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Everything posted by nancyJ

  1. OH MY GAWD. I sought out this forum, found it and registered JUST so I could have a place to vent about that kid's SPEECH IMPEDIMENT. It is not cute, it is a DISABILITY. And I really hope he is seeing a speech therapist for it -- my fear is he's not. I knew a woman who spoke with that "baby talk" accent because that's how people spoke back to here for so long it stuck. The problem was -- it stuck into adulthood. Imagine that young man in high school or looking for a job being unable to shake that way of speaking. My sense is this kids parents are trying to ride that speech impediment all the way to the bank. If he can turn it on and off then it's just cloying, inauthentic and annoying. and if he can't? HE NEEDS A SPEECH THERAPIST, not his own cooking show.
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