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Posts posted by JoannKB

  1. Quote

    If Cate has basically not been doing much at home and sleeping all the time, why is Tyler overwhelmed?

    This had me totally confused. Who is getting up with Nova in the morning? Cate is apparently sleeping until noon (according to Tyler) and Tyler doesn't help out (according to both of them) so who is doing the parenting? Is the poor kid climbing out of her crib and serving herself breakfast? Did the Twinses teach her how to make her own toast?

    • Love 10
  2. Quote

    I'm really confused about Simon. How much is he getting paid to be there? 

    His motivation baffles me as well. Three possible ideas:

    -He is doing it for the money.

    -He is doing it to be on TV.

    -He is one of those guys who gets off on crazy women who yell at him / treat him like crap. It's like hiring a dominatrix but free.

    • Love 5
  3. Does anyone know what the rules are about pricing your food? One of the Lei-Away Ladies' "friend of a friend" contacts walked up to the truck and said, "Give me $100 worth of something..." which to me sounded like a straight-up donation rather than buying food. Did they just give him a strawberry and call it a $100 dessert? Or do they have to provide the food as they have priced it on the board? They seem to be able to change the prices on their board throughout the course of the day. 

    It reminds me of the old sales challenges from the Apprentice, which always devolved into who had someone in their rolodex they could call and beg for a big donation. Lame. It seems like the Lei-Away Ladies could pick up the coconut wireless, ask an Auntie to give them a few hundred dollars at each stop, then pay them back (or not) after they get off the show. It has nothing to do with anyone's ability to make food or run a food truck anymore.

    • Love 8
  4. Quote

    But being able to belt that note to make her feel more confident is not the point of sound check. Of course her reaction was to have a temper tantrum and pick a fight with Taryn. 


    It was made even more ridiculous once I saw the actual performance and realized that Sam wasn't even the soloist in that song. She had one phrase where she belted out a note, and it came right on the heels of a different girl singing a phrase and belting a note. And that different girl somehow managed to get through sound check without a hissy fit.


    Seeing their set onstage confirmed that Linnea made the right choice when she left Sharp Attitude and joined the Hexachords. 

    It was definitely the right choice for her, especially knowing she is a voice major. The Hexachords' arrangements are way more complicated, with jazz-style harmonies. The other groups don't even approach that level of complexity, and seem more focused on the performance than the musicality.

  5. Cate's "Well should I go on Weight Watchers or are we going to have a big family?" made me sigh. Thinking that there's no point in losing weight / getting healthy eating habits because you're going to get pregnant soon is such a trap. One I know a lot of people have - I had it, until my doctor convinced me otherwise. I spent a year losing a bunch of weight and then got pregnant right after losing the weight and I was soooo glad I had gotten healthy first. It made eating healthfully during pregnancy that much easier, made my pregnancy weight gain less and made post-pregnancy weight loss much, much easier. Plus it was cool to know that my weight while 9 months pregnant was actually less than my weight was a year before I got pregnant.

    • Love 9
  6. Linnea must have been encouraged to dedicate "Bad Blood" to Sharp Attitude by one of the show's producers. Even the other Hexchords knew it was a bad idea and she couldn't even coherently explain how it was supposed to be a gesture of unity, to explain how the situation has all been so hard on her, or something. I don't know how anyone could possibly take a dedication of "Bad Blood" well. Anyone with a modicum of social awareness would have known that Sharp Attitude was going to be insulted. My 9 and 13 year-olds were yelling at the TV, "Why does she think that's a good idea?" So Linnea either wanted to cause drama but wasn't owning up to her underlying desire to stir shit up, or the show's producers were encouraging her to stir shit up but no one could say that.

    • Love 1
  7. Quote

    And why was Drew so worried about how a divorce will affect Isaac? Sure he will be upset but he's got Jo. What about Lincoln?

    Two reasons I think: 1. Isaac is older and will have more of a memory of the trauma. Lincoln is younger and more likely to recover easily.

