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Posts posted by dillpickles

  1. Did anyone notice how awkward Jessa was with the little ones when she picked them up from the airport? When Jill picked them up for her wedding, Mackynzie and Michael couldn't wait to jump on her for hugs. Jessa just kind of let Mackynzie wrap her arms around her legs and gave her a pat on the back. Hardly a reaction you give to your niece who lives far away. The contrast was kind of jarring!

    I wonder how Grandma really felt about cutting her wedding dress up.

    Ah, I can't say much about Jessa not being enthusiastic with the wee ones, because I'd probably have the same reaction to them. I think she inherented MEchelles heart for children, but I don't think she'll do much praying on it.

    >I wonder how grandma really felt about cutting her wedding dress up?

    Somehow I doubt she was very happy. I honestly think she doesn't like Michelle period though. Oh what I'd give to know what she thinks.

    • Love 4
  2. I would love for Gordin Ramsey to visit the Duggars. These people eat so unhealthy. They have the space to grow a garden but are too lazy to do it. They have money to eat healthy but won't do it. I'm surprised none of them have high blood pressure.


    somehow I see MEchelle arguing with chef Ramsey while Jim Boob yuks it up.

    • Love 2
  3. Seriously? I have a list a mile long of things I can criticize Josh and Anna for but the parking spot thing doesn't even register on my radar. It's such a non issue! I've been pregnant twice and have used the pregnant lady parking spots. Usually only if the weather was bad and I was hugely pregnant. Even now I park in the back of the lot and relish the opportunity to get some extra steps in. My local grocerer has a few parents with children spots up front and again I only use it when I know I'm going to be quick (I only need a few things) and I have both the kids with me or if the weather is bad. It's the only time I get to use a special spot damnit and the store provided me one, I'm going to use it (within reason and with curtesy to others who may need it more). I don't see the issue.

    I think it's because the spot is for women in the third trimester, you know, the ones who are pretty much ready to pop. And I don't think Anna is that pregnant.

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  4. If they were trusting God to determine the size of their family, there was no reason why a woman in her late 40's with nineteen kids already would need to talk to a doctor about her fertility. If they were truly leaving it up to God, there was no need for Michelle to have her teenage daughters to track her monthly cycle on that chart. Contradictions abound with JB and Michelle. If they truly trusted God in raising their children as Christians, then they would have the faith to let their grown children go out in the world, armed with the values they were taught, and choose their own paths.

    No no, you're thinking about it wrong. You see, they let God decide certain things, but even the big guy makes mistakes! It's up to the Duggars to correct them sometimes. You know, like Michelle not being pregnant, that's not supposed to happen at all! So she just does what any woman of faith does, and helps god out.

    And those kids making their own choices, what a joke. That can't happen either. Too many heathens running about. Sometimes God doesn't have his eye on the Duggar sparrows, so they have to monitor themselves. And by monitor themselves, I mean they don't do anything us (prayer) closet dwellers consider fun. That's why they have a teevee show and we don't.

    So you see, simple explications, simple stuff.

    • Love 5
  5. Just wanted to let those who have praying and thinking of us know that our little girl was born today at 30-31 weeks. 30w1day by my last period, but her measurements were more on tap with a 31 weeker.

    Maisie Aine (pronounced Awn-ya) born January 25 at 5:37 pm. 3 lbs, 6oz.

    Congratulations! I wish your beautiful little girl a long and happy life!

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  6. I agree with the people who say Jana is avoiding marriage and courtships because she doesn't want kids, but I also think she just doesn't like people too much.

    I think she has a harder time doing things like meeting new people then someone as outgoing as Jill, for example. I think if she wasn't the oldest girl and didn't get the spunk beat out of her she'd be more like Jessa.

    • Love 1
  7. Even Anna's kids. It always creeps me out when she says that.

    She delivered Josh, who impregnated Anna, who delivered those kids. If it wasn't for Michelle, there would be three less solders in God's army.

