopefully The Doctor will have some fun this season.


    Of course Clara and Missy aren't dead.  I think anytine the show "kills" a companion or puts them in mortal danger it is almost always a cheat.  I think asking if The Doctor would kill to save a random person would be much more of a question.


    I imagine the ratings being down is somewhat related to how long it has been since the last series.  People get out of the habit of watching.

    • Love 1
  16. The think what made me the happiest was seeing the Jolly Roger back.  Ariel gets shit done.   She saves Hook and then crosses realms to find Ursula's father and brings him back just in time to save everyone again.  She is the only one at this point who deserves a happy ending.


    The reason the villains keep losing is because they always tell people their evil plans.  Why would Gold tell everyone he was planning to turn Emma's heart black?  He had to know that at least one of them was going to be out for themselves and double cross him.


    I am afraid to find out why the author was trapped in the book because I know it is going to be stupid. 

    • Love 12
  17. I thought for a brief moment that we might get through an entire episode without Huck senselessly murdering or torturing someone.  That character just drags this whole show down.


    So now Fitz and Jake are reduced to sitting around having endless conversations about what Liv does all day.


    This show used to be fun.  Now every character is just sad and depressing.  Even the OPA cases are sad and depressing.   

    • Love 7
  18. It was nice to see Will for those 7.5 seconds. Don't know how he and Belle hooked up since Rumple's been gone less than two months.


    i know two months to get over the love of your life (that you are still married to). I think Rumple is totally justified in going all medieval on them.


    This whole storyline seems to come from some idea the writer's had about, "hey wouldn't it be fun to make Emma evil?" instead of any compelling story reason for Emma to move to the dark side.


    This author story is incredibly dull. 

    • Love 3
  19. I wasn't feeling it.  I zoned out half the way through.  I couldn't tell you anything about the case.  I liked Dean Winters and Josh Duhamel but it felt really dated to me.  Like something from the late 80's early 90's.  It might have been more interesting if it was set back in that time. 


    I am guessing that there was a reason that this was sitting on the shelf for so long and only dusted off after Vince Gilligan had a big hit with Breaking Bad.


    I will watch one or two more but I haven't seem too many shows with a boring pilot get better.  .

    • Love 1
  20. So people in the real world can call into Storybrook on the phone and send them e-mail?  Do they get cable?


    Cruella is a hoot.  Ursula is kind of dull in comparison but they made a a good Thelma and Louise Team.  I am not looking forward to Maleficent who is one of my least favorite characters.


    Blue Fairy is sketchy as hell.


    I assume Gold was using some kind of cloaking spell while walking down the street so no one saw him but Cruella and Ursula.


    I felt sorry for Gold when he thought that Cruella and Ursula weren't coming back for him.

  21. It was good but the ending felt kind of rushed.  The frustrating thing about time travel is all of the time that it takes to convince someone that you are a time traveler.  I want Ben Franklin to have his own spin-off series. 

    • Love 5
  22. Wells is the only one who knows what happens in the future so he may have good reasons for taking a ruthless ends justifies the means approach to dealing with problems..


    Iris has reasons to be suspicious but at the same time she shouldn't be surprised that people who work in science labs keep secrets about what they are working on.  She also shouldn't be surprised that cops can't talk about police investigations with people not involved in the investigation.  i would rather she be doing something other than just being in the background though.

  23. So why did Luisa really give Petra her votes? Not quite sure I understood that.


    Petra manipulated her into thinking that by not giving Rafael control she was protecting him from becoming consumed by money and power.


    i think Zaz is the one still alive and the brother was the one that was killed.


    But one question - if he has 1/3 and Luisa has 1/3 and Petra has 1/3... There's no majority anywhere... Why was it so important for Rafael to get Louisa's share? Was it to not disappoint his father?


    With his shares and control over Luisa's he would control 2/3 of the shares.  Now Petra controls 2/3 and Rafael only 1/3 so she can out vote him.

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