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Posts posted by Quiche

  1. I think that to this point we've been made to feel sympathy for Cole as being the husband whose wife cheated on him. He was such a nice guy, how could she do such a thing, right?  Yes, Alison began an affair with an attractive man that gave her attention and desired her as a woman. It was clearly wrong plain and simple. But understanding what motivates a young, attractive woman to cheat on her husband is the more important issue. So far, Cole has been shown in a pretty positive light, good husband, works hard, a family man. But wait, didn't Cole have an affair with a pretty brunette before Allison began her affair with Noah? Isn't Cole a drug trafficker and didn't he hold a gun to Noah's head?  I think that many of Cole's demons will be exposed this season and we'll begin to better understand Alison as a person. From Alison's perspective, she sees Cole as explosive, potentially violent and not really compassionate enough to help her deal with the death of their son. In doing so, he might help himself accept this. Doesn't Cole have a large tattoo of the Angel Gabriel on his back? It's not on his forearm, or shoulder or anywhere visible to him. It's almost as though he has pushed the death of Gabriel in the back of his consciousness and hasn't dealt with it yet and hasn't supported Alison to deal with it either.


    These two couples are all a mess emotionally and they each reached out to whatever made them feel better. Whether it was another man, drugs or alcohol like Helen, an affair like Noah and Alison or reverting to anger as Cole has done. They all sought something out that would help them cope.


    I think the major problem in Cole and Allison's marriage was his family and this is Cole's fault.  The Lockhart family drained everything from that marriage.  They preyed on both Cole and Allison.  It was particularly dismal the way Allison was part of the family drug operations.  It drained all the emotion out of her and her marriage.

    Therefore, it is perfectly understandable why she wanted out, and why she grabbed at the first chance she had to get out of that family by hooking up with Noah.  Her motives are very clear.  Cole is no innocent in this.  He engaged in criminal activity.  He is violent.  He put his family above his marriage.

    • Love 1
  2. I agree.  Helen is ONLY doing this because she's hurt and angry that Noah cheated and left her.  Allison has not done anything to traumatize the children; there's no real reason there needs to be a court order barring her from having contact with them.  Helen is not being reasonable.  She's not putting the best interests of the children first, she's allowing herself to be guided by the devastation she's feeling over her failed marriage.


    Both Noah and Helen are trying to stick it to each other.  If they were thinking of the children, they would listen to that judge, and figure out an amicable custodial agreement out of court.  And, yes, that would involve Allison being around them because she is Noah's live-in fiancée. 


    I agree.  I don't want to blame Helen.  Her situation is sad.  In comparison, except for money, Noah's situation is pretty good.

  3. How is she making things worse for the kids by keeping Alison away? As someone else mentioned, Noah negotiated in bad faith.


    TBH, we don't know if Alison did anything right and/or isn't be unpractical. Noah wants to be with her regardless, so she doesn't have to do much of anything, especially when Noah thinks she thinks he's the greatest thing evah. 


    I didn't take that away from the discussion, but rather, in that moment he made a better decision, in his opinion. Yeah, there's a reason Noah avoided his father, but we don't know it and we don't know that the father was in the wrong either.


    If Noah was already divorced and things were stable inches life, I'd agree with you. But, since Alison helped tear his life apart, his in a custody battle, and his kids aren't coping well, Alison isn't being "put aside." Alison may be his future partner, but unless he wants a strained relationship with his kids like he has with his own father, he'd consider them first. At the end of the day, they haven't known each other that long. Furthermore, Noah has proven to be not worthwhile even before telling her they couldn't move in together and with how he's put his kids on the back burner for her. But, because he prioritizes his kids first so he gets a favorable custody settlement, he's not worth it. This is seriously one of the few things he's done right and it's still wrong. lol


    Right, but that all stems when people only think of themselves.


    Allison is now a fact of Noah's existence.  He's pretty serious about her.  Yes, he lied about it.  But Helen soon learned from her daughter that Noah and Allison are now engaged and living together.  That means Allison is a fixed feature in Noah's life.  Allison will be the children's stepmother.

