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Posts posted by Zizzlezazzle

  1. 3 hours ago, carrier76 said:

    Are 2-4 now available on Hulu? My husband and I were slowly making our way through season 1 on Hulu, but last time we were on there, it went straight from 1 to like, Cancun or something.

    Are they replacing the music? I obviously haven't watched this in 20+ years, and I have noticed many occurrences of suspiciously soundalike instrumental versions of early 90s jams. The most recent example I can think of is the "Sober" soundalike that was playing when Pedro and Sean got into the car accident.

    MTV Classic is really turning out to be a bust.

    If not Hulu, they are available on Amazon (but you might need Amazon Prime to watch some for free?); on Hulu their availability does seem to change. 

    Yes, I think the reason a lot of these shows can't be released as they were is because the original  licensing agreements didn't factor in re-use for the music beyond a certain number of years. The network doesn't want to fork over a ton of money to re-license all of those great 90's songs, which is sad but totally understandable. But we've seen with the first 4 seasons that the music can be scrubbed and replaced with generic tunes--it's just getting somebody to take the time and spend the money to do so for the remaining seasons, I guess. Perhaps a lot easier said than done, but it's a bummer. 

  2. THANK GOD I CAN COME BITCH WITH YOU GUYS! Oh, when I saw the cable listings for Vegas  I was fit to be tied, friends. 

    I call SHENANIGANS that we are still unable to view the seasons between London and Vegas and feel pretty duped. While I've appreciated some of the extra footage in the NYC, LA, San Fran, and London seasons aired during these marathons (in the end credits, mostly), ALL of these seasons can be accessed on Hulu or Amazon, and MTV Classic isn't really offering us anything that we couldn't already stream.  

    Regardless of whether or not these lost seasons were ever syndicated, all this time has passed and nobody at MTV has ever said, "you know, it's a bit strange to omit a decade's worth of some of the most beloved seasons of an iconic show--maybe if we're gonna do this whole nostalgia thing right we can spare a couple bucks for an editor to scrub and replace the music for these too."  Fans are constantly referencing favorite moments from many of them, and there is clearly demand there. I have had fleeting luck finding episodes from these seasons on Youtube, but not in their entirety, and it's certainly not the same.

    Get it together, network dudes!

    /end rant. I'm going to go lie down now. 

    • Love 3
  3. This freakin show, man.  The whole thing is getting staler than stale, and Andy's clear exasperation and "over it-itis" makes for majorly uncomfortable viewing. Maybe that's why I now let these pile up on the DVR and then end up deleting almost all without watching them.

    Last night I caught the Bethenny Frankel and Michael Rapaport episode--both Andy pets--and not even those two could light a fire under the guy, "shot-ski" notwithstanding. Of course the show isn't helped by an endless stream of callers who can't spit out a question to save their lives. You could tell when one caller who wanted to tell Michael Rapaport a story but was unable to cut to the chase how fed up they were all growing. Who is screening these calls? Does anyone there care anymore?  

    I'm predicting either an Andy bow-out (isn't he gunning to be Kelly Rippa's new co-host?) with a new host crowned and some much needed restructuring, or that the show will end entirely at the end of this year.

    • Love 1
  4. I'm hanging in there and actually enjoying this show a bit more now, but getting bumped to an 11:30 time slot certainly doesn't bode will for its longevity. Hopefully Bravo will at least air the remainder of the season.

    It sucks that we're at this point in reality TV where if there isn't enough intense cat fighting or interpersonal drama within the cast we declare the show "boring," and dismiss it. There are some annoying piece-of-work cast members here, for sure, and I don't really love watching any of them--but I love viewing their journey and day-to-day activities in each location, and also anticipating where they'll next head. This is a different kind of show. It seems clear to me that TPTB were frustrated they were't able to manufacture more compelling storylines for the travelers. My (clearly unpopular) opinion is, WHO CARES?! You're giving me a front seat to amazing places I'll likely never get the chance to visit myself! Really,I'm good with that: I don't need a  love triangle or constant feuding--I can watch the rest of Bravo for those shenanigans. 

    • Love 7
  5. 11 hours ago, Cosmic Muffin said:

    Yeah, if you believe in astrology, you see the astrologer before you chose the date, not after it's set in stone.

    What was also hilarious about this to me was the tell that Morgan and Brendan aren't really as rich as all that, or else they would have changed the date no matter the cost. You just know if this was Kim and Kanye she was talking to, whether they could really afford to eat the cost or not, they would have switched days anyway. And where does the astrologer get off saying fear-mongering stuff like that in the first place?! 