    2. Lincoln is Javi's biological son, so they will always have a relationship. Isaac has no bio connection to Javi, so there is no guarantee that he will ever spend any time with him ever again. So it's more of a change to Isaac's life, from having Javi in his life to not having him at all, than it is for Lincoln's life, from having a father in the home to a shared custody situation.

    My father had 3 marriages end in divorce, and in many ways, him leaving my two stepmothers was more impactful on me than when he left my mother. Because my mother and my father were both always a part of my life. But my two stepmothers, who were there for my formative years (age 4-14, and 15-22) are completely gone. I never had any contact with them after those divorces.

    Granted Isaac will at least see Javi, since Javi will come by to pick up Lincoln or whatnot, but Isaac won't get to spend the same kind of time with Javi that Lincoln will.

    • Love 6
  8. Quote

     I do remember in my first delivery the nurse telling me to put the energy into the pushing rather than the yelling.  It did actually help.

    My OB said the same thing. It was odd that Robyn (or was it Kody?) described it as "keeping ladylike" during the birth, but it is not uncommon advice that you shouldn't scream during birth. It just wastes breath and energy that you could be putting into focusing on pushing and managing the pain. When I was having my baby, there was a woman in the next room screeching her head off, and my OB/GYN called out, "Can someone shut her up? We're trying to focus on having a baby in here." I laughed.

    • Love 2
  9. Quote

    What was Meri supposed to do? Walk away from the project and leave it to Janelle to figure out? Janelle was supposed to bring her ideas to share with Meri to decide what decorations they'd do. But Janelle didn't have any ideas and didn't bring anything representations of what she thought would be good to do--so she was fine to let Meri carry on and then complain about how hard she's trying.

    To me it looked like a miscommunication between the two of them about what "sharing your ideas" meant. Janelle thought she was walking into an ideas/planning meeting where they were going to talk about stuff, but Meri thought they were each going to make "samples." So when Janelle saw that Meri had everything already purchased and put together, what could she bring to the planning at that point? Was she going to ask Meri to take everything back to the store so they could start from scratch? So she just let Meri take the reins, since Meri so obviously wanted to take the reins on this project. 

    Also, who mocks up sample table decorations for a family Thanksgiving dinner? I realize they were having 70 guests, so that is quite large, but they spent more time and effort on this than some people put into planning a wedding.

    • Love 15
  10. Jenelle and her 'anxiety'. She just couldn't stand that they were having a drama free dinner and had to make it all about her.

    Janelle loves the drama, but I thought her description of anxiety "It feels like the room is too small" was so spot on that it was probably real. I have experienced that in social settings before - everything is going fine, and then suddenly you just feel completely overwhelmed, like the room is closing in on you, and have an incredibly strong urge to leave. I can just fight the feeling until the first opportunity I get to bow out, rather than making a huge deal of it and ruining everyone's night like Janelle did, though.

    • Love 2
  11. I thought, silly me, that all the designers would be going to the same runway to display their goods (a la Project Runway) so I was a little surprised when it became a traveling audience road show.  Having them create last minute women's clothes when so many of the designers are focused on men seems a little unfair, but I don't quite understand how furry and feathered shoes can be compared to whatever Chromat is doing. and how does Gypsy Sport get judged against just about anyone else?


    This isn't a made-for-TV competition, this is an existing competition that's been around for a while that is being documented for TV. So the runway shows aren't staged or arranged for this show, they are real-world shows that the brands created for New York Fashion Week. Except for the couple of menswear designers that weren't planning on showing at Fashion Week, all of the other shows had been planned and in the works for months prior to the designers even knowing they were going to be on this show. The shows are funded and organized by the designers themselves, not the TV show. So the location and type of runway show will vary from contestant to contestant. The designers who did not have a runway show for Fashion Week already in the works were not required to create one just for the Fashion Fund, but as the judges said, they have a lot of potential PR eyes on them this year because they are Fashion Fund finalists so they would be throwing that opportunity away if they didn't attempt to at least throw a little something together during Fashion Week when all of the press is in town and paying attention.


