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Posts posted by sekay87

  1. I'm enjoying the show so far. The only thing that is really irking me at the moment is that they are writing and directing Jamie Lee Curtis the way they did Jane Lynch on Glee and I personally found that less and less humorous as time went on. Also, I agree that they need to start killing off more characters that we actually care about instead of people who we are just meeting and thus have no emotional investment in.

    • Love 1
  2. I have to say, I am really disappointed in this season. I find the routines to be incredibly bland and played out, and I HATE the stage vs. street setup because it completely minimalizes ballroom. I don't want to watch 3 contemporary and 3 hip hop routines per episode. I used to like how the show would change it up and have a true variety of styles. Now I feel as though I have to watch 2 hip hop, 2 contemporary, 2 jazz, and one random style per week. I find it annoying and feel like the show has lost its luster for me. It's a shame because Gabi is probably my favorite contestant to have been on the show in years (probably since Katherine McCormick) and I would have loved to see her perform on a season with more contenders. The quality of dancer is good this year, don't get me wrong, but I have not seen one routine that has given me chills or made me emotional, and that's honestly a first for me for this show. I hope we go back to normal next year.

  3. Well that was...interesting. Honestly this show has gotten way too fake for me. I feel like the first season really did have genuine stories that needed to be told, but at this point I do feel that they need to just make a TV show and are coming up with these fake story submissions. This show had a good run. I really was intrigued the first couple seasons. Now, I find this boring and played out. As much as I enjoy Max and Nev, I simply can't with these stories anymore.

    • Love 2
  4. Mikey, Mikey, Mikey. What a jerk. Seriously. I hope he gets the axe soon, because I cannot deal with men who act like good guys when they're actual emotionally abusive douchebags.

    Mame and Lacey are definitely my favorite girls. My favorite guys are Justin, Nyle, and Bello. I'd like to see all of them do well.

    I really felt for Delanie. I don't think it was her time to go. I'd have much rather seen Stefano go, because his picture was actually the worst for me.

    • Love 2
  5. "Don't be all uncool" is my new favorite line of the Real Housewives franchise.

    I'd probably be a little shocked/slightly pissed if I got out of bed naked and walked into an adjoining bedroom and saw a naked, strange man in there. That would be off-putting to me. But tears? Really? That was so over the top and insane. You're on a girl's trip with a few women who are single. Stuff is bound to go down and it's not like anything was actually stolen. Have a tequila shot and calm down, Heather. It's not that serious.

    • Love 12
  6. I agree that the movies are better-but the movies are also rated R and can go farther. This is on MTV. It's a series for teens/kids. It's on basic cable. So I can see how they can't take it to where they could potentially go because they have to try to keep it semi-appropriate. I sort of wish they had done this on FX or even HBO so that they could take it to a darker, more interesting place. Or at least have it be on part with the movies on some level.

    With that said, I agree that they could be bringing more creativity and fun to these murders and not have it be so "easy."

    • Love 2
  7. You answered your own question. They were upset with her because she was rude. Do they need anymore reason to call her out? Not really. 

    I guess I just felt that they overreacted. When I've been on girl's trips with my girlfriends and I know one of them just went through a breakup, I guess I just don't really care if they ignore me for a couple hours to talk to a guy. I just felt like they didn't need to make a big deal about it. Let her do her thing. 

    • Love 3
  8. Sorry...I need to defend Ramona here. I didn't get why the other ladies were pissed. Was she rude? Sure. But she was spending the whole trip with the group. She's a woman going through a divorce who wants to have fun and flirt. Who cares if she ignored the other girls for a couple hours to chat up some dude? It's not like Carole was interested. These ladies should lighten up. Ramona's on vacation. Let the girl have a little fun without getting in her face about it.

    • Love 3
  9. I think it's really telling that Kaitlyn is sending home the normal, well-adjusted people on this show (as normal as they can be wanting to find love on reality TV) and keeping the two least mature and dramatic men in the house as her top choices. Because let's be honest, Ben H. is likely the next to go. It just shows me how mature she is. How has she kept Shawn this long when he has an issue every single week and throws a temper tantrum every time she gives another guy attention? How is she okay with Nick after he just starts talking smack on Shawn out of nowhere and creating problems? I just feel like she's not ready for a serious relationship if she enables this behavior and seems drawn to the ones acting out like that.

    • Love 9
  10. I didn't fault Bethenny or Kristen during that whole exchange. I faulted Ramona. From Bethenny's perspective, she didn't get why people were making it seem like she asked to change the dates of the trip because she didn't-she simply said she had to leave early. From Kristen's perspective, she wanted to clarify things with Bethenny while the group was together in order to solidify her own plans. It was Ramona who made it seem as though Bethenny was making a huge deal about the trip and insinuated that dates needed to be changed, which in turn prompted Kristen to ask about it. Typical Ramona stirring the pot.

