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Posts posted by jaybird2

  1. On 12/7/2020 at 8:44 AM, Neurochick said:

    Nice to finally see a WOC on this lily white show.  Yay. 😁

    what am i missing here?  granted i'm a very old, southern woman of privilege but i don't see leva as a woc.  don't stone me or call me racist!

    • Love 4
  2. 3 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

    Olivia needs to realize she has a good guy and quit getting upset and trying to goad him all the time. I like Ethan and honestly, no guys want to talk about feelings all the time and no partner will always be able to guess what you are feeling all the time.

    Still hate the parents. So the mom teaches ballet she learned on YouTube once every few months and that is a well rounded education? It seems like their idea of education is to imprison their children and teach them random things sporadically. And it was obvious they bought the expensive flight simulator so Isaac won’t seek out friends or someday want to go to flight school.

    It mad zero sense for Max to insist on meeting Moriah’s parents in order to be her friend. That was all show created.

    the scenes with matt are very uncomfortable to watch.  in fact, i find any scene with moriah very uncomfortable, very stiff very plastic.

  3. On 12/6/2020 at 5:50 AM, KnoxForPres said:

    I think you’re right but I  can’t stand Kathryn and wonder why Bravo thinks she’s so important. I’ve found her annoying the whole time she’s been on this show and don’t believe she brings any value to it. 

    Danni becoming unhinged while talking to Leva was disturbing. Wtf is wrong with her?  Her alliance and allegiance  with Kathryn is one sided and ridiculous.  Her mannerisms, which I realize she likely has no control over, annoy the shit out of me. She’s like a constant weird “surprised” state of face and jolty. Fire her and Kathryn I say!

    While Craig sounded 16 years old I agree if I had a gig on HSN and they told me I had to do it remotely from home I wouldn’t want to either. When I had access I watched hours of those goofy programs  like HSN and QVC (nothing bad happens and no chance of sad animal commercials) to go to sleep and I would want the on air good vibes with the hosts too. 

    I’m just not buying Shep and his girl for some reason. I don’t see chemistry there and I feel like he got a girlfriend to offset that horrible video he posted where he mocked the homeless lady. Like he used his mailbox money to hire a PR agent who said “Shep!  Hey bud!  Get the most vanilla non-controversial person and get in a relationship!”  And even if he goes to the altar with her I stand by my thought- it doesn’t feel real to me. 

    oh, i agree kathryn needs to be gone.  i've never liked her and believe whitney when he said she slept her way on the show....but i feel that bravo feels there wouldn't be a show w/o her.  bravo jumped on the chance to film thomas & kathryn together( one of the 1st scenes this season). 

    i've always liked danny but never understood her fondness for kathryn

    • Love 7
  4. On 12/3/2020 at 9:21 AM, Xena said:

    Micah mentioned last night selling 'half his cows' (I think?), and Moriah has two part time jobs I believe.  Together they can probably just barely afford the rent on a small house in a very small town (Micah also spent some of his cow money on the car he crashed).  Wondering if they also picked up some cash from TLC, I would hope that they swung their own deals  for this season since they are no longer under the family roof.

    Ethan and Olivia - I have no idea unless Olivia's family is loaded and are providing a subsidy- I did not watch Season 1, Ethan would have been legally an adult at that time, and possibly swung his own deal with TLC that is also providing cash. Otherwise, I cannot imagine his job and her photography gig is enough... but again, it is a very small town, prices are dramatically different sometimes there.  When I visit my father in rural VA, I am amazed at how cheap it is to live... but wages are also low...

    where did he get cows to sell?  one would think the cows belonged  to the 'farm'.

  5. 19 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

    So cast members having a discussion is... shutting down discussion?  I'm not sure I understand the logic there. 

    As we see with this episode, removing a statue doesn't actual stop discussion - in fact, I would venture to guess that the events of this summer probably led to a lot more discussion about John C. Calhoun, his legacy, and Charleston's past than had existed in recent years.  Removing a statue from a public space doesn't actually stop discussion or erase history. 

    FYI, with regard to the cast members who weren't there, I think I saw something recently that had Shep of all people taking Thomas Ravenel to task for something political (I will refrain from mentioning what because it's off topic), so I would not be surprised if Shep is more liberal politically than his aging frat boy persona would have led me to believe. 

    shep is more progressive than would appear based on his instagram posts.

    i was also very surprised that bravo didn't fire kathryn after that text.  after all 2 main cast members were fired from VPR.  The only reason for not firing her is that they think there would be no show without her.   I think that is also the reason started the rumor re cam's husband because she realized she might have gone too far.  Kathryn knew exactly what that monkey meant and that's why she used it, to send a message.  

    • Love 14
  6. 3 minutes ago, rideashire said:

    As someone who spent nearly the whole year in her house because of rona it's wild to see people planning parties and going out to eat (with their older parents, too?!) like there's no pandemic, when I'm pretty sure it was still happening in June....I knew it happened but seeing it with my own delicate eyeballs, and how they just assume it's fine to have a party is baffling. I shouldn't be shocked though since I live in SC and know damn well what happens here.


    well i live in ny state, 2 hrs from the city.  we're having increases in covid cases, over 50 a day in my community.  we are  higher now than we were at the worst in the spring.  people have become lax.  we also have an influx of people from the city which doesn't help.

