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Posts posted by Eeksquire

  1. I think the age thing is also a nod to current sensibilities: I know it's historically accurate, but I don't really want to be confronted with the fact that men in their 30s (and older) were essentially shopping for 17 year old girls - I think that would ruin the viewing experience for a lot of people. 

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  2. Rewatching in the background and just watched Rory get told she "doesn't have it" by Mitchum... and he's a dick, but honestly: what on earth is she wearing?! A t-shirt and a sweater vest held up by weird suspenders? Not even in the Delia's catalogues strangest fever dream my friends...

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  3. Quote

    and what kind of drugs was the brother on that could have possessed him to kill that poor cat he didn’t seem like the type

    It's possible that I missed something, but I didn't get the impression that he killed the cat, just that he was *afraid* he had killed the cat. He didn't know one way or another because he had blacked out from all the drugs, and didn't want his partner to find out that the cat was murdered.

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  4. I am (slowly) catching up. That funeral was hard to watch (though I confess I was worried that Sean was going to OD and I'm glad the show didn't go that route), but I did appreciate that Colin (Colin? The music teacher?) got to play the piano and I was very glad to see both of the teachers again.

    This season has lost a lot of the charm of Seasons 1-3, but I am a completionist, so I will soldier on for the last couple of episodes.

  5. Quote

    I don't like the seeming divide with Eric and Otis. It's fair that straight people can be 'basic', but Otis has been around for a while. That's not entirely their place to make that call. 

    I am (slowly!) catching up on the last season, and I hate this storyline. I can understand friends growing apart, but the idea that Otis and Eric are going to grow apart because Otis is too basic for Eric? The same Eric that dresses up with Eric, danced with him at the school dance and supported him with his relationship with Adam? 

    I realize they are teenagers, but this group is just as judgmental of those they deem "basic" as they think the "basic" people are about them, and - at this school especially, as they've presented it - that's not the case at all. 

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  6. I have hit the point in my casual re-watch where Rory is in her first year of Yale and ... this time around, I'm noticing how ASP really wanted to have it both ways: Rory doing usual freshman year things (commiserating about crappy care packages!) while going back to Stars Hollow constantly (why would Lorelai even send one when Rory comes home frequently enough to do her laundry and/or Lorelai goes to Yale to help her do her laundry*?)

    *Which: wtf is even up with that? Talk about unrealistic, even for the overly close GGs.

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  7. ... I realize this is extremely stupid, but my brain has wired together "Canadian wildfires" and "Yellowjackets burning cabin" so now every time there is a news story about the actual, current, present-day fires (constantly, because of the smoke), my brain is like "hey!..." 

    I'll go sit down now.

    • LOL 9
  8. I figure we're probably in for at least four seasons, if not the full five that the creators have outlined. If that's the case, then most sophomore seasons of shows that are 4-5 seasons turn out to be the slowest and least loved (by me).

    With that in mind, I enjoyed this season. I feel like there is plenty to circle back around to next season (whenever that might be) and plenty for me to rewatch and notice stuff I missed the first go 'round. (If I watch at night, with all the lights off - You're not kidding @Quickbeam! 😂)

    The only real thing from this season that I wouldn't mind leaving here is Detective Pornstache, who was awful from beginning to end, the character, the actor, the storyline, everything, and I really wish he'd gotten got in the finale. Other than that, I remain open-minded.

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  9. I LOVE Agatha + Lord Ledger! It is, by far, so much more interesting to me than George and Charlotte (and also... I just do not want that much torture involved in my romance. I realize that this was intended to be a little more serious than Bridgerton, but with the teasers and previews being mostly banter and 'climbing over the wall' related, it was an unpleasant shock to see how much is about George's barbaric treatments. YMMV.) 

    In a perfect world, I'd like a Lady Danbury spinoff or, failing that, a much larger role in the Bridgerton universe for the Adults, all of whom are much more interesting to me. Hell, even a spinoff of Brimsley and Reynolds through the years! :)

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  10. Quote

    That implies that she packed several journals to take for their several-day trip.  That seems highly unlikely.

    When they burned them on the grill, they weren't all the same - you couldn't see all of them, but it looked to me like one was Shauna's journal (that she packed) and the others were notebooks/school supplies or other things that she probably got from the other girls, so not as unrealistic as packing 4 journals.

    But: given that we saw them all walked through the press with nothing but sweatsuits, seems unlikely that she got to take them. I'd assume everything would be considered evidence and have to be left there.

