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Posts posted by Darknight

  1. 3 minutes ago, emmawoodhouse said:

    As a headship, he's supposed to financially support his family. I don't know what kind of diligent work (® Anna) he's been doing since the car lot was shut down.

    That too. WTF. Isn't the man suppose to support his family not mommy and daddy. It says that in Gothard Bible. Man supports family. I guess they follow the Bible and Gothard when they want to oppress women 

    • Love 14
  2. 12 hours ago, Kellyee said:

    While Josh is horrible, I doubt CPS will yank the kids from Anna unless they find evidence that Josh abused them. Foster care is no walk in the park. Kids are molested and killed in foster care on a regular basis. They really are safer with their family (except Josh).




    CPS will most likely not remove the kids. They have little staff, a lot of kids they can't find homes for, and it is traumatic to remove a child away from their birth parents. Yes even bad parents. On top of this the kids would be split up. The oldest M kid is 11 going on 12. She's old in the foster care system and might end up in a group home away from her siblings. 


    Yes, sadly foster care isn't perfect either. There are kids who die and are abused in foster care. Statistics show foster kids are 10x more likely to be abused. 


    I'm a foster and adoptive parent. It takes a lot to remove a kid. In recent years laws were passed to keep kids with their families. So even if Anna didn't have the kids, CPS will look for extended family. I mean Jimchelle got Tyler. The M kids would be placed with Jimchelle or Anna's family. So they're stuck. I really hope Josh gets the maximum. I hope therapy real therapy is given to the kids. 



    • Love 12
  3. 12 hours ago, BitterApple said:

    I know opinions vary on Anna, but I've lost all sympathy at this point. The fact that she went with Joshley to turn himself in is yet another example of her choosing her husband over her children. 

    People will make excuses that she's brainwashed, another victim, trapped in the cult, etc., but to me she's no different than the countless "real world" women who allow boyfriends/husbands to get away with abuse because they can't imagine life without a man. I'm done with her. The only ones I feel sorry for are the kids.

    These people are prolife but can't protect their own kids. So much for being prolife Anna. 

    • Love 14
  4. 3 hours ago, Oldernowiser said:

    I agree...just not having internet access until July will make him BSC. He doesn’t have a job, I doubt very much he has any hobby that isn’t illegal or a probation violation, and he’s in some stranger’s house 24/7. 
    He’s going to have to sit on their sofa, eat junk food and watch basic cable until his trial.
    Actually, he might be much happier.

    Wasn't he doing this anyway? He never had a real job. Anna cooks, clean, raises the kids. She homeschool too. He does not do anything. Even male animals in the animal kingdom have jobs and help out. Josh does nothing. 

    • Love 10
  5. 1 hour ago, Gigi43 said:

    Yeah, I think this is going to have to be Work and not "work." With paystubs, provable hours and a boss who isn't named Duggar. Also, would his employment be limited because of the type of crime? Would he be allowed to work at Target during the day where there are children in and out all day long? I guess that will be sorted out. He has very few skills since I doubt he did anything at FRC (yeah I've seen the reddit post that said no.) Chain stores, at least where I am are hiring but with so many small businesses going out of business, those jobs are filling up. I know AK had been open more than the North East where I am, but, still, there are a lot of people all over out of work and looking. Who are you going to hire, a newly out of work guy because of COVID or Josh?  

    Can you link the reddit post? Josh is a lazy person. He has no desire to do anything. I'll be embarrassed if I was Jimchelle. Your oldest son is a lazy deadbeat. Josh has always had things handed to him. 