    • Love 3
  7. 6 hours ago, 65mickey said:

    Kelly was on last night. She had some interesting stuff to say. Pretty much said she didn't buy Braunwyn's story about being an alcoholic and getting sober. Andy tried to act surprised. She told Andy to keep watching and it would all come out later or something to that effect. 

    i hate to agree with kelly on anything but on this i agree .   also, this was the only subject that kelly made any sense.  she really sounded ignorant but i thinks all of her 'apologies' were not genuine .  i don't think she thought anything she said was wrong

    • Love 5
  8. 19 hours ago, Bossa Nova said:

    I will bet this is Shannon's last season. 

    Not sure if it will be by her choice or production's.

    I' ve been sensing that even from her couple of appearances on Watch What Happen Live this season. 

    She's bland. She seems "over it" as they say.

    I think she can't relate to the new cast, how the show has evolved, and misses Tamra and Vicki. 

    she's a lot older than the others.  

    • Useful 1
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  9. On 11/17/2020 at 4:28 PM, candall said:

    I guess the dance instructor--rightly--values his job too much to point this out, but that mother-son tango is horrifying.  The voiceover referred to the "romance" between tango partners, but it's really more like throbbing, sensual, sex on the hoof.  When I was dancing, we tried to keep our bodies glued together between the waist and knee.  Watching them just now, I kept thinking, "Just go ahead and _____ him, lady."

    My heartstrings tugged a little at the poor bride sitting out the mother-son tango, over on the sidelines.  Welcome to your future, sweetheart.


    Isn't the mother that keeps insisting she needs a spare room in the new house for her "sleepovers," the same one who is converting her garage so the couple can live in the backyard?  Yikes, I've seen that movie.  Ultimately she kills her own husband, imprisons the daughter-in-law in some underground torture chamber, and moves in with her darling boy.


    That crazy desperate sinew-y mother with the 80's hair needs a membership to "Our Time."

    i hope tlc does show where these idiots sees your wonderful post and has to read it!!  can't remember the title of the one showing now.

    • Love 1
  10. On 11/21/2020 at 9:39 AM, Silver Bells said:

    I watch all the time (i think) but never saw Shannon meeting John, Gina meeting her boyfriend, or Kelly meeting Rick.  Did they actually show it or was I “out to lunch” so they say.  These boyfriends seemed to appear out of nowhere.  Maybe there was a period where I was fed up with them and missed a few shows?

    you'r fine!!!!  those scenes were never filmed!!

    • Love 1
  11. On 11/19/2020 at 4:59 PM, bichonblitz said:

    Shannon seems to be just as miserable as she was when in that dead end marriage to David. John is so quiet when she starts her bitching. I don't think he's having a good time anymore. Maybe in the beginning honeymoon stage of the relationship he was but now that he has gotten to know her and after what her daughter said about the relationship last week I don't see this being everlasting love. 

    what did her daughter say?  i don't remember

    oops!! i didn't remember i asked and it was answered!!!!

    • LOL 3
  12. 1 hour ago, UsernameFatigue said:

    Shane is a perfect example of the saying, "Happy wife, happy life". In Emily's first years on the show she constantly ran down Shane, and finally admitted that she was unhappy because of her weight gain, and pain from her hip issues. Now that she has had hip replacement surgery and has been able to lose weight, she is a happy wife. Yes, Shane has said some snarky things previously but I have always liked his sense of humour, and felt sorry for him that Emily was ragging on him on national TV when she was obviously unhappy wit herself. 

    i would like to 'like this 100 times!!!!  i've always liked shane but emily not so much.  this season i'm enjoying both of them and the others not so much.

    i've always been a fan of shannon but last night i saw her in a very bad light.  maybe i'm wrong but i didn't take kelly's comment as a dig on shannon's product.  i know i wasn't listening  closely so i could be wrong.  i would never side with kelly but i think shannon was over the top on this and i didn't like going to all the others trying to stir things up.  not the time nor place

    • Love 10
  13. 14 hours ago, emmawoodhouse said:

    Shannon is,also sort of blending families. Her bf's grown children spend an awful lot of time at her place.

    they are not living together and that's my idea of blending.  shannon has stated she will not have a man live with her until they are at a marrying stage has stated they are not at that stage.

    • Love 4
  14. 13 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

    Her face reminded me of Gwen Stefani’s, pulled too tightly! Gwen isn’t as bad though. 

    After watching these women I don’t know if I’m a proponent of facelifts. It seems like most of the women come out looking obviously stretched and tacked back. Wonder what it looks like behind Jenny’s ears LOL?

    Shannon has been high strung since S1. I don’t see much difference now except she is happier with the new guy. That calms her down a little but she still has the potential to snap at any moment IMO. I do hope it lasts with her boyfriend but think they should’ve waited longer to blend the families. 

    BB, I remember Sun-In. It ruined my hair. Turned it orange! 


    shannon is not the one blending families, that is gina

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