    • Love 3
  6. I always go back and forth about Ben. On the one hand, I think he's exceptionally great at his craft and more often than not blows the guests away with his cuisine, but on the other, he's so stubborn about last minute improvising and his "vision" and tends to get so hung up on getting the minutia and plating of each of his dishes just right (which IS important, but don't be a snappy prima donna!) that he overlooks the meals as an overall experience. Fried cheese AND Moussaka were much too heavy for this group in one sitting. He always redeems himself though by befriending and sticking up for the underdogs on the ship, in this case Tiffany.

    I like Tiffany! If Hannah thinks Tiffany is incompetent, imagine what she would do with Rocky last season?! I agree that it's a little dumb to sign on for a job you don't want to do, but I didn't see Tiffany whining, putting on a show,  or sucking all of the air out of the boat. 

    Definite Sam from season 1 vibes with Jen--the little smirks whenever Bryan spoke to her, ugh.  

    • Love 1
  7. I think I heard this on the Watch What Crappens podcast, but this show premiered in the winter and apparently underwent its weird hiatus to wait for the Below Deck: Mediterranean premier, but also to get "retooled" because the ratings sucked and they wanted to show more of the drama and "fish out of water" insipidness served up by the two awful Las Vegas girls. I'm sure this kind of thing happens a lot with struggling shows on Bravo, but to my knowledge it's the first time the network has been so transparent about its shallow priorities. And still...really?! Those two vocal-fryed morons are scarier than any wild animals they'd ever encounter on this trip, and not even a little bit as interesting. I'm not sure why the producers think otherwise. 

    I was also really bugged by some members of the group being excluded from the gorilla trip, especially  if it was ostensibly for "fitness reasons" and not just to stir up drama (though I'm more inclined to believe the latter). I'm not in the best shape, but I would have cried if I had been passed over for this experience. I'm sure it was a physically demanding, hot hike, but why not sit the entire group down and matter-of-factly explain to them the conditions and let them make their own decisions about whether or not to attempt it? Or why not just  break into two groups, a faster paced and then a slower moving group leaving at different times if they needed to keep the numbers down? 

    The gorillas were the highlight of the series for me. Not sure I care enough to keep watching here on out.

    • Love 3
  8. 14 hours ago, DelicateDee said:

    No, it was incumbent on Dorinda & John to greet Bethenny first when entering her home (or property) for HER birthday gathering.  Then John should have made an immediate attempt to apologize for his brutish behavior the other night.  That's just good old fashion manners.   So it was J & D that made it awkward, not B.   I wonder if he would have approached her like he did if Bethenny had a man beside her that night?  I don't think so.  Then he had the nerve to try to attempt a generic non apology  apology and when B tried to get him to acknowledge what he should actually be apologizing for, he gets all defensive - like WTH!  Well, I thought she was more gracious than she had to be by realizing that they weren't going to see eye to eye and walked away determined to not let his presence ruin the event for her or Dorinda.  Other than that, I enjoyed the episode.  Compared to the Bev.  Hills crowd, this BBQ felt so much more real.  

    We'll agree to disagree, because from where I was sitting, Bethenny's strategic buzzing hostess/whirling dervish shtick meant she never allowed John the opportunity to get close enough to her to offer even an initial "hello." She stalked by him and simply wasn't having it until the very last minute, and after numerous--noted--clumsy attempts from John to get some quiet time with her. This was a shitty power play,. and she knew exactly what she was doing.

    Whether I want you in my home or not, it's MY responsibility from the onset as a hostess to put on my big girl pants and at least acknowledge your existence as soon as you arrive. Maybe I'll say, "I'm going to have to ask you to leave" if your presence is truly that offensive, but since I suspect with filming/production manipulation she had little choice in him being there, the onus was on Beth to accept the hand she was dealt as graciously as possible and get their "confrontation" for the cameras over with. The whole incident could have been a lot less excruciating and drawn-out--but maybe she figured it wouldn't have made as good TV.

    • Love 12
  9. 5 hours ago, glowlights said:

    I noticed in his TH he seemed to be doing that cheesy public speaker thing with his hands. Must be left over from his life in politics. Maybe "Sandy Duncan From Hell" told him to do that.

    The scene with Cameran having to defend why she doesn't want kids was just terrible. It's 2016 and it's still not socially acceptable for a woman to say she's not interested or not trying and leave it at that. At least her friend didn't tell Cameran to have kids even if she doesn't want them so she'll have free servants when she's elderly. (Yes, I've heard that.)