    It is through hostility, and hostility alone, that Helen is trying to prevent Allison from being near her children.  The fact that Noah lied does not change this.

    Whitney hates everyone except Scotty. She might have even tolerated Alison if only she'd  helped her get Scotty's number, personally I'd discount her histrionics. Having said that, it's obvious Alison has little chance with those kids - better to stay away from them. But should the kids' influence extend to keeping her away from her man? I don't think so. 


    I agree.  It seems to be the practice in our society that the spouse comes first ahead of the children.  The children will grow up and make their own lives.  The marriage however is supposed to endure.

    • Love 1
  4. It isn't Helen's fault they went to court. Noah was lying in mediation. You can't negotiate with someone in bad faith. That's all on Noah. If this were any other kind of legal proceedings, no one would blame the party who was negotiating in good faith taking the case to court. It's pretty absurd. When you decieve someone, they can't trust you. Noah had his reasons for all the deception, but he doesn't get to avoid the consequences.


    Yes, Noah was wrong to lie.  However, Helen was wrong to demand that the children be kept away from Allison.  Helen could've overlooked the lie and continued with the mediation.

    Don't the children get a choice in this matter?  I thought the children, nowadays, are consulted regarding who they would prefer to live with.

    Regarding Max…

    He's a prick!  A night of bad sex amounts to nothing.  He and the Noah and Allison, and when he got the chance he thought he would get some of their happiness.

    Max was rushing Helen and not considering her needs, just what he wanted and then he could redefine it as though he was helping her.

    Helen is well rid of him.

  5. 1. It's not Helen's place to help her kids adjust to their dad being with someone new; it's her place to help them adjust to divorce. She doesn't live in the future, so she doesn't have access to the flash forward clips. At the same time, she's not actively pitting her kids against Alison either. Helen seriously has no responsibility to help her ex husband and his fiancee by getting the kids to adjust. All she really has to do is explain that parents date other people when they split, but considering they know Alison is the reason for the split, that's a tough crowd regardless. She gets cheated on and now it's her responsibility to convince the kids to welcome the woman who helped destroy her marriage. lol. 


    2. Why did she go to court? Because Alison is living with him and that is the one thing she asked of him. Now, we can say it's unfair, but again, Helen doesn't live in the future. She doesn't know they will get married and have a child, so her request wasn't unreasonable. Noah turned it into an adversarial situation when he lied about where Alison was staying and tried to have his daughter lie to Helen about his living situation. Again, she's not denying his visitation, but split custody.


    FUTURE wife--not current. Helen is assessing the situation in the moment. If she knew the future, she wouldn't be where she is now. In a divorce proceeding as well as a custody case, which Alison plays a part of, Helen's opinion does have some ground, especially the events surround Noah leaving.


    Noah's dad doesn't talk in a loving or understanding way because they have a strained relationship and he doesn't understand why his son would behave such a way, as a matter of fact, most people in the series don't. Also, not all parent talk in loving and understanding ways, especially if they are upset with you. Hostile doesn't equal creep, which is more weird, odd, and uncomfortable. 


    And Noah made a commitment to Helen, which he broke, right??? That's my point, commitments can be broken. But, you cannot judge a character's present actions past off what we see in the future--they don't know what they future holds. And the reason their situation is so sticky is because Alison nor Noah believe they are obligated to treat anyone with decency after ripping their lives apart. 


    I didn't say he stopped being their father once he divorced Helen, I'm saying that his behavior, especially with Alison, impacts his custody ruling. If he cares about being a good father, he would slow things down with Alison to figure things out. Just like with Helen, he and Alison could divorce, but guess what, his kids are still his kids. Noah understands this--after Alison was ordered to stay away--which is why he can't prioritized his commitment to her over them. 


