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  1. Ok, many of us have an area that we set stuff in for dealing with later, whether that be a catch-all junk drawer, the garage , basket of papers and so forth. Tori's is on a grand scale, granted she's been busy raising 5 , I mean, 4 kids , moving 35 -57 times ( lost count) in the last 8 years, work , and the exhausting daily act of having sex with Dean, (or fending him off . . ) anyway, I'll allow that she's busy. Bring a group of friends along to go through it? When it's established that much of it is sentimental and important to her for her own reasons only ? Ya know, some tasks are best tackled solo or perhaps one with one close confidant, whose time I would be considerate of , as in, not wasting. Now what I don't get, is that she's been in therapy with the pandering Dr.Wexler for at least 8 years (Dr wexler so eloquently mediating in her break-up with Charlie) yet, Torii has all this "baggage" - unresolved , long standing issues - never before dealt with - something about it's time now to focus on her. Puleeze!
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