    • Love 6
  6. On 5/1/2021 at 1:16 PM, doodlebug said:

    This particular cult is based upon the notion that, while men are the only true leaders and decision makers, it is the woman's fault if her man should stray.  The Gothard teaching is that when someone is assaulted sexually, even a child, that person needs to own up to their responsibility for their own victimization. Even a child would be at fault for 'tempting' the adult man into sinning.  And, when husbands  commit sexual sins, it is because his wife is not fulfilling his sexual needs within the marriage.  So, he strays because she is a bad wife, not because of any inherent flaw he possesses.  It is likely that JB and Michelle are telling Anna that Josh' crimes are her fault, too and that Anna feels guilty and that she thinks that, if she had done something differently, Josh wouldn't have been interested in downloading photos of abused children.

    The Gothardites also believe that even very young children, like pre-verbal, are capable of willful sinning and they do not distinguish between viewing salacious images of adults vs images of sexually abused children as far as the seriousness of the sin.  Even if the adult posing for pornographic images is doing so freely and is compensated and the child has no choice and is actually harmed emotionally and physically, those following Gothard seem to feel it is all the same.

    It is, of course, all bullsh**, but it is what they believe.

    Never understood how men can be leaders but so weak. How can you have a weak leader who needs their hand held every second 

    • Love 19
  7. 5 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

    I don't believe they do.  Anna may have rough time even visiting Josh depending on where he is incarcerated.  Josh could end up in a prison in North Carolina or Oregon with the feds.

    Anna is going to be a prison wife. No more sex. No more babies. JB will control her from the outside. Josh will control her from prison. By the time he gets out, the kids will be teens and adults. Hopefully, this gravy train ends now. 

    • Love 3
  8. 13 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I have no idea if it will happen in this case but to answer the part in bold....Absolutely!  If JB and Michelle thought it would help Josh they absolutely would traumatize them again and expect them to lie or even take blame for the situation. 

    They threw their daughters under the bus. JB will throw his other sons under the bus too. 

    • Love 8
  9. 17 hours ago, Zella said:

    Just anecdotally, I've noticed the people who tend to do better in prison are types who respond well to structure. I think Josh wouldn't have a problem with being separated from his family, but I think he will really struggle with having to follow rules. He's always been above the rules. That's going to be a real bitch slap to him to suddenly have to be beholden to them in his thirties. 

    Especially from a woman. Imagine a female guard telling him what to do. 

    • Love 17
  10. 9 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

    Nathan Chen is not really a good example of this. He has had some longevity in a sport known for short careers.

    My problem stems more from the USAFS who clearly don't see their mistakes. Especially with their ladies. Nathan has improved leaps. It's more of USAFS putting an insane amount of pressure on a then 18 year old first year senior. Then when he didn't deliver shame him for not delivering. Looking at you Tara and Johnny 

    • Love 2
  11. 3 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

    Nathan Chen is actually an example of someone who IMO defied the early experts. He's improved his consistency, presentation, and troublesome jumps (the triple axel). He sort of reminds me of Plushenko in his consistency and you could say somewhat limited artistry. 

    One thing I think is interesting is why men seem to be able to sustain longer careers than women. Is the training that different? Is there more tolerance for different body types? 

    Puberty helps men but doesn't help women. Men and women's bodies are different. Men gain muscle and strength. Coaches actually coach for longativey vs short term at least they should.  For girls it's  a race against puberty. Girls get hips and breasts which slows down their rotation speed. That means coaches have to rebuild or change their technique. That takes time. You have to get use to your new body. What I think coaches should also do is build strength for girls. However, figure skating for ladies especially wants one body type. Not a Simone Biles body type. That's why some coaches like Eteri coach short term. She has a bunch of skaters she can choose from when her older ones go through puberty. She hand picks them. Why waste time on technique on your 16 year old skaters when there's a 12 or 13 year old who can land jumps? 


    I wish coaches would do what gymnastics coaches are doing now. Juniors in gymnastics can't do certain skills. Coaches many right now are trying to coach for long-term vs short term. Simone is a great example of this. She could've added more to her technique in Rio but worked with what she had. She improved on what she had then added more tech after Rio. In figure skating you have skaters who burn out because they peak too early. Your peak shouldn't be at 13 or 14 or 15. I don't believe anything will change unless the judges stop rewarding it. 



