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Janet Snakehole

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Posts posted by Janet Snakehole

  1. I can't take that Big Lots commercial (that many have probably mentioned) where the singers tout: "Big Lots! Because we're not gift card people!"


    I know mileage may vary, but I in no way think purchasing a gift card is lazy and don't like an ad telling me it is. Especially since I was just in a one of the Big Lots stores and they have gift cards for purchase!

    I was going to say the same thing. Sorry, but maybe I am selfish and picky, but in a lot of cases a gift card is a fantastic gift. You are not a better person for grabbing a random lotion set for ten dollars from Big Lots for me instead of thinking, hey, Janet sure does love her coffee, I see her with a Wawa cup everyday, maybe it would be thoughtful to get her a Wawa gift card!

    Also, I don't quite get the lyrics. One line kind of is hard to pick out because she sort of slurs. Is she saying "doing someone's shopping is weird, you catching my drift"? If so, then, well, what do you think gift buying is for?

    • Love 1
  2. I do think it is possible Francesca had some sort of anxiety disorder. Or is just a codependent immature woman. Either way, I bought her emotions.

    Scorpiosunshine, I would love to see that screenshot. I feel bad making fun of her faith, because it is obviously very deep, but she was just so over the top. I thought it was very telling that the nuns in NY and Chicago called her out a bit.

    • Love 2
  3. I really liked this show. I remain loving Stacy and all the adult nuns (so sorry, so not Catholic, so apologies if I use the wrong terms here). In the context of the show, Christie was all right but I would not want to spend time with her in real life. She was really overboard and it made me uncomfortable, I am not going to lie. Claire was Claire. Definitely would not want to spend time with her, but she seemed at peace and happy in Kentucky, so good for her.

    Francesca, well honestly until I came here and read about IMDB, I thought she just had a LOT of growing up to do and was on the wrong show. As a nonreligious woman, I get her being taken aback about Claire never having kissed a boy and making this decision. She was absolutely in the wrong to go to her about it, but I don't know, being a nun is such a huge decision. I realize there are asexual people out there (not that Claire is one!) and I am not suggesting Claire will miss out on anything, but I get being confused by it because I am. Granted, unlike Francesca, I am not considering being a nun. I did find it weird that she was so shocked by Stacy being a virgin. I thought in general devout Catholics were against premarital sex and those considering a higher calling would abstain.

    I agree with Eseni and Francesca being bad influences on each other. With the whole nun outfit thing, I compared it to this. My SO is military, and the uniform represents quite a bit, so he has to be on good behavior while wearing it. Same with their outfits; I don't get how they don't see that they are representing a church that they profess to believe in while wearing it. Being a nun is a huge commitment, and they did not seem to take it seriously. Eseni really seemed to be using this as an excuse to be on tv and run away.

    I wish they had shown a real relationship where the woman was seriously experiencing a calling. It has to be so confusing for the SO. Yes, six weeks is not a superlong time to be apart, but I am sorry, it has to feel so bizarre to know that your girlfriend is considering breaking up with you to be a bride of Christ. It would be interesting to see a boyfriend who is faithful and respectful of the church grapple with knowing that they might have their heart broken over this. Maybe it is because I am not Catholic, but I don't think I would do too well in that position.

    • Love 5
  4. I am not excusing Darnell AT ALL for showing up, but I feel for him. His girlfriend isn't just leaving for six weeks, she is potentially leaving him to become a nun. That has to feel really weird on so many levels that I can't blame him for feeling freaked out. And on another level, she seems to be doing it more for the sake of running away. This has to be messing with him a lot.

    Stacey is my favorite so far. Love all the nuns. Francesca needs to go home, I don't care if her generation is overly juvenilized, 21 is really young to be making that decision.

    I wanted to smack Claire multiple times this episode, particularly when she was going on about how the girls were using their looks for godly uses, and anything else was women being instruments of the devil.

    • Love 1
  5. Man, Danielle and cardboard Mo could have been so happy together too! I can totally see him using that idea in the future, and her potentially not catching on. Or just being happy that she can drag him around wherever she wants.

    • Love 6
  6. Honestly, if the dress had sleeves or she wore a shawl, it is not a bad dress on her at all. Her arms are the main issue. The waist line hits her at the right spot and the a line is good on her. She could have done a lot worse.

    She does look miserable though. Maybe mad that she wasted a couple hundred on a dress for a wedding that she knows is completely fake? Mad that her guests weren't also willing to dress up and go along with the charade? Pissed about missing out on that Mo loving?

    Just posted, but as a note on the sleeveless trend, I think it is because it is harder to fit sleeves and more expensive material-wise so dress makers are lazy and have more sleeveless options out there, if that makes sense.

    Still, no excuse for her to not throw on a shawl.

    • Love 4
  7. Ha! I cackled at that too. She was just such an old maid at 18.

    Girl is seriously delusion or completely duplicitous.