    I hope Landon was saying the thing about "being put together means you're a good person" is the attitude she grew up around, not necessarily something she believes, because NOPE. Nope, nope, nope.

    Right, I wish more attention was given to the kids/no kids story line for exactly the reasons you stated. I think many women struggle with this issue and pressure from friends and family to conceive. It's not that her brunette friend was bullying her about it, per se, but like you I suspect that Cameron would have liked to reply, when asked why she wasn't also on the baby train, "because I'm not sure I want kids. Haven't made up my mind yet, and even if I do want a baby, I don't want to be rushed." She sort of danced around it instead. It's okay to think you aren't responsible enough for parenthood yet! It's okay to be a little freaked out by labor! All perfectly valid feelings. Stay strong, Cameron! 

    • Love 8
  10. I'm liking that part of Erika that plays fierce but has to defer to her husband. That is probably more the reality of a "real" Real Housewife of BH then not. I choose to look at these women as characters so I don't get to bent out of shape about some things if the wife is entertaining. Erika is doing her job by looking great, having real estate worthy of the franchise and is a friend with an available PP for Yolanda's storylines. She's also kinda of a bitch and I don't like her but that just adds to her character amusing me.

    sure, I totally agree that deferring to your husband is more the reality for most of these women. Clearly Erika is having her cake and eating it too with Erika Jayne/Erika Giardi from an "I'm fabulous!"perspective, but as others have noted, she seems kind of sad and resigned when wearing her Mrs. Erika Giardi hat, like maybe that part of the bargain is more of a sacrifice than we really know. 

    • Love 6
  11. That was really weird. I don't work outside the home, and before I purchase anything say over $100 (outside of groceries), I do run it by my husband. But I know he's always going to say yes. Conversely, before he makes any big purchases, he'll run it by me. It's more of a respect thing, and making sure we're on the same page budget wise. We obviously don't have the money the Giradis do. So in comparison, if I saw a $50 necklace I liked on Amazon, I'd just buy it. 


    And Erika ostensibly makes her own money, right? So what's the issue here? It was weird, because she didn't even really say it like she wasn't allowed to spend money, but it was more like HE had to be the one to giver jewelry. She couldn't buy any jewelry for herself. But other things she CAN buy. It seemed like a very odd control thing to me, masked as Tom being "romantic" and wanting to shower her with jewels. 

    I think she probably does make some money off of her albums, performance gigs, whatever else she profits from her persona, but not enough real money to buy $50,000 earrings without her husband's consent. And yeah, I think running large purchases by your spouse is normal for any marriage, but she tries so hard to project this air of "I do what I want" autonomy that she should just drop already, because it's clashing terribly with her other "kept woman" shtick--she's marching her high ponytailed self right back to 1956 with statements like "getting permission" and all the c*nt necklaces in the world aren't going to change that.

    • Love 9
  12. OMG  I'm OFFICIALLY over Erika.  Her saying she's "not allowed" to purchase jewelry, that she has to email Tom's secretary to request a piece she'd like to have, just nooooooo!  Uggggghhhh!  Before I got married I bought all my own jewelry and it's gorgeous!  Now that I'm married if I see something I want, I fucking buy it.  The thought of asking permission to buy a ring, bracelet or necklace makes me gag!  What the fucking fuck Erika?  You're an independent woman who does what she wants? I don't think so. 

    Thank you!! You can gyrate and growl in ill fitting cat suits till the cows come home, lady, but that statement was the final nail in the "bad bitch" coffin. I was rooting for Erika (Tyra Banks: "We were ALL rooting for you!"), but the last thing a fierce, independent woman does is "send her husband's secretary a picture" and instruct her to wait to show it to him "when he's in a good mood." There was so much WTF in that whole admission. I think she thought it would come off as "I have little people who will take care of it for me," when really what the rest of us heard was "I don't make my own money, so I have no choice but to ask my husband for his when I want to buy anything expensive."


    Yup, you're one bad ass bitch, Erika! ("I don't give a F*CK!")

    • Love 17
  13. Okay really weird and random, but as I was watching the scene between Schwarz and Stassi, I thought "hmm, they have a nice chemistry and angsty vibe to them. Too bad this isn't a scripted soap opera where next season could be devoted to their affair." Lol!

