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Everything posted by KatMo

  1. I was trying to comment on sleepyjean's comment and ended up just quoting her. Anyway, I totally agree with her and her comment that the show has gotten stale...that is an understatement. It has, for me, become a snorefest, too formulaic and predictable. I also now record it and fast forward to find anything compelling or interesting, which is few and far between. In my opinion, Melissa Rycroft added nothing as a mentor and introducing her (at every single appearance) as the winner of Dancing with the Has-Beens accompanied by the astonished looks of the DCC made me want to hurl. We get it. I used to save the series and re-watch but now I just delete each episode. I took all kinds of dance for many years and have never seen a more abrasive and snarky person than Kitty Carter. I had plenty of tough and demanding instructors but their 'corrections' were always constructive, not snarky, insulting or just plain mean. It's easy to be snarky and much harder to be constructive. And does that woman OWN a mirror? Her hair is a rat's nest and those pink highlights are not age appropriate for a woman 60+. She has no business criticizing anyone's appearance. Have you seen her ancient DCC photo? She looks as unfortunate way back then as she does now. Can you say Pillsbury dough girl? I also read a blog by a TCC that Kelli and Judy rarely show up, usually just to film the show. My apology for the rants but I just discovered this forum and I've got a lot of pent-up opinions.
  2. I find it offensive and hypocritical that Kelli likes to quote scripture on Twitter while earning a boatload of bucks for performing such a superficial and judgmental job, all based on looks and favoritism. These women remind me of prized livestock.
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