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Posts posted by ThreaLevelMidnight

  1. Really ?! why would she go from official to un- official team ?!!

    A lot of NFL cheerleading teams have 3 year limits.  I'm not sure if the Jets is one of them.  My team (Patriots) is one with a 3 year tenure limit.  The reason being:  once in a while someone will "let themselves go" a little bit or are past their prime, but there's so much politics and maybe they were a captain or something so they just aren't going to get cut.  Don't get me wrong, most girls do NOT fall under that category, it's only some statistical outliers.  I certainly don't think any of the DCC falls under that category, in fact I think Sydney looks better than ever, but the policy is nice to have as insurance for other teams who aren't the DCC and to keep some level of respect to girls who were great for their organization but have a hard time knowing it's time to move onto the next chapter.  

    • Love 1
  2. Wow Samantha Finglass would look JUST like Chelsea Chaney if she got her makeup done.  And i'm sure Chelsea looks just like Sam when she's not wearing makeup, although we all know chelsea would never post a picture without full eye makeup... about 10 close up selfies per day last time i checked, which was a few months ago.  Girl loves herself.   Fortunately for the world, Sam has a much sweeter, less self-absorbed personality!

  3. Isn't this a board where we are supposed to be able to discuss things that are going on with DCC I don't see why certain topics should be off limits I feel like if this was cassie or another DCC this topic wouldn't be so called "sensitive" and would be open for discussion

    Agreed.  If we can't talk about it here, where can we talk about it?

  4. Now Sophia Lucia is she ranked high in the dance world?  Not to get off topic.  


    Yes.  She has lots of national titles and is VERY highly regarded in the dance world.  It's rare for someone to beat her.

    • Love 2
  5. No, there is no formal feedback for those girls.   If they have connections (someone on the team, Kitty, etc.) they can find out that way.   I think it's safe to say if they made it to Finals they were at least somewhat close to making training camp.  If the person makes training camp and THEN gets cut, then yes she gets feedback.  Also, at that point she has K&J's contact info and can reach out if she has further questions.

  6. Wow to all the DCCs who posted such snide remarks about us on Ashley's instagram.  Internet trolls?  Ben & Jerry's?  Really?


    Dear DCC... you do realize that we are literally the only reason your TV show is still on.  Good luck selling your show to the rest of your "fans"... slash the drunk guys who catcall you at the games or the guys who post "y'all are hot in y'all's shorts and y'all's tops" on your instagram photos.  Seriously, good luck with that!  I'm sure it will be REALLY successful. 


    And by the way, we all make more money than you. 

    • Love 2
  7. As someone with zero dance experience I would like to know: in the cameo and squad photos it appears they don't wear any tights. Do they have to wear leg makeup or are their legs just perfectly airbrushed? Also, when they actually dance, do they wear tights that are so low-rise that they don't show at the waistline? What's the trick to keeping the tights hidden on top? Thanks!

    For performances they wear dance tights but cut off the waistband.  They don't really make low rise ones (even the ones called waistband free aren't low enough.  Also ≈If you want the nitty gritty details, it's actually two pairs.  The first layer is dance tights which are thicker, and it's usually a nude color.  But there's no dance tights that are tan enough, so they wear a thin drug store brand in suntan shade as the outer layer.  Wearing just the drugstore brand isn't an option because they're way too thin and wouldn't serve their purpose.


    For pictures they don't need tights but they need to make an appointment at their sponsor salon and get spray tanned.  Each girl has a specific shade she is told to get "light" "dark" "extra dark" etc.   The year they yelled at Kaitlyn I'm assuming the issue was she either went an additional time to the sponsor salon or even to a different salon, thus making her darker than her designated shade.    

  8. I think the prettiest DCC of all for the 3 seasons I've watched the show was Kali Nicole.

    I never got the Kali appeal (looks wise), she just seemed thick and overall very masculine featured.  But i'm sure she was a very nice girl since everyone seems to love her.  I also felt that way about Trisha Trevino though.  


    On the current squad, IMO Ashley Pro is the prettiest.  But it could be a 3-way tie with Holly and Ashley N.  Then the next tier would be Katy, Courtney, Emma, Nicole and Jordan.  Then everyone else.  Then at the very bottom: Rachel LeAnn, Danielle and Jennifer E.   I am still completely baffled at how Rachel is on this team.