    I think they should accept Stassi back for the sake of the show. I mean Jax is back in and he was the worst IMO. Also, Kristin is not bringing the crazy this year and is all around disappointing in the drama department. We need someone crazy and dramatic...other than James. Of course what the cast wants to say and can't say is that Stassi just wants to be on the show. Which is true, but I don't care.


    Schwartz was also startlingly articulate during that conversation. As in, I didn't know he had half those words in his vocabulary, or the ability to man up to that extent and dole out tough love to Stassi without waffling and letting her dominate the conversation with her pity party. He was having none of her whining. Is this the first time on screen we've seen him really defend Katie? I wish he would do it more often in front of the others, but at least now I'm catching a glimpse of what Katie sees in him. 


    My guess is that the producers have been pulling all along for Stassi to be a surprise last minute guest at Katie and Schwartz's engagement party and/or wedding, a la Lauren Conrad showing up to Heidi and Spencer's wedding at the 25th hour. I doubt Katie and Stassi are besties again, but they know what makes for compelling TV. 

    • Love 4
  14. I think this is a generalization and stereotype.  There's an old saying, wherever you go, there you are.


    I've lived in NYC for decades and I'm not rushing at all.  If I miss one train, there's another one coming; if I"m waiting in line, I get on my phone and read emails.  I've also lived in smaller towns and at first it was hard but in a few weeks I got the rhythm.  

    I love that saying!


    I think that it's very true, but I also know I'm spoiled living in NYC because I went to school in the area and many of my friends settled here after graduation. I have a strong support network aside from my husband to fall back on and hang out with, as well as a job that isn't so soul crushing that it zaps me of energy and prevents me from going out and doing fun things and meeting new people on my time off. I think Ro is lonely and missing her Florida pals and finding it difficult to make new ones of the same caliber in NYC. I don't think moving back to Florida will magically solve all of her frustrations, but I can see why it would be tempting for her. 

    • Love 4
  15. Jax didn't walk out of the store with sunglasses without paying because he got really drunk, Jax walked out because he has Borderline Personality Disorder. As he explained to Brittany, "I got really drunk, went into a store, picked up the sunglasses and said I'm taking these, and walked out".  Jax seemed genuine when he said that he was embarrassed and that's not who he is.  I'm sure that part was sincere because Jax really can't control impulses the way that normal people can.


    Impulse control is only one of the many manifestations of BPD. Jax has always demonstrated that he lacks the ability to regulate his emotions. Some of Jax's impulsive behaviors such as alcohol or drug use, and risky sex functions are his coping mechanisms. These behaviors of his are ways in which he tries to cope with his intense and difficult emotions. His behaviors are dysfunctional because while his behavior may make him feel relieved and better in the moment, it ultimately has harmful long-term consequences and not only to him, but to everyone in his life. He's intensely self-destructive.

    Nail on the head--I was shouting at the TV "You're a freaking sociopath!!!" when he was crying his crocodile tears and insisting "he's not like that." But I would also believe BPD due to lack of impulse control. I remember watching the security footage of him taking the glasses a couple months ago, and at no point did it look like he announced "I'm going to take these" and walk out, as he claimed this episode. He also didn't look particularly inebriated, but who can really tell on that front.


    Whatever his true diagnosis, the dude is clearly mentally unfit and needs a lot of help. I would hope there is SOME genuine remorse there for his actions, because him being a full blown sociopath is extra creepy, but it's often hard to tell.

    • Love 3
  16. Lawyer Rob and Ro bug me so much.


    So you both already complain about your jobs and how much you work, but you won't be satisfied until you're out of your perfectly nice (nicer than most) apartment in Jersey City and become a "New York Power Couple" living in a penthouse in Manhattan. How do you think most of those "power couples" who don't come from family money afford their fancy NYC digs? By working LESS than you do now? Sure, that's realistic!


    You can't stay in NYC and have it both ways, guys: either you suck it up and accept that the "brass ring" you're stretching toward can only be grasped with many more years of hard work in jobs you're not that jazzed about but allow you to live somewhat luxuriously, or one or both of you quits your job to follow your passion and you move someplace where you can afford to live on less. Rob not wanting Ro to quit her 9 to 5 indicates to me that he'd rather they both spend their lives scurrying on a treadmill. Let's see how long that lasts before resentment comes knocking.

  17. Cast members are fined if they cause damage or for deliberate rule breaking other than fighting. (For instance, Evan was fined for constantly "announcing" TJ when he walked up like he was a professional wrestler.  Production asked him to stop multiple times because they would have to reshoot the scenes.  I think people were fined for peeing over a balcony, too.  Hee.)  It is taken out of their appearance stipend.

