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  1. I kinda want to see McCord and Bishop have a full-blown, extremely ill-advised affair. (says in a small voice and gets ready to dive back into lurkdom to avoid tomatoes.) That might be the only thing that will get me to tune in next week. Otherwise the pilot was so bland and boring that I actually forgot to watch the second episode and let it just sit on my DVR for days. It was only after going through the discussion here about the hot mercenary that I finally sat down and made myself watch the episode (yes, I happen to be very shallow) And everyone here was right. The actor is extremely attractive (the salt and pepper hair was a great touch) and has great chemistry with Leoni. They played off each other very well. Apart from that, the storyline was predictable and tension-free. Nothing surprising happened in Mccord's office or her home. Everything was so damned by the numbers. The villainous CoS who causes her just enough trouble to make the audience want to root for her, the case of the week which gets a happy ending at the very last minute and troublesome kids who cause her just the right amount of discomfort in an effort to make her home life look interesting. Not that any of it works and the end result is just mediocre. Even Bishop at the end capitulates in the face of her awesomeness and confesses how her one article made his company grow a conscience. Of course that's so realistic because it's not as if any other member of the academia or the press have ever spoken out about the terrible atrocities some of those PMCs have carried out in the recent past.(/sarcasm) Wouldn't it be great if it had turned out that Bishop had that golf-playing politician in his pocket and it was at Bishop's behest, he refused to send it troops to Yemen. After that Bishop just sat back to see what the woman who had criticized him in the national press would do. He could still have taken some pointers from the article but as the head of a mercenary corporation, he has to be seriously ruthless and cunning. If she hadn't done anything, then she would have had another Benghazi in her hands. But she instead had surprised him by buying his help and thereby won his admiration. And he himself wins in turn by getting her to compromise her ideals publicly and whitewashing his company's reputation by saving the American ambassador. That way McCord still remains awesome with all her thinking outside of the box but the sickly sweet ending about how her one article changed him and his corporation isn't so sweet anymore. Now how's that for a conspiracy? So, come on show and embrace your tawdry, conspiracy-loving inner Scandal (because The West Wing you aren't) and give Olitz a run for their money since I actually love Tea Leoni in her role and would absolutely love to see Isaac Bishop on my screen every week. (Ends rant and scurried back into the shadows of Lurkdom.)
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