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Posts posted by Eeksquire

  1. So, I started a rewatch of Season 2 now that it's on Netflix and I've noticed two things: first, as much as I love this show, I love it MORE when I can binge watch - something about the way it's built just works better when you're not breaking it up with a week in between episodes.

    Second, and I might just be really slow on the uptake here, but: drunken arson seems to be Rebecca's go-to for dealing with romantic disappointment.  We see the flashback in this episode, but watching the beginning of the season again, Rebecca setting all of the Josh and Greg memorabilia on fire in her kitchen sink is the catalyst for moving in with Heather.  I had forgotten the details of how that all went down, but talk about a destructive pattern! I hope we get more Dr. Akopian in Season 3, both because I think it would be good for Rebecca (and interesting to watch) and because I adore Michael Hyatt.

    • Love 8
  2. So the ghost woman trope weirdness was... fine (and really, in keeping with Lena's past weird experiences in hospitals), but what was with the ghost/angel telling Lena that her other daughter was a "monster"? 

    Also: this show does not need a pregnancy scare.  Though I would believe that Mariana is dumb enough to believe that she could take a pregnancy test less than 24 hours after sex and have a reliable result.  Emma seems like she's too informed for that (even if still a teenager and still prone to pregnancy scares).  

  3. Quote

    those on the side of her face

    Amazing reference. A+.

    Also, with respect to the bar exam, even if you've had something expunged, you are still supposed to disclose it to the bar examiners.  If you don't, you run the risk of them finding out about it (or one of your references referring to it) and then, as with so many things, the real issue becomes not the issue itself, but the cover-up and the lie about the issue itself.

    A very good friend of mine had an incident during his younger years and it triggered a tremendous amount of scrutiny.

    That said, I am willing to hand wave all of that, because I don't expect hyper-realism in my tv shows... especially one where people routinely break into song.

    • Love 5
  4. This episode was kind of dragging for me UNTIL the package was playing the piano and from that moment on, I was all in.  I teared up at Paula's machinations with the delivery guy AND THEN to have gotten Naomi to get her act together... which was followed by Nathaniel and Darryl teaming up to solve Rebecca's daddy issues.  (Momentarily.)

    Also loved Paula's very sincere offer to help Nathaniel - to me, it was a nice callback to last season when Rebecca had the UTI and peed herself while she and Paul were robbing the bakery.  ("I have two kids, I know that look!")

  5. Quote

    I completely appreciate Mrs. Hernandez's open hostility towards Rebecca.

    While I enjoy Mrs. Hernandez's hostility toward Rebecca, to me it seems unearned - we didn't see much of Mrs. Hernandez in the back half of season 1 and really haven't seen that much of her here in Season 2, except to be mean to Rebecca.  I just think the evolution hasn't been shown enough, and frankly, now that they've done away with the 'not speaking' thing, she's not as much fun to me either - if someone is going to be Rebecca's get a grip friend, I'd like it to be Valencia.

    • Love 3
  6. Quote

    even Darryl-- are we supposed to love that he's desperate for Paula's attention, even though she's blatantly rude to him? Is this another version of "no doesn't mean no, a nice guy grovels til the cold bitchy woman gives in, and it shows how awesome he is and how wrongly and randomly cranky she is, instead of how little respect he has for himself or her-- and p.s. he knows what's better for her than she does, because obviously any angry woman is protesting too much"?

    Yikes.  I had not considered it in that light (because I am Team Darryl), but now that you point it out, I see your point.  It seems like maybe we're not supposed to think that, exactly, because it's not a romantic or sexual relationship, but the undertones are still there.  Yuck.

  7. On a totally shallow note (that's not about Jack's behind!) Baby Randall was absolutely adorable.  I don't know where they found that baby, but man, I just wanted to squeeze him!

    • Love 5
  8. I admit it: not so much the dialogue or the speaking out loud to the lost spouse, but just the shots of the house, where Dr. K is clearly living alone, amidst all his wife's things, hit me pretty hard.  It was like walking into my grandfather's house after my grandmother passed away.

    Other than that, this episode really highlights how well the show runners have been doing integrating the present day and the flashback storylines - without mixing them, all the dramatic tension has fallen out of the show.  (Especially because, as pointed out above, we already knew what was going to happen at the end of this particular day - at least all of the things of any importance to the ongoing story.)