    Also, I get Bethenny crying a lot. When you're already stressed to the max the littlest thing sets off waterworks in some people. I'm one of them. So I get it. I don't fault her for crying.

    • Love 8
  11. The reason why Dorinda laid into Kristen about what happened with John and hasn't spoken up to Sonja is because Kristen was being flirtatious with John, just as Sonja was, and was participating in the now-called "sandwich" (LOL) then tried to turn around and say that it was all John's fault and she didn't do anything. Dorinda knows how John is and doesn't place the blame on the girls, but she did need to call Kristen out for flirting back with John harmlessly then trying to clutch pearls and say that the whole thing was inappropriate. She didn't call out Sonja because unlike Kristen, Sonja isn't acting like John is being inappropriate or creepy and owns her part in the harmless flirtation. I can see why Dorinda would then not say anything to her and would say something to Kristen if that's the case. She knows to talk to John about the issue and not blame the ladies, but in this case she had to call Kristen out for being a hypocrite.

    • Love 13
  12. I completely agree with everyone saying Heather was out of line here. Granted, I am a Bethenny fan, but before this season I was also a Heather fan. I think my issue here is that Heather needs to know when it's inappropriate for her to insert herself into a situation, and she needs to accept when people tell her to back off and let them deal with things on their own. From what I see, Heather involves herself in every altercation and always feels the need to give her two cents. It even happened earlier in the episode when Kristen and Dorinda were fighting. Why was she getting involved? Dorinda and Kristen are two grown women who can deal with their own conflict without Heather mediating or involving herself. It's just ridiculous to me. I think she's seeking more camera time, attention, and wants her position on the show to elevate so she's creating fights and manufacturing drama. I think Heather is pissed that Bethenny is back, because that means she is no longer the "successful business woman boss lady" role on the show-B is.

    I also had a huge issue with Heather belittling Bethenny's experiences. I do understand that it's not an excuse for B to not show up to Housewives events, but who is Heather to say that Bethenny shouldn't be affected by everything from her past and everything going on in her life right now? Over the past 3 years she's lost her husband, her talk show, and has to share custody of her toddler. Combine that with how hard she's worked to build up Skinnygirl brands and her childhood and yea, it's rough. Heather does have a sick child, and she handles it like a champ. But honestly Heather also has a flourishing business and a strong marriage. Bethenny's personal and professional life have been tanking the past couple years and she's trying to fix it. THAT is the difference Heather. Losing your nanny is not the same thing. Everyone deals with loss and hardship differently, and some people can compartmentalize better than others. Heather may be good at burying her stuff, but that doesn't mean everyone is. Bethenny obviously isn't as good at hiding when she's going through a rough time, and that's just a difference in personality. Not something to be criticized by a know it all (Heather).

    Dorinda is amazing and I think she's a fantastic addition to this show. Everyone needs to get off her about John. I agree that he is gross, but she loves him and she's happy. Shouldn't that be all that matters? These women need to get off their high horses and worry about their own love lives.

    • Love 6
  13. Oof. Lots to discuss this episode, but I have to say, it was one of the more entertaining episodes in the past few seasons. A LOT went down.

    1. Bethenny-SO glad to see the side of her I love come out. I'm a huge fan of B. I love how real and raw she is. She's not afraid to be herself, good or bad. This episode I really appreciated how honest she kept it with everyone, especially Sonja. I was dying when she told Sonja she was acting like a 4 year old. I give her credit for keeping it together. I also think she has a point when she says that at her core, Sonja is a good person. She just has a lot of mental issues and needs help. I think the other ladies would benefit from remembering that, because the way they abandoned her during the night out was really not ok.

    2. Sonja-I don't want to reiterate the obvious, so all I'll say is that as much of a train wreck as this woman is, I genuinely feel sorry for her. She's so delusional that she has no idea of the downward spiral she's on. I forgot about Aviva pointing this out a few seasons ago until another poster pointing it out, but now it seems all the other girls realize it too. It's sad. I hope she gets a wake up call and gets the help she needs. Sometimes you need to lose everything before you fix yourself. Look at Teresa G from RHONJ. She needed to go jail to figure it out. Sonja might need to lose her house before she does.

    3. Heather-Do NOT blame her in the least for being pissed about Sonja's unwillingness to let them in her house before leaving for the trip. I would have been furious. I do think she's sort of nasty though. It's tacky to call out the fact that she's had to put Sonja to bed while drunk and while her point was taken, she really shouldn't be airing out anyone's dirty laundry. NONE of that was ever on camera, and last I checked she got pissed at Aviva for insinuating Sonja had a problem with drinking. She could take it down a notch. She knows who she's dealing with so was it even worth her energy to kick the woman while she was down?