    The purpose of the Fashion Fund is to give a boost to an existing viable, if perhaps struggling, brand. So they aren't comparing design skills - not judging whether Chromat's swimsuits are better than Brother Vielles shoes, etc. - but they are judging the ability of the designer to take the Fashion Fund money and mentorship and do something with it that will turn them into a successful brand in the long term. 


    The winners are already posted on CFDA's site at http://cfda.com/programs/the-cfdavogue-fashion-fund

  12. General advice? Please! STOP QUIZZING your kids when they come home from a visit with the noncustodial. You are scaring the kids and painting them into the WORST possible corner. Instead, greet your returning kids with open arms, huge hugs, kisses, I missed you's. NO QUESTIONS. STOP demonizing your kids' other parents.  


     I really hate when they do that. It's awful. In this episode, we saw both Leah and Barbara do it, and I know Kail has done it in the past. The other thing I hate is when they have a "conversation" with their kids as a cover for them to say something to the cameras. If you want to make your case about something, just say it to the camera or another adult. Do NOT have a convo with your kids about something as a way of conveying info to the viewing public.

    • Love 11
  13. I was so confused by the mismatch between the prize and the outfits they designed. Alyssa's line is t-shirts and hoodies with feminine cuts and fabrics and licensed logos. None of those outfits would look remotely at home in her product line, yet the prize for the winner is that become part of her line? When they were showing the judging, no one addressed the issue of what is a good fit for Touch. It was more about whether or not someone would wear it to a baseball game, which is a completely different question than whether or not someone would BUY it at a baseball game.

    • Love 3
  14. Why were Kail and Javi making such a big deal out of the fact that Isaac was scratching his head? Were they implying that he has lice? If so, that has nothing to do with whether or not Jo & Vi bathe him every night. He could just have easily caught lice at Kail's house or at school. And little kids, unless they have gotten actively dirty, do not need to shower every day. I have no idea why Kail is up in arms about that.

    If Kail's biggest problem is that Jo is sending Isaac to school looking slightly disheveled (aka like a normal kid) then she should watch how Leah takes care of her kids and thank her lucky stars that Jo & Vi are doing a much better job than that.

    • Love 11
  15. The episode spent a lot of time on the Broncos controversy that ended up with the two parents getting kicked off the Board, but I still doesn't understand. The coach was enforcing a league rule, and the coach (and his wife) are the ones who get kicked off the team? I don't understand what happened there.


    Also, does the wife leaving her role as Broncos team manager mean she is also off this show? Since that actually comes with a bit of salary that might be a bigger deal.

  16. Jenny:  "I have low impulse control and--"

    Casting:  "IN."

    That's exactly what I thought, too! She must have said that in her audition.


    On another note, did Alecia call Scot & Jason the basketball player and the hitman? Does she really think he is a hit man as a career? Or does she think that's what a bail bondsman/bounty hunter does, kill people?

    • Love 5
  17. I noticed that too. What crazy diet do they have him on?


    When they intro'd the family, they said that they are paleo, and keep their son on a strict paleo diet too, so no gluten, no dairy, no processed foods. They also showed them walking through a grocery store, "teaching" their son a science lesson, saying all kinds of crazy stuff about how humans are not meant to eat gluten, etc., etc.


    I think their son has turned out well in spite of them, not because of them. Plus he's the oldest in the competition, so when you compare a 12 year-old next to an 8 year-old, he's going to look mature, polite and well adjusted.

    • Love 1
  18. I found it amusing that unschooling mom was talking about how she thinks the other parents are too hard on their kids and too controlling, and then she says that one of the main reasons they don't send their son to school is so they can control everything he eats. She seems unaware of the irony.