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  8. What happens if Jill has no girls to be D'Slaves? (Dilly Slaves). Is she going to mother all of her kids? I can see her doing it. She has a genuine love for kids. Unlike her mother.

    I can see her raising the kids even if she has a lot of girls. She might have the buddy team for when they go out, but I think Jill would be a hands on mom.

    • Love 1
  9. Florida mom- I agree with your points too & Yogi I like your line about Jilly being exhausting. I know others might think there is nothing wrong with her doing lunch with Derick, but every day? Poor guy, he can't even go to lunch with co-workers & talk about different things besides the Duggars & baby dill. I wonder if she still brings lunch in the picnic basket they got as a wedding gift? (Which I think would be embarrassing. One thing to bring lunch in a bag but all's I can picture is Jill acting like Dorothy from Wizard of Oz skipping in with basket on her arm) Do they eat in the Wal-Mart cafeteria? I don't know if coworkers give Derick a hard time about her daily lunch visits but I'm sure there's plenty of talk behind his back.

    I can see people shit talking about him by the water cooler, and I'm sure he's aware of it. I think he loved the Jill that came to visit him in Nepal, and the Jill that Skyped him all the time. She was bearable back then, but now, he has to deal with a whole different Jill. One he probably never anticipated.

    He probably understood that the duggars are a weird bunch, but I don't think he knew his wife would drive him to work everyday, he just thought she was sweet. He didn't know his father in law fancies himself the god of his family, he just thought he was a decent guy who may have been a little bit out there. He didn't know his mother in law was baby crazy, he just thought she really liked kids.

    And the worse part is, he probably feels that's he's in too deep, he just can't back out now, he's going to be a father, he's a husband, he's on a T.V show. Excuse my french but, he's basically fucked here.

    • Love 8
  10. I'm tired of the talk of Jill's belly. Women carry and show differently, I think we all agree on that. But since Jill seems to want to be talked about as much as possible, maybe she could recreate this iconic photo. We'd all have a lot to talk about then.

    Holy nike.

  11. Jessa posted a video on her instagram of Joy doing some squats in the gym. She was wearing a skirt over pants. What is the point of that? There were a lot of comments on the video from lunatic people explaining that the skirts are for modesty but how is a skirt more modest than pants? Why the skirt OVER the pants? I just don't even understand.

    Skirts arent necessarily more modest. I know that older, more conservative Christians want the females to not dress masculine, and pants are considered masculine.

    The logic comes from the old testement of the bible I believe (the same old testement that says your aren't supposed to shave ot wear two different kinds of fabric at once) women are supposed to dress feminine and men masculine.

    I believe that these rules don't technically apply to Christians in the 21st century, because they wweren't really gods commandments, more of the laws of the land back then.

    (I hope I didn't de-rail this thread, and I'm not much of a bible scholar anyway, so what I said should be taken with a grain of salt.)

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  12. Could you imagine Boob & MEchelle's reactions if they had to deal with a "normal" child stomping off screaming "I hate you, I hate this house, there's nothing good to eat, I can't wait til I'm 18 so I can leave, etc"? (Like us heathen families have to deal with)

    I would love to put Boob & MEchelle in one of those families from the Supernanny. Wonder what their reaction would be when the kids "totally" ignore them?

    That's legitimately what the prayer closet, ALERT, and journey to the heart are for. The second a kid gets a little out of hand, it's beaten out of them. Though, all three options are probably more appealing then staying in the duggar home.

    • Love 2
  13. The one good thing about the show continuing to air is that the single adults like Jana will be a part of it and the audience will wonder about what's going on with her. If she continues to remain single, Jim Bob may feel that he has to either come up with a suitor that she likes or find an approved career path for her that is acceptable to their faith. If it lasts 5 more years, Jana will be approaching 30 and the need to mother the little ones won't really be there anymore. Somebody has to be in charge of homeschooling but it will probably only be the youngest 5 who are still learning at home by then. Some of the other siblings will be married and then what will Jana have to do all day if she doesn't have a job, besides cook, clean and do laundry?

    She could be like that moody girl and write books.

    (Preferably tell all books)

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