    4. Carole-Honey, you embarrass yourself more each week. Those bunny ears? That cleavage shirt? You're not cute, you look ridiculous, and you just appear to be desperate at this point. You're actually intelligent and have a lot to offer. Stop dumbing yourself down for the cameras.

    5. Luann-Normally my favorite, but those comments towards Ramona about how much better off she is without Mario were tactless and insensitive.

    6. Dorinda-Probably my new favorite. "John John is dead so that's difficult." Slayed me. Keeping doing you D. You rock.

    7. Kristen-Fashion was on point this week. Other than that, she needs something else to do.

    8. Ramona-I LOVE single Ramona. She's having fun and I appreciate that about her. And on HER birthday, Dorinda, she should not have to be the one to babysit Sonja. She should be the one having fun. So I didn't blame her for letting Sonja wander and letting someone else deal with it.

    That's it. I'm sure there are differing opinions, but right now I want Heather off my TV, Sonja to get help, and more Dorinda.

    • Love 4
  14. Dude. Heather is SO unbearable. I can't with her anymore. Dorinda had a point when she said that everyone constantly poking at Sonja's businesses is just mean at this point. I do agree that Sonja is batshit and that her businesses aren't real, but Heather and Lu don't need to constantly point that out. Sonja is an adult. Let her live. Let her make mistakes because she's obviously not learning. If they're tired of hearing about her fake business ventures, maybe stop asking about them? I don't know. I totally saw Dorinda's point there. It was just mean at the cocktail party for them to corner her and start giving her a hard time. It's a party Heather. Calm the heck down.

    You skipped over the part about Carole and Lu in the recap. I'm enjoying the Twitter drama in large part because it's so ridiculous to see 2 grown women airing their dirty laundry on a social media site. Is anyone else thinking that Adam is the one who is full of it? He's going on a trip with a group of people, including LuAnn's niece? Sounds like the niece felt like there was a chance they'd get back together and was surprised to hear about Carole being in the picture. He was probably sending her mixed signals. For Carole to say she "doesn't care" if Lu's niece's feelings are hurt sounded a bit callous to me. It's not about doing anything wrong, Carole, it's about the fact that the niece knew you personally and had confided in you how much that ex meant to her, and you went after him anyway. I don't know. The whole way she went about dating him was super slimy to me. She can date young guys, but when friends are involved in a dating situation you should tread lightly and have the respect to give your friends a heads up. Lu shouldn't have had to hear about the situation from her niece. Ugh. She's grating on me this season too.

    Loved Bethenny in Sonja's showroom. Her abrasive nature in social situations certainly fits well in the boardroom doesn't it?

    Dorinda. I ADORE Dorinda. Her daughter sucks, but she is delightful to watch. John, on the other hand, is disgusting and she should really just leave him. That relationship is headed for disaster.

    • Love 10
  15. Maybe I'm just in the minority here, but I don't blame Lu one bit for being pissed at Carole. I like Carole, but the way she went about dating Adam was kind of shady. There's a reason Carole was hesitant to tell Lu about the two of them hanging out that had NOTHING to do with privacy. She was all too willing to share with Heather and from the looks of it, with Kristen next week. She KNEW Lu would have a problem with it. And she did it anyway. That's not really a friend. I'm not hating on her for dating someone younger. That's her prerogative and hey, good for her that she can land someone that hot (I do find him attractive, not going to lie). But the fact of the matter is that he works for Lu, used to date her niece, and he's friends with her son Noel. That'd be a little awkward for anyone. Would it have killed Carole to tell Lu, "Hey, Adam asked me to hang out and go on a date. We've been talking. Do you have a problem with it?" Not that she needs anyone's permission, but it's just a courtesy to give a friend a heads-up. If she valued or cared about Lu's friendship at all she wouldn't have gone behind her back. It seems like Lu has a problem with that more than anything. AND it puts Lu in kind of an awkward position. I think Carole used poor judgment here, not for clubbing and dating a younger guy, but for being kind of shady and a crappy friend.

    • Love 7
  16. I have to say that unlike most of the people here, I actually quite enjoy Dorinda. I really didn't blame her at all for being hard on John. First of all, it IS rude to take business calls when you're at lunch with your partner. I agree with her-don't meet up for lunch then. Just see her later when you don't have to take business calls. If it's not an emergency, hang up the damn phone. And for him to give her a hard time that he doesn't come before her daughter was kind of out of line. Yes, it was uncomfortable for her to lay into him, but he really shouldn't have even pushed that button knowing that Dorinda struggles with integrating the two of them into her life. I also think people need to cut her some slack with regards to her daughter. Hannah is a brat and speaks to Dorinda disrespectfully, but I also think it's normal for older children to struggle with their parents moving on after the death of a spouse that they knew to be their father. The fat jokes are snobby and out of line, but I'm sure if Dorinda DID date a younger, hotter guy Hannah would have an issue with that too. She's just looking for things to be wrong. Dorinda is just handling it the best way she knows how to, and I don't think anyone should fault her for that. The woman's not perfect, but so far I think she's a wonderful addition to the cast and I look forward to seeing her journey play out further.

