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Special K

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Posts posted by Special K

  1. It might have been the editing, but I loved the incredulous side-eye Joe gave Dan every time Dan had Jeff come over and check his (wrong!)* puzzle. 


    I kind of love the editors for that.



    *What's wrong with this guy, is he illiterate?  How can you be a postal worker if you can't read?

    • Love 7
  2. [from the article linked above]  He's a minister, an electrician, a landlord, a ski instructor, a car salesman, and a postal worker, among a plethora of other things.


    This idiotic, rabid, prehistoric asshole is a minister?!?  Of what faith, the First Church of Misogyny?


    I seriously have never been so repulsed by someone on TV in my life.

    • Love 10
  3. Hayley has actually made me like and root for Blair. 


    Which I don't think I would be doing otherwise.


    ETA:  Or perhaps the better world is "appreciate."  She's made me appreciate Blair.


    There are so few examples in our society/pop culture of people restraining/constraining themselves or their emotional reactions, a quality I think highly of, that I am enjoying seeing it in him.

    • Love 7
  4. I agree, he does not need to be an angel or the best catch in the world for me to give him all my sympathy for putting up with Hayley.  You  don't need to personally like the victim for it to be wrong.


    Since he's a physician, I'm sure he has had to develop behaviors to deal professionally with difficult people (either personality-wise, or people in dire straits). Many doctors I know have that low-urgency, low-affect demeanor.  It allows them to process things (even shocking, emergency situations) analytically and make rational decisions.  Doctors definitely need to exercise control over their own freaking out and emotions.   IMO, Blair has demonstrated that pretty consistently.  Does that make him the guy you'd want to date or marry?  Maybe not.   But it probably makes him a good racer.


    What amazes me is that Hayley does not also have these same skills, given her profession.  Maybe she's the one they send back to the supply room for bandages when an emergency comes in.

    • Love 7
  5. It's possible that it has been a "casual" 7 months -- dating other people, etc.  Which would explain not including the kids.   They may not have been a committed/monogamous couple that whole time.


    Honestly I've been the girlfriend of several guys with kids over the years -- sometimes you meet the kids on the first date, sometimes you go the entire relationship (such as it is) and never once meet the kids.  It all depends on what terrible past experiences the guys have had with this kind of thing.  I respect (and prefer) waiting -- it takes the pressure off everyone, and is better for the kids, I believe.  Of course a lot depends on the age.


    Having said all that, they do appear more to be in the FriendZone.  They seem to care for and respect each other a lot (which is kind of a relief on this season), but they haven't exhibited much chemistry.

    • Love 3
  6. The thing that's amazing about these two is how well they're doing. Which is to say how well he is doing.  I mean in the last episode, did she contribute anything at all to get them to the end of the leg?  It seemed like he did all the work and she just nagged and criticized him (and I have to say, seeing her nagging while wearing that dirndl and cardigan was a great visual).


    I dislike her intensely, but she really lost me when, after Blair had to stand on a ladder and serenade her with a freaking love song, and after he did so without penalty on the first try (the only person who did that, right?) her reply was, "well you got lucky."   That is like abusive.  I keep thinking what people would think if she were a man and he were a woman.


    Also:  his performance in spite of her makes you wonder how he would have done with a partner of his choosing -- which I guess was his father on his initial application.

    • Love 4
  7. The difference is that Blair's behavior is at least (as we've been shown it) within the realm of adult, professional, socially acceptable behavior.  He may not be your cup of tea, but you can imagine him functioning in normal, adult society.


    Hayley's behavior is not even close to how an adult should behave in public. I'm shocked that she can hold a job at all at all, let alone one in a high-pressure environment.  She seems like the very last person you'd want in any kind of crisis or urgent situation.  God forbid she should ever have children.  Can you imagine?


    I could not even watch that bonus clip because her voice made my ears want to explode. 


    ETA:  I did watch long enough to hear her declare herself "very sweet" and a nice person.  (!!!)

    • Love 5
  8. I'm glad she doesn't like him, but I wonder why she doesn't.  For the same reason most others don't?


    I would guess that if she "doesn't like him," it's more that kind of petulant/sassy/disapproving attitude that kids have for their teachers.   You know, where authoritarian figures are by nature square and sassing back at them is a high art form.


    I know because I was that way and I can totally see it in Jenn.  That was 11th grade, though.  ;)


    ETA:  Since Jeff still wants to be one of the cool kids, he characterizes it as "she hates me" -- perhaps playfully so.  One of the markers of age/maturity is realizing -- and not caring -- that young people will categorically disregard you.


    I know because I have now reached that stage.  ;)

    • Love 3
  9. I'm curious about that compass, too.  It seemed so odd to have it hanging there, not evidently related to the season's location, and they made a point of showing Joe turning it up towards his face and looking at it.  Could the HII clue be there in code? That would be so cool! 


    Also, the necklace just hangs around the campsite, so anyone could take advantage of it, if it is there somehow.


    ETA:  Here's a pic of it (hope the link works):  http://41.media.tumblr.com/8ec9c7bff2d34122aadf816523280b01/tumblr_nlfuusiEAh1uokvyoo1_1280.jpg

  10. I love you guys for suggesting and developing the idea of Rodney = Wiley E. Coyote and Joe = the Road Runner.


    If anyone with the capabilities is reading this, we would LOVE a montage of Rodney and Joe's faces at TC with Road Runner sounds.  Meep meep!

    • Love 4
  11. From Joaquins interview wih Cochran. 


    ...it’s hard for someone not to like me.  At the end of the day, I’m a likable person...


    I really hate it when people make pronouncements like this about themselves.  Isn't likeability in the eye of the beholder? 

    • Love 5
  12. Jeez, just looked at Jenn's Instagram and:  I am old. 


    I mean she seems to be having a super fun life, but does being young really involve so much posing nowadays?

    • Love 1
  13. How is it possible that the other players did not observe Mike and Kelly talking during that challenge?  I demand an explanation. 


    Also Jeff was notably silent about it too, when he clearly was in a position to hear/see.

    • Love 5
  14. I was appalled with Dan trashing her challenge performance, right after nearly voting her out.  Not only was it unnecessary and exquisitely bad timing, it also doesn't seem to be true.

    Wasn't Sierra instrumental in BC winning (or at least not losing) that challenge where she was tossing the hoops?  I remember being impressed with her performance.


    It cannot be said enuff:  Dan is a moron.  And, just so no one forgets:  BAMBOO IS HOLLOOOOOW!!!!!

    • Love 3
  15. The scene of Mike and Dan debating how best to talk to a "girl" was like Ralph and Potsie.  Including the requisitie teenage-boy posturing about how much experience they have talking to girls.

    • Love 6
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