    Look at juniors for example. Most junior boys skaters aren't doing that many quads or at least they shouldn't be. I don't follow juniors that much but there is no reason why a junior skater needs 3,4,5 quads. 

    • Love 4
  12. 3 hours ago, Jeddah said:

    I only remember hearing about Gracie when she was a senior. Was there a huge amount of pressure on her when she was a junior? Maybe I just missed it.

    As for Caroline Zhang, she seems to be well adjusted and happy. She was still skating at Nationals well into her twenties. Sure, she never won the Olympics, but it’s not like skating ruined her life. I bet she’s proud of her accomplishments as a junior skater.

    And I definitely don’t see how you can put Nathan in this category. He has 100% lived up to the hype. I think he choked at the Olympics because of the pressure he put on himself, not pressure from USFS. He’s had an incredible career already, and he is still going.

    There are skaters who appear on the scene very young, and do have long careers. Michelle Kwan won silver at Nationals at age 13, and it didn’t seem to hurt career at all. Mirai won at 14, and then nailed a triple axel at the Olympics at age 24.

    We don’t know what will happen to Alysa, but it seems way too early to decide USFS has ruined her forever.

    Gold is Gracie's last name. They hyped her up big time. Gracie had everything. The name, looks, skating. She was going to win. She was the next Michelle.  


    Caroline was the next Michelle and they hyped her up. Even with her issues. 


    They hyped Nathan up. He choked for a few reasons but the hype they gave him was crazy. He was a first year senior I believe too. Only 18. Just let him skate. The Olympics have enough pressure. Nathan is the exception because he has good tech and has a decent coach. He's blooming and improved a great lot. He will be 22 at his next Olympics. 


    They're doing the same to Alysa. To me it's  worse. They hyped her up and said look Russia and Japan we have one too. They gave her scores she shouldn't have gotten. Called her the next Olympic gold medalist and now she's struggling. USAFS always does this with one skater. Hype them up, put pressure on them, then toss them aside when they don't do well. The comments I saw about Liu are very sad. I read she left social media because of bullying. I can't blame her. I blame her dad, former coach and USAFS. She was taught a technique that wouldn't last beyond puberty. 


    USAFS wants an Olympic/World gold medal. It's pride. They want the it girl skater. USA ladies is what people look for. They need it. Instead of looking at themselves they keep making the same mistakes. Right now it looks like Mariah is their new girl. It wouldn't shock me if they hype up Audrey, Isabeu,or Lindsey next if they get a quad or 3A. 

    • Love 4
  13. Can I just mentioned how shitty the judges are. Imagine being a skater with good technical skills and Skating skills. Then you see the skaters who have not so good or terrible SS and tech get high scores than you. So the judges are saying skaters don't have to work on having the proper technique or SS. As long as you don't fall. So why bother with SS or proper tech when the skaters with bad tech and ss will still be rewarded. This goes for men and women. 

    • Love 2
  14. 13 hours ago, emmawoodhouse said:

    How did Alysa Liu look? I've heard she's having jump problems.

    She is looking rough. The jumps aren't there. The skating skills have a long way to go. USAFS should be ashamed of themselves for ignoring her technique and using her to show Russia and Japan he have a 13 year old and 14 year old doing quads and 3A. They shot themselves in the foot. She currently has no technique coach for jumps. I don't know what her father was thinking. We never learn our lesson do we? Gracie Gold anyone? Nathan Chen? Caroline Zhang? Come on USAFS. 

    • Love 4
  15. On 11/14/2020 at 11:05 AM, Avaleigh said:

    With Trusova, I thought I saw a *little* improvement in the short program but I basically agree with you. It seems like she only puts the work in on the jumps and even the jumps aren't super consistent. (I can't recall her ever skating a clean long as a senior.) Still, in a sport where you can fall twice and easily win as Trusova just did, I suppose it's ultimately worth it to try as many quads as possible. Even her spins are subpar compared to most of her competitors, but it doesn't matter because she can usually hit at least two quads. 