    I don't know about the woman who fights for her man, gets her man, BUT Alison has a place, she just has to wait a little longer so their relationship doesn't bite Noah on the ass as a parent. Every since they met, more times than not, she has come first OVER his kids. How much of a place does she need? Noah moved on, but it doesn't mean that he can't treat Helen with basic respect and consideration of her feelings, which he hasn't. It's all about him. Someone said that Helen looks smug in Noah's POV, no she looks LOST. She is confused. Noah's moved on with his life, but he rather see her as a bitch because she's taking the divorce hard and not making things easy for him rather than saying, "Hey, I ripped out my ex wife's heart and maybe I need to understand this is a pretty devastating time for her."


    People fight over money, property, kids, etc because they are hurting, unless they really need material things or feel the kids are best off with them, they fight like hell about everything because divorce fucking sucks when your spouse not only cheats, but leaves for another person (they cheated with).


    I would argue that it is not Helen's place as a mother to make the situation worse for children.  She did not need to go to court.  The only reason why she went to court was to keep Allison away from her children.

    My point in bringing up the future is not that I expect characters to know it, but because we see that Allison and Noah do end up together.  Which means that Allison is doing something right and not being unpractical.

    I do agree that Noah and his father have a strained relationship.  That is usually the father's fault with men of that generation whose egos were so big that they always have to hold up how much better they are than their sons.

    We know that Noah avoids his father and has avoided him for a long time.  There's a reason for that.

    I'm not sure that Noah should let his children impact his relationship with Allison.  The future spouse is a partner while the children are not.  Two categorically different relationships.  I would not wait for a man who puts me aside like this.  Noah needs to find a different way.

    Which brings me back to a point I made earlier that Noah is not suited for full custody.  It is not fair to anyone.  He is not even suited for shared custody.  He doesn't have the money.  He doesn't have the apartment.  And children shouldn't have to move week by week to a different place to live – they should stay with Helen and not be uprooted in such a way on a constant basis.  Noah can have visitation and vacations with his children.

    Allison doesn't have to do anything.  She doesn't have to wait around for Noah and she would be a fool if she did.  If he so quickly backs out of his living situation with her after months of living together, then he is not worthwhile.  But I suspect since we already know the end result that Allison has far more patience than I do.

    It is precisely when people are fighting over everything that they lose things.

  6. RE: Being married cancelling out other things.


    Legally, I believe it does. 


    But, there are three things we must consider: 


    1. They are  both still married--we know how the separation is going for Noah, but what about Alison? Are they talking to lawyers, going through mediation, etc? She wants consideration, but only one of them are ACTIVELY going through the divorce process. Even then, they still have obligations to their spouse about how to handle said separation and sorting through shared shit and whatnot. Although we know this won't happen, some people have a change of heart and go back to their spouses. And legally, their situation could hurt them--there's a lot wrong with their predicament at the moment. 

    2. She's his fiancee, BUT as mentioned before, his has obligations to his former family unit before moving forward. Furthermore, engagements are broken ALL OF THE TIME. How does it look for him to prioritize his fiancee before his kids, and then they split up. It makes him look like a shitty dad and, well, he already looks like one as it is.

    3. I'll give Noah credit for looking sorry (and annoyed) about breaking the news to her, but if he wants to rebuild his relationship with his kids and gets a good settlement agreement, he has to prioritize them over his fiancee. Alison chose to be totally dependent on Noah--his kids did not. They also did not choice for him to cheat, walk away, and barely spend any time with their dad--something she does most of the time. So, if she actually wants to be with Noah, she has to understand that, despite his shitty moments as a dad, he wants his kids in his life and temporary sacrifices to their relationship must be made.


    But, again, strict legal sense or not, if something were to happen to Noah before the divorce is finalized, Helen would hold all of the power. Marriage and divorce has a lot of legal shit tied to it as well as complexities. I perceive the marriage as one ending, but I'm also acknowledging that marriage has more commitment to it and is harder to break than an engagement. So many men proposed to my twin, that she her current husband have to convince her that he was serious when he proposed. Being engaged and walking down the aisle are two different things. My other sister said last year, "it's easy to separate now than divorce."