    • Love 6
  19. That said, this season has been what adult PR has been missing...real talent, and a focus on design and the work involved, instead of the awful, bickering that passes for drama.


    I think the limitations that are imposed on the producers when they have to work with children end up making for a better show. Because they can't use the typical reality show producer's bag of tricks for creating drama - sleep deprivation, extended working hours, forcing them to wait around for long periods of time, plying them with alcohol, etc. I wish all reality shows would be forced to do a Junior season at least once to learn that they don't need to drive their contestants to the brink of mental breakdown in order to create a good and interesting show.

    And forgot to add - I thought Maya's collection was great, though I wish she would do a better job of styling herself. I was not a fan of the bright red lipstick combined with that Kiss of the Spiderwoman black lace dress she wore for the finale. It didn't suit her. Peytie and Samantha do much better jobs of styling themselves.

    • Love 4
  20. In a school of only 500+ students, elite or not, where are they going to find that many students who want to do this sort of interpretive ballet performance? And how on earth is some dumb five-minute performance going to bring in millions of dollars? Why would the entire town (seemingly; maybe just parents of all the students in school) get all dressed up to go to some dumb performance that only lasts five minutes?

    Thank you. Not only where are they going to find the students, but where will they find students to dance at that level? And if six year olds get suspended and accused of sexual harassment for kissing a classmate on the hand (seriously), what high school is going produce a sensual interpretive dance featuring students dressed in flesh-toned undies?

    For that matter, what school that isn't a performing arts school has a budget for the performing arts anymore?


    This is an expensive private school. They have a budget for performing arts, and they can pick and choose their students in a way that could get them a disproportionate number of talented dancers, or talented athletes, depending on that their priorities are. My son's school has about 400 kids and I am blown away by the quality of the dance shows and theatre productions they have, and the adult subjects they tackle. And while it seems unlikely that a dance performance alone could bring in a million dollars of fundraising, it would have been a small part of a larger gala. If it's the big once-a-year fundraising gala, combined with silent auction and whatnot, it could bring in a lot of dough.

    • Love 1
  21. I feel for the Goldmans. I knew Kim a while ago and was actually friends with her for several years before I connected the dots that her brother who had passed away was *that* Ron Goldman. She's a very kind person with the spirit of an activist. It can't feel good to watch the trial of her brother's killer replayed over and over again, given the outcome.


    With that said, however, I'm a Los Angeleno and I have such strong memories of that case. Our company party was brought to a halt when everyone gathered to watch the Bronco chase. When the trial was on, there was a television kept running in the conference room, so people could stop in and watch it as they worked. It was like nothing I've ever experienced before. So I will watch this show riveted, but I'll feel queasy about it.

    • Love 22
  22. What pissed me off about Tyler agreeing to help more and then telling Catelynn she needs to ask him for help is that he is putting the responsibility on her to ask for help instead of using his own judgement.


    This made me mad, too. They are both Nova's parents, and both equally responsible for her care. Tyler seems to view himself as an on-call assistant/babysitter rather than a father. It is not Cate's job to ask him to help and tell him what to do. He doesn't seem to have bonded with Nova yet if that's how he views their relationship.


    I also think Cate should not so quickly dismiss "I do not have post partum!" because she has experience with depression. Post partum issues can manifest themselves in a bunch of different ways. It doesn't necessarily look like traditional clinical depression, rarely does. Also I think the way she is so adamant about it is furthering the stigma around it. Why can't she just say, "I don't think I have this, but I can talk to my doctor at my next appointment and see what s/he thinks."

    • Love 2
  23. I wish this show were more real. I would watch a reality show about show choirs during competition season if it showed actual, real competitions instead of this fake thing. I also am completely bothered by the fact that they don't show or even mention the regular choir director. These groups don't lead themselves. If I were a choir director who had spent years coaching and leading these teams and preparing them for competition only to have some famous show choir consultant come in for a TV show, and for the kids to not even mention my name (I'm sure if they did it would be edited out), I would be annoyed. 

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