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Posts posted by Quiche

  1. Ugh! Too much time was spent on Doug this season. He is a truly repulsive human being, both inside and out. And Claire is a hypocrite. She fucked up her UN ambassador job and then had the gall to blame Frank for not giving her an equal role in the relationship. Looking forward to seeing them both get their comeuppances in season 4.


    I agree with the part on Douglas.  The lousy parts of the season were about him, and his scenes ate up endless time.  Frankly, I wished he had died at the end of Season 2.  

    • Love 4
  2. Claire came from a wealthy family.  I remember her saying in an interview how her father funded Frank's campaign.  So it was a poor Georgian country boy marrying a rich Texan girl.  


    Claire was much more human in Season 3.  Whatever she did in the first two seasons, at least she didn't kill anyone.  But there was decided change and softening of her character in Season 3.  

  3. Actually, I'm on Claire's side and glad she left "Francis".  He was the weak one, letting the Russian president walk all over him.  That is where the crack appeared in the marriage.


    All Frank saw was his ambition, and he sold-out Claire for a quick win.  He devalued Claire.  Now let him keep the White House without her!


    Doug is a psycho.  So is Frank.  Let's not forget that we saw Frank kill with his own hands two people.  These two belong in adjoining prison cells.  


    This is now Claire's moment of truth.  This season we saw a decent, human side of her.  But is her leaving Frank just a ploy?  Does she still lust for the power he can have?  She sold-out half of her life for lust of power.  Will she continue to sell herself for ambition, power and status?  

  4. Whatever Rayna does just leaves me cold.  This is a poor lead of a primetime drama.  That's why the ratings are not great!  


    I think Deacon was better off with his girl-friend on the road, but they have seemed to have gotten rid of her entirely.


    Eric Close is wasted on this show.  


    I love Jeff/Layla story.  


    Scarlett is the best with the doctor.  Gunnar needs another story - about his career.  I'm tired of his poor, poor me, oh, woeful me type of stories.  


    I miss Juliette.  

  5. Actually, I only found Jeff/Layla and Luke to be interesting.  I don't like Luke - but I want to see what he does.  Unlike most of the other characters - who only bore me.  


    Rayna's love and longing for Deacon is so palpable, so incredible .... NOT!  


    Now the question is who bores me the most?  Gunnar wins that dishonor.


    Hoping this show picks up in speed.  

  6. It could be that the writers finally figured out that we like Jeff too much, and they were going to put an end to that.  The writing is full of propping.  The more they prop Rayna, the more I feel more for Teddy and even for Jeff.  But the writers only want certain ones to be heroes.  The quality of the writing declines and declines.

  7. Rayna deals with life and people at a very shallow level.  It's all about what she thinks, what she thinks is best, and what she "feels."  


    After dumping Luke, she runs to Deacon.  But she isn't ready to deal with him or his feelings or what he thinks.  Rayna needs time.  Because it is 1000% about her.  


    That's a kind of abuse.  I am willing to cut Teddy quite a few breaks - because he suffered from that abuse for years.  


    Rayna is actually an inversion of the Jeff character.  The main difference between the two is not their selfishness.  The main difference is that Rayna is holier than thou, and Jeff is a self-knowing devil.  They actually deserve each other.  


    Compare - Rayna basically leaves Deacon hanging, while she takes care of her needs.  And Jeff did the same to Layla.  

    • Love 2
  8. I enjoyed the episode.  I liked best the scenes with Jeff.  I hope he stays on the show.  


    I'm glad Luke is going to own a rival record company.  Good for him.  Rayna did him wrong.  As for her -- eh?  I will never warm up to her character.


    I felt sorry for Teddy.  I liked Deacon's scenes, mostly because #1 no Rayna in them and #2 he wasn't mooning over Rayna.  Deacon does so much better when he is away from Rayna.  

    Prediction: One of the useless males in the cast (take your pick-- Luke? Jeff? Teddy?) will die in the finale, and Deacon will get his liver.


    I bet it will be Teddy.

    • Love 1
  9. First thoughts - Rayna is a creep and Scarlett is looking more and more freakish.

    You bring a man to his wedding day, leading him on. Not only that, but in front of the whole world. Rayna is a creep and A #1 a-hole. She just destroys men. No wonder Deacon was drunk all the time. Look at what she did to Teddy.

    When they did the karoake on stage, Scarlett looked very weird. Her physical appearance is just awful.

    Juliette deserves happiness. She loves with her entire heart. She is not like Rayna, who at every turn is just plain calculating. Rayna really loves no one but herself.

    • Love 9
  10. All this talk about how Rayna greeted Deacon got me thinking. I didn't really pay attention to this. But I remember how last week that Maddie didn't get a chance to spend any time with Deacon during her visit with Rayna and Luke. And we know that Maddie is unhappy that Rayna is marrying Luke.

    It seems to me that this all could add to a custody suit. In fact, Maddie is probably old enough to choose who she lives with.