    Funny how Noah didn't have an issue with being emasculated until Alison came along--even funnier is that the series basically says that he only fell out of love with her because he met his soulmate. Noah is an ass who shit just "happens" to.


    It is rather a moot point.  We know that both Noah and Allison are soon divorced and that they marry each other.

    I was strictly speaking in terms of Noah's relationship with Helen, which is different from his relationship with his children.

    Allison will be Noah's wife and they will have a child together.  We already know the end result.  What we are watching is how Allison achieves this end result.  She is fighting for her place in her fiancé's life.  It is often true that the woman who fights for the man, gets the man.

    In practical terms, Noah no longer has any obligations toward Helen, even at this predivorce point of the story.  He is not supporting her financially.  They are not friends sharing their problems.  Helen, in very realistic terms, is a woman alone just waiting for the final divorce decree (whether she faces up to that fact or not).  Noah has already moved on with another woman.  That doesn't cancel his relationship with his children.

    Noah does not owe his children his entire life or his future.

    But he has made a commitment to Allison, which is a different commitment from the commitment he made by having children.  He doesn't stop being their father just because he has divorced Helen.

  7. Why does Helen deserve a comeuppance for wanting to keep her kids away from Noah's mistress, especially if Noah has tunnel vision concerning said mistress??? Even the judge found that questionable and ordered her away from the kids. If that was Helen's doing, Noah would've been sure to highlight that.


    Also, how is she making the situation more difficult by going to court? Whitney was pissed as hell to see Noah living with Alison? You don't think Noah living with his mistress and becoming engaged to her is MORE stressful than going to court to see who stays with who primarily. And it's not as if Helen was trying to deny Noah the opportunity to see his kids. She wants visitation, BUT she also doesn't want Alison around, which is compounded by the fact that her kids emotionally react to Alison.


    How is Noah's dad a creep? It was pretty clear what his father was saying, "even when things are tough, you don't take the opportunity to fuck someone else." Again, Noah is well within his right to leave, but it was the expense of his family. Many here aren't really confused about what was being said even if they interpreted it differently. Actually, that woman was his sister and, business or not, siblings give unsolicited advice all of the time. If her advice was in agreement with him, Noah would've been all smiles, but since she was honest, he was upset.


    He's not doing it to "win" the children from Helen, he's doing it because the both of them could get in trouble if she's around. If Noah cares about being a real father, his ids are more important than her. Alison willingly gave up her own life for a married man with four kids. She's no victim here. She allowed herself to be in a position to rely heavily on a man going through a custody battle all while knowing the wife doesn't want her around the kids. Even if Noah doesn't get the full time, Alison being around hurts things regardless. 


    I'm not understanding why she deserved to be pulled down a peg


    She's not understanding or perceptive??? Then how was she able to conclude Noah's though process and the motivation behind wanting the kids? Or access his behavior to piece together an accurate picture of what's going on??? They weren't telling him to do shit, but giving him the honest truth. His sister wasn't a know-it-all. When she was one when she was cracking jokes about Helen being snobby??? No, because it was at the expense of Helen, but telling her brother not to further destroy those kids world makes her the worst kind of person???


    Truth, I'm cackling at the Noah quote.


    Max honestly put himself in that position. Like, dude, she is in the process of getting a divorce and because she wants to end things you accuse her of no one being "good enough?" He's probably still pissed the she chose Noah over him. And how could Noah not being "good enough" for her, in her opinion, if she sent 20 years with him and is upset about the divorce. If she was really this man eater that he implied, then she would've left.


    The fact that they had to drive around and ended up in a motel PROVES why the kids SHOULD be with Helen and why he doesn't have them as much. I agree that custody should be split for Helen's sanity. Noah doesn't even have his shit together to be fighting for split custody let alone FULL custody.