    With Kostornaia, I think it's obvious that her skating skills are far better than most of the other Russian ladies. (Anna, Darya, Aliona, and Kamila are probably the best Russia has in terms of artistry.) I agree though that she really needs that triple axel to stay at or near the head of the pack. I think the other problem that's making her seem less special this year is that her programs aren't really jelling. Both programs feel uninspired and the overall energy is lacking. She also seemed a little unsteady and there were multiple points in both the short and long where she seemed off her game e.g. the struggle with the Biellmann.

    I read somewhere that Kamila was supposed to be a bird in one program and a snake in the other. Not sure what the deal is but I agree that the dresses are odd.

    Even though I know it's a looong shot, there is still part of me that's really rooting for Elizaveta to make that Olympic team. I feel like she has more of a chance than Evgenia and it would be nice if one of the "older" ladies could show the younger ones that they've still got it. 

    I wish they would work on the 3a and one quad with Trusova. She has never landed a 3,4,5 quad program in competition. She also needs to work on other things. I'm surprised Anna and Alena were so close to her last year when she had quads. She can't win without jumps and other skaters with both tech and SS will out perform her. Other skaters are actually catching up to her. If she refuses to work on anything else I fear she's going to get injured and/or fall behind. I think the brownie points she got in juniors and seniors is starting  to fade. It's like you can jump, fall, jump what else do you have? Her skating is choppy. Her programs don't fit her and look like a jump competition. It's also not good for her body to do that many quads. Even men don't do a 4,5 quad program with the exceptions of Hanyu and Chen. It's sad to see so many top skaters lack the very basics. 


    Alena needs better programs and I don't understand Shae Lynn this year. Her choreography this year is lacking. I hears she's injured 


    Kamilla programs were better last year. Give her old programs Eteri. 


    Poor Liza. I wish she would be on the team but sadly RFS is behind their next big crop of seniors. I can't see Liza at Worlds or the Olympics. Even with a quad. She has amazing jumps with proper technique but isn't rewarded for it. Kamilla, Daria, and Anna are locks in my opinion. Maybe Alena and Trusova can challenge that third spot but sadly RFS isn't behind Liza. Even if she gets a quad or two. They love their pre puberty jumping beans. Alena is 17 and is old for a Russian lady. Liza is a great grandma. Medvedeva is a grandma. Alina retired at 17. Yulia retired at 17 too right? 16/17 seems to your peak in Russia. It's sad. 

  16. On 11/14/2020 at 7:00 PM, Growsonwalls said:

    AFAIK Kostornaia is planning on putting back the triple axel. Think she's injured. She has great skating skills, but agree that her programs are meh this year. Her programs last year worked better. 

    She is apparently dating Sergei Rozanov? She's a little ... young for him. 

    Dating Sergei? She's 17 and he's in his 30s? I hope it's not true. 


    Alena said she is working on it but she has back issues and looks like she is going through puberty. She's also old for a Russian lady. She's 17. Her programs are a mess. She can do so much better with better programs and music.

  17. I recently watched videos of skaters Wow Russia's pairs look good to me. People are saying Trusova improved but I don't see it at all. Her whole program is a jump fest. Alena regressed. She always had good skating skills but I found her lacking in interpretation and listening to the music. Without her 3A she isn't competitive and is actually average. I'm not saying she is bad she is very good. Has very good technical elements and skills but I don't see the hype. Especially without her 3A. 

    What the heck is with with Kamilla's costumes? 

    The quad race keeps getting younger and younger huh. 9 and 10 year old learning quads. Especially without proper technique. I'm waiting for the isu to step in. This includes boys and girls. It's ridiculous how little people care about children's well being. 