    That's why I think they didn't punish her. All three parents - Rayna, Teddy and Deacon - are competing with each other.

    It won't take much at this point for Maddie to start whining about how she wants to live with Deacon.

  11. I think tonight we saw a side of Rayna which is more true. She would not have become the queen of country music without ambition and a healthy sense of competition. To be at the top, she had to put her career first. BUT, then don't pretend otherwise. I don't look down on Rayna for being ambitious or competitive. I look down on her for being a passive aggressive hypocrite. Don't pretend to be such a wonderful mother, when you always put your career first.

    I do think that Rayna and Luke belong with each other. I don't think she was or will ever be good for Deacon. Pam seems to be the right woman for him.

    As for Maddie, she is to blame for being irresponsible to her sister. They should have grounded her.

    I liked all of tonight, except for the Gunnar parts of the show. Luckily his screentime was limited.

    Avery is not good enough for Juliette.

    • Love 2
  12. I don't even mind that David doesn't know about Emily. But I sat there at the end with the scene on the porch, thinking or expecting them to reveal just a little more truth about this David Clarke. Lack of follow through is a real problem with these writers.

    • Love 1
  13. I would not have believed that they could drag this out another week.  Now David wants Revenge?  Didn't he come to that conclusion last week (or was it the week before)?  I don't even know why I still watch this show.  For Nolan I guess.  Could I hate anyone more than Charlotte?

    I suppose killing Conrad Grayson was not enough revenge for David. Maybe he has dementia. He acts like it. What about trying to find out who ran him down? That is actually suspicious.

    And just who does David think or wants to get revenge on now - for what? For the death of his daughter. Again, that was Conrad who killed "Amanda Clarke".

    I do like Charlotte. The problem is they are not showing her motivation. Not a single scene between her and her father.

  14. Not as a good of an episode as I hoped it would be. The stories are dragging.

    I had hoped they would reveal more of the truth about David Clarke.

    This whole cop angle is boring and dumb. Too many side stories and side characters. So you get a little bit of story in the main stories you watch for, and it just isn't worth it.

    • Love 5
  15. Does anyone else suspect that the reason we haven't seen Luke's daughter yet is because she's basically Rayna's worst nightmare of what her fame might do to her daughters and will be rolled out to initiate conflict between Luke and Rayna shortly after Rayna begins to seriously worry about Daphne and Maddie's behavior?

    Actually, this would be fun.

    • Love 2
  16. Some speculations:

    - I think it will be LUKE- not Rayna- who will either postpone or call off the wedding. I think he'll either finally see that Rayna isn't really committed to him, or they'll take a pause from each other- not closing the door on their relationship but postponing things which still keeps both Luke and Deacon in the mix. This will be part of the winter finale this Nov/Dec.

    - Timeline check- didn't the season 2 finale end (in real time and in the plot) in May- with Rayna's album coming out during the time of the season finale? Seems like we've gone about 3 weeks in time in season 3. Luke/Rayna are marrying now in November, yes? So am assuming they are going to move the plot along a little faster in time over these next few episodes- so they can finally start showing fully pregnant Juliette and getting closer to the wedding and this will be shown in Nov/Dec.

    I think Rayna pretty much had things her own way with Deacon and Teddy, especially with Teddy. It was Teddy who could not take it any more and asked for the divorce.

    In contrast, I don't think Luke will kow-tow to what she decides is best. He's going to put his foot down. I'm sure he wants to wear the pants in the marriage.

  17. Not that unusual if the celebrity blogs I read are to be trusted (and of course, they are...).


    In my opinion, it's all false bravado.  She puts on the face of "I can do whatever I want!" to convince her fans, and a little bit herself, that it's true.  But really, she has low self-esteem, so sense of self-worth, and that's why 1) she seeks fame so hard, and 2) the few people she does let in can destroy her so easily.  She seemingly "owns her shit" only when it is another brick in the wall she's put up to protect herself.  I think the show has done a pretty good job of showing this aspect of her; in fact, I think she's been one of the more consistent characters this show has portrayed.  Her, and Deacon.  The rest of them are pretty much a mess.

    Juliette said in the press conference for the Patsy Kline movie that "Juliette Barnes" is a character she created and thinks she plays rather well.

    It is so true about the low self-esteem. Unfortunately, that's why she thinks she needs Avery. But as we can see, he is not good at handling set-downs or disappointments.

  18. I don't agree. Chaley is a miles better singer (Hayden isn't really a singer at all) and has far more stage presence IMO. That said, Juliette is my favourite character but I've always found her stage presence leaving a lot to be desired. Which is fine, Carrie Underwood didn't have any stage presence when she started, country music is a different game than pop.