    Some are sympathetic to Helen, but that doesn't equate to likable. In Helen's POV, we saw her willingly take drugs, drink alcohol, drive under the influence, park illegally, and then hit another car as she tried out hide her drugs. That's OWNING her shit. Like, yeah, she was mopey and shit, but she didn't try to sugarcoat her actions and didn't make herself the victim. Noah does all of this self centered shit, but wants a pat on the ass for hurting people and only thinking of himself. 


    Why does Helen deserve her comeuppance…

    1 – she's not helping her children adjust to the reality that now their father is with someone new.

    2 – and she's acting out of spite.

    Helen is making the situation more difficult because by going to court, she has turned it into an adversarial situation wherein she is using the children against Noah.

    It is not for Helen to determine that Allison should not be around her children with Noah.  Allison is now officially Noah's future wife.

    Noah's dad comes off as a creep because he does not talk in a loving or understanding way with his son, but in a hostile manner.

    • Love 3
  8. I see what you're saying but being married is still a factor that's trumping what Allison wants because that marriage still involves four children.  The judge issuing an order that the children and Allison shouldn't interact wasn't put in place for Helen's feelings.  It was put in place for the children.  I doubt it's an order that can be sustained but it gives them a reprieve, while still maintaining a relationship with their father.  And the fact that Noah was married when this happened matters because he did leave his current marriage because of another woman. I don't think it's fair to ask them to understand immediately why their family unit was disrupted because "daddy fell in love."


    I get Allison wanting consideration but she's not being practical.



    It seems like Allison proves more than practical – she is also successful.  Because we know the divorces go through.  Because we know that Noah and Allison marry.

    I was strictly talking about the couple relationships – Noah and Allison versus Noah and Helen – not about Noah and his children.

  9. As his fiancee?  Yeah, about that.  They're both still married - TO OTHER PEOPLE!  I think that cancels out the fiancee thing, at least for now.


    I am not so sure.  Let's consider the position of both women.



    1.  She lived with Noah the past few months.  They are in love.

    2.  Noah asked her to marry him.  She said yes.  He gave her an engagement ring.



    1.  Noah has not lived with her for several months.

    2.  Noah is no longer "in love" with Helen.

    3.  Helen is the wife that he is in the process of divorcing.  She only remains his wife until the divorce is final.  It is only in that strict legal sense that he is married to Helen.


    What does his marriage to Helen amount to?

    – Is he supporting his family?  Is he supporting Helen?

    – At this moment are Noah and Helen good friends and sharing their daily lives?

    – Do they have any hope at reconciling?


    I suppose how you and I perceive this "marriage" depends much on whose side you are on and who you believe is the guilty party.


    I see no guilty parties, but Helen is certainly the victim of the circumstances.


    Who or what caused the breakup of this marriage?  I think it is precisely what Noah told his younger son – that he fell in love with another woman.  To that extent he is at fault, however, it happens a lot in our society.  Loads of parents divorce and eventually the children adjust.


    I don't necessarily see Helen at fault.  That would be blaming the victim.  Everybody has their flaws.  It is her unfortunate circumstance that she is still in love with her husband while he is no longer in love with her.

    • Love 2
  10. Very good points.  I should have made myself clear that I based that on their initial first impressions, not what their lives have turned into since.  When she first met Noah he was a teacher and published author who lives in the city and summers with wealthy relatives.  She was a waitress who occassionally did catering jobs who lived in lousy house with her husband, barely making ends meet.  When they met, he was a 'have' and she was definitely a 'have not'.


    Also, you mention that she has her nursing career to fall back on, but she hasn't.  And unless I'm remembering incorrectly (which is entirely possible because it seems like I barely remember a lot of season 1)  when she and Cole were struggling for money, she opted to become part of the drug scheme instead of going back to nursing.  So, in my opinion, while she does have options, she chooses to ignore them.


    I love that her knight in shining armour turns out to be a dud.  They are both losers though, most definitely.


    I thought the drug dealing was the enterprise of the Lockhart sons, and they were doing this to save their horse ranch.

