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Posts posted by junienmomo

  1. On 11/6/2023 at 3:40 PM, deaja said:

    I think it is one of the fundamental differences between Rory and  Lorelei.  Lorelei was willing to walk away from the privileges of being a Gilmore to get away from the downsides of being a Gilmore. Rory wanted none of the downsides (though to be fair, she didn't experience them the same way her mom did) but all the privileges.

    Very good point! When Rory became an adult, she had little of the stresses that Lorelai had been through. It makes sense their worldviews would be different. 

    "What she tries, she conquers." (sic)


    Richard's statement was actually more applicable to Lorelai than to Rory. Too bad he didn't appreciate that.


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  2. 2 hours ago, andromeda331 said:

    Rory staying at Yale a long time trying to get a hang of being a freshmen at college and Lorelai on her own at Stars Hollow would have been interesting. She's been Rory 24/7 and now it's just her. The two of them trying to talk and missing each other could have been longer then one episode. 

    This would have been a great idea! 

    Lorelai would suddenly go "all Emily" on her, leaving voice messages like Emily does, then thinking Rory is avoiding her when she's simply overwhelmed with college stuff. 
    Lorelai throws herself into SH activities, blowing Taylor out of the water with ideas.

    We'd have to throw in an earlier hookup with Luke as well, to satisfy my LL loving heart.

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  3. On 12/1/2022 at 3:12 AM, eledgy said:

    :::waves hello:::

    It's been so long I didn't even know what DFC was talking about when she said she posted to Primetimer! Lovely to see some familiar names here, how've you been, Junie?

    Doing fine, thanks, Eledgy. 
    Corona was not too bad for us, primarily due to me being an introvert. It was really easy to not go out and reduce risk. 

    Started working on a S6 story in which LL meet April at the same time, but it was too big a project. I'm looking for more ideas like Lorelai's Independence Day - an upbeat one shot. Haven't found one yet, mostly because I'm way too serious.

    I have been listening to Scott Patterson's "I am all in" podcast. Just finished listening to the commentary for the last of the season 3 episodes. Lots of fun. 

    Remember the Jess spin-off? Scott interviewed Rob Estes. He added some depth to the Here Comes the Son work. 
    The most interesting part is that Rob recalled that they did get an offer to make some small number of episodes, but Amy turned it down because she wanted more episodes. 
    Talk about "full circle." The season 6 scorched earth by the Palladinos, but she scuttled Jess' spin-off for the same reason.

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  4. 22 hours ago, chessiegal said:

    I don't think Emily is a complete monster. But, c'mon, she blamed Lorelai for finding out that Richard and Pennilyn Lott met once a year for lunch. Exactly how was that Lorelai's fault? Only in Emily's head.

    Richard and Emily are both the same level of monster. Richard gets a pass way too often, but his supercilious attitude is perceived as more acceptable than Emily's constant criticism.

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  5. On 7/29/2022 at 9:57 PM, scarynikki12 said:

    They really should have had Lorelai and Rory be thrift store experts. Madeleine was excited to buy vintage clothes back in season 1 and it could have been a bonding experience for Rory. Also the Kims had great antiques in their store so they could have written in a great consignment store so they could wear designer clothes. 

    This is a great idea! 
    They knew their fashion, they loved shopping when there was no chance of running into Emily LOL. 
    They would have known every vintage and thrift shop in the area. 

    Including Anna's store.  (oh my!)

    I can see it now:


    Rory, look at this clown pillow! We have to get it.

    Mom, it's creepy.

    (Grin) Yes, and I love it! It's perfect for our humble abode in Stars Hollow.

    Anna: You're from Stars Hollow? 

    Why, yes we are. You know it?

    Ex boyfriend. Do you know a Luke Danes? 
    (6 year old April runs into the room)


    • LOL 4
  6. 23 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    her maturity was really stunted .. I wonder if anyone in the field has a fan tried to diagnose what she would possibly have ..

    One of the things I like most about Lorelai is her ability to use humor, often childish, to smooth over difficult moments. I will never forget her going into the dry cleaners teasing him out of his bad mood. 

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  7. 18 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    I think she had some undiagnosed issues … she had some super manic episodes.. 

    Agree. I think she was traumatized by her mother's expectations and ran away from problems whenever she could. 
    Honestly, I think Emily would gaslight her, criticizing everything she did and blaming her for things that weren't her fault. 

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  8. On 6/27/2022 at 7:30 PM, Cloud9Shopper said:

    But as to not get too off topic, if I were to stop the series again before the end, could I watch A Year in the Life without seeing S6 and 7?

    Good question. 
    Except for a couple of major plot points that popped up in 6&7, probably not.

    It's not quite clear to me if you've already seen 6 and 7. Just in case you haven't, I'll scroll down to mention those plot points.

    I personally have no problem jumping from end S5 or S6 episode 9 directly to AYITL.




    Lane's marriage

    Lorelai's marriage

    Rory's falling apart after the yacht incident

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  9. 2 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

    I got past the point of Emily and Richard’s vow renewal, which is where I stopped and began to lose interest last time. I feel like there is still an overall quality drop, but I do find myself drawn to Logan the most out of Rory’s love interests. Partially because I’m watching Matt in The Resident, which has become one of my favorite shows, though. 

    Going to try to finish the series this time and move on to A Year in the Life. 

    It could be a good place to stop. My daughter found the first five seasons interesting , but happily ignored 6 and 7.

    Logan has his moments in the later seasons, but the charisma of You Jump, I Jump was missing for me.

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  10. 12 hours ago, iwantcookies said:

    I’m rewatching so I can make fun of how unrealistic/ridiculous this show was 

    I get it. Since I first watched GG in 2015, I've changed my opinions several times. Only recently have I watched some and thought, "This has so many glaring problems. Why am I watching it?"