    Alysa Liu's technique was never going to last. USAFS did her no favors rushing her to do quads and 3a and hyping her up to be the next coming of skating prodigy.  The comments about her are sad but this is a common theme. USAFS hypes one skaters up then turns away when they come crashing down. Gracie, Nathan, now Liu. They never learn their lessons. 


    P/C decided to skip everything this year. Good for them. I don't believe the federations or the ISU should hold in person competitions. Russia already had many of their skaters that are competing in the Russian Cup test positive. Health comes first. Covid-19 is nothing to joke around with. I doubt they'll be a Worlds and even the Olympics are in a rough spot. 

    • Love 3
  18. Shout out to Liza for being 23 and killing it with a bunch of kids down her back landing quads and 3A. 


    And a Russian skater tested positive for COVID-19. No surprise here

    • Love 2
  19. 10 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

    If I felt that this was Zhenya's decision, albeit a misguided one, I wouldn't be so worried.

    I don't think it's her decision. The message she left Tracy and Brian on Instagram was heartbreaking.

    She's definitely not making the Olympic team so I'm at a loss to understand what is going on. Who orchestrated this? Tarasova? Rusfed? I'm not even sure Eteri wants to take Zhenya on so it's just freaking bizzare and depressing.

    It's like watching an abuse victim being dragged back after escaping.


    Russia probably threatened to pull her funding. It a circus at this point and very calculated. CSKA is the top club in Russian. Yet, she regressed and Tarasova didn't seem to help her. The picture Eteri posted looks like a horror film. 

    8 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

    Brian's probably a nicer, more nurturing coach than Eteri but his track record for students with faulty technique continues to be very poor. He does extremely well with students who already had great technique. Yuna Kim, Yuzuru Hanyu, Javier Fernandez already had their jumps. They needed confidence, polish, support. But skaters like Adam Rippon, Med, or Jason Brown who struggle with technique probably were/are not right for him. 

    And Med needed a lot of work. Her technique is just so bad. She could've took the season off or two to rework her technique if she was in a different country but Russia. She should blame Eteri for her technique and the ISU for giving her brownie points. 



    • Love 1
  20. 7 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

    This is a bit conspiracy theorist of me but I really hope Zhenya is ok.

    The latest Instagram picture patted by Eteri's team seems....distressing.

    I hope someone told Med the truth if she's aiming for 2022. The whole thing is weird and awful. Her body can't handle Eteri's training. She's not going to make 2022 or win gold. There are too many talented young skaters ahead of her in Russia alone. If she took time off to work on her technique and heal I think she could've done better. Instead I believe her career ends here. No way will Eteri work with her and make sure she continues skating. She's preparing Anna, Kamilla, and Maya and Daria. I believe Trusova is a lock and so is Kamilla. That leaves one spot open for Russia 2022. I don't believe it will go to Med. 


    Also, they made a big fuss about Alena leaving but made exceptions for Med


    This really sounds like fed decision. If she stayed in Canada we wouldn't be here. State funded skating sounds good but they also control your career and funding. 

    • Love 3
  21. This is why you teach proper technique. Anna is barely getting up there.  She's another Yulia. I like Anna but how hard is it to teach proper technique to prevent injuries and to make it grow with a skater? 


    Kamilla deserves better. Danii needs some choreography classes asap. 

    Alena sp is a mess. 

    Trusova I hope she continues to work more on things besides jumps. Her SP was good. Her long not so much. She should focus on one quad the 4T. That's her good quad and build other aspects of her skating up. If she doesn't she's going to fall behind and someone with skating skills and technique like Rika will be ahead of her. Judges tend to look for other aspects when skaters have similar ones. At least they should 


    The real star was Mikhail Kolyada. 


    None of these girls were ready. I don't understand why Russia held  test skates. 


    And I cringe not seeing people wear masks. Sofia had a fever and apparently she's fine but I worry about people like Tarasova and Mishin who are high risk. 

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