    If it wasn't for that husband and his family, Allison could do very well just by being a waitress.

  11. Martin needed to go to the bathroom.  When he did, he felt better.  If the pain had continued, Noah would have taken him to the hospital.

    Nothing Noah did compares with being high on both drugs and alcohol and driving a car with your kids in the backseat.


    But I don't think Noah really wants full custody.  He's just reacting with shock and anger - at what happened in court that day and at Helen's situation.  


    I don't think he can handle full custody.  First, he doesn't have the money.  Second, he doesn't have the living space.  Third, he's beginning life with a new woman.  At best he can handle visitation and a summer vacation.  

    • Love 5
  12. She gave up Cole and her home?  So, having an affair and walking out on her husband means she's 'earned' a place with Noah?  And giving up her 'home'?  Sorry, I don't buy this.  I do believe that Allison was unhappy with Cole, but I also believe that with Noah she sees a way out.  In him, she sees a successful older man with money, she doesn't have to be a waitress and live in a shitty house anymore.  Noah is her chance for a better life.


    True, Noah is Allison's way out.  But she also chose him, and he chose her, and they have been living together.  And Noah asked her to marry him, and she agreed.  She's more than a paramour, quite definitely.


    As his fiance, she deserves more consideration.  

    • Love 4
  13. That's what always gets me about Noah. That even in his own memories, no one seems to like him other than Alison. I loved his sister and cheered every single thing she said, especially when she called him a "fucking brat" because he was stomping off and confusing the children even more because she dared to give him a dose of brutal honesty. Because never has that term been more appropriate. 


    "Wah poor me, I've never gotten anything for myself because I went along with everything mean, awful Helen wanted for 20 years. Wah, why can't I live with my girlfriend of a few months I was fucking while still married and not even fully divorced yet. The whole world is against me but yeah Helen screwed up so I'm suddenly daddy of the year and should get full custody even if I couldn't be arsed to care about these kids for months and walked away from one of them after a gun was pointed at her. Wah, wah why won't anyone be on my side." Dude is 46 years old and is like a giant man-child. I swear Noah's so unlikable that it's even making the actor unattractive. 



    Noah shared what was going on with her. And more than once, based on her body language, she made it clear that she thought it best to just not say anything. Noah pushed and told her to say what she wanted to say and so she did. She gave him an honest opinion and frankly honest truth that his bratty, man-child self couldn't handle and so he did what a brat would do and stomped off. Because how dare she not agree that it is just a great idea for him to try and get full custody of four kids from their mother. Four kids that he's barely been present for since he started fucking Alison.


    And yeah Helen may be spiteful about Alison but Noah was just as spiteful in his even considering that full custody crap. That's what his sister was saying to him. That he's full of shit if he thinks ANYONE believes he genuinely wants full 24 hour custody of four children - especially when he's busy wanting to create his new fantasy with his new girlfriend. This is the man who when leaving Helen said he didn't want "this life..." But he just saw a chance to stick it to Helen, enjoying her fuck up and his sister saw right through that shit and told him so. But god forbid people don't agree with Noah then they're just mean and unfair to him. Idiot...



    He didn't shunt her aside willingly. Much as I'm no fan of Noah, the judge made a legal order that Alison was to be kept from the children. And much as some don't feel sorry for Helen and I agree she made some bad choices this episode that put her in the position she was in (and I liked that in her memory, she owned it. She made the decision to drink and take that drug), boo-freaking-hoo about Alison giving up so much and ending up where she's at in Noah's life. 


    Gee, maybe not go pursue a relationship with a guy with a WIFE and FOUR children. Yeah it what world was that NOT going to be messy and complicated? So now she's faced with the reality that the woman whose husband she fucked hates her guts and is petty and spiteful and it means this guy now may be stuck having to choose between her and his kids and oops, she may not be his first choice. Oh the tragedy... Doesn't matter though, this is Noah, hardly father of the year, I'm sure she'll have him all to herself since he is finally "living for himself damn it, and why should he apologize for that?"


