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Posts posted by Psalm11

  1. 15 hours ago, appledumpling said:

    Kenya's damn near 50 year old a$$ looked like the idiot that she is walking like a duck and thinking that it was funny.  I swear she's got her mother's ugly ways and inherited her mother's crazy gene even though that woman didn't raise her.

    THIS! You are spot on, Appledumpling. Genes don't lie and CRAZY does not skip a generation; combine that with the knowledge that your mother didn't want you, well....heeeere's Kenya!

    • Love 2
  2. 1 minute ago, chick binewski said:

    I couldn't be bothered to learn Riley's "dad's" name. He had a neck tattoo that, to me, appeared to be the Chevy logo.

    ROFL....thanks for the explanation. I didn't see that tattoo on him. (To be honest, when he appeared on the screen I turned up my nose and averted my eyes like I smelled/saw something bad....which I did.  Crown him "King of the Deadbeats." Full of lame, asinine excuses.

    • Love 9

    The biggest problem for me was the whole "The Real" discussion.  I literally had to leave the room.  I have no idea how that show is successful...but I don't like the View or the Talk either. 

    Oh, Catrice2, I agree with everything you said but especially this!  I think you and I must be the only people in the country who dislike them. Yuck.

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  4. Eventhough I loved this episode, it left me with more questions about Dorinda's past.  Why did she and her late husband spend so much time in London?  Was he British? (Same question about her first husband as well.) Did she relocate to London for a career move as a young woman?  Is that why she ended up living there? 

    IDK, the information is a little sketchy to me...I need/thrive on details.  Thanks!

    • Love 3
  5. Hmmm....Just not satisfied with that ending. Not after 4 seasons of exemplary writing, production and direction.
    Here's what bugs me most:
         The Tommy Solution:  Contrived and "graspy" (as in straws); I thought it dishonored Richard, Julia, Jimmy and the artsy mother (I forget her name) 
         The Gillian Confusion:  I kinda feel like the writers read about women back in the day being treated for hysteria thru        unnecessary surgery and they said "Yeah, let's go with that"
         The Nucky Conclusion:  We all knew he was gonna get it, but I think rendering him poor and powerless and then dying (maybe by his own hand)  would have been more apropos and interesting
          The Young Sheriff Enoch Actor Selection:  Sorry, guys, but I think I'm the only one who DID NOT LIKE the choice of actor;  no judgment or criticism on him personally, but I thought he was awful.  What really bugged me more than anything was his height, or lack of... the guy was a shrimp...and I'm not gonna even mention the teeth.  He reminded me of a Keystone Cop. Most scenes with him I found cringe-worthy, except for the last one with young Gillian...good bit of acting there.

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