    I think the all-time prettiest DCC was Ashton Torres, with Abigail Klein being a close second.

    • Love 1
  9. I seriously doubt that the best cheerleaders/teams/etc. in America are all in Texas despite what they think.  

    Coming from someone whose life was cheerleading for about 15 years (all-star team, college team, cheering for a pro sports that shall not be named, and also being a UCA judge during college and beyond), I can honestly say the best cheerleading teams are definitely from Texas.  and i am not from Texas so it pains me to say that.

    Last but not least, did you see Judy's face after Kelli announced the team and the girls were jumping around and hugging each other?  Judy had a big smile on her face and she looked gorgeous.  We never see her smile so it threw me off.  the camera does NOT do her justice by only showing shots of her in serious mode.  

    • Love 3
    • My favorite part of this episode was Melissa Rycroft congratulating Breelan.  

    Just kidding.  

    I loved the glimpses of the dances at the family and friends event.  I agree with the poster a few weeks ago that they should tape that event and sell it.  You know each of the girls on the team would buy it, along with their family and friends, along with all of us, along with a lot of dancers/cheerleaders/fans.  It would definitely be profitable!!

    i actually found Kelsey quite entertaining during the retreat.  It was nice to see a DCC not in "yes ma'am" mode or giving politically correct cookie cutter answers about working hard, such an honor, blah blah.

    Literally every time we saw ashley pro speak this season she had tears in her eyes.  sad, happy, you name it.  she's just a better actor than Vivian, so we didn't find it annoying.  i do not think she'll be a one year wonder, she's wayy too pretty for that.  as much as they try to pretend dance technique really matters, the dances they do are not very technical.  unless someone is outrageously bad, they can learn the dances.  the things that do matter are: looks, not being a liability on public appearances, the kick line, not having any skeletons on the closet to cause bad press (or for people like us to speculate about in forums).  

    It's very clear to me why Caila made it: she's perfect for the HD screen.  She's 18 (or 19) with no body fat, long legs, and a pretty face.  HD screen will love her.  it doesn't matter that she basically sucks in all other aspects.  there was no chance of her getting cut.  

    melissa rycroft is very good on camera.  She has a great speaking voice, is very personable and overall easy to listen to.  there's so much potential with having her on the show and it's such a waste that CMT chose to use that time the way they did.  we don't want to see a breelan fan club.  we dont want to see the lame interventions.  i hope they find something more entertaining for her to do next year because i do think she can bring a lot to the table.  

    i reallllly hope chandler and alexandra come back next year!

    loved seeing emma speak finally!!  

  10. Wow Vivian.  there's no way that girl isn't on something.  She was talking in slow motion that entire episode... and completely not making sense!  I'm actually kind of sad they cut her because this Amanda Bynes-ish spiral was just starting to get juicy!  "I'm a damm good dancer"... wow with the language!  


    Vivian Bynes.

    • Love 3
    1. Was it some sort of bad editing and they took out the bulk of that mentoring session, or did MRK actually think it would help girls improve their confidence to watch themselves get picked apart on video.  
    2. Did anyone notice Rachel's purple hair?  And we thought Emma's red was fake!  wow.  Rachel must have some seriously good technique because her look is just white trash nasty.  
    3. I think Chandler is cute!!  And has a great presence on camera!  Why would that batty old lady (who's the definition of age denial) call her a grandma?  She has such a perfect figure and if Sydney didn't airbrush her face on every day they would be twins.  Poor Chandler had some nice long curls before her "makeover" I don't know why they gave her that awkward cut.  I miss Premier Atelier.  My point is, I like Chandler.
    4. Dear Vivian, shut the F up.
    5. They LOVE Ashley P.  No way is she going to be a one year girl.  Side note: she has great eyebrows, I think they do wonders for her.  
    6. The 5 seconds of Holly we saw in Kelli's office was more than we've seen of her in her entire CMT career lol.  They should really show these great ones a bit more.  She's the point girl for crying out loud, let us get to know her!
    7. I am really rooting for Alexandra, something about her just makes me like her.  
    8. I wish there were more than two episodes left.  


  11.   Something doesn't set well with me when I see Loren.   It just seems like she is thinking about doing really terrible things while smiling on the outside.  Creepy.


