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8 Neutral
  1. I think maybe Malvo still had some sympathy/ liking for Lester as one of his murderer-babies. The triple-homicide was a harsh lesson, but the betrayal is what set him off. If Lester had helped instead of braining him with the award, he might just have let him live. Lester, meanwhile, planned on using his wife as a decoy way in advance. He specifically didn't let her bring her winter coat so she would have to use his. The acting in this series continues to blow me away.
  2. TJ, not to belabor the point, but those clues were pretty tough. Point of fact: my son is OBSESSED with Thomas the Tank Engine, and I could name about 30 of his friends, but I've never even heard of Douglas... So who is hosting the next round?
  3. Great game, TJ! I don't think there should have been more villains... They just happened to catch a bad break with the kamikaze, followed by Bob and Jessie sort of outing themselves. Sometimes things just shake down crappily for one team or the other, but that doesn't mean it's bad game design. One of these days you'll win Best Dressed and RuPaul will win Worst Clues :)
  4. I'm only 98% hero because I haven't eaten since Thursday. But I'm feeling much better now. Thanks for the good wishes, guys! The literal David Lynch had come and gone by the time I checked in this a.m. Fingers crossed!
  5. OK, so I've been up all night with a stomach bug (NOT FUN) so I'm not at my most coherent. Sorry to lose you, RA! I'm generally not on board with a clue that points to someone that is also central to the plot/series, i.e. "steam train," but I do agree that the use of the word "namely" makes it more plausible. Not ready to vote on it yet, though. I didn't see any other possible clues in the Night story, except maybe that the handcuffs were a foreign make. Don't know whom that would point to, though. In the Day story, I wonder if the clue could be "ethernet cables," since that's unnecessarily specific. Again, don't know whom that would point to, but maybe someone else has an idea. As for a villain getting killed, it's got me wondering what is the deal with Jafar. Was he (improbably) recruited by TMunz the first night? Or does he have the power to take over as villain if all the other villains are killed off? Maybe he has some kind of power to PM a name, and that person only dies if they're a villain. Dunno. If not a special Jafar power, I think it must be an Executioner, as Mark suggested. Please continue to talk amongst yourselves. I'll just lie here with my face pressed against the toilet bowl.
  6. I'll have an amaretto sour. Because I no longer allow myself to have them in real life. Those things are delicious but deadly.
  7. 4 SVNBob (MarkHB, RA, Dougal, Helena) 1 to feed the Sarlacc
  8. Whoa, there, Bob... First of all, the second 2 is from "over and over". That gives 221, which, as I said, would be an inversion (swapping 2's and 1's). Second, I never said it was a *good* clue - I was just brainstorming like everyone else. It is ridiculous to claim I'm acting suspicious by playing this game in the most basic fashion of throwing out ideas. It's not like I started (or even proposed) a lynch or anything. If anything, you're the one acting suspicious by honing in on a particular idea, which was not presented with any confidence or certainty, and claiming that it is in some way villainous when it is just simple brainstorming. Anyway, back to actual playing... I finally got a chance to look back at Professor Cleve in context, and I think you guys are right that it's the clue. No idea who it's for. Here are some things Cleveland makes me think of: Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Lake Erie Indians Browns Cavaliers Drew Carey Liz's boyfriend, Floyd, on 30 Rock. That's all I got. Sorry, Cleveland.
  9. Aw, I'm just teasing, RA. You're a good sport :) Here's another thought... The word-repetition phrasing at the end of the story. We've got a set of 2, a set of 2, then a set of 1 (identified because of the earlier set). That gives 221, which could be a little reversal of jessied112. I dunno. I'm absolutely terrible at figuring out clues.
  10. OK, the only phrase that stood out for me in the story was "tree root." TJ likes to use meta-meta clues (I mean that in the nicest way!) so sometimes, going to Wikipedia helps. I didn't see much on the page on roots, but it did mention the first root being called a "radicle". A "radical" is often a rebel, which could point to RA. This will piss her off, because she hates being accused, but I'm not accusing. Just offering the only clue interpretation I have. Weak, I know. Hopefully someone else will come up with something better!
  11. Sorry to lose you already, Spruce! DTC, "Night Actions" are for villains to select their kill and any characters with special powers that are proactive. If you look at the end of the Day 2 story, you'll see that TMunz had the special power of PMing the mod once per "Night" to try to find Jafar. Similarly, there could be Heroes with the power to PM one name to find out their identity (we generally refer to these as Investigators) or pick one player to protect from harm (Protectors). Other special powers are automatic, i.e. Spruce's kamikaze ability took out TMunz without him having to do anything.
  12. "I'll take something boring like a beer." "Not me, I want this night to get craaaazzzzy. Get me a shot of Snakejuice."
  13. I'll do Community and let someone else tackle the other shows (I've seen a few eps of OUaTiW, but no Revolution) Jeff - Disgraced lawyer ousted when it proved his credentials were fake. "Over it" is pretty much his attitude about everything, but he generally steps up to do right by his friends. Cynical and reluctant ringleader of the group. Annie - Hyper-ambitious honor student who wound up in Community College due to a high school pill addiction. Incredibly self-righteous about her moral code, but willing to throw it out the window in order to achieve her goals. Shirley - God-fearing mother of three, who is very kind but never hesitant to bust out a can of whoop-ass. Britta - Devoted to causes because causes are good, Mmmmkay? Abed - Somewhere on the autism spectrum, he is an aspiring filmmaker with a vivid fantasy life. As an example, he and his best friend, Troy, (the one he wishes were there) turned one of the bedrooms of their apartment into a faux Holodeck. The Dean - Incompetent and... festive.
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