    Wow.Avery has fallen off the crazy tree and hit every damn branch on the way down. His reaction, to Juliette sleeping with someone she hates because she hates herself and felt humiliated at trying to seduce a boyfriend who was far more interested in writing songs with Scarlett and sleeping by her hospital bedside, has been waaaaay over the top. If I were Juliette I wouldn't have slept with Jeff that's for damn sure but I would have broken up with Avery after he was spouting sweet nothings to Scarlett and that is an absolute.

    Now he's acting like a veritable psychopath getting angry at her for not telling him, uh yeah maybe if you stopping calling her a whoring piece of nothing for five seconds she could have squeezed the words out, you big hunk of stupid.

    Avery knows the kind of childhood she had and he knows she doesn't let anyone in, for him to be stomping around treating her like a whore is unconscionable to me. She cheated with someone she HATED. She's suffering more than he is, for god's sakes man, pull your dumb self together, and then he has the nerve to go banging and screaming on her trailer door? He reminds me of wife-beating trailer trash. How ironic. I don't want him anywhere near my Juliette. Back the fuck up Avery, back the fuck up.


    I agree 1000%. I thought Zoey was great on stage. I especially agree over the part on Avery. His reaction and continued upset is a pathological. And I do think that it is somehow tied to the fact that Juliette is successful, while he is not. The greatest mistake she will make in her life could possibly be going back with him.

    • Love 2
  19. I'm glad to see Rayna realizing that her shit does, in fact, stink. She was out of line to go off on Teddy like that. While she's on tour he is the only reliable parent those girls have. Sucks to miss out on stuff, but this isn't her first tour. Don't act brand new, Miss James.

    Why is Rayna on tour so much? She increased her concert dates and appearances. The reason why she did that is because after 1 week her new album was no longer #1. According to Rayna, all her albums go platinum. Now, I forget. Was this her last album that she owed Edgehill or her first album for her new record company? Either way, Rayna is on tour because she must be #1. But not all the country singers can be #1. They still make a living. Rayna's priority is her career, and not her daughters. Which is fine. But don't pretend otherwise and blame other people.

    • Love 7
  20. Some further thoughts, Rayna was remiss in not seeing if Maddie would like to spend time with Deacon.  Bad mistake.  Maddie would resent the situation less if she could do something with her father.  Probably Rayna doesn't want to mess up the family time with Luke.  But what that is actually doing is forcing Maddie.  


    Will has been using lots of people.  He doesn't have to be a Country Music Star if it means destroying and hurting other people.  And yes, I do mean Layla.  I like her.  She has been used by both Will and Jeff, and I'm glad she's sticking it to them.  


    Unpopular opinion:  Deacon and Pam seemed tres sympatico - both companionable and compatible.  He will never have that with Rayna.  

    • Love 3
  21. WOW!  Good episode.  


    I like Derek better than Avery.  He seems nice so far.  Avery can go blow smoke out of his butt.


    What was Luke doing throwing a hizzy fit over Will's bruises.  Aren't guys in cowboy hats suppose to lead rough and tough lives?  


    Great ending scene with Zoe taking over for Juliette.  


    Jeff is such a sleaze - but I am fascinated.


    Rayna is over the top.  There is a price to be paid for fame.  Suck it up and deal with it.  Her call to Teddy was way out of line.  

    • Love 6
  22. The way the showrunners have resurrected David is so crazy as to beggar belief. 


    David knows Victoria betrayed him; that she watched silently as he, an innocent man, was given a life sentence in prison.  He knows she did nothing to help his daughter, who was abandoned to the foster care system.  He knows V has enjoyed decades of incredible wealth, prestige and entitlement, while he and his daughter saw their lives ripped apart. 


    Yet he still somehow carries a torch for her, 20 years later??  So much so that he unthinkingly accepts everything she says, and is prepared to kill on her word? 


    I've never understood Victoria as a femme fatale.  To me she comes across as phony, manipulative, catty and unattractive physically.  This is one weakness in Revenge for me.  For her now to have a hypnotic hold on the man whose trust, love and family she betrayed seems absurd to me. 


    PS:  is it just me, or does David not seemed to have aged a day the past 20 years? 


    PPS: it's also hard to impossible to understand why David did not get in touch with the woman he thought was his daughter.  That's one problem with these retcons.  They open themselves up to all sorts of inconsistencies.  TPTB can come up with semi-plausible answers at times.  But they add a further degree of unbelievability, where believability already is strained to near the max. 


    But let's think about this.  Why would the hero and good guy David Clarke kill a young woman like Emily Thorne?


    Either he truly is a loon.


    Or David Clarke was and is a bad guy.


    Or it's stupid plot writing.  My personal fav.

    • Love 1
  23. He's pulling a long con.


    I agree.


    His whole story to the police about being held captive by Conrad Grayson was one huge fabrication.  The lie is clear by the way he was acting as though he thought Conrad was still alive.  


    David Clarke beat his back with a heavy chain to make it look like he had been tortured.  Then he deliberately shop-lifted so the police would get him and he could tell his lies.  

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