    Yes, it doesn't make sense at first because she should be pretty: everything on her face is symmetrical, nothing is too big or sticks out, lovely color eyes, etc.  But I've figured out the two causes and neither is really her fault, so I'm probably going to hell, but here ya go:


    1) Her eyebrows start out way too low over her eyes.  That gives the evil impression.  there's nothing she can do to fix that unless she gets some sort of lift or tuck.  maybe she should have invested in that instead of new boobs.  

    2)  When she smiles, she smiles by sticking out her chin instead of smiling with her cheeks, and it looks stiff.  and she's done it like that for so many years that in the area where dimples are supposed to be there are lines.  


    Now to turn this into a compliment sandwich: i do think she has very pretty blue eyes, fabulous long legs and amazingly toned abs.  

    • Love 2
  12. Ahh I loved Meagan! I've seriously never felt so upset by someone getting cut!  She looked perfect in the uniform, what the heck is Kelli thinking?  And her personality was so great!  and her hair was so fresh and healthy looking, not nappy and tired looking like some of these ladies.  I think being cut for her "build" is BS, all she needed was to lose a few pounds.  Here is proof, her and courtney standing next to each other at a tampa bay buccs game.  Courtney is SO much "stockier".  http://teradaphoto.photoshelter.com/image/I00004kISB9oJJlw


    Note: make sure you delete the extra space at the end of the link when you click it, or it will say "page not found". I don't know why it adds the extra space.  If you delete it then it will load the page though.


    and great find on malia morales' current job! that's so impressive. she went to stanford too.

  13. If it were up to Judy, I think she'd have 35 tall skinny blonds who had years of training, but no personality. It does amaze me at how no matter how great a girl dances, if she says she hasn't had years and years of dance, Judy acts like she wants to shoot her.


    I also want to cut off at least a foot of Judy's straw hair.

    Well Judy is the choreographer, not the Director.  So naturally she wants dancers with considerable training.  Having a good personality isn't going to make choreography look good.  I hate that longer legs make for much cleaner lines in dancing, but it's true.  So it's hard to think someone is an evil b*tch just for doing their job.  


    I also think she has fabulous hair for an older woman.  She definitely has great hair genes, remember how long and thick her hair was when she was a DCC?  And now, even in her 50s, she has gorgeous hair and i guarantee it's not even extensions.  

    • Love 2
  14. Watched the episode again. First impression of Breelan is not good. Every time the camera catches her in the background she looks bored or pissed. When she walks out to the lot after semi-finals, the body language reads as very entitled. Be interesting to see if my impression changes as the season progresses.

    I agree!  My first impression of her is of a whiny complainer with a really sloppy gut.

  15. Picture not found.  Where are the meddling kids and the dog to solve the great Kaitlyn mystery.

    it says page not found, but just try reloading it and for some reason it works then...  Just highlight the web address and then press return.  it loads the second time.


    Or try this one: http://1-ps.googleusercontent.com/x/www.instavillage.com/origincache-prn.fbcdn.net/640xNx10299851_1422053201400196_1241331531_n.jpg.pagespeed.ic.6Sb8bwRyxF.webp 

    • Love 1
  16. Kaitlyn is a mystery.  If she was taken off the squad for weight gain, she might have been taken off the team, but she still has a twitter account without performing and going on appearances. She is still posting some DCC related tweets. They might address what happen with her in Season 9.

    Sure it could be a medical issue/something we don't know about, but she definitely got huge: http://www.instavillage.com/p/723255236922148652_16488040/ 

  17. Just watched the Fan Vote videos.. here are my observations:

    1) Anncell is amazing!  

    2) I loved watching Lauren (girl with fishnet sleeves), she was probably my favorite.  

    3) Question:  how is someone who has danced in the "Moscow Russian Ballet" not able to do a double turn (mariah)?

    3) I think Vivian is really pretty and i hope she makes it this year, but if one of her criticisms last training camp was that she came off "raunchy", I wonder what was going through her head when she thought a leopard print top would be a good idea for this year's tryouts.  And she really needs to tone down those faces she makes when she dances.

    4) My favorite part of the bios was learning Courtney Corbeille's age.  Up close she doesn't look a day under 40, but from more than a few feet away you would think she was 15!  It's quite fascinating really.

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