    • Love 6
  17. I kind of enjoy Bethenny still. Like yes, she's incredibly brash and could probably show a lot more tact when she handles things, but Heather annoys the hell out of me. She thinks it's her place to be involved in every drama in some way, shape, and form and speak for other people. The intent might be to be a good friend to Kristen, but Kristen is a grown woman. She can go to Bethenny with issues without Heather doing it for her. Heather and B are similar in that they both want to be the alpha females in this group. The reason B and Ramona made up is because Ramona backed down to B. Heather won't give up her alpha position so easily.

    • Love 3
  18. I personally dislike both Kim and Kyle. They're insufferable. Kim is a vile human being and nasty as all get out. She deflects all of her issues onto Kyle and refuses to take any blame for her role in any of their family issues. Kyle gets to me because instead of refusing to acknowledge family tension off camera and work it out privately, she seems intent to publicly air it out on television. If Andy actually cared about either one of these women and saving their family, he'd fire them both from the show and give them time to fix things. Television is NOT the place to improve and work on family relationships. That's if Kyle even WANTS to at this point, which I wouldn't blame her for letting Kim die drunk, stoned, and alone at this point.

    I know I'll probably get crucified for my Kyle comments, but I've honestly never liked either of the Richards sisters. I kind of think Kyle is a judgmental mean girl and didn't love how rude she was to Camille in early seasons, and Brandi when she first came on (although Brandi has now proven to be even more vile than we all thought possible). I also think Kyle intentionally starts shit while playing the victim card. She looks positively saintly next to Kim though. I'll give her that. I'd really just love for Andy to fire Brandi, Kim, and Kyle at this point and bring on new people or bring back Adrienne, Camille, and Taylor.

    Meant to say "on camera" in my last post. Not "off camera. Sorry.

    • Love 2
  19. I never said Kyle should "protect Kim" by not putting the Instagram photos up. I'm saying that she did that and when Kim called her on it and said it hurt her, she didn't say, "Well, I can do what I want on my social media and something needed to be done about your dog." That would have been fine. It's Kyle's right. My point is Kyle acted like she didn't mean anything by it and that she "didn't know" there would repercussions. I'm not faulting her for doing what she did, I'm just saying don't play innocent and act like you didn't know what you were doing, because she absolutely did.

    • Love 3
  20. Is Kim's behavior vile? Absolutely. Is it acceptable that her dog injured Alexia to the point that she almost lost a hand and was on an IV drip for 3 weeks? No, it's not. Kim needs to seriously consider sending the dog away for intense training or putting him down. Having a dog who viciously attacks anyone is unacceptable, and it's a reflection on Kim as an owner, not on Kingsley.

    With that being said, should Kyle have instagrammed photos of Alexia in the hospital and then acted like she didn't know it would start shit? Probably not. For Kyle to say she "didn't know" that people would figure out it was Kingsley is stupid. Of course people were going to investigate that picture and figure it out. She knew it would hurt Kim to do that, so she did it. I'm not faulting her for being upset that Kim is prioritizing her dog over Alexia's injury, but stop acting like you didn't know that putting up photos of your hospital-ridden daughter on Instagram wouldn't cause a stir.

    I say fire both Richards sisters and Brandi and bring back Camille, Adrienne, and Taylor. Kim, Kyle, and Brandi are insufferable wenches that I can no longer tolerate watching.

    • Love 3
  21. I'm not "defending" Kim, but she said repeatedly to Kyle when Kyle was screeching about Kim uninviting her from her daughter's wedding that she didn't? So did she or didn't she? I feel like Kyle was just saying that she'd be hurt if that was a possibility of happening. Or maybe Kim threatened it but hadn't followed through yet? I'm so confused why Kyle kept going on about it when Kim said she didn't do that and that she didn't mind if Kyle was at the wedding.

    • Love 1
  22. Sorry, but I'm with Tre on this one. I don't think she told Dina about the rumor to spread gossip. I think she did it because she was skipping the Florida trip, and if the rumor came out through Amber she didn't want to be thrown under the bus. I think maybe she thought Amber would repeat the rumor on the trip and say that Teresa was involved since Victoria is her friend, and she wanted Dina to let them know that she was just there when the info was repeated, not that she somehow set this whole thing up. I can't blame her for trying prepare herself for that scenario because the last 2 season she's been accused of setting up Melissa. I don't think Teresa owes them an apology. The Twins just need to laugh this off and let it go.

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