    My current answer for myself is that I enjoy some of the characters and their moments are fun and worth rewatching. I'm still enjoying Fanfiction and have warmed up to the Scott Patterson podcast. I love the many insights the multi-faceted team has.

    One example from the podcast is how much is Paris like Emily? Quite a bit, IMO, and how does that impact Rory to have 3 women constantly guiding her? No wonder she drifts through life. She's lost.

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  11. 12 hours ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

    I would have kept Tristan/CMM. I couldn't stand Jess and don't think he ever would have been a character had CMM not left the series. I would have been much more interested in how that storyline turned out.

    Tristan was perfectly set up to be a Logan at the high school level. Would have loved to see more of that. Lorelai's reaction to Rory having a Chilton BF would have been very interesting.

    Can't give up Jess, though. He was too important to Stars Hollow.
    Not only did he challenge Lorelai in many ways, but he was an "April" mechanism for the LL relationship in seasons 2 and 3:

    1. A kid is dropped in Luke's lap.
    2. He struggles while Lorelai is convinced she knows how to handle it.
    3. Luke won't give her a chance.
    4. Breakup of the LL relationship.
    5. Christopher returns. Lorelai starts up with him and it falls apart. 

    Weird. I never noticed the parallels before.

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  12. 11 hours ago, Tattooeddancer said:

    I'm currently rewatching "To Whom it May Concern" (the episode where it is revealed that Jackson never got a vasectomy and Sookie is pregnant again), and it just occurred to me that Sookie and Jackson's fridge is kind of small and dingy. You would think a nice fridge would be something a chef like Sookie would insist on, even for her home. 

    Absolutely, since she once catered from her kitchen and was willing to budget-bust for the Dragonfly stove. 

    I like the "You would think" thread. Let's keep it going.

    You would think Lorelai would have had her original LL bedroom in AYITL, especially since Rory didn't really live there anymore. Instead we got a room smaller than Rory's first dorm room, and decorated more in The Cheshire Cat style than Lorelai style.

    • LOL 3
  13. 14 hours ago, Taryn74 said:

    All this Yale/Harvard talk reminds me of how much I HATE the scene where the Chilton teacher says that it's an immense honor that one of their students has been accepted to Harvard, as though the other top colleges don't even exist or are somehow lesser. What a stupid comment to shoehorn in there.

    That's the kind of comment that comes from envy or self-aggrandizement. Either the teacher didn't get in to Harvard or did, and is looking for a snobbish connection. 
    It could also have been simply that the teacher wanted to rub it in to Paris or laud Rory.

  14. 1 hour ago, andromeda331 said:

    They really did. Why does Rory want to go to Yale? They never really tell us. Sure there's the pro/con list and Lorelai saying Yale. But Rory just says she doesn't want to go to place her mother hates. Your idea or @scarynikki12 would have been great to see. 


    Her relationship with Jess was a factor, I believe. She was in her first likely to be sexual relationship and he had looked up the distance to Yale from SH. I think they'd considered continuing the relationship after high school. Of course Jess not graduating and using his father as a way to escape Luke's plan to help him graduate all came after the 28.2 miles moment.

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  15. 9 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

    Chris also lied to Lorelai that he and Sherry were broken up which she foolishly believed. I'm on the fence as to whether she would have still slept with him had she known they were still together. On the one hand, she made a distinction to Rory that Chris wasn't married to Sherry at the time (prompting the retcon response of "he was engaged") which implies that she thinks it's ok to cheat as long at there's no marriage license. On the other she'd have been outraged if it had been herself, Sookie, Lane, Babette, etc., who had been in Sherry's position. She was also disappointed with Rory for kissing Jess while still being in a relationship with Dean while later being amused that Emily was the other woman at the start of her relationship with Richard.

    I suspect that, in practice, she'd get outraged about cheating based on her personal feelings about the people involved. If it's Chris cheating on Sherry? Have at it because Lorelai hates Sherry. If it's Rory cheating on Dean? Not ok because Lorelai likes Dean and hates Jess. Emily pursuing an engaged Richard and Richard cheating on his fiancé before dumping her for Emily (which really should have been Trix's issue with her the whole time)? Just a humorous story since they're Lorelai's parents. 

    Scarynikki12! Wow! Great insights.

    It's ok with Christopher because she hates Sherry and he wasn't married.

    It's amusing that Emily "stole" Richard from his fiancée (steals in "the olden days"  included more premarital sex than that generation likes to admit).

    Luke struggling with the knowledge that Dean was still in love with Rory when he married.

    Luke giving up on Lorelai (without trying hard enough) and marrying Nicole, then she cheated on him. 

    This makes me realize there was a greater moral gap than I thought between Lorelai and Luke when she slept with Christopher. 

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  16. 15 hours ago, chessiegal said:

    Lorelai had her moments. In "Dead Uncles and Vegetables" she steps in and helps Luke with his uncle's funeral, even getting the proper gun salute graveside the town folks had refused to do. And telling Sookie she'll be a great parent when Sookie freaks out about not getting the right food for the birthday gig. Getting her Mom the DVD player so she could watch her favorite movies. I'm not going to go to the trouble of listing more, but she has a heart, at least in my eyes.

    100% with you here - it was only occasional. She did a little more mean talk, mostly to Rory, but that can be human nature.

    I guess my UO looks through the lens of the LL relationship. If I'd been a BFOL (Best Friend of Luke 😆), I might have said she's not all that into him. She was into him, even as a boyfriend, more so than any of her other boyfriends, but I didn't really feel the love on her side.

    Now the boat buying thing - that was spectacularly generous and loving! Not communicating about it was unfortunate and hurt their relationship, but the gesture was chuppah-worthy.

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