    • Love 6
  9. Quote

    In my defense, there was a store in our area that had a catalog and a showroom so you could look at all the merchandise but if you wanted to actually buy something, you had to go to the desk at the customer service area and then they would go in the back to get it for you.

    Service Merchandise! Oh man, that was the catalog I used to make my Christmas list for Santa every year (no Toys R Us near me until I was in middle school!)

    • Love 4
  10. Ok, while I agree that Rory's elaborate setup absolutely led Marty on, I have to object to the inclusion of "throwing her legs over him".  When I was in college, all of us were all over each other, physically, all the time.  Now, in part, that was a function of the fact that we did not have giant enormous suites like Rory et al have, but instead rooms that were teeny tiny, but in my experience, college students are way more physically affectionate with each other without it being at all romantic or sexual than most adults are.  In the context, Marty might have been hoping that it meant more (and the worse example of this is when Rory fell asleep in his bed), but putting your legs and feet on someone (or having someone do the same to me), in college, to me, was very normal behavior.

    • Love 4
  11. Can we talk for a moment about Darryl becoming Nathaniel's surrogate dad? For all the cynicism this show has toward Rebecca and her parents (see also: Heather and her parents and Josh and his dad), it's really smart about showing Darryl as a good parent - he loves his daughter (not in a creepy way!) and supports her snail obsession in a 100% real and unironic way and now he's being supportive to Nathaniel notwithstanding the fact that Nathaniel immediately tried to screw him over.

    I love Darryl. I am Team Darryl.  "You're a good kid." Aw - that's just what Nathaniel needs to hear! 

    • Love 13
  12. I'd imagine that most family doctors today wouldn't want to do obstetrics, if only because their malpractice premiums would skyrocket - I believe that's the most expensive type of practice (malpractice insurance-wise).  Around here, there are only a handful of gynecology practices that will even still see pregnant women after their first trimester for that reason.

  13. Quote

    That's really interesting. If we take the numbers that have been mentioned on the show at face value - Jack's salary at $17,000 post-raise and the the 2-bedroom walkup at $200 a month - it sounds like in 1980 salaries were higher in Pittsburgh than in the SF Bay Area and real estate prices were similar? Because these days Bay Area real estate is 6-7x more expensive than Pittsburgh real estate.

    I think that makes sense - the steel industry was still going strong at that point and the tech industry was still in its infancy.  The "Rust Belt" wasn't quite the Rust Belt yet in the late 70's/early 80's.

    • Love 1
  14. Quote

    They must have some really interesting financial relationships if Tarek expects spousal support from Christina.  Is she the sole owner of their business?  Why?  It gets curiouser and curiouser...

    Purely speculation on my part, but for liability protection reasons, it wouldn't surprise me if they structured their business and personal assets to insulate one or the other from liability and everything is in her name.  (Kind of like how doctors and lawyers who own their own practices almost always keep their personal residences in their spouse's name alone in case they get sued for malpractice.)

    • Love 1
  15. I think Greg was one of the only characters on the show that really wanted to get OUT of West Covina - everyone else is basically content to live there, which gave him a very different voice than the rest of the characters.  It also makes structural sense why he had to leave, but the show is really lacking that. If Nathaniel provides that, "This town is terrible and meaningless" perspective as an outsider from LA (albeit from a different perspective), maybe he'll work. He'll be like the Anti-Rebecca - a transplant that hates it there.

    • Love 5
  16. Quote

    Unlike Lorelai he seems to have actually let go and stopped stewing on stuff that happened when he was a teenager. 

    But Lorelai still hasn't gotten over things that happened when SHE was a teenager.  I think (for me) all of her worst qualities are the ones she has in common with teenagers because she never really progressed emotionally from that point in a lot of ways.

    • Love 5
  17. Quote

    Hate the new boss, and really don't want him to be made to seem like a nice guy who's just doing what he has to do. Don't like how Rebecca was so distracted by him at the restaurant and REALLY don't want to see him as a love interest for Rebecca OR Paula.

    I do kind of enjoy the prospect that Rebecca picked up on his Daddy issues so quickly - that could be an interesting plot line... as long as we don't have to watch another love triangle.

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