    I find it interesting how Noah remembers Alison at that restaurant. She is needy and essentially states that she just doesn't want to be alone and then flat out suggests he gives up parental rights to Helen if it means they get the life they want. Essentially telling him to choose her over his kids. Again, I'm always fascinated how Alison comes across in Noah's memories versus hers.



    Max was full of shit. Sorry dude, I can't have much sympathy for you pursuing a woman fresh out of a 20 year marriage which let's face it, as she rightly pointed out to him, she didn't leave or want out of. Noah left her. Helen was reeling and in a very emotional place and Max should have known she was nowhere near ready for any serious relationship. And I didn't blame her for feeling suffocated and being "it's too much" with the surprise trip and all that. And I thought she tried to be as nice as possible in ending things. 



    What I loved is that by the end of Noah's segment it showed that as smug as he was about Helen screwing up for once, even spouting that bullshit for a second about full custody, it was clear how hard dealing with these kids on one's own is and unlike him, Helen doesn't get to check in and check out. A few hours and he had the kids going from one home to another, ending up in a crappy motel, Martin's stress stomach issues were back, annoying Trevor refused to get off the trampoline and he's having to chase him like a nut, Martin calls him an asshole and a dick, etc. Welcome to parenthood Noah. 


    Let's not forget the fact that Helen was indeed high as a kite when she got behind the driver's seat with her children in the car.


    Let's not forget that she backed up, not checking on her children, and as a result her little girl has a bruised bump on her head.  


    How many times should that happen?

    • Love 3

    I think Noah's father was perfectly clear.  He had the opportunity to cheat when things were not ideal in his marriage, with his wife's full approval, and he didn't.  He was slapping down his son's choices.  As for the woman in the kitchen, I believe it was Noah's sister.  She was just a sister trying to give her brother good advice.  She was clearly not on Helen's side.  She was on the side of her nieces and nephews and she's right, Noah's choice has thrown them for a loop.  Taking them out of their comfortable home to live in a two bedroom apartment would do nothing to help their relationship with their father.


    It is neither the fathers nor the sisters place to tell Noah what to do.

    What Noah says he's thinking of doing the same day of a nasty court hearing is not what he will necessarily do.  The sister has no say.  She's not an understanding person, nor a perceptive person.  She is a know it all, and they are the worst kind of family members.

    As for the father, I say it again – he's a creep.  His choice doesn't have to be his son's choice.  The man does not look like a happy type of man and he doesn't come off as a good father.  So in my opinion – he is not entitled to an opinion, especially when it's entirely judgmental.

    • Love 4
  15. I liked tonight's episode better than last week's.

    Poor Helen – not!  Actually, she's the one making the situation more difficult for children because she's the one turning it into a custody fight.

    I enjoyed seeing her get her comeuppance.  Her wanting to keep the children away from Allison is just pure spite and jealousy.

    I hated Noah's father – he's a creep.  Say what you have to say and say it out clear.  I hate people who play games.  And what business is it of the sister-in-law?  It's none of her business.

    I don't blame Allison for insisting on her place in Noah's life.  She did give up things for him, such as Cole and her home.  It's crappy of Noah to shunt her side now.  And he's just doing it to win the children from Helen, but you don't win them that way.

    I did enjoy Helen in both halves of the story tonight.  I'm glad she was dragged down a peg or two.

    • Love 7
  16. I didn't like the episode.  It was pointless and did move the stories along.

    I could care less about Yvonne and Robert.  They are two weirdos.  They needed better casting for these roles.  Robert especially comes off creepy.

    I miss the Helen and Cole stories.  They won't have their point of view next week since neither character was on this week.

    I think Max is a douche bag.  He doesn't see that Helen is not into him.  Some lousy sex amounts to nothing.

    The only interesting part was Whitney.  Allison should've just told her that she didn't have Scotty's number.  Allison is somewhat of a dimwit.