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  11. Quote

    OK, so that ending made me think they're implying that the grown up versions remember VERY little about what happened out there?

    I think that's a very weird choice for the showrunners to make, since we spent a lot of last season VERY INVESTED in Shauna's diaries. Jeff has read them, Shauna clearly pulled them out once in awhile. I guess they could be pointing to Shauna having stopped writing at some point, but there was quite a stack that they burned on the grill earlier in the season. 

    I'm sort of thinking (typing) out loud here, but if that's the case, maybe Shauna is a little less okay than the others in present day because she DOES remember more? Or she just remembers more because of the pregnancy? Unless it's a misdirect and Nat doesn't remember much, but the others do. 

    In any event, I'm just glad that it appears we're now at the fireworks factory for the season.

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  12. Quote

    They could just search Adam's studio and find DNA from when Shauna and Jeff stupidly had sex there.

    Honestly, destroying the artwork was the dumbest thing they could have done. Just admit to the affair! Just because you had an affair with someone doesn't mean MURDER. 

    I have to say, the present day murder coverup is my least favorite plot line in this story, but I cannot give it up because I love Jeff's musical car moments so much. 

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  13. Quote

    I actually thought that was a pretty smart play. (And I love "copstache" as a moniker.) The detective really crossed a line.

    With the disclaimer that it's been <mumble mumble> years since I studied anything criminal law related, there is the idea that anything you obtain illegally taints anything you find based on that evidence. By that logic, if all of their evidence is based on facts that they got (illegally?) from Callie, then everything they find out as a result of that wouldn't be admissible either.

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  14. I mean... I'll kind of handwave the whole black box thing, because in my understanding of how those things are constructed, there's no way a teenage girl could destroy it like that. They're designed to withstand all kinds of forces, but not Misty Quigley? 

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  15. Quote

    I'm not sure if Javi's friend is corporeal or a spirit wind who talks to him, but cough it up kiddo.

    Maybe this is a misread on my part, but I assumed that Javi was talking about Shauna - before the Doomcoming, she and Javi had formed a little bond, with Shauna telling him about journaling and loaning him the hunting knife to make his small wood carvings. And then DURING the Doomcoming, when she was running around after Travis with a knife, she told him to RUN. In his mind, especially having lived in the woods alone, who knows how, for two months in the winter, he interpreted "RUN" as "Don't come back."

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  16. Quote

    She killed him because she felt threatened, so that's probably the idea. She was acting on similar impulses 

    Also when Jessica was pushing her for the real story - if I recall correctly, she started chopping meat? And then killed the rabbit for dinner soon after. It seems to be the way she handles feeling out of control.

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  17. Quote

    And even Rowan's power, when used, is good.

    It's just too bad that she's so stupid. I mean, seriously, when she can KILL WITH HER MIND, yet is still mortal herself, she chooses to walk into the middle of a threatening situation instead of just taking everyone out first? 

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  18. I just ordered a new copy of the book, because the show is so terrible I need a palate cleanser.  I am curious to read it as an adult (instead of a teenager) and what - 25 years? - later, to see how it strikes me here in 2023. At least I'm guaranteed a better experience than watching the show!

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  19. Quote

    her big walk of I guess triumph out the front door

    And even THEN, the way she's walking makes it look like this is the first time she's ever worn heels in her life - she doesn't have boss energy, she has baby deer energy! I like Alexandra D'Addario and I keep trying to make excuses for her, but it gets harder and harder every week, although the blame should surely fall on the whole team from writing, directing, casting... the whole show's a mess. (And were I Jack Huston, a handsome man, I would be considering litigation for how terrible they have made him look in this show!)

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  20. Quote

    From the scenes in the show, there are a significant number of black Mayfairs

    This was one of the most interesting parts of the book series (to me), which is the different family branches. In the books, there were black Mayfairs, but in the book universe, they do not mix with the white Mayfairs. In addition, there is a branch of the family that is poor (well... "poor" by Mayfair standards), who come from the branch of the family that owns Fontevrault plantation, which is literally sinking into the swamps.  

    Dealing with the inherent complexity involved in the racial/economic part of the family backstory is obviously WAY BEYOND these showrunners' capabilities, so I can live with the idea that they're all together in this version and everyone is rich. That's the least of our issues with this adaptation.

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  21. I enjoyed watching the (unnamed) members of the Talamasca heal Cip's magical wound. And... that's it. The rest of the show is so bad I'm going to just go ahead and drop AMC+ until IWTV comes back for its next season. This thing's a mess, I certainly don't need early access to it.

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