    These people are all cray. I was with Violetta on feeling freaked out by how they were greeting each new roommate. They were all screaming in everyone's faces and I would have walked right out the door had I entered into that mess. But them, you know, she had to act batshit insane herself later on. So I lost any feelings of identifying with her.

    • Love 1
  8. Yeah, I don't particularly like Danielle, and of course she has her part in this mess, namely for getting her daughters involved in any of this mess; but Mohamed is terrible too. Neither of them is completely a victim in my eyes and I have a hard time finding sympathy for either of them. I don't buy that Danielle is as aware of their marriage being a sham as much as she should be. She seems really dim.

    Cassia is really growing on me. Jason flat out repulsed me in this episode, and I hope that she is not as into him as she acts, but she seemed so hurt and sad the night in Vegas. Also, if she cut off the blonde hair or dyed it dark brown, lined her eyes a bit differently and ditched the Snooki pink lipstick, I think she would be really pretty.

    Amy looked very beautiful, as everyone has mentioned. Good luck to her, I hope that for her sake she and Danny are happy and he stands up for her in the future if needed, unlike how he acted when she met his dad.

    • Love 3
  9. Unfortunately, whether it is one night or two nights, I don't see how Robyn or anyone else will really get the connection to Brady they want. The four days or eight days apart can't do anything other than undo any real connection made.

    It is clear that Rhonda is the favorite. She is the Cool Wife (to borrow a phrase from Gone Girl) and probably a respite from all the drama. To be fair, she is also the wife who seems to be the nicest to all the other wives, so I can't hate her. She and Rosemary are probably my faves.

    Speaking of, I felt bad for Rosemary being stuck with Paulie with all the obvious tension they have shared and Robyn, who seems like somewhat of a Debbie Downer. It seemed like there was a bit of awkwardness.

    • Love 1
  10. Ok, question on episode 11. I feel silly for asking, but Sarah mentioned a rumor and went to a guy's house to ask if it was true. Did she say what the rumor was? Or am I dumb and was it just the stealing money from the mosque or something else mentioned?

  11. Well, it's about love, actually.

    Sorry, I had to.

    Basically a bunch of British people and Laura Linney all have love stories of varying success that intertwine because it makes it all seem deep.

    I do always get somewhat misty at the airport scenes when real people are greeting their loved ones.

  12. I don't watch Sleep Hollow, but posts here are starting to make me want to. I loved Lost and Heroes partially because they were messy. I like imperfect and ambitious over formulaic and repetitive. Not that these shows did not have their formulaic issues, but Lost in particular was new. I loved it in spite of its missteps.

    • Love 4
  13. I have way too many perfumes. I usually buy rollerballs since I tend to be a little sporadic in what I use.

    Right now, I am really liking Nirvana Black and Armani Code for women. It is a mix of honey, jasmine, and ginger. Normally jasmine smells really wonky on me, but the honey makes it smell sweet and the ginger gives it kind of a fun fizziness if that makes sense.

    My all around faves are Burberry Brit for fall and winter, Dolce And Gabbana Light Blue for summer, Stella, and Amazing Grace for when I want something subtle.

    I want to try Black Orchid and Tobacco Vanille so badly, but with my collection I can't justify spending the money on them right now.

  14. The whole focus on Amy and Danny being virgins thing freaks me out. I have zero issue with waiting until marriage, but the way they focus on it is just bizarre. It is almost like I can picture their guests waiting outside the door to listen in on when the virginity loss happens because they harp on it so much. I don't know. And they discuss it all on camera. Ugh.

    I am starting to think more and more that the issue behind Justin's family feud was TLC needing a story line and it being played up. I did feel kind of bad for him when it was suggested the brothers come though.

    Lawyer Paul made me laugh. Mo really got more than he bargained for with all of this.

    • Love 4
  15. The first time I saw It's a Wonderful Life I started cracking up when they showed what happened to Mary.

    "She's single?! And at the LIBRARY?! In a town full of crime and disarray my wife is an educated employed spinster?! NOOOOOOOOO!"

    • LOL 1
    • Love 11
  16. I don't think Chelsea is necessarily wrong about Chicago right now, if they can't afford it, they can't afford it. A year is a good compromise, but it would have been nice if she had countered, if we have x amount of money saved sooner then we go sooner or if she got a well paying job there. I don't know that they will make decent salaries as an aspiring musician and whatever someone who volunteered for years can do. I presume Chicago has a high cost of living. But yeah, I think they should have stayed in Nicaragua in the first place; but now that they are in the US I don't think staying at her parents' home for a bit is terrible if Chelsea is truly willing to follow through with the compromise.

    Eta: they could probably rent a place in her parents' town too for far cheaper than rent in Chicago for a bit. I don't want to imply that I think they should mooch off her parents. I am not saying I don't think Chelsea is selfish, but I think they need a plan before they go to Chicago both without jobs. And living in a cheaper town for a bit to save isn't the worst idea.

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