    • Love 3
  17. I thought it was interesting that Joanna Gleeson explicitly made a point about a house being like a marriage, and how much work Cole put into saving his family, aka MOTHERS house, and how little he put into saving his marriage, same for Allison, she abandoned him, maintaining her own bubble of grief she refused to share with him.  Of course they had the same response about their own home - neither of them had thought about their house at all, and Cole was actually living in the camper. 


    This is an excellent metaphor!

  18. Cole is obviously devastated by Alison leaving him enough to blow off his family. But is he vengeful enough to frame Noah? For me this is tractable, I can possibly find an answer to this question, rather than getting hooked up on who is a "better" person.


    I can't believe that of Cole.  I think it had to be someone who has a bad and selfish character, like Whitney or her grandmother.

  19. But the writers have changed things since last season.  It doesn't look like his book gets published now.  So I take it that everything in that last episode of Season 1 has been rewritten.  


    There is no doubt now, that he can't afford the defense attorney and Helen has to pay for him.  

    Responding to the newer posts.


    I think the writers made a decision to make Noah poor, because they needed tension there in the relationship between Alison and Noah.  Also it keeps Helen involved in Noah's life.  It delves deeper into his dependency on Helen, which is now indubitable.  


    If Noah had a load of money with a best selling book that is being made into a movie, then the story is over.  But if he and Allison are poor and struggling, there is a wealth of conflicts to explore.


    As for Cole and Allison ... like I said, I think there have been things from the end of last season that have been cancelled out.  Plus, we are relying on the character's POV and Allison's POV is not 100% reliable.  

  20. When we see the parts about Noah in jail and then getting charged, it is a year later than today.  We know that because Noah and Allison are married and have a baby girl.  


    So we can deduce a few things - that Noah still doesn't have money and has to depend on Helen for money.  Which means he didn't get his $400,000 advance on the book.  Which also means that somehow he and Allison had to support themselves and pay for having the baby.  It also means that the divorces went through.  

  21. I loved Cole's segment the best and I like him the best.  It seems to me the point for showing Helen and Coles point of view is to show how much they still love the spouses they lost.

    I really don't care who killed Scotty Lockhart, so I was not even thinking of that at the trial.  Maybe I am wrong.  But it seemed to me that Coles look at Allison had to do with how much he still loved her.  Maybe I'm being too romantic.  But my thought was that Cole realized Noah would be in jail and Allison would be separated from Noah and may be he could get her back.  This trial was just a hearing to charge Noah with the crimes.  Unless Helen pays his bail, Noah will probably be stuck in jail.  I don't think it would be too hard for Cole to work on Allison's fears and weaknesses and win her back.

    What was most insightful was how Cole had wised up to his predatory family.

    I think the statement that Allison played victim to every man is quite true.  She has let men victimize her.  I'm not so sympathetic to her.  I don't call what she and Noah has "love".

    • Love 3
  22. Except, she threw something at Avery trying to hit him while he was holding the baby & without a regard for the consequences. That's not someone who needs support, that's someone who needs a restraining order.


    Yes, Juliette is at fault for this.  But Avery was also playing a part.  He was holding onto that baby.  He should have put the baby down in the crib and tried to comfort his wife.  Avery himself was acting like a self-righteous, hysterical prima donna.  And that's the way he has been acting for a couple of episodes.  

  23. My take on this season finale will be most different from the others.


    First, it is normal for a new mother to have PPD and feel detachment from her baby.  Avery can mother the baby.  He should be helping Juliette pursue what she feels she needs.  Everyone is trying to force Juliette to be the little mother.  But Juliette needs her work right now.  Obstructing her from doing it, I think is far more harmful.  I'm glad she fired Glenn.  Because this isn't the first time that he held her back.  As for Rayna, she's not a good record producer.  


    As for Layla and Jeff, I think they are hot and compelling.  A refreshing change from the sickeningly overly sweet Gunnar and Scarlett.  G&S are totally boring, except for when they are singing.  

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