    That is AWESOME! Ha ha ha, I just wish they would show T.J., with his dead-pan delivery, saying "that's another $100. And another. And $500 for that chair"  etc., and tallying up the total for each cast member. 

    • Love 7
  18. And I'm also only hanging in there this season for Banana's reaction when CT shows up. To a lesser extent, the Abe and Cara Maria stuff--I will be so upset if they part ways!--but I pray for a Bananas Backpack II moment. The world desperately needs that right now. 

    • Love 8
  19. I assumed they meant their grandfathers, and not their fathers, were brothers, due to the way they pronounced pappaw...meaning they are second cousins...in case someone said "hey, you aren't really [first] cousins."  I mean yeah, in one sense it was a duh, of course, but I think that's what they were trying to convey.

    Definitely too old for this.  And I try not to be one of those people who threatens to quit watching all the time, but I don't know how much longer I can stand Bananas, both as general narrator and as "Boys rule girls drool" narrator, and as self-appointed king of the Challenge forever, and just as dumb ol' Bananas.  He's worse than the drunken rants and hookups to me, and that's saying a lot, especially since I also hate it when they destroy property that isn't theirs (see:  Tony knocking Shane into the wall and breaking the plates that were on there).

    I also worry every time I see wine glasses in the pool.  Dare I hope they're plastic?

    I thought there'd be a lot more people pushing others out of the way to get to the water source.  Guess the ones they would have pushed were just so bad at it that they didn't need to bother!


    I HATE that after all these years and countless thousands of dollars of furniture, glassware, and decorative pieces destroyed on these shows (and just what we're seeing on camera; imagine the unseen damage to each house after the seasons wrap) they don't shame the cast members for this deplorable behavior. Sure, I doubt the plates we saw Shane and Tony break are priceless heirlooms--I'm sure the houses aren't furnished in anything much above IKEA/Target grade decor--but I wonder if each cast member has to pay some sort of refundable deposit before coming on the show that some won't get back if production has footage of these sorts of shenanigans. Probably wishful thinking, as I'm sure MTV would gladly foot those costs themselves since fighting and destruction equals RATINGS! But I hate them breaking shit way more than I hate them wailing on each other. Take your drunk rage outside, AWAY from your living quarters, like the barnyard animals you're imitating. 

    • Love 3
  20. Khloe's "oh, I'm far too shy to be on the cover of COMPLEX" was not at all believable considering that whenever she said that she was doing her stupid arched back "sexy" pose.


    But she's SO insecure about her body! Ignore that she's only wearing a sports bra while filming the scene hemming and hawing over whether to do the shoot; she's REALLY, REALLY insecure! 

    • Love 2
  21. Hey guys, did you know that Khloe is in the BEST shape of her life?! The BEST shape! It's a good thing she has such a great, supportive sister in Kim to constantly remind her how amazing her body looks NOW, i.e, completely transformed from the total heifer unworthy of the "sexy baton" she was all her years on earth prior. Kim is such a seething troll. It's obviously killing her to see Khloe take even a small share of the "sexy limelight" while she's pregnant, hence her running commentary during Khloe's cover shoot. The rest of the family is no better in this regard. Here's to hoping that when Khloe decides to ease up and not spend every day obsessively working out she won't be among the 80 percent of people who regain all their lost weight within 5 years, since her family is damn determined to make sure her entire self-worth is based on the scale number. Is it any wonder Rob is so miserable?

    • Love 13
  22. Cody's not the brightest crayon in the box, but he's pleasant and easy on the eyes, and I think he'll end up doing okay for himself after this. I could see him getting offered a TAR spot with Zach, Caleb, Donny, etc. or a number of other opportunities. I agree that taking Derrick to the final two was a matter of character for him as much as it was blind loyalty, and I still really respect that and think other viewers did too, naivete aside. 


    Also, while $250-300 k (whatever is left  after the tax man takes a cut of his combined winnings) is a nice chunk of change that will help secure Derrick's daughter's college fund, buy a new house, any number of things that will improve his family's quality of living, I wouldn't exactly call that amount "life changing" ala a Powerball win. He's not going to be able to retire on his earnings from Big Brother, nor could have Cody. 


    But most important, how glorious is it that we live in an age where we can pinpoint the exact second Frankie's delusions are crushed and replay it for our own amusement again, and again, and again...

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